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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with TTEC COMPANY INC [imposter]? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

TTEC COMPANY INC [imposter] Reports & Reviews (68)

- Covington, LA, USA

Responded to a Job Search match on the LA Hire site after my weekly certification for " IHOP Office Assistant"; "Apply Now" took me to SnagAJob, a legitimate search engine/listing site. I received an email inviting me to an on-line interview the next day via Google Hangouts from

Felicia Brown instructing me how to upload Hangouts and who to contact -- [email protected]. I thought this was a bit odd, but okay; then thought it was more odd when it did not include a video link. Nonetheless, after 30-45 min. I was offered an Admin. Asst work-from-home job (as the office was not set up), an employment offer letter was sent via email outling a REALLY good payscale and benefit package.

A "procurement" check was overnighted which came with a "Funds Management Note" from someone who had both an email and a cell phone. Susan only responded to Hangout messages, not emails. So far, sounded odd, but possibly legit. No resume or references were ever asked -- ODD. I was told to keep $100 as a signing bonus. After running around procuring $2K, One Vanilla Visa cards and $500 iTunes, THANKFULLY my bank's fraud alerts kicked in -- everything was frozen.

After contacting the regarding the alleged employer, I was advised to check w/LA Hire, who suggested that I contact IHOP to confirm who they use for job listings, and to possibly contact my bank re: blocking incoming drafts.

After reading some of the scams on this site, I am convinced that I am another victim. Sadly, I found this on the LA Hire site as a "match". I'll know until later this week if the deposited check cleared my account, hopefully, I will not be out any $$$.

- Evansville, IN, USA

Applied to TTEC, based out of Temple, TX, for a part time job. I received an official job offer/contract. Was told they would send me checks via FedEx to purchase office equipment for the position. The checks were deposited to my account and I was told to send payment to designated "vendors" through PayPal and Zelle. The following day I was asked to purchase gift cards and send pictures of the gift cards and their numbers to additional "vendors". By this time, I was very suspicious and cancelled the gift cards I had purchased, filed a claim with Paypal and Zelle for the payments made to fake venders, filed a report with the Sheriffs office and called my bank. As of today, the checks they sent have been returned (obviously) and I will most likely be out the money that was spent before figuring out it was a scam.

This company lists various jobs on ziprecruiter, indeed, etc. They have a website, complete with social media, professional letter head, etc. I even researched reviews before committing to taking the job. Various emails and names used:

[email protected]

[email protected]

-Alexis Williams

-Lisa Moore

-Dr. Clara Johnsen

-Michael Wellman


I just recently found this site which is why I'm just now responding. I'm with the legitimate company TTEC and unfortunately, this was someone acting as an imposter and pretending to be with TTEC. It's good to see that you've reported this cyber crime as well.

We take these matters seriously. While ultimately it’s up to you to file a complaint with authorities, we would like your help with a few answers which will help us to continue with efforts to help project job seekers like you by collecting data on fraudulent job claims.

We request the following:

Please do send any type of communication you’ve had including any emails, letters, texts and screenshots of Google Hangouts or apps you used for communication. You can email them to [email protected].

Safe online job searching:
Here are a couple of blogs about safe online job searching – please do feel free to share with your friends and family!

Where to submit your complaints:

I see you submitted your complaints to a few places. You can also submit job scam complaints to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You can also submit to the FBI. Report the activity to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at or your local FBI field office, which can be found online at

Working with TTEC:
If you are interested in employment, please visit Please also note that TTEC team members will only have emails. We will not ask you to go to a Google Hangout either. Please do note the legitimate companies will never pressure you for personal information before you're hired. They won't ask about credit cards and they won't ask where you bank either.

Please do consider reaching out and sharing your information with me.



I am glad I saw this, I knew it was too good to be true. Got a email form John Harrison .But these scammers are getting more and more harder. I researched the company and thought the email was legit. Before money was even mentioned he asked me interview questions and everything so thats's what made me not sure.

But I knew something was up once I asked for a call and never got one. Plus the quote on quote employment offer plus any place that is willing to send you a check without even talking to you is a scam. I am glad I caught it before I even attempted to accept any money. I am only worried because they have my personal information. I don't understand how these job boards keep letting scammers post.


Saw an online job posting for a data entry clerk position at Chick-Fil-A for payroll and stock. I then received an email from john harrison telling me he would like to conduct an interview over hangouts. I thought it was odd because he did not set a time nor allow me to set a time, but instead just said to message him a confirmation code when I was ready. He said it was a work from home at any schedule type pf job, and then said training would pay $18/h and then after that it would be $25/h. This finally made me google his name with TTEC to see if anything came up. I found this thread and then backed out of the interview.


