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Tammy Gilbert

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Tammy Gilbert Reports & Reviews (164)

• Sep 23, 2024

I met her on Spicy app, and I was the one who took the initiative to message her since it shows that she's somewhere near the area. I dunno if this scammer is a Filipino, but you can definitely change your location here once subscribed.

I was just being friendly at first then asked for her FB account, shows that it was made 2021 đŸ˜” like they have been using this for years! Even made a fundraising for cancer 😂

I haven't had the chance to talk to her or him, whoever's behind the account, even when I had missed calls since I was busy working. We didn't talk much but she said that she loves me very much like wth we've been talking for only 2 weeks haha that's a red flag for me, so I ended up searching for her and used a reverse image. And mind you girls, they have created a lot account of hers 😔

I'm a busy person but definitely this is interesting for me, I mean, I'm playing their games pretending I dunno anything. Lately, she asked for my Skype and wanted to do video call but never happened. And still message me from this date 😂

Maybe they got bored of me since I only agree when they say "I can't talk much now I miss you" or "I lost my signal I miss you so much". I would only reply, I understand or take your time etc. Even when I haven't seen the real Talitha. I mean, it's only been 2 weeks and we barely talk so I guess it was easy. But rn, I'll keep playing along since I'm bored 😁 haha

But tbh, I fell in love seeing the real Talitha, like she was so hot đŸ”„ I couldn't do anything 😭

Spicy app: Juliana Flores
Facebook: Juliana Flores
Skype: Flores Julia
Skype link: live:.cid.65ae64a7739acd0a
Email: [email protected]
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores
Goes by the name Juliana Flores

• Sep 24, 2024

Girl, no don't do it lol, just move on. Trust me, I was bored too so I kept responding. Anyway I tried finding who the real girl was to warn her that scammers are still using her photos. Yeah, the real her looks like an amazing person and it's hard not to have a crush on her.

• Sep 12, 2024

App: Hinge
Name: Riella
Location: Maui, Hi
Name given: Lucia “Gabriella” Reyes Rodriguez

Well is there a support group for this? 😅 Basically the same story as the majority here. Sick mother, Can’t VC, although I think they just played a video of her when you connect for a few seconds, tries to gain your trust by giving you their bank account details. I didn’t find this site until now so basically wasted about 3mos. And they almost declined in messaging when they knew they weren’t going to get any money from me. I try to just focus on the good of people so I was just thinking why would someone go out of their way to do these things. The worst part is the emotional investment you give and then the heartache you feel when you got too invested when you find out it’s not really her. I guess she’s pretty so it’s easy for them to make the other person interested. So yeah, they’re using her profile on hinge. Says she’s originally from NJ and is now residing in Hawaii. Do we still make an effort to reach out to the real her? Because it seems like they’ve been using her photos for years now. And it’s still ongoing.
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge
Riella on Hinge

• Jun 17, 2024

Je vois que je ne suis pas la seule à avoir été victime cette personne. Rencontrée sur l'application Zoé... Cette personne s'est présentée comme Mira Gilbert, capitaine sur un navire de GPL brésilien.
Comme beaucoup d'entre vous une personne avec qui il était agréable de discuter.
J'ai été en confiance à cause du faux compte bancaire et de la photo de son passeport.
Faites bien attentions Ă  vous.
Jamais quelqu'un d'honnĂȘte ne vous demandera d'argent sur Internet.
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert
Tammy Gilbert ou Mira Gilbert

• Mar 14, 2024

AprÚs un grand moment de honte et d'hésitation je viens témoigné comme vous.
Idem rencontre sur l'appli Zoé.
Beaucoup d'Ă©change (photos, message etc...)
Comme vous une maman malade etc.
Un jour elle m'a demandé de faire un transfert financier pour elle, et c'est là que le piÚge à commencer.
Je lui ai fait son transfert en pensant ĂȘtre sur le vrai site de sa banque.
Puis quelques semaines plus tard, elle me dit rentré en France pour retrouver sa maman qui est en fin de vie pour son cancer et me retrouver pour que nous soyons ensemble.
Elle me demande donc de lui faire un transfert de son compte pour payer les frais de fin de contrat Ă  son employeur pour qu'elle puisse ĂȘtre remplacer par un autre capitaine de bateau etc...
Et lorsque je vais pour faire le transfert et mettre ses codes de banques, c'est lĂ  que tout commence.
Compte bloqué suite a un mauvais code! donc forcément nous avons cherché a débloquer etc...
Et là le piÚge se referme elle me demande si je peux lui avancer la sommes qu'elle me remboursera bien évidemment. Et moi culpabilisant, en pensant avoir bloqué ses comptes j'ai cherché une solution.
RĂ©sultat 2 virements effectuĂ©s de 1500€ en 1 mois et demi, jusqu'Ă  ce que je commence Ă  me poser plus de questions et effectuer des recherches.
Bref, arnaque complÚte. Je lui en ai parler et elle m'a expliqué que son ex était jalouse et posaient des plaintes sur internet blah blah...
Elle essai encore de me contacter par moment mais je ne rĂ©ponds pas!car j'ai voulu essayer de garder le contact en espĂ©rant un Ă©ventuel remboursement peut - ĂȘtre un jour.
Je dispose des mĂȘmes photos que vous toutes etc...

