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Pilot Shippers

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Pilot Shippers? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Pilot Shippers Reports & Reviews (168)

I am also a victim of this scam. I have signed up for Identity Guard to protect myself. I have 35 items on the dashboard. I've noticed in the last few days I am not hearing from them or getting shipping labels. I'm nearing my payday so I guess they are slowing down the packages at this point since they have no intention of paying me and moving on to the next victim. I have over $500.00 in goods still sitting in my garage and a parcel due here today. After reading the reviews, I took the opportunity to get screenshots of the dashboard so that I have something to present to law enforcement when they show up to arrest me for theft. Got this opportunity through Indeed. UGH!


They are all scammers at this company! I started working for them in February I was kind of suspicious about working for them but after again access to my dashboard and watching the training video I was put a bit at ease. After receiving packages and updating my dashboard I was convinced I found an a home job I could depend on. It wasn’t until last week when they offered me a refund specislist position and asked for bank information I started to completely question the legitimacy of the company. So I did another search and found all of these reviews. I then asked Ora Mullins and John Tucker (so called managers and supervisors) about the review they were getting and was told that it’s just their competitors trying to ruin their name. They also said it was was past employees that didn’t do the job correctly. I then google the wear house address in the email and found the realtor and warehouse manager who handles spaces for lease at the address listed. They told me the company was fraud and to report the company to my local police. After telling Ora Mullins this she told me she would send me confirmation that the company was legit. I then looked up the name and address on the confirmation email and got in touch with the real (Previous company owner of the name Pilot Group of The Coast) owner and was told that she had to completely shut down the company because of the bad name put out there due to her identity being stole by these people. I then called them back to inform them of all my findings and told them I filed a police report but they continued to insist that it was their competitors and that they were a legitimate company.


Yes. First they contacted me pretending to be "Pilot Shippers" with some Tampa, Fl address. I responded asking them to priovide a link to their company website,etc. No responce. Yesterday I received their letter again, they are "SGS Post" now with another Florida address. I didn't buy their offer from the beginning cause a long time ago I've learned of a similar scam - some foreigners would buy or steal merchandise and use you to send it to someone, and later police or FBI would come to you because you were the one who did send that package. My advice- do not take any similar job offer from any company unless you know it as Amazon, etc.


Please file reports with the government for the internet scam. I'm still on their 'dashboard' and have 6 packages and they are now threatening me to call the police. I just filed a federal report about this. If more people file also who have been scammed maybe they can be shut down.


They also try to get you to use your bank account to do fake money transfers to transfer money back to themselves from someone else’s credit accounts. True scam artists! Will be caught! Feds already on it! There days are numbered at this point! Damn shame this has happened to us all.


Im a little confused, after seeing all the complaints, was anybody hired by Sgs post? Did anybody talked to Gaston Monette?

I was hired but my supervisor is lucien and stephanie now that I'm reading I think this is a bad idea

I was interviewed by Gaston Monette and got the job. Today I received a voicemail from Pierre McConnel , the Manager of SGS POST so we can discuss the particulars of my endorsement to training as he worded it. I also received a text from him. I have an email as well from Gaston Monette. I was so hopeful of this job at a time of completely losing my income only to learn this is a scam. I have not been setup on the dashboard yet, but am not sure how to proceed knowing all I have read here. They have my address already and I have signed my 12 page customer agreement. I did obscure the last 4 digits of my Driver's License per their own recommendation but have not signed any W-4 documentation. I was given these 4 options of payment. Western Union, MoneyGram, Bank Deposit, Check. I was told it was 1200 a month with the first month payment at the end of the month and then bi-weekly and also a $40 per package that I send out correctly. I was told that sometimes I will have to send a package out via FedEx, UPS and USPS and sometimes each package will have a different requirement. I will also have to be home for some packages to sign for them. I'm just laying out ALL the details so you can let me know if you have the same story. I have no idea who this Pilot Shippers is as I have only dealt with SGS Post - They more than likely found my resume on Career Builder, FYI. I know people have different stories but this mine and these are the only two people I have dealt with so far. I did receive a welcome letter from Human Resources that was literally signed Human Resources. I wrote back to it several days ago with questions and have never heard a word until Pierre's call today, though I was told it would be between Tuesday the 7th of April and Thursday the 9th of April that I would receive my shipping materials. I already have a printer which they desire you to have. I hope this story can help others. I'm not sure how far down to go down this rabbit hole. I'm trying to survive. Not spend tons of energy on bringing these scammers down. I need to be out there making money, but if this helps anyone or aligns with their story let me know.

