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Pristine Design

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Pristine Design Reports & Reviews (13)

If you loop his wife, Lisa Kraal, she actually murdered a woman in a Walmart parking lot a couple of years ago. What a lovely couple.

• Oct 04, 2023

Oh Lisa,
You definitely do NOT work at the school! That’s hilarious that you feel the need to LIE about that, It’s been verified! You volunteer, yes! Is that part of your community service for your driving offences? In regards to your driving offences and volunteering at the school. These do not affect a criminal record check needed to be a volunteer, YES even at the school! Criminal offences like the many that your husband has, and driving offences are two different things! You claiming that IF u had actually killed two people, you wouldn’t have a license! Seriously girl we feel the same way! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE A LICENSE! Because you did KILL two people with you vehicle! Yet you somehow still have a license! You drive a 2010 Mercedes pretending your something your not! You definitely shouldn’t have a license! Evelyn Harris’ family would agree and I’m sure Kevin Thomson children likely miss their daddy because you decided to text and drive, and go head on right into his car! Your own kids verified that right after the collision from July 2020! But that just shows your complete lack of remorse, the fact that you can even deny it! A decent human being would own up to their faults! Are you that worried the parents of your kids friends or the kids teachers or members of the community are gonna find out that your actually a horrible driver and person! Are you actually going by Lisa Phipps now so when people google your name they won’t see your deadly collisions!

Did you know the staff and parents at your children’s school have asked what kind drugs you and Michael Phipps sell! They’re not stupid, they can even figure it out! They may treat you nice to your face but they all talk garbage about you two! They actually all think your dealing coke! And considering the behaviour that goes on at your RENTAL home, I can see why they assume that!

Your husband cheats on you constantly and trades you in for other women, and you take him right back! He’s been charged for beating his ex’s and assaulting a child in Kitchener, many drug offences, cruelty to animals, fraud offences and many driving offences like driving while prohibited from January 7, 2023 and we are supposed to believe you two are the victims!

Why do you lie constantly and want to project this image that your something your not! Everyone literally see’s you two as drug dealers, the tattoos your husband aloud mouth, the fact that you both don’t work and have all this flexibility in your day! That’s right because you don’t need to have a job when your collecting welfare, running puppy mill, and Michael’s drug dealing! Lisa you have barely worked your entire life! You wouldn’t know what a 40 hour work week was like, or having a job longer then 6 months! Ever since you have been with Michael you haven’t had a job! You went to hair school and never got your hair license, which can be verified by looking on Skilled Trades Ontario. All you have to do is enter Lisa Kraal, in member search! You sit on your [censored] most days other than your volunteer hours you need to get for your community service, and try to scam people with your husbands painting business that has so many negative reviews all over fb groups, and online daily! Like the $20,000 you two took for a job recently in Stratford, did a bit of work and screwed off with their money! What name did he tell them this time? I can’t wait til the day everything catches up with you two! It will be sweet karma!

The fact that you need to constantly check online forums and pages to see what people are saying is hilarious! It’s proof alone that you are trying to protect your reputation and image! Yet your the one crying bully! Your husband and you are the biggest bullies out there! You bully people out of their hard earned money! You criticize everyone you come into contact with! You call your neighbours kids cruel names! You encourage your kids to do the same! There truly is no hope for disputing people like you two! You don’t have the mental capacity to understand what morals are!

You obviously don’t know your facts at all. She was hit head on on Hofstetter road read the article. He was on his phone and had his head down under his dash and hit her vehicle. She also has no criminal record hence her job working in the school. If she had a criminal record she would not be allowed to work in the school since they require a full record check for employment. So all these lies make no sense at all. You’re all adults and you don’t know your facts and are bullying another adult. This doesn’t just happen with kids this happens with adults too and it need to be stopped. Online bullying is one of the major causes of suicide and can’t be tolerated. Everyone can be big and bad behind a computer/phone screen. Know your facts before you speak this is completely incorrect information and not a spot to verbally bash and harass someone for the whole world to see when the things you’re saying aren’t even correct. If she killed anyone in a vehicle I don’t think she would be driving. Time to stop the online harassment. If you weren’t happy with your jobs there’s a lot of legal action that can be taken instead of bullying his wife and family and acting like little children. Time to grow up everyone.

And Lisa didn’t stop there. July 4 2022 while driving her Mercedes SUV she drove head on into a car on Hofsteffer Road. The poor man, early forties with 3 children, died. So tragic. OPP looking for witnesses. How does she get away with this?

