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Stealth Investigations

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Stealth Investigations Reports & Reviews (29)

I have received two calls within the last week from an Anthony Vital / Stealth Investigations stating he was calling in regards to 2 people that are the mother and father of my ex-husband who I divorced well over 20 years ago. His folks are both deceased and have been for many years. The caller stated he was trying to locate the heir/beneficiary for something from Brighthouse Financial Annuity & Life. The number the call came from was 1-713-536-2395 and my phone indicated it was a spam risk which I do not answer so it went to my voicemail both times. I googled Stealth Inv. and they are out of League City, TX and I would seriously like to know why they are contacting me as I have nothing to do with my ex or his deceased parents. He also advised a call back # of 832-895-5045. The beginning of both called sounded like an automated voice and saying some of the same things that other have stated and then the person began talking. I personally think this is BS and a total scam. So I will be reporting them.

Correction for comment...the Spam Risk # is 1-713-804-1974 as stated in the subject line

Repeated calls! Won't stop calling! Rude language! They refuse to identify the business' FEIN or state license number. I only identified them as my caller ID showed 713-804-1974 that matched the number from the other complaints listed above and another victim identified the business as Stealth Investigations. The number listed is a Houston exchange. I looked up Stealth Investigations and it lists a location in League City, a suburb of Houston but shows another phone number. From the description of the calls in the other complaints above it appears that the caller was likely from Stealth Investigations. I will take the time to make formal complaints to the Texas Attorney Generals Office and the Texas Department of Safety Licensing Bureau. I hope other victims of this unprofessional business will do the same. The web site for licensing complaints is and the complaint website for the Texas Attorney General is The only way of putting a stop to intrusive abuses of this kind is to bring them to the attention of regulatory bodies. I hope other victims will take the time to make complaints as well.


I have received a number of calls from Stealth Investigations and have repeatedly told them that I am not who they are looking for and have no knowledge of the person they're trying to reach. I have asked them several times to add my number to their "Do Not Call List" but they continue calling. Most recent call was 7/16/21 from 713-804-1974 and name of individual may be James Reed (or Reid). Very obnoxious and rude individual; would not provide his name to me. Lots of sarcastic comments. Even if this firm was legitimate I would never do business with them. Have submitted complaints to DPS and BBB.


Just got a call from (1-970-323-7488) with a lady recorded voice saying,

"It looks like I reach your voice mail again, I tried to reach you a couple of times now, I am doing my best to conclude this case and just really appreciated a return call. If you do a Google search, you will see we have literally hundreds of 5 stars reviews. If you be so kind to call me back I provide you with a complete disclosure of the details of the case and hopefully from there I'll be able to proceed with getting the distribution completed".

First off I googled and only found 23 reviews, secondly why they are secretive and don't say who they are talking about. They want your information. If this was a legitimate company, they would have a real person call you or leave information about who they are calling about. If they're leaving a message they don't have to say the person's name in full, they can leave a hint like birthday or first name, so we know it is for real.


Got a call on 7/23/2020 from Karen Butler with the same message as others have received. "She is looking to close out a case...I may be due some $$$...will only take 30 seconds of my back on 832-699-7213". Same as others have experienced there is no mention of the name of the person whom she is trying to reach. Claims they sent me some information "a while back" but I have no recollection of any legitimate info sent to me regarding this. It feels like a scam to me or, at a minimum, not a professional business due to the lack of the voice mail specifying who they are trying to reach.

I have had what appears to be an 'accidental' call from Stealth Investigations today and yesterday; both times ringing and disconnecting after the second ring. Why would this be occurring?

Sorry I got the number mixed up. The number for Stealth Investigations home office is 8328955045

Several days ago I received a certain voicemail exactly like the one that another party unknown to me received. A so called private investigator from the state of Texas named Adam Denning license #A18410 claimed he was trying to locate an un-named person as a beneficiary from a will. i tried calling the number given six times over the last several days and I keep getting an answering service for Donna Walker. Already a red flag is starting to go up. This sounds like a scam operation to me, So I finally found Stealth Investigations on line at 8328959562 not the number I had from Mr Denning which was 8324769562. I called anyway and instead of a customer service agent I got another long winded explanation from an answering machine about who Stealth Investigations is and the services that they provide. Sounds plausible enough in their explanation but absolutely no-one has even attempted to reach me since four days ago. I reside in Pennsylvania but have relatives in Texas. I remain bewildered as to the true nature of this call. Sounds fishy and believe you me I have been the victim of fraud before. I have an e mail address available if you care to contact me there. I was originally contacted on my cell phone.


