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Plusquam - Thomas Vitali

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Plusquam - Thomas Vitali Reports & Reviews (24)

I can't believe what this guy Thomas Vitali is doing.

He sends me intimidation emails and threatens me by taking criminal legal action against me and filing civil police reports for exposing him and telling the truth about him.

He asked me to take down what I have written about him on Scampulse or he will take me to criminal court for defamation. He doesn't even know how to say defamation and instead, he called it a [censored]ty post and bad mouthing.

I just want to put this on the record and make this public so everyone knows what I am going through and what this fraudster scammer is doing.

He's harassing me, he's threatening me, he's trying to intimidate me with criminal law suits and a very violent behaviour. He lies and then he tries to play the victim and uses the law to intimidate people.

I have replied to him by email by telling him that I know my rights and asked him to stop wasting my time.

Bottom line is, he stole our music, breached our contracts, infringed on our copyrights, never sent royalty statements and now he's threatening us and intimidating us with criminal law suits. This guy is a delusional parasite and should be sent to PRISON ASAP.


Among Mr. Vitali's fraudulent activities, identity theft and impersonation as a Scampulse "bot" have been uncovered. This includes the dissemination of spam, falsely insinuating that the site is inundated with "virus". However, this is nothing more than a feeble attempt by Mr. Vitali to conceal pertinent information circulating across various media outlets regarding his numerous illegal scams perpetrated over the years.


I had a feeling that there's something fishy when I received a message from Scampusle to remove my post about him. I had a feeling deep inside that it was him and I thank you for confirming it.

WOW. This guy is a relentless criminal fraudster and I am glad that we are gathering more proof of his criminal activities.

To jump again the fake "virus detected" post below done by the scammer in question, click here:

To jump all the spam below done by the individual in question, click here:

New Music Publisher has hired and partnered with Plusquam Publishing Edition: Thomas Vitali for the management of works in GEMA and other mediums.

YourVid GmbH
Maibacher Str. 36
97424 Schweinfurt

Mailing Address (please send all physical mail to this address):
YourVid GmbH
CAYA Postbox 751472
96035 Bamberg

Represented by (also responsible for the content on this website):
Managing director: Julius Grimm
c/o YourVid GmbH
Maibacher Str. 36
97424 Schweinfurt

Contact Information (if you received a claim from us):
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact Information (other inquiries):
Phone: 499721-4799623
E-Mail: [email protected]

Register entry:
Entry in: Handelsregister
Register Number: HRB 7633
Register Court: Amtsgericht Schweinfurt

VAT ID: DE321612580


GEMA Impressum:

Legal form and representation:

GEMA has the legal form of a commercial association pursuant to Section 22 of the German Civil Code. The association is represented in and out of court by the Executive Board in accordance with Article 14 of its Articles of Association. Two members of the Executive Board are jointly authorized to represent the association.

Management Board: Dr. Tobi[censored]zmüller (Chairman of the Management Board), Lorenzo Colombini (Member of the Management Board), Georg Oeller (Member of the Management Board)

Value added tax identification number: DE136622151

Supervisory authorities:

Senate Department for Justice
Salzburger Straße 21-25
10825 Berlin-Schöneberg

German Patent and Trademark Office
Zweibrückenstraße 12
80331 Munich

Federal Cartel Office
Kaiser-Friedrich-Strasse 16
53113 Bonn

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content within the meaning of Section 55 (2) of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty:
Ursula Goebel, Director of Communications
E-mail: [email protected]


We have over 50 songs signed to the Original Baroque records since 2013 and since Thomas Vitali acquired the label, we have seen nothing but fraud from him.

We tried to contact him amicably several times and we never ever received any replies from him or anyone at Plusquam records.

We have finally sent them a breach of contract and Termination of Agreement letter as stated in section 13 of the Baroque Records Contracts and gave them 30 days to respond and rectify the breach but again, we heard nothing back.

So, we have contacted all the streaming and download platforms with Takedown requests (Spotify, Amazon, Soundcloud, Beatport, Traxsource etc...etc...) and so far everyone we spoke with have accepted our requests and have taken down our music.

