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Romance scam

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Romance scam Reports & Reviews (89)

Playing Wheel Of Fortune Game Show App, she was messaged by A Male Contestant , Greacova, he was a nice looking man with a picture of little girl in his profile photo, a widower, after A few chats he was wanting her to move to talk on What's App Chatting App, so she started chatting with him there, within a week or so he Professess to tell her How Beautiful she is and how much in Love he has fallen into with her, he says hes working under contract with a insurance and apartment housing rental agency in Madrid Spain while taking care of his little 5yr old daughter whose mother left them,,abandoned them and how hes looking for a mother for her and wife for him and thinks she would be a good mother and wife but he needs to put in for a vacation to come visit her and she must write to his company to help him pay off his contract, he will pay half if she can come up with the other half, but first she must send a email to the company asking for his permission to be released to her to come to her country, the USA, she writes the email, they return a email saying permission may be granted for $2,500.00, he tells her he has $1,000.00 if she has $1,500.00 they will soon be together,,that's when she sees its a con, its not love, its money, she puts his picture on a cross reference picture App which shows the photo was stolen from that of a Russian Fighter, that this man has to be an imposter as the russian fighter is a married man, she confronted him and he told her he was from Nigeria and that he really is in love with her and he doesnt have any children, but she didn't believe that and blocked him

Victim: is a 70 year old mentally ill man involved in a romance scam with someone pretending to be Carrie Underwood, the country western star, for the past three years. The victim has lost every detail of his identity to this person. Romantic messages are sent around the clock and the victim is fully engulfed in this delusion. He sends gift cards to the scammer when the scammer asks. He dreams of the day they can be together forever. The victim lives in Texas. He liked a photo on Instagram. The scammer moved him off of Instagram and started texts and gmail messages instead.

So I got an Instagram direct message from a woman named “ Gabbie Harris” the conversation was ok and friendly until she asked me if I’m Interested in being her “text buddy” for $600 weekly allowance, I thought it was strange and proceeded to ask why, then she explained she’s going through a divorce after her “bestie” and husband were having relations , I thought that’s sad but continued to talk to her, she asked me about myself , asked her about herself , then she continued to ask if I needed a sugar mom, I replied I wouldn’t mind it, then put down step by step how it works, then mentioned I needed to do some favor for her, I asked what kind of favor and she proceeded to talk about how she donates to orphanages and would need help gifting them, after that I was like that’s nice , she then asked for my Wells Fargo email and full name to send the money to and said she’d send $700 , then I remember she said $600 before ? So why is it changed all the sudden, after that I didn’t text back because I don’t give up my information like that and it was just sketchy , I’ve now been ignoring her .

He offered to send me a gift since he would travel to Dubai for work and that package was detected for which I had to pay customs in Malaysia because he sent cash and that caused problems, I use photos of a person who lives in another city and that his phone number is not where he said he lived but is located in British Columbia.

I checked the phone on the internet and it told me that it had that location South Kamloops, Bc, Canada, as well as its supposed photos and they are of a person who lives in another country whom I contacted and tells me that he is unaware of that situation.

Ateej <[email protected]>, fazza hamdan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Sheikh Mohammed <[email protected]>

Phone numbers: +1-713-581-4988 Fazza, +852-6645-8002 Hal Hariram Ganwani , +971-55-912-7582, +44-7418-329351

Romance scam - pretending to be Prince Hamdan of Dubai and his staff/family - I paid $4300 to get important documents (my UAE residency card) via various transactions. I did not receive anything in return.</[email protected]></[email protected]></f...

Romance crypto scammer had me send $19,000 of my crypto funds,my only saving grace was an investigating firm that helped me trace and get back my money.
A complaint report can be written to them by scanning the Q.r below.
I hope this awareness gets to whoever has been scammed before to help recover their lost funds.
Romance crypto scammer

Man named George scammed my mother. He met her on the dating app, Silver Singles, then moved the conversation to WhatsApp. He told her they were going to get married and buy a house together. He slowly got her to invest in cryptocurrency, purchasing it through and then transferring it to the fake crypto company; Direct Edge. She has already lost $350,000 and the scammer is trying to get her to take out loans for over $200,000.