• Jun 17, 2024

Je vois que nous avons Ă©tĂ© victimes de la mĂȘme personne Ă  peu de temps d'Ă©cart.
Bon courage pour se remettre de cela.

Is the same history, Ship oil captain, met her in ZOE app. 37 years old, from Torton, New Jersey, she moved 4 years ago to Guadalajara, MĂ©xico. She lived there for 2 years, her exgirlfriend was with some else, so they broke up. She is only child, she just have her mum, she has been working for that oil company for about 13 years, she has dog that is with her mum, her mum has a nany that she paid and she will do anything for ther mum. She seems to be so polite, tender, after 3 weeks her mum gets sick about a problem in her kidney, so she will move to turkey for a surgery. She never does a videocall o voice message, coz his job doesnÂŽt allow her. So she only uses google chat. The day her mum will travel to turkey for the surgery she lost contact with her mum and the nany coz internet conection and coz her phone has some problems. She finally contacts you so she gives you the nanyÂŽs phone number so you can send an ws and let her know she is fine but with some phone problems.. the nany let you know that she is gonna take care of the mum and take care of her with her life and then the nany tells you need to contact her boss to ask for fund for the surgery and for living those days... So Evelyn tell you that everything is under control , that she will do the transfer, she asks for your help getting in her account which is a fake webpage she is gonna trust your her password and all her personal information so you can help her with the transfer, so in there you can see she has a lot of money .. you do the transfer to her mum Rebecca Gilbert and after two days she needs to do another transfer to her company coz she is asking for a work permit to go and see her mum that now needs a second surgery... and there her bank sent a warning message coz they detected an usual transfer before... so she canÂŽt do that transfer and is there when she ask for monet 6200 dollars... no even in my dreams will send a penny to anyone... So, she is so desesperate that she ask you to ask money from your family, friends or just to know how much money you have in your account so she can uses... of course she mention she will pay everything as soon as she is on land ... she uses the email for google chat: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] and the last one I blocked the january 4,2023 was [email protected]
I been searching information about her and she is in many dating pages... I think IÂŽm not sure someone took his Identity.
She is in other date pages like mamba (wamba) she is Emilia 35 years old and also Auelyna, 33 years old from Madrid, in kinkdome is Tammy Wilbert 35 years old from Dallas, Tx , rocketbot app, connecting singles, Chaturbate and in a facebook page American Company in Kuwait.
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert
Now she is Evelyn Gilbert

• Sep 11, 2024

Hello, do you think the actual person knows about this? Because I've seen so many fake accounts on IG and FB that it's hard to determine which is her actual account. Because what if we contact her and it turns out to be one of the scammers too.

• Sep 11, 2024

Do you guys think that the real her really is aware that her photo's are being used? Because I've seen so many fake accounts that I don't even know if she (real Thalita) knows? Like what if we ever contact her and then come to find out that is also a fake account.

We wrote for half a year. Love like a beam. Then she started teasing me that she needed money for her sick mother. I didn't send a penny. I sent her a link to this page and she immediately blocked me. So I wrote to her from the second email, and the excuses started that it's not her, that she doesn't know who it is.So I told her that I knew she was a fraud, followed by a series of insults and blocking.


En fait moi aussi j'ai u la mĂȘme chose du mon Elisabeth camilla habite Ă  Marseille bla application sur Zoe forcĂ©ment au bout d'un mois elle a dit que sa mĂšre Ă©tait malade bref j'ai Ă©chappĂ© en faite don vrai mon Kimberly b Fernando j'ai lai conctate j'ai expliquĂ© et forcĂ©ment elle m'a bloquĂ© sur Facebook soit c'est elle qui fait les arnaque ou soi c'est un volĂ© identitĂ©

Met her on zoe app, and also said she is a captain working on LPG company, talking with her a months then she said her mum is very sick, bla bla. You guys can read the story of about part 1,2,3 of “girly”. I got exactly the same story of that
Im sure she is someone else in the world and steal pictures of real people. I got scam and trusted her and sent her money via Australia account even she was offshore.
She is really good to pretend that very sweet person and I fallen into her scam.
Be careful and of course every one got scam will be hurtful. But be strong and report it. And be careful if she asked for send money for those account below.
I reported every where I could.
Now she is arleen Wilfred
Now she is arleen Wilfred


Chatting to this supposed person right now, have to say I bought the story at first, also because that person started about videocalling etc herself. But I was getting sketchy fast: Instagram with name of the person is followed by dealers in the terms of bitcoin, love bombing, etc.

The email used for Google Chat: [email protected]

It’s a real shame this person isin’t real, the woman on the photos looks like such a kind and wonderful person.

