Student Loan Forgiveness Scam Reports & Reviews (9)
Student Loan Forgiveness Scam Contacts
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If you know any contact information for Student Loan Forgiveness Scam, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's website NA
Scammer's address St Louis, MO, USA
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location FL 34202, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Scammer's website
Scammer's address Unknown, Unknown
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location NC 28768, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
********** *************?????,???? Hello ????this? is??? ???Marc??us? ??Kor??o?p?i??d??low???s???k?i? on??? ????be???ha?l??f? ??of?? ?the? ???S???t?u?d?e??n?t-?L??o???a?n ?D?e??b?t? ?D??e?p??a?r?tm?e????n??t??.? ?We? tr??i???e??d??? to?? ?c?o??nt?a?c?t?? y??ou ??a??t?? ?y?o?u???r???? h???o??m?e *********** *********** ************* ?an???d??? ???d??i??d?? ??n?o??t ?he??a???r?? b???ac?k?.? ?Y??o?u?r ???St?u?d???e?n??tL??o?a?n?s ?hav?e ?bee???n? ?mar????k???e?d??? ?a?s?? ?p?????o?s?s???ib??l?y?? ?el?i?g?i??b???le ?f???o??r ??fo???r?g???iv???ene??s?s?? ??und????e???r ?th?????e? ?n??e??w???? 2?0??2?4??? ?gu?id??e?l?i?n???e?s.? ??Yo??ur??? ?c??a?????se??? n??umb????e???r ?i??s? ********************* a?n??d?? y??ou????r ?f??i??l?e??? ??w?i??l????l??? r??e?m?ain ??o?pen? ?i???n???? m?y? ?????s?????ys??tem?? ???f??o???r? ??o??n??l??y ?o?n?e mo???r?e? ?d?a???y?.???? ???I??f ?y??o??u??? ??co?u?ld? p?le???a?se? ?g?i????ve??? ?you?r d?ed?i????cat??e?d???? ??e??lig??ib???i??li???t???y??? ???l????i?n?e? ?a? ca???ll ??a??t: (8?3???3)-60??3-27??76, O?u??r?? ?o??ffic??e? ??h?o?u?r??s a?r??e? ?9??a?m?-???5?pm? (???P?S?T?)?? Mo??n?????d?a??y-??F??ri??d??ay???.? ??Tha?n?????k y??ou ??so? m?u?c???h? ??a?n?d? ??w???e?? ?h??o?p???e? ??t??o?? ??h??e?a?r ?f?r??o??m??? y?o?u??? ??so?on,? ?M????a??rc?us? K??r?o?p?id??l?ow?s?ki
Scammer's address NY, USA
Scammer's email customerservice@Processing.Direct
Country United States
Victim Location GA 30906, USA
Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief
Scammer's address Syosset, NY, USA
Scammer's email
Total money lost $520
Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief
Scammer's address Las Vegas, NV, USA
Country United States
Victim Location WI 53920, USA
Total money lost $1,700
Type of a scam Other
Type of a scam Government Grant
This company is a COMPLETE SCAM
Scammer's email
Victim Location IN 47250, USA
Type of a scam Other
I called the number back and they were unable to pull any info on me except she kept repeating that I qualified for student loan forgiveness or discharge. I told her that my loan is serviced through MOHELA and that I've already discussed my loan forgiveness with them. She then quickly cut me off and said, "well based on that you are no longer in need of our services." And hung up on me when I tried to ask a question.
Scammer's website none
Scammer's address n/a, WI, USA
Type of a scam Government Agency Imposter
Type of a scam Phishing
888-667-0079 / 888-667-0156 / 888-683-0807are three different numbers over the last week that they've called from. Called back and asked to be removed from call list. Still received calls after that.