Following our official and legal letter to them, we have reversed our copyrights and have taken down 90% of our music. The remaining 10% will be taken down soon. These guys license them on soooo many different compilations that it's sometimes hard to find everything. We are confident that we will find them all in due time.

Furthermore, we have discovered a deeply troubling issue related to the assignment of writer credits for our works. We recently learned that two individuals named Eugene Semchenkov and Daniel Altadill have been wrongfully claiming all writer credits, resulting in significant complications with performance rights organizations (PRO) and other publishing claiming organizations from around the world. These unauthorized actions not only damage our reputation as artists but also claim our writer’s royalties and create legal and professional obstacles that are completely unacceptable.


In addition to all of the above, Mr. Vitali is known to engage in various types of fraud. It is known that Mr. Thomas Vitali, has some projects based on Ghost Producers, such as DayFox, Lo-Fox, TheLavish, Bravelion, among others.

According to German legislation, particularly the "Urheberrechtsgesetz" (Copyright Act), commissioned works are not allowed and are not recognized in Germany.

A "Ghost Producer" is a term used in the music industry to describe a music producer who creates music for other artists or projects without receiving public recognition for their work. The term "Ghost" refers to the fact that their contribution remains secret or anonymous, as if they are "invisible" in the music production process. These Ghost Producers work behind the scenes to compose, produce, and mix music for other artists, DJs, or music projects.

Although the original authors of the music may have initially agreed, German copyright law, as well as the laws in many other countries, require that authorship be correctly and truthfully attributed. False attribution of authorship of a musical work can be considered forgery or ideological falsehood. Therefore, even if the Ghost Producer were to agree, Thomas Vitali would not be legally entitled to represent himself as the author of the music in Germany. Copyright protects the rights of authors and emphasizes the importance of accurate and appropriate attribution of authorship.

Furthermore, presenting this music to GEMA, the German copyright collecting society, as if it originated from Thomas Vitali would constitute forgery and fraud. This would not only violate copyright law but also involve acts of forgery and deception.

In summary, claiming to be the author of a work, even if the original author agrees, still constitutes a violation of copyright and is not permissible in Germany. Copyright law protects the rights of authors and emphasizes the importance of accurate attribution. Presenting falsely attributed music to GEMA would constitute acts of forgery and fraud.

Mr. Vitali uses a contract for his mentioned projects, that contains clauses that could be considered illegal under German law. It appears that Mr. Vitali is well aware of the illegality of the contracts he uses:


[Materials have been removed. Please reach out to the user for access.]


Dies sind nur einige seiner zahlreichen Projekte, die er gleichzeitig ausführt... These are just some of his multiple projects that he carries out at the same time...


Darüber hinaus ist Herr Vitali dafür bekannt, sich an verschiedenen Arten von Betrug zu beteiligen. Es ist bekannt, dass Herr Thomas Vitali einige Projekte hat, die auf Ghost Producers basieren, wie DayFox, Lo-Fox, TheLavish, Bravelion, unter anderem.

Gemäß der deutschen Gesetzgebung, insbesondere dem "Urheberrechtsgesetz" (Copyright Act), sind Auftragswerke in Deutschland nicht erlaubt und werden nicht anerkannt.

Es ist weithin bekannt, dass Projekte wie DayFox, TheLavish, Bravelion, Lo-Fox, sowie verschiedene Projekte von Herrn Thomas Vitali, einem deutschen Staatsbürger, auf Ghost Producern basieren. Ein "Ghost Producer" ist ein Begriff, der in der Musikindustrie verwendet wird, um einen Musikproduzenten zu beschreiben, der Musik für andere Künstler oder Projekte erstellt, ohne öffentliche Anerkennung für seine Arbeit zu erhalten. Der Begriff "Ghost" bezieht sich darauf, dass ihr Beitrag geheim oder anonym bleibt, als wären sie "unsichtbar" im Musikproduktionsprozess. Diese Ghost Producer arbeiten im Hintergrund, um Musik für andere Künstler, DJs oder Musikprojekte zu komponieren, produzieren und mischen.

