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United Aid Group

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United Aid Group Reports & Reviews (78)

This company stole my personal information by getting into my FSA without my Consent.
They changed my FSA password


According to the fraud division, multiple reports have been submitted against this company for scamming people and making them believe they work for the department of education. They have pinpointed this company to be out of the east coast and are currently investigating them. They had me call and record the call. The FTC redirected me to the fraud division after I submitted my report. Do not fall for their scam and DO NOT PROVIDE ANY BANKING INFORMATION. The person I recorded went by the name of Carol and asked me to pay 1000 dollars or I would be garnished.
Fraud Company


Oh Wow

My friend gave me their number and company name to call about my UOP student loans. Thankfully I decided to look into their company first! My friend will be shocked when I show her this. Thank you!

I was on the phone with this scammers. While they put me on hold, my gut feeling told me to look them up. As soon as I typed in the name of their “Company” all of this came up. They almost got me too! I knew something was odd when they reseted my Student Aid password. Again, Thank you Scamplulse!


This people called me twice today. The first time they asked me to pay 900 dollars for their services. After I declined the same guy called me from a blocked number and said he would do the same services himself if I payed him 200 dollars. I looked up their business address and it turns out that it’s only a virtual office. Like ten other company’s use the same address, all possibly from the same group of scammers but only using different businesses to prey on people for their hard earned money. I will be reporting them to the local authorities.


I have called the number they provided to me for 3 days straight now and nobody answer or returns my call. I look up United Aid Group to possibly find a different customer service number and what look at what I come across! I will try calling them again tomorrow, but this time to get my money back. How do I denounce this company to the FTC? Please help me if anybody knows how or has a number I can call!


18773824357 they will ask for details. Send them a picture of the call and the emails they sent to you. They ask for the persons name that call you and if possible, call and record them. That’s what they asked me to do. They give you a claim number and also forward you to the fraud division to track where your money went.

Thank you @scampulse!


They got my sister. But I will do my best to help other people from going through the same thing

They sounded so legit. I hung up as soon as I saw this reviews. I proceeded to call the DOE and they confirmed it. United Aid Group is already on their "watch list" for scamming people.

Exactly! I was pulling out my debit card just as my daughter showed me this reviews! They almost got me too! Thanks X2 @scampulse

I am so glad that I came here to check the reviews. They sounded so legit that I almost fell for it. Luckily I was able to all of this before giving them my banking information. I filed a report to the FTC also. Thank you so much to all of you who left reviews. I am a single mother struggling to make ends meet. It is unfortunate that scammers like this exist.
Scam alert!!!


Nelnet confirmed the discharge of my $8344 loans as of yesterday.

Does UAG charge a fee for their service? WHY WOULDN'T THEY?!

Did they have to access my FSA and sensitive information? Umm, of course they did- how else are they going to file a claim on my behalf without this information?

Did they claim to be the DOE or some other entity? Nope.

Were they professional and knowledgeable? absolutely.

Did any of the people trying to accuse them of being a scam, actually GET scammed? It seems as though people are scared (rightfully so) and in turn, try to sabotage the very people who are offering them help.

Was I a little hesitant at first? Yes! I scoured the internet for information and found very little on them.
I saw some "reviews" (if that's what you want to call them- I call them "uneducated rants"), such as all of these here and just thought to myself each time: "but how did they actually get scammed? It appears as though these people are just making assumptions and slandering this company!" I came across far more positive reviews- all of which were by folks who actually went through with UAG.
I contacted a few of these people from social media and asked them for more details. Some of them had minor complaints like that the person they were dealing with is no longer working there, or that they didn't receive a response to emails immediately, etc. Of all the feedback, the worst one was that they were told their entire balance would be discharged, but in the end they were left with around $600 of their like $30000 loans for some reason.

My advice: if you have questions or are reluctant, just ask them questions. Most people have an instinct that kicks in when you're being swindled. See how the answers to your questions make you feel.

My conclusion: one of the best decisions I have ever made. Y’all are going to be kicking yourselves…


Too obvious that you're the scammer.

Sounds like your the scammer. Can you upload your discharge letter with your name and balance on it?

