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Stafford Group Associates

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Stafford Group Associates? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Stafford Group Associates Reports & Reviews (49)

This company has continually contacted my family members including my sister-in-law!? This company has now caused my own mother anxiety and worry about me. This needs to stop! 714-453-9292 stop your harassment! This is blatantly disgusting tactics to go through family
basically going out of the way to make me look like I am in trouble to my family members! By telling my own mother that I should be receiving documents and if I have them yet.!? Who are you to do this to people!


I just received a call from Stafford Group and Associates. The call came in as “no caller id”. I answered it, sorry I did, because I thought it was my Mom. Exactly what everyone has said. They have a complaint again me on a card I had 15 years ago and if I didn’t pay with 24 hours they were going to file 1099C with the IRS. I’m glad I googled their name and saw everyone’s posting. Thank you. They are so good they make it believable.


I got a call from the clerk asking if I was asked for me by first and last name, then they said to home on and then they asked me to hold on they’re going to transfer me to someone I can sii ok ask to regarding a compliant. Here is the voicemail

Good morning this message is for deleted by me _⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_ this is Hillary calling you back from Stafford group _⁠_⁠_ the phone a few seconds ago unfortunately for whatever reason _⁠_ call was disconnected now I'm _⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_ asked to make a final decision to move forward with this complaint if you would like to take care of this on a voluntary basis feel free to reach out to me within an hour at 714-453-9416 again my direct line is 714-453-9416 and reference your case number is 6 deleted by me thank you…”

The complaint they had had been resolved and if I wasn’t taking care of my credit I might of believed them.

Totally scam


Received a call from Stafford associates, claiming i own money on a phone i purchased in 2018, stated they had my payment records SSN name address etc . They read back my address, SSN name birthday everything, how the hell did they get all this information ! Definitely a scary thing . DEFINITELY scam glad i didn't send any payments .


I received a voicemail from Lisa stating that there was a complaint against me regarding a debt. They also got I. Touch with family members to get in touch with me. The original phone number to the company they told me about was a different one so how did they call my new number? Anyways something told me to check online and soon enough here we are with everyone having same issue. I reached out to the company itself to let them know what was happening they said that’s not them. I
Not going to lie at first I agree to pay but payment wasn’t going through now I know why. Because it’s classified as scam


Received a voicemail stating they have documents that were sent to my address that they want to speak to me about and a complaint has been filed against me. They gave a number to reference and also said they want to know about property at my address. I am not calling them back so I have no idea what they want but this is the 10th call that they have made to my cellphone even with blocking them.


They called me stating i owed money from a credit card from 2016 i live in ca. I paid off that credit card in 2015 through debt consolidation loan. Stafford group will not send me verification through the mail regarding this debt. They said they have sent me several letter which i have never received. This credit card they are calling about has never been on my credit nor have a i ever had this card. Never in collections and they call in 2021?


I just won my dispute to get money back regarding this company and same email as above and new phone number 714-453-9117. Their website says set 2021, that seems strange to me as well. Especially when others have reported this company in previous years.

Staffford group and associates called this morning to report i have a credit card from 2016 (i live in ca) that has not been paid off. This credit card is not on my credit nor has it ever been. In fact i paid off all debt in 2015 with a reconsolidation co. And have not had a credit card since. Their phone number is 714-453-9292.- stafford group


Call just came in, stating they are from Stafford Group and Associates. Looking for a family member. Said there has been a complaint filed against him. The number 714-453-9292. They said something about property located at () which is our PO BOX, not even a property! Not calling back!


Received a call from a Hilary, she stated an address i haven't lived there for more than 5 years. Not calling back at all.


My husband received a call for me- they called over 10 times in a row before leaving a message-hi this is Judith and we sent you some legal papers regarding a complaint and we are following up on this matter... nothing has been mailed to me and she wants me to call 7144539292 reference 66406...


Received a call from Danielle. Same as all the other scam messages posted here for this number.. She said Stafford Group Associates sent papers to me and I need to call back and get the matter resolved, Here is the real name of the company and address UNITED ACQUISITIONS, LLC 1940 W. Orangewood Ave Suite 211 Orange
CA, 92868. There is no DBA for this company that I can find the owner's name is Francisco Arellano. You can find all the information on the California Secretary of State, should you need to file a complaint about fraudulent debt collecting practices. Below is a copy debt collection information from the CA Attorney General. Know your rights


Received a call from Danielle. Same as all the other scam messages posted here for this number.. She said Stafford sent papers to me and I need to call back and get the matter resolved. Total scam. They need to upgrad their technology like most of the other scammers who insert random callback numbers each time. I just blocked the number.


Recently received message from Rebecca from legal department about a complaint filed against me did paperwork was delivered to my home address and email address it is fishy sounding to me.


Received a call from Hillary asking for my sister stating there was a complaint filed against her and asked that I notify her and ask her to call. I googled this company information and saw these complaints, called the company and Victor answered the phone, told them to remove me from their scam.


Got a call from a lady named Judith. Stated she’s from the legal department of Stafford Group and associates. Said I had paperwork dropped off, didn’t even give me a correct address. Said it is imperative to call back about a complaint and some property. Same number as everyone else.


A lady by the name of Judith stating that she's calling from "LEGAL DEPARTMENT STAFFORD & ASSOCIATE " and that they recieved a complaint and it's a legal matter and in regards to paperwork dropped off at the property at 377##### Sul#### which she mentioned in voice-mail is my address and no one has came to my house. Not to mention my house has 5 cameras out in front and side of the house. Once I call to please reference my case #56055. Also, she has questions in regards to the property and she mentions my address again. This collection agency calling to sound threatening like if by them mentioning your address they will come and hurt you.


Received a call from a Judith calling she was from Stafford Grifford and Associates. Called the 714 453-9292. A very famous scammer by the name of Victor answered stating a different law firm. When asked for one of the attorneys bar number he hung up and before leaving stating I will get paperwork in mail. He said he mailed out two weeks ago from Orange County. What a joke scammer be aware. He didn’t even know who he was calling. Couldn’t pronounce name right. Lol


Received a call from Hilary stating their company has received a complaint against me and had sent me paperwork a few days before she called, no such paperwork ever came. Her words: "It is imperative that you contact us immediately with your file #-------------. Then she wanted to discuss my property and gave my address. I guess the buffoon doesn't realize that this is a HUD apt for low income, disabled senior citizens. It sounded legitimate even clearly said my name. This is a SCAM. These are lazy, evil people, the sad thing is they keep doing it, especially to the most vunerable, senior citizens, because it works. Their number: 714-453-9292


received a call from this company today 11/23/2020 .. claimed they sent me paperwork and as of this posting i have none and pretty much matched the claims i have just read about ... refuse to talk to them about anything unless i have real paperwork

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Stafford Group Associates Contacts

Stafford Group Associates associated photos:


139 West Chapman Orange, California 92868



+1 (855) 466-6308


This website was reported to be associated with Stafford Group Associates.


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