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Quick Job Alert

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Quick Job Alert Reports & Reviews (9)

Hi! I get a lot of job offers and interviews from but i can't connect What is the reason for this?
[email protected]

I received an unsolicited email from [email protected], claiming I got a job interview. The links lead to spam sites.

The email:



Good news, [my name]! An employer near you wants to set up an
interview with you!* Learn how to set up your appointment /> through the link below.

*Limited to qualified users. Go to the following site to learn more.
Job Interview SPAM


The issue is I was looking at that posting (which I'm thinking was a scam too) yesterday. So that must mean that it's legit, right?
I was a fraud specialist at bank of America. One of the things I did was assist with scam or phishing emails because of the nature of my job.
I did find that these emails, sent by almost always led to cyber attacks, viruses, stolen identities, empty bank accounts, I mean it's a nightmare.

Never ever ever trust an email that wants you to go to a website that you don't know and only gives you one way to do it: their own link.
Look at emails from your bank, or your phone bill or whatever. On these legit emails you'll find they say "use this link, or the website or phone number on the back of your card"
Or "use this link, or pay through the app" or something. Legit companies know about these scams, and will provide avenues for you to avoid them. Even Walmart. I've seen them.


I'm sorry I forgot to mention one thing.

A phone number in an email is an ok thing. This is because you can Google that phone number, and if it's a publicly owned company like Verizon or something, then you'll easily see that the number is legit. Which you should do before ever giving any information over the phone.
They'll ask you questions, but the answers they are looking for will never have anything to do with what they are actually asking you, they're real sneaky.

Hi Team,

I got an email from (Job Alert [email protected] via stating that You're being requested to schedule an interview* for a position with WALMART paying up to $20/Hr or greater! Head straight to the window we attached for you to confirm your interest.

*Only applies to qualified readers. View page for further info.


I didn't applies we are getting many fraud email and spoiling company name

Quick job alert.

They said I was hired but that they needed photos of me for the employer adds file. I should not have but I sent several nude photos of. Me in the garden, by a tree and changing the oil in my 87 Ford truck. Next thing I know I have not heard from them again. Total scanners or what?


They sent me an Unsolicited email stating Jade, Hilton wants to interview you. Jade is nit my name by the way. So I tried to
Open it, but it was too slow. I thought it better to not to open. A copy of the email is listed below.

Jade: HILTON Wants to Interview Candidates!

Jade, HILTON wants to interview and hire candidates like you beginning at up to $160.00 a day. Click below to see openings with HILTON or other top companies, before someone else takes what could be the perfect position for you!



I received and email from these people even though I didn’t apply to them and they promising some work but I feel this may be fraud! And plus it is similar to the message sent to the previous reporter

Dear Lisa,

Congrats! After careful consideration, you've been hired to work
part-time online! This position pays up to $13/Hr, so get moving to
the link below to verify your new salary.

Yours Truly,
Liz | QuickJobAlert Associate

Verify Your Salary! />
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Quick Job Alert . 2999 Kendall Drive Suite 204 Unit #3007 San
Bernardino, CA 92407

- Altoona, PA, USA

I got an unsolicited email asking to confirm a shipment of "free products". when I looked into it on bbb, it didn't seem right. they also sent me a couple other emails,

1) Dear Member,

Congratulations! After careful consideration, you've been hired to work part-time online! This opening pays $369.75 a day, so get a move on to the link below to verify your new salary.

All The Best,

Lillian | QuickJobAlert Associate

WAY TOO GOOD to be true, especially since I hadn't applied for anything with their "company".

STAY CALM, Member!!!

Try to stay calm, Member! The $2,500.00 WINNER is about to be declared and YOU'RE a FINALIST! Proceed to the connected page and discover if YOU'VE WON!

~ Finalist List ~

Confirm Entry Finalist Jackpot

? Member $2,500.00

? Stephanie $2,500.00

? Taylor $2,500.00

YOU'RE THE $2,500.00 WINNER?!

I never entered any contest.

Check fields!

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