Obwohl die ursprünglichen Urheber der Musik möglicherweise anfangs einverstanden waren, erfordert das deutsche Urheberrecht sowie das Recht vieler anderer Länder, dass die Urheberschaft korrekt und wahrheitsgemäß zugeschrieben wird. Eine falsche Angabe zur Urheberschaft eines musikalischen Werkes kann als Fälschung oder ideologische Falschheit betrachtet werden. Daher wäre selbst wenn der Ghost Producer zustimmen würde, Thomas Vitali nicht rechtlich dazu berechtigt, sich in Deutschland als Autor der Musik auszugeben. Das Urheberrecht schützt die Rechte der Autoren und betont die Bedeutung einer genauen und angemessenen Zuschreibung der Urheberschaft.

Darüber hinaus würde die Präsentation dieser Musik bei der GEMA, der deutschen Urheberrechtsverwertungsgesellschaft, als ob sie von ihm selbst stammt, eine Fälschung und einen Betrug darstellen. Dies würde nicht nur gegen das Urheberrecht verstoßen, sondern auch Handlungen von Fälschung und Täuschung beinhalten.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Behauptung, der Autor eines Werkes zu sein, selbst wenn der ursprüngliche Autor zustimmt, weiterhin einen Verstoß gegen das Urheberrecht darstellt und in Deutschland nicht zulässig ist. Das Urheberrechtsgesetz schützt die Rechte der Autoren und betont die Wichtigkeit einer genauen Zuordnung der Urheberschaft. Die Vorlage fälschlich zugeschriebener Musik bei der GEMA würde Handlungen von Fälschung und Betrug darstellen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser überarbeitete Text ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken dient und nicht als rechtliche Beratung angesehen werden sollte. Für konkrete rechtliche Angelegenheiten wird empfohlen, sich an einen qualifizierten Anwalt zu wenden. Eine solche Situation sollte von den entsprechenden Behörden untersucht werden.

Herr Vitali verwendet für seine genannten Projekte, bei denen er in der Regel Beträge im vierstelligen Bereich zahlt, einen Vertrag, der Klauseln enthält, die nach deutschem Recht als illegal angesehen werden könnten. Es scheint, dass Herr Vitali sich der Illegalität der von ihm verwendeten Verträge sehr wohl bewusst ist:


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It is widely known that projects such as DayFox, TheLavish, Bravelion, Lo-Fox, as well as various projects by Mr. Thomas Vitali, a German citizen, are based on Ghost Producers. A "Ghost Producer" is a term used in the music industry to describe a music producer who creates music for other artists or projects without receiving public credit for their work. The term "Ghost" refers to the fact that their contribution remains secret or anonymous, as if they were "invisible" in the music production process. These Ghost Producers work in the background to compose, produce, and mix music for other artists, DJs, or music projects.

Although the original creators of the music may have initially agreed, German copyright law, as well as the law of many other countries, requires that authorship be correctly and truthfully attributed. Misrepresentation of authorship of a musical work may be considered forgery or ideological falsity. Therefore, even if the Ghost Producer agreed, Thomas Vitali would not be legally entitled to claim authorship of the music in Germany. Copyright law protects the rights of authors and emphasizes the importance of accurate and appropriate attribution of authorship.

Furthermore, presenting this music to GEMA, the German copyright collecting society, as if it were his own would constitute forgery and fraud. This would not only violate copyright law, but also involve acts of forgery and deception.

In summary, claiming to be the author of a work, even if the original author agrees, is still a violation of copyright law and is not permissible in Germany. The Copyright Act protects the rights of authors and emphasizes the importance of accurate attribution of authorship. Submission of falsely attributed music to GEMA would constitute acts of forgery and fraud.

Please note that this revised text is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. For specific legal matters, it is recommended to contact a qualified attorney. Such a situation should be investigated by the appropriate authorities.

Mr. Vitali uses for his mentioned projects, where he usually pays amounts in the four-digit range, a contract that contains clauses that could be considered illegal under German law. It seems that Mr. Vitali is well aware of the illegality of the contracts he uses:


[Materials have been removed. Please reach out to the user for access.]

List of record labels known to be owned by or associated with Thomas Vitali and distributors and Publishers hired for his services.