Omg I cant believe they got me too! I been desperate looking for a job, applying on many websites, and nothing yet, Out of know where I go an email like 3 weeks ago, i told them that i was interested and immediately they contacted me, I missed they call them back to hr by they did not answer, I guess that was my red flag,I called Hr the next day like 3 times and no one answered, the next day the called me and i was able to pick up right away, they did a “interview” and gave me the job right away, which seem off but I was happy and I went to their website provided but one of their emails, and everything seem ok, one thing that threw me off if that they did not have any reviews, another reg flag :(. My dumb self sent them the W-4 document and of course I signed up for direct deposit and gave them my bank account :( . I have received a couple of packages and did what I was supposed to, today I had a weird feeling and started researching for the company and of course I did not find anything, I found this website and I first I was calm because the complaints are for the company named pilot shippers, it them I started looking at the pictures that some people have uploaded, wow and now I feel like an [censored], I have been scammed, The company that “Hired” me says that its name is sgs post, just like the pictures uploaded, I feel so sad,

I joined them in 2nd week of march, phone interview seemed off, but i continued any way because i wanted to work form home, i found this job on indeed, same names Ernest Elliot, Jean Barnes, Ora Mullins. florida address, i've few packages at my place, when my husband found this site and he showed me this reports, I've asked them to not send me any packages as i dont want to continue they asked the reason I said I dont want to do anything until i get my first paycheck, they sent me an email which says I will be held responsible for what packages I have, what should I do? since I diddnt trust this i never gave any bank info but I did fill up W-4 which has SSN, well after I found these reports, I deleted my info from W-4 and saved it again, do you think I'm safe, please advice.


me too..OmG

I started working for this company March 12th..To take packages with someone's name..erase their name and put a new label is theivery. they lie and scam. please do not work for this is not real.we are just the middle man doing the labor...while they get the profits...

I have been delivering packages for Pilot Shippers since 03/16. My computer decided to reboot yesterday and when I had to reload my dashboard, this site popped up. Thank God. I have read every single report. I am being screwed by the same A holes. Ernest Elliot, Jean Barnes, Ora Mullins, Marylin whatevers. They have all my information, including my SSN and Driver's License. Not my bank info though. I did PayPal. They don't know I know yet. I can't call the FTC until Monday.


Do any of you know these names:

Catherine Bryant
Donald Clark
Cathy Dykes
Virginia Davis
Candace S. Batchelor
Looks like they use all our names to send each other packages and our identity. These are some of the names that I have that packages came for to my address from some of these addresses as well.

A couple of the forwarding labels I have on my dashboard are to Amazon shipping-fulfillment centers all across USA. I contact one company that sent the box and they are forwarding me a label to ship the products back to them so they can refund whoever paid for the things. The names on my boxes are -
Tilly Money
Mary L. McQuagge
Abbey Warzynski
I'm still getting access to the dashboard because they think I'm sending out packages today.

I have been contacted by them and scheduled an interview this afternoon between 1pm and 2pm. Had a feeling they were a scam from the beginning but they kept contacting me. Would like to see if there is some way I can help the people in this forum by setting them up and getting them exposed.


Here is a suggestion:
don’t wait 30 days, demand an overnight check as a condition of forwarding their package. If they refuse, you have all your answers. If they agree, keep the cash and return the package to the sender. The latter is still the right thing to do regardless.

I got my 'job' with them through the FaceBook jobs link when I was searching for a part-time, at home job. Unless some government agency gets involved in tracking them, etc., they will continue = they just shut down one company name and start another.

Just got on there today to try screenshotting the packages that were sent and I guess I've been locked out my account now?

I'm going thru the same thing...I thought this job was real..found it on Ora Mullins..Jean Barnes..they never return ur text or calls when u need it ..I knew this was fake

I have been contacted by them and scheduled an interview this afternoon between 1pm and 2pm. I had a feeling they were a scam from the beginning but the kept contacting me. Would to see if there is some way I can help the people in this forum by setting them up.

