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Swiss Machinery LLC

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Swiss Machinery LLC Reports & Reviews (4)

They will try to hire you, put you in a month long training program pre employment where they will ask you to take on an additional project, which ends up being you buying equipment on your credit card and you wiring yourself the money from their bank account. The phone numbers given don’t go anywhere, you can’t look them up on LinkedIn. Everything was suspicious and seemed too good to be true. Sadly it was. They were very vague when questions were asked and was very avoidant.
Employment scam


All virtual hiring promising to pay in the 100K range. Never had a zoom call it was all over the phone with a "HR assistant" and email. I was 4 days into the 1 month long "training" when my relentless research trying to find something on the company paid off. I found a report exactly like this one but in NYC with the same exact details of my experience. They told me they will open a new office in LA, they haven't asked me for money yet but the other scam report said at the end of the training they ask you to buy office equipment with your own credit card. Their phone number and answering system was all automated and never said the company name, also it was always automated, no human ever answered. The HR lady was an Indian sounding lady and my "manager" leading me through training was named Jeremy, but he sounded older and had some sort of eastern European accent. All of their listed addresses are gigantic office buildings that are hard to verify if their company is actually there. Besides their fake but believable website there is no footprint of this company ever existing, I researched EVERYWHERE and found nothing, you can check the state's LLC registry they claim to have an address in but there isn't any name registered with an LLC by their name. The only thing I am glad about is that I only spent four days thinking it was real, until I found a report of someone who went through the whole process, which is why I decided to take the time to fill this out in hopes it will help someone else out there. If you are in talks with them just move on. Hopefully this report helps, along with the other report I found on here. Good luck.


Interview then Hire (all virtual). Multiple emails back and forth as a means of Training. Training Session mixed with asking not-yet-employed trainee to purchase equipment from their selected vendor using your personal credit card. Promise to reimburse you while on-boarding a month later in their brand new office in New York City which is yet to be furnished. No responses when I raised questions about benefits. No responses when I raised questions about the offer letter. I was told to not tell anyone about the Training Sessions or the name of the company in the letter titled "Offer of Employment". While there were no responses to my questions about benefits, there was a consistent push about making the purchase for them for their NYC office with my personal credit card which I did not do. There was also an incentive to stay doing their Training Sessions to receive $2000 at the end of the Training Session as a 1099. So obviously if you realize it's a scam and stop participating in the Training Sessions, you lose the promised $2k and you've wasted almost one-month of your time Training with this Swiss Machinery company.


I received this same information. Something definitely seemed off about this role.

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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Swiss Machinery LLC, but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.


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