Amplify Your Music,
Baroque Records,
Bloodsugar Plusquam,
Bloodsugar Records,
Bondi Beach Records,
Bosphorus Underground Recordings,
Cherry Lounge Recordings,
Crestani Records,
Crotus Records,
DC10 VIP Records,
Dropzone Records,
EDM Nerds,
EDM Tools,
Esta Caliente,
Flat Belly Limited,
Flat Belly Recordings,
Flat Belly White,
Floating Music,
Freaky Culture,
Futurefy Records,
Galore Music USA,
GoaCrops Records,
Groove Control Records,
Hamburg Aufnahmen,
Ibiza Party Squad,
Icarus Creations,
Kamikaze Records,
Maia Records,
Mash Minimal
MEDIUM Records,
Minimal Dreams,
Minimal Mania,
Minimal Nerds
Minimal Nerds,
Planet B.E.N. Records,
Planet Minimal,
Plusquam Chillout
Plusquam Digital,
Plusquam Division,
Plusquam Domestic Special,
Plusquam Minimal,
Plusquam music,
Plusquam Records Label Group,
Plusquam Trance,
Prestige Music,
Prog Dog Recordings,
Psytropic Records
Rabies Records,
Real Magic,
Revision Music,
Riseup Records,
Rococo Records,
Seven Stars,
Sick beatz Records,
Sin Records,
Skykey Records,
Spliff Music,
Synergetic Records,
Tech Factory Recordings,
Turning Wheel Records,
Ultimate Legends,
Urban Gorillaz,
Vertikal Records,
Weekend Music, WMG,
Weekend Warrios Day,
WOK Records,
Wormland Black,
Yaiza Records,
Zilicon Records,

For claims, distributors known and contracted by Thomas Vitali to provide the affected music (along with contact information):

Yomu / Daredo GmbH.
[email protected]
[email protected]

T: +49(0)621 122 858 11

Isolation Network / Ingrooves
[email protected]
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]
T: +1 (415)-489-7000

Digidis – Music Mail GmbH
[email protected]
T: +49 (711) 365-46900

[email protected]
T: +1 (702) 793-7602

Label Worx Limited
[email protected]
T: +4401482240402

Believe Digital,
[email protected]
[email protected]

Symphonic Distribution
[email protected]
T: +1 (813) 907-3128

Publishers hired by Thomas Vitali for their services of registration in GEMA and other services for and known to manage the affected music (along with contact information, track) for Plusquam Publishing and its Sky Blue Publishing:

ROBA Music Verlag GmbH
Neue Rabenstr. 3
20354 Hamburg
Managing Directors
Rolf R. Baierle, PD Dr. Christian Baierle
Registered office:
Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B 23838
VAT-IDNo.: DE 118514585

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

T: +49 40 41 41 0-80


True Love Music Publishing
PO Box 63445, London


[email protected]
[email protected] (Tina Bavdek)

To make takedown claims on music platforms contact:

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]


Regarding a variant email address "[email protected]":

An individual who goes by the name "ANTHONY PRADOS" presents himself as the person in charge of the legal department and legal affairs of PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP, using the email address "[email protected]" hosted by German company Strato AG ( However, the veracity of this information cannot be verified since no official credential of Mr. ANTHONY PRADOS as representative of the legal area of the company has been provided, nor has any information about him been found on the internet regarding his legal background, job position, title or experience in such area. Additionally, the existence of the legal department of PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP cannot be verified either. If the company does have a legal department, it is obligated to provide truthful and transparent information about its structure and operation to whoever requests it, including the competent authorities. Verification is necessary to determine the truthfulness of the information provided.

It is also possible that the legal department, "ANTHONY PRADOS," and the email address containing the term "legal," which gives the impression that the company has a legal department, are false. They may have been created with the intention of intimidating the owners of affected works who have attempted to protect and defend their intellectual property against multiple violations of their copyrights committed by Mr. VITALI through his Plusquam companies. Mr. VITALI is responsible for providing the works and metadata, which includes additional information such as the title of the work, the name of the artist, composer, and producer, among others, to the distribution services of companies such as daredo GmbH with UID: DE81397736363, under the supervision of Mr. DANIEL CHIRITA-FRANZ ([email protected]) / Digital Label Relations in Mannheim, Germany.

