UScraft LLC Reports & Reviews (1)
UScraft LLC Contacts
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Scammer's address 3633 East Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, Commerce, CA 90023, USA
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location TX 76012, USA
Total money lost $419.90
Type of a scam Online Purchase
This company took my purchase on August 24th, committing to a delivery date of 9/3/2020 which never arrived. They cleared my payment on 8/24 and as of now my order appears as shipped on 9/30 but Fedex never got that tracking number.
This is a scam, they advertise as an US company in California with the below contact information but no one has ever answered that phone or replied to the emails I sent. I have tried to get my bank to dispute the charge but I have not heard anything about it.
Attached you can see my order detail with the original committed delivery date and the tracking number that does not exist in Fedex as an active shipment.