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[email protected]

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[email protected] Reports & Reviews (1)

- Greenville, NC, USA • Jun 26, 2024

If I attempt to open a link that is supposedly "unsafe" my computer immediately locks up. A message pops up stating I'm attempting to be hacked and provides a phone number, supposedly at Microsoft, that I must call to unlock my computer. There is no way to get rid of that message and unlock my computer except to call the number provided. Turning it off doesn't work, and nothing else I've tried has worked. I didn't really have cause to question this until this last time, which occurred on 6/15/2024, I think. This time the person to whom I spoke was so unprofessional after about an hour of going in circles, and when $1400+ disappeared from my checking account while I was on the phone with this person, I got MAD. He claimed he there was a computer glitch, and he was trying to return the money, but was unsuccessful. I was angry and afraid, and refused to communicate further with him....told him when my money was returned, then we'd talk. Over the next several days he repeatedly tried to call me but I refused to take his calls and finally had to block his number, so he just called me on a different number. I hace some documentation that I copied from my phone history and screenshots I took during my last experience.

I am going to my bank today to close my current accounts and open new ones, but I want this to stop and just don't know where to turn at this point. I've tried to contact fraud at Microsoft, but that was a fruitless effort. Thinking of just calling the FTC myself.

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