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Sherry Smith

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Sherry Smith Reports & Reviews (3)

Email was received from a SHERRY SMITH who provided phone number of 561-448-4889 and address of 1042 Chamberlain St. Corpus Christi, TX, wanting to purchase a $281.00 item. SHERRYI SMITH stated that she wanted AVON REP to pay for requested product and send product; at which time "HER BOSS" will reimburse AVON REP.

Part of message is as follows:

I need you to help me submit this Product and also want to be your new customer. You would receive payment via Check from my Boss to cover the amount of the PRODUCT plus the shipping fee/the tax before submitting my Order. I will prefer you receive the Payment first before placing my ORDER. The table below illustrates my ORDER.

Conducted search of phone number 5610448-4889 and found it was used in BELLE GLADE (Palm Beach) Florida and belonged to an landline no longer connected.
Checked on address in Corpus Christi and found that no SHERRY SMITH lives and/or has resided at this address.

Upon typing in SHERRY SMITH - SPAM located a large amount of data regarding illegal activity by this person. Upon googling phone number found the same activity of illegal activity by this person.

After reading this, it was like someone else lived my exact situation. I've googled this story and she tried the same scam in 2017 with a Pampered Chef consultant.
I also received a contact me request from a Sherry Smith stating she wanted to order products (I sell Scentsy). I responded with a cheerful email to her and directed her to my website.
I got the EXACT SAME reply listed by the other report (deaf woman, doesn't do credit cards, needs to send check). I figured ok, and emailed her back stating I would be happy to assist her and supplied my contact info (oops). However, after I got the 2nd reply on 8/4/2020 (also EXACTLY THE SAME as this other report - grandmother having cancer, etc) and it had terrible misspellings and broken English - I decided to turn the tables on her. I replied back on 8/5/2020 letting her know I was not doing business this way and that Scentsy does not either. I also told her I was blocking her # (since she had also started texting me) and would be returning the possible check return to sender. I also stated since I had not cashed the check or ordered anything, no loss to either of us.
I dropped the envelope off at the Post Office yesterday as REFUSED - RETURN TO SENDER since it arrived on Thursday and I did not open it (it also arrived from Sterling Heights, MI.
My email does allow me to see if I get any further messages from her as they go to SPAM since I marked them as such and I also have the ability to view any texts she tries to send under my blocked messages. She tried to send 2 or 3 texts on Thursday afternoon/evening but since I never replied who knows what she thinks.


11/24/16 - "Contact me" e-mail through my business website saying "Sherry Smith" wanted to order. Included cell phone number and e-mail address.

11/28/16 - Tried to call phone number and "call rejected". Sent e-mail stating number given did not work and gave my phone number and link to my website so she could order directly.

11/28/16 - Received e-mail back stating she wanted items for a total of $142.31. She is a "DEAF WOMAN" and she does not operate a credit card. "HER BOSS" would send a check but the check must arrive before I place the order for her.

11/28/16 - Responded with my address and work cell # (regretting this now)

12/1/16 - Received another "contact me" e-mail through my website from Sherry with a different contact # with same "I WANT TO ORDER!" message. I did not respond.

12/16/16 - Received e-mail from Sherry apologizing for being out of communication due to "Grand mother has been down with Cancer of her breast seriously" and that her boss sent all $ owed to her to me instead and if she can trust me to keep her $ safe. Wanted me to cash the check and send the remainder after deducting the money for "Products" back to her.

12/16/16 - Texted to see if I received the e-mail and if I received check

12/17/16 - Responded by text that I had not received

12/17/16 - Requested by text to keep posted once I receive

12/17/16 - Responded by text that I would do so

12/19/16 - AM, Sent tracking number for check and her shipping address for products (checked tracking number, Check was sent from Sterling Heights, MI)

12/19/16 - PM, Received check, looks pretty legit from Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix, AZ


Check fields!

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