This self-proclaimed student loan advisors tricked me into allowing them to change the password on my FSA. They asked me for my DOB and proceeded to reset my password, making me believe the 6 digit security code that was texted to me was to confirm Identity, but instead it was actually to reset my password and to access my FSA which contains all my personal information. SS number and student loan details. I became weary when I asked my “student loan advisor” (which is how she identified herself) to explain to me why my subsidized loans didn’t reflect on my credit report.. come to find out, this so-called advisor had no idea what the difference was between subsidized and unsubsidized loans, yet she claimed to be a “professional”. DO NOT LET THIS SCAMMERS RESET YOUR PASSWORD. They will have access to all of your personal information. I will be taking legal action against them for their misleading advertisement.


You should definitely let them know directly if you had an issue with one of their employees. Everyone I spoke to was extremely knowledgeable.

I got a call from this guys last year on September. They told me they would be able to get my loans discharged and charged me 900 dollars. After that it was nearly impossible to get a hold of them for any updates. I never received the packet that they claimed they would send to me and when I finally called the department of education they told me that companies like this are a scam. They basically charge you for something that you can do all on your own. I know I won’t get my money back after reading this reports. I already filed a complaint with the FTC and I advise anyone to stay away from this kind of companies. Here is the link to where you can file the claim all on your own:


I owed over $41,000, I paid this company $1,600, they were very helpful with everything. Yesterday I received an email from Nelnet, letting me know that my loans have been discharged finally! It's been almost 2 years since I signed up with United Aid and I was getting impatient, but they are always so nice about giving me updates every time I check in, and finally I got the letter. I really appreciate this company because without them I would have no idea how to go about this whole procedure. They are definitely not scamming people, and as someone mentioned in previous reviews, people are just upset that they charge a fee. This is America, nothing is free.


Said they get rid of school loan because of the school being fraudulent. Asks for money to get rid of the debt. Sends mail to fill out and everything. I haven't been able to get a hold of them for months now. Attached is a form they sent to start the process. They also mailed forms to fill out about my school experience i had with the fraudulent school, And sent back to them.


So you are saying that they helped you file, but you just haven't talked to them in a few months? Have you tried calling them? I've been working with them for over 9 months and always get someone on the line, responses to my emails, even text messages. I'm just curious though, how exactly did you get scammed? It seems a bit insensible to be accusing a company of scamming you without any actual proof or explanation as to how they actually scammed you...Although I'm not sure how seriously to take your complaint, solely based off of your vague and poorly presented explanation.

It’s baffling how many people are writing bad reviews because they didn’t agree with the sign up cost. I get it, we are all skeptical of being scammed. But company is legit. They got my $16k Sanford Brown student loan dismissed. Now it did take a while, almost 2 years to be exact. Legit company.


Help with school and student loan fraud takes time. This isn't an episode of Law & Order. It won't be wrapped up with a pretty bow in a single 45 minute episode. Quality help takes time.

As a little girl, my dad said, "You can have it good. You can have it fast. You can have it cheap. But you can't have all three. You don't even get two. This is life.".

United Aid Group has the ability to help you. $42,000 in student loan debt--poof! Gone. (Thank you, UAG!). BUT--you have to do your part, too. This starts with keeping your expectations realistic.

Yes, complex legal processes that involve the Federal government take what seems like a long time. Any legal process takes a long time and is expensive. A small claims filing? 2 years for full resolution. Wrongly convicted? 2 years to get into a court room. Make an honest mistake on taxes? 2 years for the IRS to notify you (in addition to taxes owed, you have to pay a penalty and interest for the 2 years they took to notify you). Bankruptcy? 2 years for full discharge. Adopt a child? 2 years minimum. Ex-spouse filing BS claims against you? 2 years for full resolution. Need court records sealed? 2 years. Employment discrimination? 2 years to get into court.

To get ANY of these things accomplished? Expect to pay upfront. Small claims--$400 in multiple filing fees. Wrongly convicted--$14,000 to get into a court room. Legal tax assistance--$500 to $1000 to start the process. Bankruptcy--$1000. Change the bankruptcy hearing date--$600 to re-file. Adoption--$20,000. Ex-spouse BS--$10,000. Sealing court records--$4000. Employment discrimination--$15,000.

Again--expect to pay upfront for assistance, and expect to wait 2 years. Anything requiring legal expertise or representation is costly and time consuming. $100,000 in student loan debt that you would love to unload? Compared to the $100,000 you will have to pay on the loan, $900 is like, free. It is 0.9% of $100,000. Deal with it. Pay it.

