Pocket Zeus Media LLC Reports & Reviews (1)
Pocket Zeus Media LLC Contacts
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Scammer's address 1227 Cal Young Rd, Eugene, OR, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location VT 05641, USA
Total money lost $230
Type of a scam Phishing
phone number to call was 347-955-1112 extension J2129 (building number) name on bill would be Pocket Media LLC
confirmation # 183314775194
I hung up and called Spectrum about this. They denied any knowledge of offers or this company. I then called my bank about this.
I looked this guy up and his so called company which has a website named pocketzeusmedia. His name is David Flanagan. He has at least 13 email addresses, is on Facebook, LinkedIn, many other sites, has aliases, and owns a company called Flanagan with listings of others who are part of the Flanagan company. My bank told me to close my checking account which I did but we had to wait for an outstanding bill to come in so I left a very small amount in to cover that. I had to call a number of places to get things changed, including my state treasurers office, social security, etc. Yesterday, he had submitted the info to get $230 from my account. His name was on the check and his business, PocketZeusMedia LLC. I started looking him up and found out information about him under BeenVerified. I am working with my bank on this check being a fraud. Here is a picture of the business.
https://prnt.sc/wctuFHUcEhKh...also on the check under his name it had printed only submit to Wells Fargo account.