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Phishing Reports & Reviews (1481)

Text message saying my account was suspended, no account there anyways


They send a text offering $159 worth of Home Depot electric tools for $2 shipping and handling and then next thing you know there's almost $10 took out of your account and then almost 60 took out of your account and you get nothing


I Watched a movie and afterward McAfee virus protection notified me that i had 5 viruses and then changed the color and texture of my computer screen ie lines all through. McAfee then proceeded to spam virus notifications that they could fix the problem for a fee. I do not have McAfee, I have Webroot which when I ran a scan detected zero viruses. For approximately five minutes my computer screen was a bright pink and red, then all went back to normal. McAfee tried to panic me into purchasing their services.I do not appreciate being tricked.I do not appreciate being lied too. I will never purchase McAfee.I hope that something can be done to stop such practices,as far as I'm concerned this is a blatant SCAM. Thank you.


Text stating Pay Pal Scam contact them and they will refund $369

When the process was almost complete I missed typed $3,699

They made me feel I was responsible so they sent me to there Sponcers and purchase Target Gift Cards

$500 each I worked 12 hr shifts at night and was fixing to take a nap before work when they frightened me into action without me having time to clear my mind

Days later I got a email from Pay Pal stating to call them about the $369 transaction which the damage was already done

If it wasn"t for my banks recognizing and sending warnings I would be out a lot more

The kept me in an urgent frenzy


On Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 02:51:17 PM EST, <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you! Your access to is waiting for you!

Your 5-day free trial of has been activated, giving you unlimited access to sports, movies, music, audiobooks and more.

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The free access period will begin after submitting your credit card details via the secure online form, which is the same moment as you receive this email. At the end of the trial period, your free access will automatically convert to a paid membership which will charge the amount of 39.95 (30 days) directly to the credit card you provided. The membership automatically renews every month until you end it. Leaving the site or closing the page is not enough to terminate the membership.

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Your membership can be managed on the website. Log in using your email address and password.


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Becoming a member to the service means accepting its terms and conditions, which can be found here

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Whiteville Inc. DISTSTAL.COM 8449930224</[email protected]>


Received 4 texts from 61746 claiming to be walmart in less than 30 minutes. Did not respond, did not click on any hyperlinks, and did not order anything from Walmart.




I got recurring text message "Your scheduled payment has been processed successfully. Amount paid: $10.93. Access your account with a link. I have received this message on a regular basis. I called the number back, but Florida Hospital answered phone. They mentioned that this number doesn't exist or proof of my identification registered on their database.


Said they where Comcast and was saving me money.. gave me options, somehow was using the Comcast/Xfinity account.. and then took my money without any discounts and my bank with not do anything about it.


Said I would get money if I sent $20. I sent $20 and they asked for more money. Now they refuse to give my $20 back


My husband keeps recieving postal card that states his account is overdrawn by $149.00. The checking account is ****then 4 numbers. My husband does not have an account with TRUIST. Everytime you call they want your SS#. They are located in Philippines. They will not do anything with address or name. This is a scam to get your personal information. I have called several times. The address on the postal card is Whiteville NC and the number with google is not a valid phone#. When you tell them you want to speak with someon in the United States they say they will transfer you and go figure they transfer you someone picks up really quick and they are foreign also. TRUIST should be aware of this and do something about it if they really cared about thier customers. Glad Im not a customer. FYI where I live we dont even have TRUIST.


A lady called and was talking so fast I couldn't get where she was from. She said she was working to collect a debt from a business I had an installment loan through. All of my stuff is through debt relief currently and she completely bashed them, that they are taking my momey and not paying on my stuff( I have proof they are). She asked if I was working with one individual and I told her I didn't have that information with me because she was pressuring me while I'm at work at 630 pm. She immediately went on the defensive and said she was going to report me and freeze my assets and put a block on my social security number. I asked her to send me documentation because I would not verbally agree to anything by phone. She said she would email me( have not received anything still), and my accts would be frozen effective immediately.


01Being super nice. Was convincing till I tried looking up reviews and more info about the bu and there was little to nothing even when I spoke on the phone with someone asking Multi questions.


voice mail: "Cindy from US Tax Experts claimed to have my file for a hardship tax account & they will clear any balance if I call them at that number. I do not have a hardship tax application with anyone. I don't know if they actually have any info on me or if they just wanted me to call back, which I did not do. She didn't address me by name, just said "Hi this is Cindy again".


The scammer said that I missed a federal mandated secondary DNA testing appointment. And now have 2 felonies warrants for failure to appear to set appointment. And threatened arrest on my next interaction with police. I would have thought it was fake but they had information on me and called my biological mom first. Neither of which no person should be able to look up online… so I got extorted to pay a “10% of judge fee” to lift charge and go in to do DNA testing at sheriffs office. I had to stay on the phone the whole time for a “time sensitive matter”


I keep receiving invoices in the mail that I owe from sending packages out. I DO NOT have an account with ups and I have NEVER sent a package thru ups. When I call, which I have done 4 times, they want my phone number, which I will not give them. I have also sent the invoice back 3 times with a note saying that I DO NOT have an account with them. Today, I called and got someone, "Brian" who could not speak good English.


They called asking if they can hear me and hung up, they are trying to get into my things


Phishing by text re: suspicious activity of my PayPal account

“ A2w7sq


We have det?ected sus?picio?us acti?vity on your acc?ount and h?ave lo?cked it as a pre?cauti?on.

Click link below to unlock your account :


Pa?ypal Te?am”


Your A?ppl?e ID has be?en lo?cked.

We have loc?ked your A?ppl?e ID beca?use our service has det?ect?ed two un?author?ized devices.

To un?lock your acc?ou?nt, you r?eq?uire?d ve?rify yo?ur Ap?pl?e?? ID .

Click the link below to unlock your A?ppl?e ID.

Your ac?count will be automatically unlock, after finishing the v?er?ific?ation.

Co?pyrig?ht © 2023 A?ppl?e Dist?ribu?tion International, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Irlande.

A?ll ri?ghts re?serv?ed.


Phishing to get a log on to a link

Re?mi?nd?er: Ta?ke act?ion o?n yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?cou?nt

Yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?c?ou?nt is cu?rre?nt?ly l?i?mi?te?d, W?e no?ti?ced th?at y?ou?'ve be?en us?ing yo?ur Pa?yP?al ac?co?unt in a que?sti?ona?ble man?ner. To und?ers?tand th?is bet?ter, we ne?ed mo?re in?fo?rma?ti?on fr?om yo?u.

To he?lp ke?ep yo?ur ac?cou?nt se?cu?re, imme?dia?te?ly by cli?ck li?nk be?l?low:[email protected]/case-limited/

Pl?e?ase? tak?e? ac?t?ion on yo?ur a?cc?ou?nt with?in 2?4 ho?urs to avo?id pe?r?man?e?nt s?us?pe?n?si?on.

B?es?t re?g?ar?ds,


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