- West Nyack, NY, USA

the money was transfered via Brenda Ray** ********** she was using this Law Firm for her scam and checkeswere sent to me to deposite and cleared and the funds were sent to them via wire transfer and Ncargo shipping Co

I was Told by the Law firm I'd have my money back a year ago and been communicating via email since to gert this bac but keep gettint the runaround

- Bethlehem, PA, USA

Individual made contact via Bumble dating website. Stated he’s the CEO of his own business.

Then went on to state he was heading to Turkey for work. While there then proceeded with a story about someone owing him money and he wanted to the person to direct to me. I did not know him well and I basically told him 3x about him scamming and that it’s visible. I do have the the screen shots to that conversation.

- Van Meter, IA, USA

Scammer reached out to ask for coffee saying we met at a charity event. Sent me photo. Started down the path of a romance scammed and then I blocked number after asking multiple questions.

- Glenpool, OK, USA

This is extremely embarrassing! I’m older, recently divorced, recent loss, recent everything and whoever this person is has taken advantage of the whole situation.

March of 2022 I started chatting with officer Steven Armstrong of what I thought was the USAF but apparently is a person in Nigeria.

This person has been kind, sweet, but never listens always has an excuse.

He started off being in Ukrainian “undercover” then from there to Netherlands to Israel and supposedly home for the holidays, meaning Christmas.

Little by little he or I one have slowly stopped talking where as in the beginning we couldn’t stop.

Now that I really think about it on e the money stopped going so did the talking.

I’m overdrawn in the my bank. I gave this stranger access to everything I wouldn’t even give my EX access too!!!

Those are the basic detailsI’m praying those are enough.

Said he was on a job in France but was from Los Angeles California communicated through text and phone calls said he was originally from Lithuania…sent flowers from Seattle Florist ask about my banking

It’s a car, money cards romantic. Need money to get car sent. And now threatening my son. If u don’t. He is disable. Brain injury. Carline . Michael

This happened in 2015

I was so embarrassed and humiliated to even tell anyone and I don’t have much information now I only remember he used the name Terry he friend me online we talked for a few months and then he said he would pay down my Credit cards he would pay off all the Bounces and Al I would have to do is take out the cash advance amount on them and send it to him Western Union I do remember most of my card I could take 1300 or a little’s not like just Sent it to him. My cards were all paid off 100% I was so I took all the cash Advance cell and sent him all off them . So say I had 15.000 in debt and it cost me 5,000 to get 10,000 off of it .it was a really good deal .But weeks later everything was reversed back on plus all the cash Advance that I took out on them so now I was maxed out and over on all cards now up to $20.000 .

We always need to remember if it sounds to good to be true.” It’s a scam “ at this time I am still trying to fix my Credit .

I was messaging someone I had just met on an app for queer women called Lex named *******. She mentioned that she had a “sugar mamma” and asked me if I had one. I said no, and she asked if I would like to be in contact with her’s. I said sure, as I was curious and had heard about sugar mammas before and felt it would be more legitimate if it was being referred to me by someone else as opposed to an app or direct message. I messaged her first. The alleged sugar mamma said her name is ********** she’s 56 years old, is from Florida, and has 2 companies of her own: one in construction and another unknown. She said she has no family, as her parents died in a car accident when she was 16 and she lived with an uncle who abused her until she finally left because of a boyfriend she was with at the time who got her into cryptocurrency and how to make money online. The phone number she uses is ###-###-####. She asked me questions about myself and answered any questions I asked her, which made it seem legitimate at first. She asked me what I wanted and about my personal values.

This is all occurring rapidly within hours of first contacting her. She asked me my name (first name only), where I was from, and other general questions. Then she asks me if I want to be her sugar baby. I said I was open to it, but wanted to know if she had any social media first and what she expected from her sugar babies. She said she did not have social media because she had been scammed by sugar babies in the past, and that she only expects pictures of me (primarily non-sexual selfies, but she also stated some sexual photos would be expected). She then asked me how much I wanted from her as a first deposit, and I said I wasn’t sure. Because she had seemed real at this point, I confessed that I was hesitant of course to use any banking information and would prefer to use a third party like venmo or Zelle. She claimed that she would be taxed heavily if she used those, and preferred to do a direct deposit into my account of $1000. She requested that out of the $1000 she sends me, I send $800 to a church she goes to that supports the homeless, and tells me she’s a christian. She asked me for my login information for one of my banking sites. I told her I wasn’t comfortable with that, but wanted to use another checking account I had that was completely empty. She was okay with that because she said she understood where I was coming from.

