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Personnel Concepts

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Personnel Concepts Reports & Reviews (18)

- Los Angeles, CA, USA • Jul 02, 2024

Personnel Concepts, now rebranding as Workwise Compliance, attempted to scam our company into paying over $943 (now claiming a balance due of $952.71) for an order we never placed. I’m L, the person writing this report, and the person who handles any communication with Personnel Concepts. My supervisors J and C. We have done business with Personnel Concepts in the past, but the last legitimate order I placed with them was on 11/22/2023. Since then, I have REPEATEDLY asked Personnel Concepts sales representatives over the phone to take us completely off any call/email lists as we were no longer interested in any further business (more background below).

The illegitimate invoice in question is billed to C and dated 6/6/2024. I am more than happy to provide invoice number/a copy to where appropriate. It lists an item described as “California Compliance Mgmt Platinum Pro Edition” for a price of $769.90. The total amount due at the bottom is listed as $943.65.

We received this illegitimate, unsolicited invoice in the mail on 6/24/2024. We had received a package from Personnel Concepts, addressed to C, earlier in June and were very confused as to why we had received this as we did not order anything from them. It appears to be a set of compliance posters much like the ones I paid $69.95 for and received in 2023. We did not touch the box as we did not order it. I have since told Personnel Concepts I would be happy to return the package to them by mail.

Today, on 7/2/2024, a Personnel Concepts employee from the accounts payable department named Ronald “Ron” Blenman called our office to collect payment on this invalid invoice, and we insisted we did not place any order. We acknowledged that we did recently receive an illegitimate invoice addressed to C but that this was invoice was created under false pretenses, at which point Ron alleged to have access to a recording of the phone call from 6/6/2024 where C supposedly placed this order. He allegedly reviewed that recording and then called us back, insisting C did in fact place an order during said phone call. During this second call, I transferred the call to my supervisor J as well. When we asked if we could have access to this recording as well for our records, Ron denied us access. He claimed he could not provide the recording nor email us a transcript of the call. So as far as we are aware there is no actual proof that C placed any order. We, on the other hand, are certain C did NOT place any order and have dated, time-stamped internal text messages between C and myself (L) stating such. I would be more than happy to provide the with a screenshot of these text messages. In the call with Personnel Concepts today, I reiterated to Ron that I had REPEATEDLY and firmly requested to discontinue any business with Personnel Concepts earlier this year, and that this entire situation has been manipulated by Personnel Concepts.

We have been repeatedly pestered and manipulated by Personnel Concepts for months now. As mentioned, the last legitimate order I placed was on November 22, 2023 for the most bare minimum set of posters for 2024, which cost $69.95 plus shipping and tax. At that time, I made it very clear to the male sales representative assigned to our account that we were no longer interested in ANY OTHER kind of subscription, product, or service. This was over the phone, and apparently Personnel Concepts retains recordings of all calls, so they should have this phone call in their records.

In March 2024, we started to received calls from a different Personnel Concepts sales representative named Alicia Ayala. She said she was taking over our account and wanted to sign us up for some annual subscription service, probably the “platinum pro edition” we are now being illegitimately charged for. I told her explicitly that we were NOT interested as we had already gotten our 2024 posters from Personnel Concepts at the end of 2023 and did not need anything else. After several more phone calls to myself and my colleagues, I told Alicia EXPLICITLY that we were no longer interested in ANY business with Personnel Concepts moving forward. I EXPLICITLY INSTRUCTED her to take us off any call/email lists. Alicia was actually very cooperative and asked me to forward her the most recent invoice (from 11/22/2023) to her so she could get everything straight with our account, or something like that. This forwarded email is in my records, sent from me on 3/21/2024 to [email protected]. There is no text in the email and I never received a reply from her because we were speaking on the phone at the time. Over the phone, Alicia EXPLICITLY told me that she would make a note on our account that we were no longer interested in any further business, and take us off any lists. Personnel Concepts should have a recording of this call, too.

For several months, we did not hear anything from Personnel Concepts and all was well. But in late May/early June, when I was out of the office for several weeks, C started to receive phone calls from Personnel Concepts. We had a text message exchange about it on 6/6/24, the day we allegedly "placed" an order. C said to me (verbatim), “Wow, they were really forceful. They called every single day this week and she basically wanted to take my credit card and I refused and said it had to go through you. Glad I did that.” It is clear that the sales staff used highly unethical business practices to manipulate the situation into making it seem like C had a placed an order, when he clearly did not. I replied agreeing that they are “incredibly forceful” and noted the last legitimate business I did with them was in 2023, and that I had since repeatedly told them we are not interested, we do not want anything else, and to please take us off their list (again, I can provide a screenshot of these text messages). Yet they still contacted us, took extra advantage of the fact that I - the person on the account - was not present, and created a false and illegitimate order under C’s name.