It is worth noting that the email address "[email protected]" has been used in several instances, and/or being incorporated as a visible copy "Cc" in emails sent by Mr. VITALI, to attempt to legally intimidate the affected owners of works. The main objective is to dissuade them from believing that they are entitled to file applications for takedown and purposes related to the protection of their works, besides the multiple violations to their works. These tactics hinder or prevent the free exercise of authors' rights to request music platforms to remove their affected works, in accordance with their full and lawful right, based on the finding of multiple copyright infringements even under the German Urheberrechtsgesetz (UrhG). Mr. VITALI's threats mention lawyers who supposedly have worldwide reach through their "associates."

The competent authorities must conduct a prompt investigation into the known emails related to PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP, namely ([email protected]) and ([email protected]), primarily used by Mr. THOMAS VITALI. This investigation is based on the discrepancies and irregularities detected and on the information obtained through Google searches using the terms "Thomas Vitali Fraud" or "Thomas Vitali Scam." These searches reveal several publications by authors of damaged works publicly denouncing their situation with HERR THOMAS VITALI, a resident of Germany. This reinforces the suspicion of possible fraud by electronic means.


In Bezug auf eine alternative E-Mail-Adresse "[email protected]":

Eine Person namens "ANTHONY PRADOS" stellt sich als verantwortliche Person der Rechtsabteilung und der rechtlichen Angelegenheiten von PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP vor und nutzt die E-Mail-Adresse "[email protected]", die von der deutschen Firma Strato AG ( gehostet wird. Die Wahrhaftigkeit dieser Information kann jedoch nicht verifiziert werden, da keine offizielle Legitimation von Mr. ANTHONY PRADOS als Vertreter des Rechtsbereichs des Unternehmens vorgelegt wurde und auch keine Informationen über ihn im Internet gefunden werden konnten, die seinen rechtlichen Hintergrund, seine Jobposition, seinen Titel oder seine Erfahrung in diesem Bereich betreffen. Zusätzlich kann auch die Existenz der Rechtsabteilung von PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP nicht verifiziert werden. Wenn das Unternehmen tatsächlich eine Rechtsabteilung hat, ist es verpflichtet, wahrheitsgemäße und transparente Informationen über ihre Struktur und ihre Arbeitsweise an alle bereitzustellen, die danach fragen, einschließlich der zuständigen Behörden. Eine Verifizierung ist erforderlich, um die Wahrhaftigkeit der bereitgestellten Informationen zu bestimmen.

Es ist auch möglich, dass die Rechtsabteilung, "ANTHONY PRADOS" und die E-Mail-Adresse, die den Begriff "legal" enthält und den Eindruck erweckt, dass das Unternehmen eine Rechtsabteilung hat, falsch sind. Sie könnten mit der Absicht erstellt worden sein, die Eigentümer betroffener Werke einzuschüchtern, die versucht haben, ihr geistiges Eigentum gegen mehrfache Verletzungen ihrer Urheberrechte durch Herrn VITALI durch seine Plusquam-Unternehmen zu schützen. Herr VITALI ist dafür verantwortlich, die Werke und Metadaten, einschließlich zusätzlicher Informationen wie dem Titel des Werks, dem Namen des Künstlers, des Komponisten und des Produzenten, an die Vertriebsdienste von Unternehmen wie daredo GmbH mit UID: DE81397736363 unter der Aufsicht von Herrn DANIEL CHIRITA-FRANZ ([email protected]) / Digital Label Relations in Mannheim, Deutschland, weiterzugeben.

