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US Federal Grant Department

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US Federal Grant Department Reports & Reviews (58)

I went on line for a free government grant for a solar panel. Mr. Jimmy Pace called and stated my ID Number was HD176. I was told to go to Wall Greens or CVS and pick I Tune card, and put $200 on card (For taxes) . Then go to Wal Mart call Mr. Pace. Get a Western Union Gram and put number on it 2450156792. While I have him on line, then he will explain how I will receive $10,264.

I received a phone call from US Federal Grant from 360-928-6324. They said I won a $5000 grant and I would need to go to Walmart or Walgreens to obtain a $300 card to send them the money to receive my grant. I told him to give me more information and why do I have to pay money for a grant. They got angry and cursed at me and said some vulgar things.

I received a phone call about grant funds that I had been approved for. The guy named Gary wanted me to go to Walgreens to purchase a $250 card and then give him the card # so he could call the Federal Reserve Bank of NY and give them the "access code" so that he could have them Western Union the money onto the card at Walmart. When I told you him if this was government grant money you don't have to spend money to get money he hung up on me.

They called, used my name, identified themselves as a federal grant department, and then proceeded to shout expletives at me when I did not cooperate.

I received a call on 8/1/2016 @ 1840 from a guy who knew my name, address, and phone number. He claimed to be with the US Federal Government Grant Department. He claimed I was chosen randomly by my phone number for a $9,000 grant. He informed me to go to Western Union to pay a fee and get my money. I asked him what town he was in he said Washington D.C. I informed him that was wrong. I asked what is the number to his office he said you can’t call a government office. I asked to speak with a supervisor and he said hold on. A lot of talk went on in the back ground in a language I don’t speak and a man came on said he was Benjamin the boss of the Federal Grant Department. I asked what state did your office call he said Washington D.C. I said wrong he started to scream at me that he was not crazy and I didn’t know where he called me at. I asked for a number to his office he gave me 202-350-1172. I’m sure that it is fake but beware!

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Someone called and stated that they were from the US Federal Grant Department. She said her name was Glace Wilson. She said that you would be able to receive $7300 if you filled in a document that they sent after they sent the check. They asked for my address and said that they would send me the check and information. They did not ask for my zip code so I think they wanted to verify my address. They gave me an ID number which CR272. They said they would be sending the $7300 through the next 4 years. They said that I paid my bills and taxes on time and that was why I was qualified. They did offer to send the money to my Visa card which I declined. First they offered to send by Western Union.

First person called to tell me that i was eligible to receive $9,200. And to call the account rep @ 215-761-4969. This is when i was told to choose the money Graham location to get this money. Then i was told to call when i got to the parking lot and they would direct me what to do. And i would have to have $200.00 in hand as a fee charged by the federal government. That is when i told them that i didn't have the money and would have it the next day. Amanda then said no problem and to call tomorrow. This is when i called the BBB and was told this is a scam.

I received a call last week Jan 28, 2016 from a women with an accent from NY, NY, stating she was from the US Federal Grants Dept and I was one of 1500-1700 people chosen to receive free money from the government since I pay taxes, haven't filed for bankruptcy, etc and today the amt was $7800.00. She proceeded to give me a ref # HR413 and stated I needed to call 914-499-8236 to speak to a verification officer in the Federal Government office to get claim of the money. I called the ph# for 2 days and got no answer.

Today 2-3-16 I received 5 phone calls from a Seattle, WA #206-905-9614 and he names was Steven Carter ext 119 with the same story as above except the amount had changed from $7800 to $9200. He went on to tell me that I could go to a money gram at my nearest Walmart and the Federal Reserve bank was going to charge me 2.5% and it needed to be paid up front and in return the amount to me will be $9407.00 and i needed to go now to get it. I hung up on him. He called me back and stated that I could request it online l and wanted me to go to and send $207 to Daniel, Walton in FL and the website needed my bank account info, DL# etc. I hung up on again. About 30 mins later Alex Cooper called me from a NY, NY # 347-480-4142 and stated the same thing and I advised him this was a scam and i was going to report them and he begged and pleaded that he was the real deal and wanted me to call 206-204-5546 with an money confirmation # gg9955.

Caller said he was from the US Federal Grant Program and that I was entitled to free money from the government. Wanted me to provide my personal information like social and dob.

