Reports & Reviews (6) Contacts
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If you know any contact information for, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's website
Scammer's address CA, USA
Country United States
Victim Location CA 94563, USA
Type of a scam Retail Business
We have noticed that your Apple iCloud id was recently used at "APPLE STORE - CA" for $143.95, paid by Apple Pay Pre Authorization. Also some suspicious sign in request and apple pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us. In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. Your Photos, Data, Bank Information and Cards are at risk. If NOT you? talk to an Apple Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed. Call +1 8082065581 immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department :
Have a great day!
Scammer's website
Scammer's address HI, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location SC 29401, USA
Type of a scam Retail Business
Apple Approval Notice
We have noticed that your Apple iCloud id was recently used at "APPLE STORE - CA" for $143.95, paid by Apple Pay Pre Authorization. Also some suspicious sign in request and apple pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us. In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. Your Photos, Data, Bank Information and Cards are at risk. If NOT you? talk to an Apple Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed. Call +1 8082065581 immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department:
Have a great day!
Scammer's website
Scammer's address Cupertino, CA 95014, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NE 68134, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Also some suspicious sign in request and apple pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us.
In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. Your Photos, Data, Bank information
and Cards are at risk. In Not you? talk to an Apple Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed.
Call +18082181813 immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department :
Have a great day!
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location TX 78233, USA
Type of a scam Tech Support
We have noticed that your Apple iCloud id was recently used at
"APPLE STORE - CA" for $143.95, paid by Apple Pay Pre
Authorization. Also some suspicious sign in request and apple pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us. In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. If NOT you? talk to an Apple
Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed. Call +1
immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department: https:// Have a great day!
Scammer's website
Country United States
Victim Location MO 63090, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Apple Approval Notice
We have noticed that your Apple iCloud was recently used at \"APPLE STORE - CA" for $143.95, paid by Apple Pay Pre Authorization. Also some suspicious sign in request and apply pay activation request detected. That looks like suspicious to us. In order to maintain the security and privacy of your account we have placed those request on hold. If NOT you? talk to an Apple Representative. Failing may lead to auto debit and charge will not be reversed. Call +1 8663253171 immediately to cancel this charge.
Billing Department :
Have a great day!
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NV 89129, USA
Type of a scam Phishing