Es ist erwähnenswert, dass die E-Mail-Adresse "[email protected]" in mehreren Fällen verwendet wurde und/oder als sichtbare Kopie "Cc" in E-Mails von Herrn VITALI eingefügt wurde, um die betroffenen Werkbesitzer rechtlich einzuschüchtern. Das Hauptziel ist, sie davon abzuhalten, zu glauben, dass sie berechtigt sind, Anträge auf Entfernung und Zwecke im Zusammenhang mit dem Schutz ihrer Werke einzureichen, abgesehen von den vielfachen Verletzungen ihrer Werke. Diese Taktiken hindern oder verhindern die freie Ausübung der Urheberrechte von Autoren, um Musikplattformen aufzufordern, ihre betroffenen Werke gemäß ihrem vollen und rechtmäßigen Recht zu entfernen, basierend auf der Feststellung von mehrfachen Urheberrechtsverletzungen auch unter dem deutschen Urheberrechtsgesetz (UrhG). Herr VITALIs Bedrohungen erwähnen Anwälte, die angeblich durch ihre "Partner" weltweit tätig sind.

Die zuständigen Behörden müssen eine prompte Untersuchung der bekannten E-Mails im Zusammenhang mit PLUSQUAM RECORDS LABELGROUP durchführen, nämlich ([email protected]) und ([email protected]), die hauptsächlich von Herrn THOMAS VITALI verwendet werden. Diese Untersuchung basiert auf den festgestellten Diskrepanzen und Unregelmäßigkeiten sowie den über Google-Suchen mit den Begriffen "Thomas Vitali Fraud" oder "Thomas Vitali Scam" erhaltenen Informationen. Diese Suchen enthüllen mehrere Veröffentlichungen von Autoren beschädigter Werke, die ihre Situation mit HERRN THOMAS VITALI öffentlich anprangern, einem Bewohner Deutschlands. Dies verstärkt den Verdacht auf möglichen Betrug durch elektronische Mittel.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Thomas Vitali also known as: "Thelavish, Dayfox, Bravelion, Sunstryk, Chemicus, Don Vitalo, Lo-Fox, Vitali and his Lounge Orchestra", and more pseudonyms of which I doubt that he is the author of the music, is the owner of approximately 200 digital labels covering various genres of electronic music.

Through his labels he has committed multiple author's rights violations, and to top it off, he always tries to intimidate and harass via email or Facebook the artists who try to defend their works from these abusive actions committed by Vitali through their labels, actions that are also illegal since it goes against the laws that protect authors in any country in the world, including Germany!

The threats made by Thomas Vitali range from "taking legal actions" against the artist claiming to defend his work in his rightful entitlement, wherever the artist is located, to supposedly "working with Vitali lawyers to remove the artist's profiles and pages."

To begin with, this already sounds ridiculous, firstly, because whether there is a contract or not, the author has the right to protect his work at all costs from any kind of violation of his rights and from any kind of derogatory treatment, while a contract have far-reaching, does not mean that the far-reaching is unlimited to carry out illegal activities and secondly, threatening an author with the removal of his artist's profile in this sense, is in itself nuts even under any law, since the only way to carry out this aberrant act would be in an illicit fashion.

There are many stories behind this man, many of them are out in the open and others are coming to light, be careful in where you sign your music, the contracts of everything related to this man are abusive, in addition to having hidden defects.

#vitalifraud #vitaliscam #thomasvitalifraudster #thomasvitaliscammer #vitalirepeatinfringer #thomasvitalifraud #Vitalifraudster


Thomas Vitali, auch bekannt als "Thelavish, Dayfox, Bravelion, Sunstryk, Chemicus, Don Vitalo, Lo-Fox, Vitali and his Lounge Orchestra" und andere Pseudonyme, bei denen ich bezweifle, dass er der Autor der Musik ist, besitzt etwa 200 digitale Labels, die verschiedene Genres der elektronischen Musik abdecken.

Über seine Labels hat er mehrere Urheberrechtsverletzungen begangen, und zu allem Überfluss versucht er immer wieder, Künstler per E-Mail oder Facebook einzuschüchtern und zu belästigen, die versuchen, ihre Werke gegen diese missbräuchlichen Handlungen zu verteidigen, die von Vitali über seine Labels begangen werden, Handlungen, die ebenfalls illegal sind, da sie die Gesetze zum Schutz der Urheber in allen Ländern der Welt, einschließlich Deutschland, verletzen!