Thanks Lisa for the accusation that I left that comment. But unfortunately your wrong! Do you realize you live in a very small town and more people know your secrets then you think! The people you consider “friends” run their mouths and talk about you more than I do. It’s sad really, that you honestly think these people like you and don’t know who your two really are, they see past the image you try to project and see the trash that you truly are. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time, then searching for new comments and posts about your fraudulent business. How about you both go get a real honest job and stop scamming good honest hard working people out of their honest money that they legitimately pay taxes on, unlike you. Then maybe you wouldn’t have to spend your days online, defending your “reputable” business lol.

I think you should look deeper into this and the actual facts. News like to make, well, news. And don’t capture actual facts in the form that they actually are. Ashley, you yourself know this and we’re actually a support for her. These “facts” you think you know are completely wrong and can’t be proven by looking into the actual court reports and documents and cause of death etc. please know your facts not just what you think you know before you accuse such horrors on someone.

I think this is actually an important point. Yes, this incident involved a vehicle and accidents happen. But through viewing this case you can see that Ms. Kraal left the scene, claiming to not have realized she had struck another human being. This claim is ridiculous, how to you run over another human being in a parking lot and not notice. It’s not as though she ran over her food or lightly tapped her. She hit her hard enough to kill her and drove off to avoid the repercussions. This speaks volumes to one’s character.

Reviewing the media coverage around this incident and hearing from the victim’s family is truly heartbreaking. Given the fact that Lisa is so involved is her husbands business (especially the online component) it is important that this is brought up to help potential future victims recognize how truly morally bankrupt these two are.

Complete thumbs down. Wow! How low could someone go? This is not the case and why does any type of vehicle ACCADENT have anything to do with a contracting company. Beyond any privacy policy for any website. How can people be so rude!

Michael Phipps will either demand a deposit and disappear, or will attempt to do spectacular renovations which he has no clue how to, which then requires a complete demo and redo by a professional. The website is bogus, stolen pictures, fake testimonials. Phipps is working with his father in law, they live in Mitchell Ontario. Phipps arms are tattooed. Vehicles are a black Hummer or black Durango pickup. Stay clear of this scammer.


That’s my loser bother, I feel bad for all you people, lol and why the mother of his 4 kids is sticking up him is pathetic he beats her up, cheats on her and doesn’t do anything for them lol he spends his money on drugs, alcohol and steroids, until someone gets him, he’s gonna keep doing it, I mean if he can rip of his sick mom with cancer


Michael Phipps spends a lot of time trying to defend on social media what people post about him, and attempts to portray himself as the victim. Interesting that many people have experienced the exact same issues as I have with this scammer, he takes deposits, fails to show up and stops communicating and then a month later, suddenly blames the homeowner for everything he did wrong! Social media over many years have captured his exact same method of operation. He may have serious health issues, which I saw no evidence of but it is apparent he has mental health issues. Very sad. Stay clear.


This company is not a scam. Michael has massive congestive heart failure. He actually spent a full day at your project despite having to take some phone calls he had the kitchen almost complete wrapped and ready for spray when his health declined and he was hospitalized. Documentation of this has been provided. He was then kicked off the job by you and you held his tools from him which was considered stolen property. When he did have them returned you failed to return multiple tools to him and bashed him all over the internet. His health is out of his control and he has shown you documentation of his hospitalization and you have been completely non understanding of any of it. You laughed at his medical condition and turned it into a joke. My tools and all equipment was left there and I fully planned to return to complete the remainder of your project.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused but heart failure is beyond my control and something that has to be taken very seriously.

If this and all online harassment and defamation is not removed my lawyer will be contacting you to seek further legal action and peruse charges for defamation.


This is home renovations, mostly spraying of kitchen cupboards and quartz countertops in south western ontario. Michael Phipps talks a tune how great he’ll make the kitchen, very slick and within 5 minutes gives a quote, sends a proposal quote by email as a picture, no address nor last name of the person. He asks for a 20% deposit, sets a date weeks in the future, showed up the first day, did barely 2 hours of work so he can say he did work to avoid fraud, then uses health excuses and others why he doesn’t show up again. There are dozens of victims and a FB scam page. He and his girlfriend change the company nam, phone # and website frequently. He lives in Mitchell with Lisa and uses a black Suburban. His arms are tattooed. He is a life long scammer.

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