SBA Disaster Pros Reports & Reviews (72)
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Anyone who has been scammed by this company should contact the iowa attorney general,then contact the attorney general in their perspective state. This company can only be stopped by consumer complaints
Here's the email
Dear Mr. Bartlett:
Your complaint to the Consumer Protection Division against SBA Disaster Pros has been received and assigned to me for processing. I have left a voice mail for you to call me regarding your complaint. I have reason to believe that this company is probably a scam. While I will reach out to SBA Disaster Pros, they may not respond if my inclination is correct. However, you need to report this to the SBA Inspector General. The website to file this complaint with them is:⇄ />
Your file number with our office is 21-02258. If you wish to speak to me regarding this situation, please feel free to contact me at the number listed below.
Linda Sullentrup
Consumer Protection Division
Office of Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Scammer's website
Scammer's address 1400 Walnut St. DesMoines, IW. 50309
Scammer's email
Country United States
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Initial means of contact Not applicable
I am not a business owner.
Scammer's website
Scammer's address 1400 Walnut St, Des Moines, IA 50309, USA
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location AR 72740, USA
Total money lost $977
Type of a scam Government Agency Imposter
They charged my account the next day for $977. They won't answer the phone. Respond to emails b nothing. And the SBA SHOWS NO APPLICATION. They are praying on small businesses trying to get help. Horrible awful people
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Initial means of contact Not applicable
I know it’s my own fault for giving an unknown company my information but they present themselves as a lender and I had been applying for PPP so I thought it was the same process.
I have disputed with my bank but bc it was an ACH transaction they cannot dispute it. Also the phone number goes straight to a message that they are currently closed.
They wiped out my bank account with this scam, clearly I was applying for a disaster loan because I need help during this time.
It’s a shame that this has been going on and has been reported but no one has done anything about them
Scammer's email
Country United States
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Initial means of contact Website
Scammer's website
Country United States
Type of a scam COVID-19
Initial means of contact Website
My bank said it was business agreement although we did not even sign up anything with them no refund from my bank nor scammer sbadisasterspros
I can see a lot of ppl got wiped off just like me and we can’t do anything
Scammer's email
Country United States
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Initial means of contact Email