Hello Lily,
Thank you for your comment. I am with the legitimate company, TTEC and not the imposter that was messaging with you. It was great that you trusted your gut, googled his name and saw he wasn't with TTEC.

If you are still looking for employment, please do visit to learn about our company and to learn about our available positions.

There are nefarious cyber criminals that are acting as imposters for many companies across the globe and we want to share the red flags with as many people as possible for your protection. Please review these blogs to help you with a safe search online: />
Top things to note? We will never ask you to meet on Google Hangouts, pressure you for personal information such as Social or License # and never ask where you bank or for your credit card information. If you feel pressured to answer information "right now" or that something's not quite right - trust your gut and abandon the process until you do more research.


I received a email from [email protected] about a data entry job, working from home. I was told to join google hangout where we did a quick interview and was quickly "so called hired" and sent a employment offer letter. First red flag* (no company hires you that fast without cover their own [censored] and doing a background check)

He has a check for $3,600 sent to me overnight with a note inside titled" FUNDS MANAGEMENT NOTE" saying report to [email protected]. So I open new account away from my money and its put on hold and days later bounces because it was a FAKE CHECK. The bank flags the check and I'm charged $12 for it bouncing.

If you get anything similar to this watch out and please don't use your money to buy anything. Pay attention the obvious that this is not how a profession actual establishment runs business. In desperate times these scams may catch you off guard. Be careful.


WOW. Thank you for this. I got an email by John Peter Baird (Fishy name) early this morning to do a google hangout review with Kristina Mudd. She gave me an overview of the company and asked me a set of questions. I was told that I was hired for the position and would speak with the trainer the following day at 8AM. The trainer would provide steps on how to receive a check and pay for the start up equipment. Both individuals (Peter & Kristina) did not have TTEC affiliated emails. Also, the pay they promised (28$/hour) was different then the reviews and salary listed on Glassdoor. Be aware! I guess now I get to sleep in tomorrow.


We have been contacted by this lady via Facebook concerning employment with ttec. It would be as a data entry position online. We would be working from home, earning $15.00 an hour for 40-45 hours per week. They pay by direct deposit and would like our banking information. They said they need this also to wire us the funds to purchase the required software needed to do the job. This just seems fishy to me.

- Tucson, AZ, USA

I applied for a Data Entry Job on with Berkshire Hathaway. I received an email from John Harrison about "the data entry job that I applied for on Snagajob". He requested for me to message him on Google Hangout. I have the whole conversation printed that we had on Hangout. I thought it was legit but come to find out no they were not. They sent me a check via Fed-Ex for "working materials", which I received and deposited into my checking account. It was available to draw from the following day. He had me download the Cash App on my phone and attach my debit card to it. Then he had me pay $1000.00 to Vonda Jones, cashtag $Von0419, which went through but then he tried to have me put another $1000.00 through to Shantiona Vincent, cashtag $ShantiV which failed. Then he had me go to the nearest Walmart and purchase OneVanilla MasterCard Prepaid cards for $2000.00. When I tried to pay for them, that is when I found out that it really was a scam. I thought it might be all along, but I researched the companies and they seemed legit. Now my bank accounts are frozen and I am out the $1000.00. I am hoping that I can get the $1000.00 back from Cash App but I am not sure. I sent them an email also about the fraud. I really need to get the $1000.00 reimbursed due to family financial hardship.


John Harrison reached out to me as well for a Data Entry job on Snagajob, but for TTEC. I noticed during the Google Hangouts interview that his questions and process were the same as I had dealt with a couple interviews via UpWork (but these guys did not use the proper platform - they wanted to use Telegram for the interview). Once I saw his questions were the same I Googled for his name and the company name and found this site. Thank you to all that have posted here.

- Dallas, NC, USA

I had went to the bank today after another banker from another location said it was ok to deposit the check that was sent from this fake company and they said the check was counterfit and its a scam. I had lost all money in checking and I have to start all over again.The scammer was very rude to me when I questioned him about things and asked me why I can't follow simple instructions.The check was used for refunding me back the money I put into the business because I was told I was hired for the job and I needed to purchase my supplies to be delivered to me in order to start.The company sent me more money than they owed me and I was suppose to refund them a certain amount back.They didn't give me a logical answer as to why I couldn't just get the adequate amount and I had to refund them back via ebay gift cards, zelle, and cashapp.I kept on being harassed until their money was refunded.Once they found out I was on to them they sent me a rude message back and never contacted me again.I filed multiple claims to try to get my money back.