I was contacted by this scammer by phone and email with a work at home offer as a quality control package inspector with a shipping company. I was given a phone interview did a supposedly legit interview and background check.
Then a few days later was emailed a job offer and employment agreement.with a base pay rate and bonuses. Went through a hr department for w4 tax forms and direct deposit set set. Up online in their system a manager and supervisor all seemed legit. Then i received packages and did all the inspection procedures daily got labels and shipped packages .did this for a month talked to my managers almost daily by phone text and emails pay date came up on 3/21 deposit.
Tried contacting them for 2 days ..finally got my so called manager on the phone .told him i was not payed got a excuse of it being over the weekend...then told he wpuld fix it..nothing was fixed then my so called supervisor called said i had pending packages .i said i needed the labels she said she would get them sent yo me by 5 p.m. yesterday..nothing came..i called the main website contact number and spoke to a lady who claimed to be vice president of shipping she said she wpuld fix it... Nothing happened by 10 p.m. i emailed every department i had contacts for with no answer. Then today i was locked out of my online dash board and cant get anyone to answer my calls or emails.. I suspected a fraud so i called the mail fraud hot line they told me to report it yo my local police department.i did and turned over everything i had including packages and shipping receipts and contact information emails and texts... They are a scam.
I had to freeze my credit. My bank account and report my identity stolen..i have read all these complaints..i pray they are caught soon

- Livermore, CA, USA

On March 3/2020 I was offered a position of Shipping Inspector. I was receiving packages on my address and had to forward them to different addresses provided by pre-paid shipping labels. After 2 weeks I've got suspicious - it didn't make sense from remuneration offered: $1500/mo + $50 per each package sent. Some packages arrived without tracking information. When called "supervisors", the answers were inconsistent.

Today I found out on the web that it's a trendy scam being run for some time. I going to report it to police. I am still in possession of 2 packages that haven't been sent away.


I've been working for this company over a month close to 2 months, receiving and shipping packages to and from my home! Today was supposed to been my payday! I've been spending gas and money on shipping orders out for this company, today when I'm suppose go get paid they disappeared...


I worked for them for over a month when my pay date hot on the 21st i did not get my direct deposit . i contacted my hr manager .no answer on the weekend.big surprise...not really..then i emailed all my department contacts with no answer untill i called yesterday so called supervisor answered .i told him i had not been payed. He sounded concerned. Checked my records and said he would fix it..nothing happened. Then my other so called manager called and said i had packages pending
So i needed to send them to finalise my pay roll releese.i said i was waiting on labels.she said she would get them to me before 5 p.m. still nothing .i went to the main website and contacted them.the lady who said she was the vice president over shipping said she would fix it .still 10 p.m. i emailed accounting and answer...this morning i was locked out of everything...said my logins were invalid...i called and text my i got curious and did a search .found other scam sites...i called the mail fraud hotline in washington d.c. they told me to call the police...i did and handed everything i had including packages emails texts and shipping receipts and screen shots of .all my log inns including my payroll on my dash board from yesterday before i was locked out..anyway. I made. A report to crime lab and sheriffs dept in my county...locked my credit for identity theft and froze my account and reported my card stolen so they can't use me..i will be testifying when they are caught. Please if you worked for these scammers turn them in .and freeze credit and if they have your bank info report it stolen...
Luckily i lost nothing but time and my dignity others have lost millions in credit. And money and stolen property... This is a scam...

My name is Ashley and I've been scammed by Pilot Shippers! I've had to go pick up orders use my gas, they lied to me! I can't believe tho! Today was my payday! I looked on the dashboard and noticed my login had been changed! I can't believe this Omg!


what kind of things were you getting in the mail?

Anthony...file report to local authorities and hold and return packages back to senders. They are trying to scare you but by filing the report first to show you will return to should be fine. Be sure to show the authorities this site of complaints. They keep deleting dashboards after they get all their packages shipped and you won't be paid.

yes, I guess I'm their latest victim... I can't stop crying... I've put alot, all my mine into this job! Today was my payday! I have to move in 2 weeks! They've messed my whole world up!

Why are these people still operating..FBI complaints have been filled. They have to be stopped because they have a lot of people information...I have been victimized as well. These people are cruel and an absolute disgrace to society.

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Pilot Shippers Contacts

Pilot Shippers associated photos:


257 Amber St Block C, Pensacola, FL 32503



This site can’t be reached

Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Pilot Shippers, but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.

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