Thank you for posting. Our normal hours of operation are 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday through Thursday (Central Time) and 8:30 am to 12:30 pm on Fridays. We do not have an answering service...nor have we ever had an answering service. All of our employees are currently working from home while we ride out the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are calling during business hours then our receptionist should be able to connect you to an investigator that can provide you with the details involved in the case. We will reach out to you as requested via email to respond to you. Please feel free to post the outcome of your experience on this forum.

Guess it's my turn. Adam Denning from Stealth Investigations. 832-476-9562 was the number given... I'm not calling. Sounds fraudulent as a name has not been mentioned. Pennsylvania Department of Treasury certificate number 095--0251-118.

got the same call as everyone else, Matt Parker, investigation through Stealth Investigations, gave credentials, probate, originated in Colorado, yada, yada, yada.

I called, not the number left as above, but the actual number on the website 832-895-5045 for Stealth Investigations. They said that a Matt Parker does work for them and they looked up my phone number and said there was an outstanding case for a insurance policy claim check not cashed. They only ask if I knew the person in question and the phone number where the message was left. Turned out the person in question was my wife's maiden name with an address in the town about 60 miles away. The name they were looking for was same as wife's but different middle initial. So they thanked me for calling back and said they would keep looking. Then hung up.


Hi Mr. Wills, First of all thank you for posting about your experience with our firm. I remember our conversation. As you indicated, we were searching for a person that has the same first name and maiden name as your wife. Once you and I spoke we were able to determine that the beneficiary we were searching for was NOT your wife. The old address did not match, nor did the middle initial. Your help in this case has resulted in our being able to positively identify the actual beneficiary. As I recall, our conversation was cordial. You were a perfect gentleman and you were very helpful. I would never just hang up on anyone. It's just not the way I conduct myself. If the call terminated early I assure you it was not intentional. Again, thank you for having the courtesy to return our call and providing your assistance with the case. It was very much appreciated.

I received the same message from a "Matt Parker" stating he is with Stealth Investigations and is searching a case that originates in Colorado and I am listed as a beneficiary. Gave a Lic# of A18410 and telephone number of 1-832-786-5086. I called the number but didn't speak to Matt Parker. I spoke to his assistant. It's a total scam.


Hello April, I'm sorry but I really don't recall speaking with you. Your post doesn't give a specific reason why you have labeled me as a scam. We are Stealth Investigations LLC located at 1025 E. Main St. Suite 102 in League City, TX 77573. We are in the same building where the USDA Federal Grain Inspection Services office is located. We have been in business since 2003, we are an Accredited member of the BBB where we maintain an A+ Rating. We are licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Private Security Bureau and our License # is A18410. We have YEARS of positive reviews posted on Google and with the BBB. We research literally thousands of cases each year. While I wish that EVERY phone call we make would result in a positive outcome, it just doesn't work that way. Sometimes we reach the correct beneficiary or heir, sometimes we don't, and sometimes after speaking with you, we are able to identify that the legal beneficiary is actually a relative of yours. If you spoke with us you would have either been the right person, been the wrong person, or identified that one of your relatives was the correct person. I hope this cleared up any misconceptions you might have. If you have any questions please give us a call. We'll be happy to respond anytime.

It was my turn today I guess. Matt Parker from Stealth Investigations left a message (caller Id = No ID Message). Gave the license number A18410 as well stating a case regarding probate in Colorado. I appreciate others identifying this as spam/scam/phishing.


Received voice message today from “Matt Parker”. Said same thing the others mention in their posts. Said his license was A18410 and he was hire by an attorney from to find me. Gave me a call back number of 832-786-5086.
I didn’t bite. Going thru too much right now to be bothered with this crap.


Hi Mrs. Kathy, We only call people whom we believe are associated with beneficiary or probate cases. My license number in your post is correct. I was NOT hired by an attorney. Our website IS We would hope that after things settle down for you that you would return our call. We would also welcome you to post the outcome of that call on this forum. Thank you for your consideration.

Got message from Matt Parker claming I possibly own some property in Colorado. Long message, called several times. I think scam.


Hello Tanja, As stated in other responses in this forum we are Stealth Investigations LLC located at 1025 E. Main St. Suite 102 in League City, TX 77573. We are physically located in the same building where the USDA Federal Grain Inspection Services office is located. We have been in business since 2003, we are an Accredited member of the BBB where we maintain an A+ Rating. We are licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Private Security Bureau and our License # is A18410. We have YEARS of positive reviews posted on Google and with the BBB. If you were to return our call we will be able to provide you with the specifics involved with the case that we believe you are associated with. We will not ask for your personal information. If we determine you are the legal beneficiary or heir, we will be able to provide you with a full disclosure of the details of the case. Thank you for your consideration.