We are reporting Personnel Concepts/Workwise Compliance to the Better Business Bureau for this scam and repeated unethical business practices. After the phone call today, they sent us an email now stating that we had an alleged (invalid, illegitimate) balance due of $952.71 that is 26 days past due. I wrote back in detail including everything I explained here to the above, and included the screenshot of the text messages between C and myself. I sent the email to Ronald Blenman and the Personnel Concepts customer Service department, and CC’ed my supervisors and our attorney. In this email I also informed Personnel Concepts/Workwise Compliance that we would be reporting them to the BBB. In conclusion, I asked Personnel Concepts to cancel this illegitimate order that we never placed, cease any further attempts to collect payment, and never contact any of us ever again in any capacity. I have not heard anything back yet.

Thank you for your time in looking into this matter. We do not want anything except for Personnel Concepts, Workwise Compliance, and all affiliated companies to simply leave us alone and stop trying to scam us into paying for products/services we did NOT order.

I was contacted by telephone by someone trying to convivence me to buy a compliance poster. I told him I would get the one space saver poster. I was sent a box of dozens of posters then the phone calls about us owing them $275. From the beginning I told the lady we did not want all these extra posters and I wanted to send them back she said sending them back is not an option, I am to pay the invoice. I asked her to email me the invoice so she did. After reading the invoice and doing a little check on this company I found that this is their normal practice. To invoice companies $$$ for a bunch of posters they didn't order and phone calls that threaten collections. I am an only employee at our church. I don't even have enough wall space to contain all the posters they sent me. They sent me DOZENS of posters that I did not order and are now threating collections if I don't pay them the $275. I still have the posters, still rolled up in the box they shipped them in ready to ship back but it seems they don't want their own posters either.

This company sent a postcard that offered a compliance poster for under $30. Our admin assistant had not understood that we already receive these from another company and checked the box and sent it off. We then received an invoice for $317.19. She put it through for payment and it was only picked up at the final approval stage.

My direct report received a direct mail from Personnel Concepts that looks like an official invoice either from the government or from my company. Heading read:

2022 Update Notice: as an employer in (location), from (my name), must ensure compliance with revised 2022 labor law posting requirements and replace any outdated notices.

And then the header looked likeethis:

(name of my direct report)

or Owner/Manager

From (my name)

(address of my direct report)

(address of my direct report)

and it's an invoice where you could put your credit card information and then send it back and then you get a poster.

I did not order this for my staff but it could be very much construed to be so. I feel violated that they used my working relationship with my direct report as a marketing ploy to get my staff order posters from them.

- Toledo, OH, USA

They called me and said I owe them a bill of $~200 and change. I have no dealings with this company and have never heard of them or placed any orders.

- Slaton, TX, USA

This company uses guerrilla marketing and continues to harass us with threatening calls when we have repeatedly asked to stop calling us. If you read the hundreds of complaints you will see where they replied that their policy is to stop contacting people when asked to do so. That is a lie as you keep seeing complaints. They tell you that you are in illegal status and that you must send them $200 to be in compliance. They are rude and intimidating. They also buy false phone numbers so you can’t track them or block them. They are crooks and someone should do something.


I received a letter in the mail about paying for a labor law poster which the letter stated I needed Incase of an audit. I sent it in a check for about $10 (thankfully, not online or with my credit information) filled in the paperwork and sent it off thinking that was it. They cash my check, and I get a call a couple weeks later saying that I need to pay over $200 for MORE posters or I’ll be at risk for some government penalty. I just started my business so I assumed that they were a legit company. I even googled the poster of information that she was referring to and said I found it online for free. She said that it wasn’t the right one and that I needed to get theirs instead to cover my business. I agreed and told her I would pay online. So she sent me an invoice for $173 (including my $10 credit that I paid earlier) for some posters! After receiving the invoice that was initially attached to a blank email and looking up the business on this site, I know that I was scammed! They are NOT a part of the government.

