Scammer's phone(970) 539-1922 Scammer's website Scammer's addressP.O. Box 2255 , Yountville, CA 94599, USA Scammer's email[email protected] CountryUnited States Victim LocationCO 80205, USA Total money lost$99 Type of a scamOnline Purchase
The consumer shops online, finds a deal on a brand name gift. You decide to buy and the site instructs you to pay through PayPal, which should provide extra security. After the checkout, you get a confirmation email that contains a tracking number from UPS, FedEx, or another shipping service. Again, all seems legitimate so far. You get an email from Paypal saying your package has been delivered.
No package arrives. So after a few days, you log onto the site and see that your package has been delivered. OK, where? It's not been delivered to your house. I have a lockable package locker. You call the shipping company, and they confirm that the package was delivered … but to the wrong address. The e-commerce site lists contact information but no one will return your calls or emails. After about 2 weeks, the item disappears from the website. You cant search for items on the website either, only available to click on links straight from search results on google.
This happened to me with a circular saw from Dewalt. Paypal automatically believes it is a real transaction because the scammer provides an actual tracking number, even though it isn't for your package (which was never sent).
Oriba Contacts
If you know any contact information for Oriba, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's website
Scammer's address P.O. Box 2255 , Yountville, CA 94599, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location CO 80205, USA
Total money lost $99
Type of a scam Online Purchase
No package arrives. So after a few days, you log onto the site and see that your package has been delivered. OK, where? It's not been delivered to your house. I have a lockable package locker. You call the shipping company, and they confirm that the package was delivered … but to the wrong address. The e-commerce site lists contact information but no one will return your calls or emails. After about 2 weeks, the item disappears from the website. You cant search for items on the website either, only available to click on links straight from search results on google.
This happened to me with a circular saw from Dewalt. Paypal automatically believes it is a real transaction because the scammer provides an actual tracking number, even though it isn't for your package (which was never sent).