My next assignment was to obtain $350 for the software via gift cards. I was unable to load Google Hangouts on my iphone and was instructed to communicate with Lisa Thelemaque via [email protected] advising when I purchased the cards. I purchased $350 worth of cards via instructions sent through email conversation that I have saved. Instructions advised me to purchase (6) Steal Wallet Cards at $50/each and (1) Apple iTunes card. Then, I was asked to supply $879 more dollars. I asked Ms. Thelemaque to contact me on my cell and speak to me about questions I had concerning discrepancies in why I was initially advised that equipment and software would be shipped to me and why I need to provide additional monies. I then went to the Bitcoin machine in Mt. Laurel, NJ Lukoil location on Rt 73 and had issues scanning the code that was provided to me by Ms. Thelemaque. I told her that this back-n-forth communication via email was very inefficient and I demanded that she contacted me and she claimed that email communication was the preferred method. It was then confirmed that this organization or someone impersonating was part of a fradulent scheme. I looked up details online concerning Bitcoin and discovered that although this is a modern method of transferring funds between various organization and entities, it is also used in scams.

I immediately notified my bank, my credit card company, Maple Shade Police Dept, Social Security, Federal Trade Commission and will soon be contacting Transunion, Equifax and Experian credit bureaus to report this fraud. I learned a lot in this ordeal. Having been unemployed for 10 months, not receiving unemployment benefits since February, 2019 , struggling to bring income in for my family and attempting to work in a 100% sales commission job with no benefits, my judgment dropped a lot here. I depend on reputable companies like GlassDoor, LinkedIn, Monster, Indeed, CareerBuilder, etc to screen and validate who their recruiters are and whether they are posting legitimate jobs from legitimate companies on their recruitment sites. And I would expect that there would be processes to identify recruiters as being licensed entities.

If you look at TTEC (formerly known as Tel-Tech) on your Glassdoor site, their ad appears legit like any other job posting that I have applied to. The imposter recruiter, Lisa Thelemaque, has credentials on LinkedIn that would appear to be perfectly legit. There are YouTube videos of TTECH training that also appear to be legit. However, I feel that job posters should be required to identify themselves on Glassdoor by providing a FEIN or some type of identification that proves they are a legitimate company. Job seekers rely on your security and would think that you have measures in place to screen for fradulent job recruiters. The Maple Shade Police agreed that TTECH's company website appears legit. My faith in applying to jobs and believing that companies are reputable should be further relieving upon reaching out to recruiters on Glassdoor.

Today, I attempted to contact TTEC main phone number numerous times and finally was able to get through and spoke to a ‘Charmaine” and went through the entire series of events with her and asked her to report this to her management team. Charmaine confirmed that there is no “Lisa Thelemaque” working for TTEC.

In trying to provide for my family, my judgment and guard was let down in what I thought was a legitimate recruiter. I may be out $350 and glad it was no more than that. My greatest concern now is that there are scam artists out there who now have my personal information, my photo and may now impersonate me, attempt to open up further credit and/or cause other detrimental situations that would impact my credibility and my reputation which may hinder me finding a job; not to mention the impacts this would have on other innocent people as well.

My confidence in a reliable recruiter is further elevated when I find favorable employee reviews on the company's Glassdoor site, when I see the company listed in a Top 10 list on your site and find training videos on YouTube from TTEC. From my standpoint, this job posting/application appeared like any other job application. I would appreciate Glassdoor's assistance in providing better recruiter screening, monitoring and alerting processes and help in bringing these and other scam artists to justice.

- Maypearl, TX, USA

I saw a posting on a Facebook group page about a job working from home . The lady sent me a message saying I would need to download the hangouts app To proceed with an admin to do an interview . At first it seemed normal then they asked for credit card username and passwords so they could deposit money into my account to pay for the materials I needed to start working. Also they had grammatical errors and would not verify their employment through TTEC. I contacted the company directly and they said they do not use google hangouts app for recruitment.

I applied for an "Amazon" job posting on the job search site I filled out the information to create a profile and applied for the job. The next day, I received an email from a "James Douglas" from TTEC HUMAN RESOURCES [email protected] supposedly, with the email subject: "SNAGAJOB INTERVIEW INVITE!!". Instructions on how to contact the hiring manager on Google hangouts asap were given. It sounded kind of strange to me to have an interview and briefing on Hangouts, but I contacted a "Tommy [email protected]" anyways. Once the interview was done, he told me I passed it and I was going to be hired as a Customer Service Representative with TTEC with an hourly pay rate of $25 working from home, starting the very next morning at 8 am. He then asked for my information, age, address, phone numbers, bank I wanted to use for the direct deposit, etc. I was supposed to buy from their "vendor" a Macbook, software, antivirus, printer, headsets, etc., to be able to do my job from home. I got a check for US $2,750 the next day, but I had a feeling about everything being too easy and too good to be truth. The check was fake as did some research about a bank I have never heard of, plus some other weird hints I found, like a company letter without letterhead, and another gmail address I had to contact once I got the check for further instructions: [email protected], AP/Financial officer and a phone number (646) 475-6943.