There was another issue with my account being closed, so I couldn’t use it. I told her I would likely have to wait until Monday for the issue to be resolved if she could wait. She said I could just use the other account with my savings in it and linked to my parents financial information because I can trust her, but I told her no I wasn’t comfortable with that. The next few days, she constantly asked me throughout the day if the account was ready yet, in which I case I kept telling her no. She has continued to ask me if the banking issue has been resolved, and I kept telling her the updates in regards to the situation without divulging valuable information.

She had sent me two selfies of herself, so I entered one of them into google and found that it was from an Instagram influencer’s page, someone who had a different name, age, and everything. The influencer was verified and had many followers, and even had a story on her page warning people about fake sugar mammas who were using her pictures. I told **********” that I found this and asked what was going on. She claimed that influencer was a scammer and that “this is ridiculous, I can’t believe she stole my identity” and claimed to have reported it. Both selfies were from this page.

I told “*********” that I did not want to continue this anymore because I am “busy with school” and she said she understood and was nice about it. However, she continues to text me asking how my day is and if I fixed the account issue yet. And today, she asked me what my mobile carrier is out of the blue. I will be blocking this number.

well she suddenly show up in my telegram app she saying that she make mistake but she wants to make friendship we talk everything goes nice but suddenly she start complaining about her situation with bills and some other stuff so idid sent several times money but now that person dont answer the number or looks like and office aproximately i did sent her $1000 all togheter not all at once but tha is almost

the total i feel embarassedon this to be to stupid but well God Watch everything and they will get the karma some day

they are pretending to be a sugar mommy on instagram. offering up to 3000$ a week.

Person sent text to me with nude photos. asked me if they could call me or meet me multiple times.

- Adel, IA, USA

My wife is the victim of a online romance through an app called “Word Chums” over a 4 month period this scammer gained the trust of my wife my romantic sayings through endless amounts of text messages that would go on day and night to isolate her from me and our family and ended up scamming us out of over $54k, my wife will not talk about it what info I have gained is the name this person was going by *** and the phone number being used is 510-*** this number comes out of Oakland California but when I called the number I would get a recording of a person named Tobias ***, this is all I have to go off of .


This scammer real bame is Taylor. He answered a widower/widows website and introduced himself as Master Sgt Carl B*** in the Marines snd stationed in Nigeria. Met February 2018 and Carl immediately wanted us to stop texting as he said cost him on his cell phone so if we could talk on google hangout. This is how we communicated. Everyday twice a day even with the time zone difference.

Within 2 months he saent me a picture and I sent him a picture of myself. Goid looking fella and attracted. He suddenly professes his love for me and how he wants to come home to US and be with me. Says he is 54 and ready for retirement and will request mandatory leave and can leave. So he needs airfare to fly commercial since military will nit send him back due to his viluntary request for early leave. So he says he needs $3000 so I sent to him but he does get on tge plane ge says because he has gold tgat he invested in and has to clear customs so he needs money for customs. I sent him $2000 then he says he wasrobbed walking from the hotel to airport so now he lost all his money.

So as time goes by, I am sending him more money to airfare, borrowed money for customs payment again. Then needed more money as customs wants storage fees for storage in vault. In a nutshell, Carl tried 8 times to catch flight each time failed due to was kidnapped or not enough money. Todate O gave him $30k and he is still in Nigeria. I finally had enough and broke it off and told him I found someone tgat I wanted to be exclusive with. Carl got in touch with me after a week of no communication and said he couldn’t sleep and he was bothered and had to tell me that everything he told me were lies except for 2 things and that he is in Nigeria and he is in love with me. His real name is Taylor and is 31 years okd and is black. He says the deal breaker. I played along and wanted to know why he did this and hurt me. Taylor says he is sorry and never meant for this to happen. Says truth from now on. I found out that tge money I sent him was used for his college education and has nothing left. He is looking for a job and bo luck yet. He expected me to be angry and hate him but I told him that i fell in love sith tge person who was writing me. So he sent me a picture of himself and he is black and you g. Taylor expected me to have nothing to fo with him. But instead I played along and let him keep texting me.

Taylor wants to still get married and think become a US citizen by marrying me. I know he has applied for a visa and waiting. I have no plans on flying to Nigeria and marrying this guy. He said he took this guy Carl Bisson identity and became him. So whoever this Carl is, has a real family and real life stolen from tgis Taylor.

I do plan to dump him in a month as I don’t want anything to do with him.

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