Person left a voicemail identifying himself as Adam Denning, licensed private investigator license # 0950251-0118 from STEALTH INVESTIGATIONS, INC. He claimed that he was trying to locate an (un-named) person as a beneficiary from a will. Please call at your earliest convenience, toll free, 888-988-3357. All he wants to do is close out this case.

This same voice mail was received by all of my neighbors


Dear "Private1586265977", I am in fact a licensed private investigator. I usually do provide my License number (Texas Dept of Public Safety, Private Security Bureau License # A18410). You are apparently located in Pennsylvania Department of the Treasury REGISTRATION number is in fact 0950251-0118. We do NOT disclose the names of the deceased in voicemails. Our first goal is to determine if you are the legal beneficiary or heir. Would you want us leaving details such as the names of one of your deceased relatives on a voicemail that wound up being a wrong number? We have to proceed with these cases with discretion and respect the privacy of the potential legal beneficiary or heirs. I do take exception to your comment that "This same voice mail was received by all of my neighbors". The technology involved simply does not work that way (unless all of your neighbors happen to be related to the deceased). We research cases in bulk. For example, we may obtain a list of all uncashed beneficiary checks from a major insurance company which were issued in the year 2001 in Pennsylvania. We then extract all the data concerning the deceased and run that through multiple databases to identify the potential relatives associated with the deceased. Once we have the list of possible relatives we then run THAT list through multiple databases to obtain possible phone numbers and addresses of the possible relatives. We DO NOT canvas neighborhoods with phone calls. That would be the equivalent of phoning everyone in your neighborhood and saying "Do you happen to know Mr. Smith who lived in your neighborhood and passed away in 2001?". We only contact people whom we believe to be a beneficiary or potential heir in a specific case. If you are NOT the correct party we remove your number from our records. It is not our intent to bother anyone unnecessarily. We are simply attempting to complete the distribution of an active case. I hope this might clear up any misconceptions. Thank you.

I received a call from Matt Parker telling me either myself or someone in the family was who he was looking for Colorado property. Long voice mail. I think scam


Hello Carrie, We do in fact research property claims in both Colorado and California. As stated in other responses in this forum we are Stealth Investigations LLC and we are located at 1025 E. Main St. Suite 102 in League City, TX 77573. We have been in business since 2003, we are an Accredited member of the BBB where we maintain an A+ Rating. We are licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Private Security Bureau and our License # is A18410. If you were to return our call we will be able to provide you with the specifics involved with the property case that we believe you are associated with. Thank you for your consideration.

Got the same call. I tried to call back out of curiosity, but couldn't get a live person and got sick of the rambling automated message.


we received a phone call from this company saying they had a case that originated in Colorado and concerned the distribution of funds for me or perhaps someone in my family. They made a very big deal of how many organizations they were involved with, BBB, Texas Department of Public Safety, suggested we look at their credentials on Google and their web page, and more. This truly sounded like it came from a "live" person and not a computer (named Matt Parker). When I called the Texas to check them out, they could not find them, but found a company in Massachusetts with that name. It all sounded very feasible, but I'm not seeing too much information when I search the government websites, and didn't see them on the "Private Investigators" (in Texas) website either.


I'm not sure what "government websites" your post references. I'm also not sure what website you are referencing for Texas "Private Investigators". The only bonified statewide organization that I am aware of is TALI (Texas Association of Licensed Investigators). I was a member of theirs many years ago. They are a fine organization but they are primarily (from the members point of view) mostly about marketing. Stealth Investigations LLC does not accept the typical cases that other agency's do such as cheating spouses, noncustodial child abduction etc. Therefore I did not find TALI to be of particular benefit to us considering the annual dues they charge. I am sure they are of considerable benefit to many agency's but just not for our specific needs. I don't know why whoever you talked to at couldn't find us...we aren't hard to find. We are Stealth Investigations LLC located in League City, Texas (located in between Houston and Galveston off of I45). I am aware of the group in Massachusetts...we are not affiliated with them. They are Stealth Investigations INC (we are LLC in Texas). I would welcome a call back from you and would appreciate if you would post the results of our conversation on this forum. Thank you for your consideration.

Caller called to first reach my Deceased Uncle. Then said dealing with his probate and will after I said he was deceased (nice wait there for lead in) then asked who she could speak with to discuss his will. My uncle has been deceased for many years and his estate settled. Do not trust this company nor its calls!

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