The address on the FedEx envelope: Kelly Neff Lonza - Bio Science 8830 Biggs Ford Rd Walkersville, MD 21793 US, mailed on Nov 6 Th.

I confirmed later on reading on line at the TTEC website, an article about safe online job searching.... the red flags were there.

I am very disappointed and frustrated. Thank God I stopped any contact with those people and never cashed the check before I was a complete victim of these scammers. They prey on the need to find a job, and I can't believe a company that is supposed to be safe to find jobs -Snagajob- doesn't do any research on job posters to protect their users.

I emailed TTEC and Snagajob. Haven't heard from them to this date, almost a week later...


I cashed the check before realizing it was a scam. What should i do?

Similar to the story above I was applied for a data entry position on The pay was 18 $/hr for training and 25 $/hr for work. Hired me immediately for a full-time position but could not specify what the hours were. I was contacted and hired over google voice chat by a hiring manager. However, he did not ask me to provide proof of residency or eligability for employment to work. His email is [email protected]. He said he would mail a check that I would need to purchase work supplies in order to start the job. The check was issued by Gluck Development Co., Inc. from CA, but the AP/Financial Officer number (646)4756943 is from a New York borrough. Email was [email protected] The letter I received mentioned nothing of TTEC and seemed suspicious. The letter has a section that says to disregard any information about a payment manager that has left the payment department and to ignore any new email other than the email provided in the letter which is not a TTEC email. The hiring manager pressured me repeatedly to cash the check and send him a confirmation slip.

- Jasper, TN, USA

I saw a posting on Facebook about a job from a friend. She sent me a message saying I would need to download the hangouts app for the application. I had a code to do this. At first it seemed normal then they asked for credit card username and passwords so they could pay off part of it and I could buy working materials. Also they had grammatical errors and would not verify their employment through TTEC. I contacted he company directly and they said they do not use google hangouts app for recruitment.

- Birmingham, AL, USA

They inboxed and said they can work from home they have to load data on a apple computer and need $500 to load data and send it by steam card

I was told to complete my interview via Hangouts, I wasnt familiar with the app however I thought it was similar to Zoom but it was nothing at all like it. I was told that I was going to receive a sign up bonus for a work from home job which was to be used to purchase the software needed to fulfill the job requirements.They then proceeded to ask for my bank login stating that they needed it to deposit my check via the mobile app. I told them that I wasnt comfortable giving out my bank info, they continued to try and persuade me but it didnt work. I want to make everyone aware that they are using the credentials of a well known company (TeleTech Holdings) and trying to rip people off in the meantime. There were two different email addresses they gave me

- Gurnee, IL, USA

Attempted to have me wire transfer funds to their vendor...I have all the emails and documentations if you need them.

Sam Mauro


- Converse, TX, USA

Susanna Barrera posted about work from home positions for customer service and data entry positions for company TTEC on a Facebook page. I messaged her and she told me to use google hangouts to message employer at [email protected]. The person responding was impersonating the company since I contacted company to verify and said they do not use gmail. I’ve included images of conversations. I believe they wanted me to cash a fake check to receive my bank information.


Matched an online job posting on indeed for Private company customer service rep. They texted my phone number telling me to sign up for google hangouts to be interviewed by Mr. John Baird the hiring manager. They asked a few questions and said my training and offer of employment would be sent the next day to be on google hangouts promptly at 8 am. At 8 am they instructed me to add another account for Priscilla Mary Lupo my trainer email [email protected]. She sent me an offer of employment with a start date basically the standard offer. Then to apparently work at TTEC you have to purchase equipment, but they said that they send you a cheque and a list of what to buy. The scam was sending me a cheque from a company called Crystal Clear Vision Canada Inc. for the amount of $2,450.00. then asked me to deposit into my account by phone. The trainer kept asking me when the cheque was deposited. I didn't. I asked her why the cheque was from Crystal Clear Vision (a company that has declared bankruptcy) she said it was an affiliate of them. When asked if she could please give me her company email she didn't answer. SCAM

Check fields!

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