Phone number on caller id


Hung up on them and they called back.. The next number that came up was 00000000

- Zion, IL, USA

Man called, US Grants Department, to give me $9,700 for paying my bills on time, not having any felonies, and was chosen with 1500 others across the country. All I had to do was call 253-336-5437 and give them id#GM1146. I Googled 253 area code, was Washington. I called # spoke to James Hardy ext: 1004, my money would be sent via Money gram, after completing my registration. (A fee of $250 was required, but would be added to my grant, making it $9,950. Upon discovering I NOT HAVE $250 he asked if could get from friend or family? We finalized by my agreeing to take out of my social security check (delay a bill for that 1 day, until I get to Money Gram to pick up my cash). I would call him on 2/3 upon receipt of my government retirement check. No, they could not take directly from grant money. This finished today's call. Now, I am researching the veracity of the call, and as expected, it was a fraud attempt. Please advise if anything I can do to help STOP these people!! They were willing to let a 65yr old, living on social security, take $250 from her "bills money" and CHEAT HER. I'd enjoy turning the tables on them, if my help could be utilized. My phone ***, my email is: *** (please advise receipt of this message) Thank you. *** ***

- Red Creek, NY, USA

I was called and told that I was selected to receive $9,000.00 in grant money. That there are 1500 people who are selected. There is no taxes to pay and you don't have to pay it back. I was selected because I am a good citizen, have not filed bankruptcy and have paid my taxes. I was told that I could use the money any way that I wanted to. I was asked if I wanted to have the money deposited in my checking account or on my debit card and asked for that information. I also asked if I had picture id. I was asked to verify my address as well. I gave Raymond my checking account information and was told that the money would be deposited today. I was given an id# and a phone number to speak to Raymond's Senior Accounting Manager. The id# I was given was KR019 and the phone # was 509-293-5826. The id number and the phone number. I called that phone number and the person who answered asked for id# and asked if it had been explained to me about the grant money. I told her that I didn't believe it and she hung up on me. When I tried to call that phone # again there was no answer. I called my bank and put a hold on my account.

Recieved several phone calls from someone sounding as if they are in another country identifying themselves as someone from the US Federal Government Grants Group. The calls are showing different ANI's ( caller ID) each time and none are dialable ( which is against the law). They are from area codes 214,999,222,206,000. When asked if this is a scam, the caller responds saying "I say F%&K YOU!" " You say I'm a scam, I say F&*K YOU!" They are calling the cell phone constantly now. Caller was getting irritated becasue I asked for a dialable number to call them back on. Callers sound asian on the phone.

- Houston, TX, USA

I received a call saying that I was chosen to receive a $7,800 government grant. They asked for my banking information and asked me to give them $200 to receive it. I did not do it.

- M C B H Kaneohe Bay, HI, USA

Received a call from a 1-202-580-8487 person calling name (Dominic Green) proposed to be a worker for U.S. Federal Grants Department. (Dominic) continued to tell me that I was chosen for a federal grant for (9000) dollars and gave me a phone number to call> 315-314-3200 to receive this money. As a U.S. Military Active duty Police Officer I continued to ask this (Dominic) questions to try and find out what the deal was for, but didn't get any good information from him. I did not give him any of my vital information, nor did I hear him give me any of my information for confirmation reasons.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA received a call from a customer who was called by a US Federal Grant Money Department.  They told him he qualified for a government grant of $9200, however, he was asked to go to Wal-Mart and send  $250 by Western Union to  send them.  They told him he would get it back  from the $9200.  One phone number came from New York area and he talked with a 'Jack Smith.  The customer recalls that a few weeks ago he was in need of money and went on line looking for some loan to help him out.  He did not find one and now believes this may have initiated this type of call.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I got a call saying I had been chosen to receive a $7,000 grant but would have to send them a $100 MoneyGram. I spoke to a Mike Willis who is waiting for me to call back for a tracking number.

- Goleta, CA, USA

Received a call from someone stating they are from US Federal Grants Department. Said that I and ~15 other qualified for a grant from the government. Picked at random. Use the ID # MC2001 and contact us later. Money can be picked up at Western Union. Made arrangements to pick it up at a Western Union office. Spoke to caller's supervisor Irene Lee and she said, everything has been verified. Her callback number 206-855-6817, stated when I call will speak to Victor and should ask for Irene Lee. Give Irene the ID# While at western union. Pay 250 deposit to western union and will get $7000 grant +$250 back.

A consumer received a call from "Calvin Wheeler," who had a Middle Eastern accent. He stated he was from the United States Federal Grants Department. He stated she has been paying her taxes on time and the government is providing $7,800 for temporary assistance for needy families. He stated in order to receive this money, she would have to go to Western Union and verify her identity. She would have to pay $190 to receive the $7,800. Calvin stated her $190 would be refunded to her.

Additionally, Calvin requested that once she arrives at Western Union, she should call his supervisor, "Alfred Brown."

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