Die Drohungen von Thomas Vitali reichen von der Einleitung "rechtlicher Schritte" gegen den Künstler, der sein Werk verteidigt, unabhängig davon, ob dieser in China oder irgendwo anders auf der Welt lebt, bis hin zur Androhung an Künstler, angeblich "mit ihren Anwälten zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Profile und Seiten des Künstlers" auf Facebook oder anderen Musikplattformen zu entfernen.

Zunächst einmal klingt dies bereits lächerlich, denn unabhängig davon, ob ein Vertrag besteht oder nicht, hat der Urheber das Recht, sein Werk um jeden Preis vor jeder Art von Verletzung seiner Rechte und vor jeder Art von entwürdigender Behandlung zu schützen. Ein Vertrag hat einen gewissen Spielraum, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass dieser Spielraum unbegrenzt ist, um illegale Aktivitäten durchzuführen, und zweitens ist die Androhung, das Künstlerprofil eines Autors in diesem Zusammenhang zu entfernen, selbst im Rahmen des Gesetzes unsinnig, weil die einzige Möglichkeit, diese abartige Handlung durchzuführen, eine illegale wäre.

Hinter diesem Mann verbergen sich viele Geschichten, von denen viele öffentlich sind und andere erst jetzt ans Licht kommen. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wo Sie Ihre Musik unterschreiben, die Verträge für alles, was mit diesem Mann zu tun hat, sind missbräuchlich und haben versteckte Laster.

My lawyer is taking actions against actions for stealing other artists copyright protected intellectual material since many many years now...and at many many you are not the only one...

We should gather all the Thomas Vitali fraud crimes that he committed to all artists and put him definitely on Germany Hamburg..where he has already being processed legally for copyright abuse against other artists and people...

here the first text from my lawyer in Switzerland and what he found out about him this ThomasVitali SCAMMER in German language for you and everybody else that is been frauded by Thomas Vitali...:

In der Zwischenzeit möchte ich Ihnen die Ergebnisse unserer Abklärungen aufgrund der Informationen, die Sie uns haben zukommen lassen, bekannt geben:
Die Internet-Recherchen lassen den Schluss zu, dass verschiedene Interpreten davon ausgehen, bei Herrn Thomas Vitali handle es sich um einen notorischen Verletzer von Urheberrechten, dies grenzüberschreitend aus Deutschland. Ist Ihnen bekannt, dass sich andere Interpreten rechtlich gegen ihn zur Wehr gesetzt haben? Dies ist meistens der Fall und spricht sich dann auch in der Szene herum.
Wir haben festgestellt, dass es eine Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung für Hamburg gibt, die das Vorgehen erschweren könnte. Grundsätzlich könnten Sie zwar vorweg abmahnen und allenfalls strafrechtliche Schritte gegen Herrn Vitali ergreifen. Das macht vor allem dann Sinn, wenn bereits Strafverfahren anhängig sind. Wir würden Ihnen diesfalls anraten, sich in einem solchen Strafverfahren als Privatpartei und Geschädigter zu beteiligen.
Dass Sie Ihrerseits praktisch als erster in den Angriff übergehen, wäre mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden. Das weitere Vorgehen möchte ich sowieso gerne mit Ihnen telefonisch besprechen.
Freundliche Grüsse

I am still in contact with this lawyer and we will taking actions soon against this Thomas Vitali...

Thanks for posting

If you want to know more or get in touch with me just email me or call me here:

0041 76 652 5236


Hi Guys,

I am in the same position as you, and I am about to sue this guy. Can we get in touch? Please write me [protected]

I am glad I am not the only one!

Has anyone heard anything about Thomas Vitali, and his lot of companies?

Seems to be of very questionable reputation in so far as the music industry...

I am concerned since in my artist profiles in different music platforms, I see several compilations made by some of the labels mentioned in an article I found on the internet...

Try to look by the following title on google:

"Widespread fraud is taking money, credit away from artists"...

I would appreciate any information. Thanks!


Sorry look by the title on google Widespread fraud is taking money, credit away from artists or use the short link:


Has anyone heard anything about Thomas Vitali and his lot of companies?

Seems to be of very questionable reputation in so far as the music industry... />
I am concerned since in my artist profiles in different music platforms, I see several compilations made by some of the labels mentioned in the previous article...

I would appreciate any information. Thanks!

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