Again, she used google chat and with email [email protected]

Ask you login to for help transfer money due to poor network

Unfortunately, I was a victim of this person too. Under the name of Edith Camila. She claims to be 37 years old and a chief engineer on a ship. She asked me for iTunes cards and then much more. She uses a fake passport to convince her victims. Fortunately this document is very badly made. I hope that this kind of person is arrested so that they can stop doing harm.

J’ai malheureusement Ă©tĂ© victime de cette personne Ă©galement. Sous le nom d’Edith Camila. Elle prĂ©tend avoir 37 ans et ĂȘtre ingĂ©nieur en chef sur un navire. Elle m a demandĂ© des cartes iTunes puis beaucoup plus. Elle utilise un faux passeport pour convaincre ses victimes. Heureusement ce document est trĂšs mal fait. J’espĂšre que ce genre de personne soit arrĂȘtĂ©e afin de ne plus nuire.
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila
New name Edith Camila


Now goes by Evelyn Harper

It is incredible how this person is, he is still scamming innocent people, luckily I realized it before I could get involved in his lies and started to investigate, thanks to the internet and to all of you for exposing your experiences here, I hope everyone can have access to this information and no longer falls into the hands of this predator.
Keep scamming


We met 3 weeks ago at Zoe. He wrote that she was from New Jersey, working as a Ship Captain on an oil ship, but she moved to Canada, where I am from. And after 2 days, she offered to go to Google chat. She was nice in communication, but even then I was tense why she asked me about money, a week later she asked again if I had any investments and wrote to me that she had, for example, 5 houses. I was even more surprised why she then works on a ship when she has such investments, to which she replied that this was her childhood dream. With each of our correspondence, I asked to send her photographs and sent mine in return, but I saw that in all the photos she looks different: different hair colors, different frames on glasses, and so on. And when I began to ask more in-depth questions about her work, she answered very dryly and not specifically. I asked to contact me this video chat, she started writing that she had bad internet. And when I asked when she would return to the land, she could not write me the exact date, and I realized that she was all mired in lies. Yesterday I googled the photo form and saw this site. And I realized how many have already suffered at the hands of these scammers. I wrote to her in a chat that I no longer believe her and she suggested that everyone go their own way. Take care girls.
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana
Meet to Zoe as Louise Ileana


I was also scammed by a fake imposter named Della of my hard earned money on Zoe app , all thanks to noble-allyfinancesecurity, com to help me retrieve my money back from this scammer , i will advise you all to also contact them


Hola buenas noches solo dime cĂłmo fue que te ayudaron a recuperar tu dinero que esta.persona te estafo?, necesito que me digas cĂłmo le hiciste porque tambiĂ©n fui victima y necesito recuperar mi dinero đŸ„ș😔

Hello, thank you for your review. I also make contact with Did you have any succes with this business? I hope i hear from you:)!

I met her on the Zoe app as Sandra Lopez. we are still texting through google chat and she has also sent me the same pictures as the ones on here. The scammers has only asked me for an iTunes card of $50 and then told me it wasn't working. which was a lie. so far they haven't asked for more. I also have sent personal pictures to the scammer. they a new email twice.

The same happens to me I start talking to this girl name is Elizabeth Camila the same story all y’all al writing I feel so bad she tell me to help her with his mom she was very sick she need some money she give me all his details I make a tranfer from his account to his mom account she send me a lot of pictures I send her picture of me thanks I see this page I get a bit of scare about the tranfer


Mi ha contattata adesso su telegram il suo Nik Ăš @wilfred3
Wilfred Arleen


I was scammed out of money from this person. Please stay away from this person. I believe it’s a few people behind this. She has many names.
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson
Her name is now Claire Laura Thompson


She contacted me in ZOE's app a few days ago. She says she is a sailor and travels to Asia and Africa. She's 37, lives in NJ with her mom, she has had a hard life and a broken heart. She asked me to move to Google Chat to be in touch, her email is [email protected]. She was very talkative the first day and it has been two days since her last message, I'm waiting for her sad story and that she need money. Is no the first time I have been in this situation, there are so many scammers in dating apps that you can't imagine.
I hope this information can help to stop this person.
Tammy is now Amelia
Tammy is now Amelia
Tammy is now Amelia

Screenshot the photos here and share them back with her. That will get them to disengage. I have Arleen on Zoe. Waiting for her to respond to my powelike or whatever that is.

He starts falling in love, saying he loves a lot, there is already something wrong there, he tries to get involved and then starts scamming. Create a group against this scammer +51912081769
julia tammy
julia tammy
julia tammy
julia tammy


She had a tiktok account goes by Arleen724 but it was taken down after I confronted her about it. I also found an IG account with the name Arleen Wilfred.
Arleen Wilfred uses number after the name "Arleen Wilfred " .
Please don't engage with her because you will be wasting your time and efforts which will mean nothing to her/he/they...
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3
Arleen Wilfred part 3

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