You were lead down the primrose path by your school and loan officers (a.k.a loan sharks) just like me. You screwed up. So did I. It takes money to correct mistakes, even naive, honest mistakes. Put the UAG charges on a card that has fraud protection if you are seriously worried. Don't get indignant with the company that is offering to help you (do you really think this kind of help is good, fast, and cheap?). Be indignant with the shiesty school and loan institution that took your money, time, and dignity.

Be indignant that you have been led to believe BBB "accreditation" means something of worth. BBB accreditation can be purchased AND requires payment of annual dues and fees. It is just as worthless as the "accredited" schools we attended. Ask this question: Who is accrediting the BBB? Who is watching the "watch dog"? No one. Read 'em and weep, kiddos.

And keep your expectation realistic. Thanks, Dad. I love you and miss you.


“Thanks dad, I love you and I miss you”. Hahaha This scammers are a joke.

I am so happy I cried. I went through UAG for help with my defaulted loans from Argosy, as well as the borrower defense discharge. Everyone I've dealt with has been more than helpful, honest, and just overall great. I told them I'd help spread the word of their amazing service, so that's why I'm here...I actually signed up with Sarah Robinson close to 2 years ago, and I'm just reeling with joy from what she did for me. I got $211k COMPLETELY DISMISSED you guys! I'll always consider this to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself.


It took 2 years? I have about $240K in student loans. I’m just about to start working with Sarah Robinson.

Millions of students are suffering for their unfruitful, valueless, and misled student loan burden-I am one of them. While I am looking for a way out, United Aid Group (Vivian Rodriguez) contacted me. Another advisor, Fany discussed the program and asked for the service charge to start the submission process.
I have decided to check UAG on BBB site but failed. UAG is not accredited by BBB. Also, there are lots of negative images/scams on the web which makes me confused.


Was asked to provide my debit card info for the contract, kind of threw me off so im here doing research


Any movement or progress here? I'm doing the exact same thing

I almost didn't even do business with them because of the few crappy reviews I saw on here, but I am so glad I followed my gut and went with them. I signed up about 5 months ago and I am still waiting on my full dismissal to be received, but I know it takes quite a bit of time. I attended Rasmussen for my BA and it was awful. As of right now, my $18000 loans are being held by the DOE while I'm waiting for the discharge. United Aid Group has helped me so much, I was about to go into default and now my credit is already up close to 80 points! They also helped me get enrolled in the PSLF program so my University loans will be handled that way. Im so thankful for the help.


It's crazy to me that anyone could think this company is a scam! It seems that these "scam reporting" sites are just scams in and of themselves, as all these reviews don't really have any info on how the company actually scammed them- just the process that was presented to them by United Aid Group. I had signed up with them, knowing that they are third-party who is knowledgeable and with experienced professionals that would be handling my claim. I tried to submit an app for loan dismissal in 2017 on my own and was denied by the DOE because my case wasn't "strong enough" in their eyes. After watching several of my classmates get their loans dismissed, I decided to try to go through a company who offers a guarantee. I paid about $1000 in total, in September of 2019, with a Loan Advisor named Fritz, and I recently received my full dismissal of $78,363 from Everest College! I also was informed by the DOE that I am entitled to a refund of about $2000 that I had paid toward my loans in the past! This is life-changing for me. I think the problem is that people get scared by all the ACTUAL scams that are out there regarding Loan Forgiveness, and then see these ridiculous "reviews" about this business, and back out of something that really could've helped them. All I have to say, is I am so grateful for United Aid group and I encourage anyone who is considering submitting a claim, contact them right away.


I'm skeptical about handing over a card. I don't want to be out $hundreds should it be a scam.

United Aid Group in San Diego, CA called me this morning, Student Loan Advisor Erick Casanova wanted me to give him my credit card info to start taking payment of $399.00 for 5 months to forgive my student loans because the collage was a fraud and I told them to call me back after 12:30pm because I was at work and I did not have my credit card so I went onto this better business bureau website and searched and there is no business under that name of business.


to have an A+ without accreditation is even better- means they didn't pay for their rating! :)

Businesses can pay for their ratings. That doesn’t really mean a lot.

They're on there with an A+ rating, just not BBB accredited

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United Aid Group Contacts

United Aid Group associated photos:


501 W Broadway Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101, USA



+1 (949) 767-5991


This website was reported to be associated with United Aid Group.


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