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Scam Calls

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Scam Calls Reports & Reviews (24)

- Hickory, NC, USA • Jul 24, 2024

Called multiple times, using different numbers

- Hickory, NC, USA • Jul 23, 2024

Called my cell phone multiple times with different numbers, nonstop every day

- Asheville, NC, USA • Jul 11, 2024

Keeps on calling with no respite from 10+ numbers

- Rock Hill, SC, USA • Jun 12, 2024

I recieve several calls in a day ,week. The numbers and message they leave are not for me. I have no association with them. Cannot get a teal person to end the calls. Have been harrased for over 6 months now.

- Downers Grove, IL, USA • May 23, 2024

Voicemail on my cellphone msg telling me that he was calling in regards to a civic complaint scheduled to be filed in DuPage Cty. Documents supposedly being sent to my home addr and I need to be available to sign. Contact their office immediately at 866-266-7938 and include document #1574668. "If not contacted today a legal decision will be made without participation. You have been notified."

I looked up DuPage courthouse records and did not find my name anywhere. The sense of urgency to call NOW is a red flag to me. He didn't mention what company he represented. Red flag #2. Lots of background noise like a call center. Red flag #3. Neither the phone number on caller id or the number he wants me to call show up with an owner when I search for them.

- Toledo, OH, USA • Mar 08, 2024

Dericka Banks called and said that she had an offer for me but I would have to pay her 500 dollars to receive the offer

- Jacksonville, FL, USA • Mar 07, 2024

robo call asking

Would you mind telling me your name.

Then had yes no questions.

- Hornbeck, LA, USA • Feb 23, 2024

The phone call was in reference to a "breach of no contact"

Not much information hung up the call.  Caller id "Spam"

- Toledo, OH, USA • Feb 06, 2024

Person has call my cell phone and my daughters. Claim they will come by the house or work to verify id, and that someone must sign. Refused any details about who they represent.

- Smithfield, UT, USA • Jan 26, 2024

These calls come in several times a day and have for several weeks. They use the same recorded message immediately following a noticeably "bubble" beep: "Hello, This is Hazel Moss from US Funeral Expenses. How are you doing today?" It's extremely distressing to have this continue. Here are some of the other numbers they have used: (619) 632-0312, (619) 483-1202, (747) 588-6439, (831) 620-3041, (415) 656-4840... they use a different number every time. Please help.

- Reno, NV, USA • Jan 19, 2024

After repeatedly asking to have my number removed from this calling list they continue to call and hang up multiple times for the past week

- Landis, NC, USA • Sep 21, 2023

They have called my personal cell number numerous times. There is an option to have my 'business' removed from further calls which i have done multiple time however, they keep calling. They asked me to call back to 2056918804. My cell is **********.

- Charlotte, NC, USA • Sep 20, 2023

Call says their name is "Crystal Vasquez" a compliance officer with a company called "Legal Courier Services". Said my dad had a pending complaint and background investigation ordered. Gave a case number and everything. Company doesn't exist, phone number is a spoof of a legitimate one. Checked online for warrants or other such things and found nothing.

- Weaverville, NC, USA • Sep 13, 2023

I get 10 plus calls a day from a company identified as MRS and the message says this is a documented and time sensitive attempt to reach you. Please call us back at the number on your screen. They call from different 919 numbers. When I tried to call each of them back I keep on getting this number is disconnected. When I got a hold of the one I listed on this complaint I asked for a supervisor and they put me on hold and finally hung up.

- Charlotte, NC, USA • Sep 07, 2023

Last thursday called my phone holding phone not saying anything wiredo vibes... I did text phone due to tired of them playing on my phone then they wait 6 days later to say they had wrong # I said continue to have wrong # when playing on my phone then they wanted to know if I had a name then imposed to be Curtis that works for AT&T & supposely have a travel agent goes by thos fraudulent name Skyland Island Travers but pulled it up in search on bbb no results found the conversation didnt make sense my phone. Said at risk do not connect all your personal info will be at risk thats when I knew this is a scam fraudulent activities people need to get a real job too much time on thier hands..

- Cassopolis, MI, USA

I was sent a post card with a number to call ,I called we went threw some questions so I remember saying my social security number to them

I receive 4 phone calls in a row, twice day, eveyday. They only speak Spanish and call me regarding my social security. That numbers they use cannot be dialed because they are not in service. This has bin happening for years now.

These numbers call me and hang up. I saw on the internet that they are attached to scam calls so I wanted to report them

- Quincy, IL, USA

Call came to my wife's cell phone and left a message that if I didn't call them back to resolve this within 48 hours, a cop will come to arrest me. Tried calling the number back and it says the call cannot be completed as dialed. Figured it was a scam.

They called my mom asking for me and said they had to deal with personal matters with me. My mom asked them how they got her number and they told her that I called them from the phone which is a white lie. I have no idea who these people are but need to be stop they have alot of people's info

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