Phishing Reports & Reviews (1481)
Phishing Contacts
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Scammer's address WI, USA
Victim Location MN 56601, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address ON, CAN
Victim Location AL 36507, USA
Total money lost $70
Type of a scam Phishing
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location AL 36206, USA
Total money lost $2,000
Type of a scam Phishing
When the process was almost complete I missed typed $3,699
They made me feel I was responsible so they sent me to there Sponcers and purchase Target Gift Cards
$500 each I worked 12 hr shifts at night and was fixing to take a nap before work when they frightened me into action without me having time to clear my mind
Days later I got a email from Pay Pal stating to call them about the $369 transaction which the damage was already done
If it wasn"t for my banks recognizing and sending warnings I would be out a lot more
The kept me in an urgent frenzy
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location MI 48346, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Thank you! Your access to is waiting for you!
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To access with your details
To access the portal, you must log in with your email and password.
For direct access to the members area:
Email: [email protected]
Username: u1675367410416
Password: 0721aki6959
Service information
The free access period will begin after submitting your credit card details via the secure online form, which is the same moment as you receive this email. At the end of the trial period, your free access will automatically convert to a paid membership which will charge the amount of 39.95 (30 days) directly to the credit card you provided. The membership automatically renews every month until you end it. Leaving the site or closing the page is not enough to terminate the membership.
Manage your membership
Your membership can be managed on the website. Log in using your email address and password.
Have a question? How can we help you?
Contact customer service at [email protected].
Becoming a member to the service means accepting its terms and conditions, which can be found here
[email protected]
Whiteville Inc. DISTSTAL.COM 8449930224</[email protected]>
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address NC, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location NC 27106, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address Melbourne, FL, USA
Victim Location FL 32940, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address Sacramento, CA, USA
Victim Location MI 48076, USA
Total money lost $149
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address Tylertown, MS, USA
Victim Location MO 63703, USA
Total money lost $20
Type of a scam Phishing
Victim Location MI 48188, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location MI 48503, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Victim Location IL 60175, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address KS, USA
Victim Location KS 66604, USA
Total money lost $1,200
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's address p o box 809488, Chicago, IL 60680, USA
Victim Location TN 37918, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Victim Location FL 32233, USA
Type of a scam Other
Victim Location CA 94015, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
“ A2w7sq
We have det?ected sus?picio?us acti?vity on your acc?ount and h?ave lo?cked it as a pre?cauti?on.
Click link below to unlock your account :
Pa?ypal Te?am”
Victim Location CA 94015, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
We have loc?ked your A?ppl?e ID beca?use our service has det?ect?ed two un?author?ized devices.
To un?lock your acc?ou?nt, you r?eq?uire?d ve?rify yo?ur Ap?pl?e?? ID .
Click the link below to unlock your A?ppl?e ID.
Your ac?count will be automatically unlock, after finishing the v?er?ific?ation.
Co?pyrig?ht © 2023 A?ppl?e Dist?ribu?tion International, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Irlande.
A?ll ri?ghts re?serv?ed.
Victim Location CA 94015, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Re?mi?nd?er: Ta?ke act?ion o?n yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?cou?nt
Yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?c?ou?nt is cu?rre?nt?ly l?i?mi?te?d, W?e no?ti?ced th?at y?ou?'ve be?en us?ing yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?co?unt in a que?sti?ona?ble man?ner. To und?ers?tand th?is bet?ter, we ne?ed mo?re in?fo?rma?ti?on fr?om yo?u.
To he?lp ke?ep yo?ur ac?cou?nt se?cu?re, imme?dia?te?ly by cli?ck li?nk be?l?low:[email protected]/case-limited/
Pl?e?ase? tak?e? ac?t?ion on yo?ur a?cc?ou?nt with?in 2?4 ho?urs to avo?id pe?r?man?e?nt s?us?pe?n?si?on.
B?es?t re?g?ar?ds,