- Wahpeton, ND, USA

"Candy/Personnel Concepts" called a business where I volunteer regarding OSHA posters; the caller ID indicated "Kindred, ND." "Candy" initially asked to speak with Lois or Louis and was informed no one by that name worked at the business. "Candy" then explained the nature of her call. When informed the business had not ordered posters, she indicated Personnel Concepts had received a check and needed more information. I requested the check number -- which she gave me after I gave her my first name -- and a phone number that our finance chair should contact. She gave me a toll-free number -- 1-800-333-3795 -- and in searching that number, discovered the call is, more than likely, a scam. No money was lost but suspect phone calls will continue...…… I also found it "interesting" that she knew my first and last name. I had only given her my first name when I asked for the check number but I have not had any previous telephone conversations with anyone from Personnel Concepts. I do not know if "Candy" visited previously with other employees of the business to know "who" to speak with.

These people contact us DAILY (multiple times a day) to buy their labor law posters even after we have asked them not to call again. When we ask them not to call again, they get rude. They try to convince you that if you do not by their labor law posters, you could be fined thousands of dollars if you are audited and found to not have them. They charge hundreds of dollars for their posters. We have went online and printed all the posters that we are required to post and they were FREE! Unfortunately, the previous office manager fell for this scam and spent well over a thousand dollars with them, so now they will not stop calling our office. Please make these calls stop!

We received a 2019 notice to update our employee labor law posters. Ordered the 2019 all on one space saver NC and Federal labor law poster. Received a phone call that we needed a few more posters since we provided health insurance and a few other options. That total I was told was $263.00!!!! I told them to just send our check back. We wrote a check for $10.90. For one I did not have the authorization for such an amount. Peaches said my name was on the account so I did. No I did not and nor did I sign the check. I was told I did sign the check. Then after arguing over that only the person that signed the check could cancel the order. I got our office manager on the phone who proceeded to argue w/ her some more before hanging up.

- Greensboro, NC, USA

We are receiving harassing and repeated calls from them daily. They are trying to force us to pay over the phone with a credit card for unpurchased product. Lacey today form 336-329-6452 repeatedly called multiple times after being asked to not call and was unpleasant. The aggressive nature of this call lead us to view this as a spam or telemarketer.

This group has never called us before and acted in this manner.

- Ames, IA, USA

I ordered 2 cpr posters off their website and a week later I received a phone call from them wanting to verify my order. The gentleman began telling me how there's been recent changes and to be in compliance with OSHA/Federal Law I'd need to purchase these other posters with in 30 days. I told him I just wanted the 2 posters I'd ordered, he said yes that's all you'll be charged for but then began again on these other posters and then said, "let me give you your new total" which is when I said I said I'm not interested and hung up. I'll be interested if they now try and bill me.

- Easley, SC, USA

I received an invoice charging me for labor law posters that were ordered. Invoice had special instructions for one of the items ordered. I don't own a business and the invoice had me listed as the owner/manager of a company.

- Lacombe, LA, USA

Opened a piece of mail stating that I owned a business, called Smile Design Studios, and that business is using my home address, and that in order to be in labor compliance I must send around $** to this business for the government mandate do labor law posters, or I’d be fined. I do not own a business called Smile Design Studio and do not operate any business out of my home.

- Tacoma, WA, USA

I received a letter from Personnel Concepts from their compliance service department recently, and the letter says that they want me to updated labor law posters by law. They included how much they wanted for payment, and an envelope for payment. They claimed to be doing this under federal law, but when I google review their company name Personnel Concepts gets nothing but negative reviews about fraud, and trickery. They claim to represent laws regarding Washington State, but they're doing business out of a PO Box address from San Dimas, CA. Why isn't a company that claims to be high profile not more widely known. Personnel Concepts mentions nothing about labor laws in the envelope sent to me.

- Tulsa, OK, USA

I keep getting collection calls from this company. I have never used them. I don't have a business. I will not call them back. I have attached a voice recording of the last message I have received.

- Bellevue, WA, USA

Well known scamming company who sends out notices saying that your company is most likely non-compliant with recent posting laws concerning state and federal labor laws. Threatens that you will get fined if you do not update your posters immediately. When I called to get myself off the mailing list the guy who answered cheerfully agreed, and when I told him I knew they were scammers he LAUGHED at me and hung up, which shows me that they feel untouchable. As other reviewers before me, I am appalled that they are still in business, especially because this is not the first time I've gotten a notice and every single review is 100% negative.

- Blue Springs, MO, USA

They call/mail us information saying that we are not compliant with government standards on Compliance Posters ie: OSHA, Labor Laws, Safety etc. and if we don't get them we could be shut down by the government. They then tell us we have to have these posters to be compliant and say that we are responsible for paying for the posters that are anywhere from $150 to $400. Once we get the posters, they continue to call and say there is yet another poster we need to buy.

Check fields!

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