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Velpick Auto Parts

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Velpick Auto Parts Reports & Reviews (39)

Just adding a current update. This scam is still active as of 8/4/2020. These people reached out to me last week, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until they said today that they had "accidentally sent a check for more than my agreed rate" and would need me to deposit the whole check and cut a check for the difference to send to a printer. I of course said I cannot handle any funds not related to my business. But it struck me as odd, why not cancel the check and cut them for the correct amount. I did a little checking and found this account. Stay safe, designers.


I'm a freelance graphic designer who just graduated college and coded my own website. On my website it has my phone number and business email for people to reach me. I knew it was sketchy because I got this email at 12:45 AM by the name of Thomas link (no capital L in Link). It also didn't contain a "Hello Paris" or even a greeting or a signature of this Thomas person. It seemed extremely sketchy and even asked a friend on what I should do and even informed Reddit. They said to take the job. But my gut was telling me something was wrong. I replied anyways just to get a better handle of fishing out the scammers or actual clients. Needless to say, this forum has definitely confirmed the gut feeling I had.

First Email:

Please kindly let me know if you're available to create a logo that will become the image of my business, passion and vision. We're opening a new business soon.
I await your response soon.
Thank you

My Reply:

Hi Thomas,

I appreciate you reaching out to me! If you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions so I can get a better understanding of who you are, your business, and how you came across my business.

After reading your email I was wondering what your business is? You briefly mention "my business, passion and vision" but I'd like to have a little more context on what your business, passion, and vision might be. That'll help me better understand your business as well as see if this project is something of interest.

I was also wondering if I could refer to you as Thomas? I didn't see a signature in your email and can only refer to the email name you've provide for me. I see the email address and a name "Thomas Link" with a lowercase L in Link. I just want to make sure that's the correct name in case we decide to communicate more often!

Lastly, may I ask how you came across my email or my business? I'm always interested to see how others find my business. I hope to hear from you soon!


So today on July 23rd at 12:52 AM I got an email response back that read this:

Hello Paris,
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards

The reason why this one seemed even sketchier was the fact that 1) they'll be sending a check (who does that anymore), 2) they want me to cash the check THEN work on the project, 3) I have to send them my information now apparently (eye roll), 4) the grammar and punctuation is off. So needless to say, I will NOT be in contact with this people anymore! I haven't sent out any personal information or anything of the sort. Good luck out in the design world, guys!


I also got the exact same thing. I like to be through asking specific questions and research my potential clients, and luckily I do or I would not have came across this, saving me time from back and forth with a scammer. I [censored]ING HATE THESE FICKING SCAMMER [censored].

Is there any way to get rid of the this [censored]?


He also send those logos for examples as well. And they are horrendous.

I was contacted by a guy named Thomas Link looking to create a logo for him. As I replied to him, I researched his name and found no online presence. When he replied to me again he disregarded my questions and went straight to asking for my private information to cash a check due to "systematic hacking"

Advice for Graphic Designers:
Most of your clients will be from referrals
Always ask questions and online presence
Stick to your gut (it's mostly right)
The minute they ask for private information immediately early on, LEAVE
Have boundaries

Thomas Email:

Please kindly let me know if you're available to create a logo that will become the image of my business, passion and vision. We're opening a new business soon.
I await your response soon.
Thank you


Hi Thomas, I'd like to thank you for choosing me to design your logo for your business. I'd be more than glad to design a logo that will be the image of your business, but before we start working together I'd like to ask you where did you discover me and what type of way will you pay me for my services?
I'd like to hear from you soon so we can start bringing your vision to life.


Hello (Insert Name),
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards

I suggest blocking him, I dont know how he may have gotten my information, maybe through indeed or through my own personal website but if you see Thomas or Kate with their "associate" BLOCK IMMEDIATELY


I received the same email, and since I also have a professional background in cyber security, (networking, phishing scams and other PII related scams, hacking, virus removal/prevention, etc.), I instantly knew this had to be a scam. It was was far too obvious. The mailed check and associate are what tipped me off. Not to mention that the email completely disregarded my requests and in no way responded in a way that showed they had actually read what I wrote.

Here is the email chain.

Sent from [email protected]

"Please kindly let me know if you're available to create a logo that will become the image of my business, passion and vision. We're opening a new business soon.
I await your response soon.
Thank you "



Thank you for your inquiry, I'd be happy to help! Firstly, congratulations on taking an important step in the creation of a new business. Brand recognition is vital to the success and growth of any company, and I'm passionate about making sure you have a logo package that makes you happy and embodies your business/product/service.

I'll need some more information from you before I can give you a quote, and an estimated completion time.

1. Name
2. Phone number to best reach you
3. Location (only city/state, so that I know if we will meet in person or remote for personalized consultations and phase reviews)
4. Name of business
5. Type of industry (food, tech, clothing, etc)
6. What are you looking for? Logo only? Full branding? (we can get into specifics later, benefits, pros/cons, etc. over the phone or in person, but for now, just your initial goals are fine)
7. Anything else that you feel like letting me know about you, your business, or future goals that you feel would better equip me to truly understand you and your business, thus getting the best results.


THEIR RESPONSE (obviously copy pasted of course)

" Hello Edward,
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards

Thomas "


WOW! I just got this same email yesterday to my Gmail. Got the same exact response and it sounded a bit weird so I checked it out too. Thankfully I came across this website before moving forward with any information. Stay vigilant out there folks!


Add me to the list of people who got the exact same templated email...thanks for saving me time and sending them my contact info!


This was the email I got. I smelled a scam from the beginning when searching the person's email address and IP address. Nothing added up from the beginning. They also could not tell me who referred them to me. Good rule of thumb, don't trust anyone who wants to pay with a check for you to cash first...
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards 



I received the EXACT SAME email from “Kate” / “Velpick Auto Parts” on 7/9/20. At first I didn’t suspect anything, it sounded like a new “mom and pop” auto shop in need of a logo. No online presence, yet, so I didn’t think much of it. The fact that their budget was low didn’t seem weird either. I was planning a “quick and cheap” logo for that price and had no reservations.

I sent them a quote, but did not start the project, nor did I send any private information. I then received the following email regarding payment and I started getting suspicious. Did another search online and found this website with complaints dating back to 6/11.

They contacted me through my Adobe Portfolio website, I wonder if the other victims have one too? I plan to alert Adobe about this as well.

Hello [my name redacted],

The associate just sent me a mail regarding payment of your logo fee, There was a mix up from him. Though the payment to support our new company was due to his absence from the ceremony based on a business trip to Europe with the payment for 2 other partners (printing material supplier and printer) which I specifically sent their names and addresses. Instead of him getting separate payment, he wrote both amounts on a single check with your name written on it and already sent to you. I replied to his mail telling him that both the logo designer and printing material supplier and printer are two separate people.

He said he's already out of the state on a one month business trip to Europe and there is nothing he can do about it. He suggests that you take the check to the bank when it arrives and cash it. It's instant cash at any bank, deduct your fee for the logo and give the rest to the printing material supplier. Truly, I know it's not part of your logo service but as things stand now. Only your assistant and support is needed. Please don't let our dream and aspiration of a memorable new company skip us by. Please assist on this and we will forever be grateful.

Thanks for your understanding


Thank goodness for this post; I knew something was suspicious so I decided to Google it. They messaged me through [email protected] as well

Hello James,

Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards


I got the same thing tonight. I’d go into what tipped me off but I don’t want them to see this and find out where they went wrong!

Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards


I also received the same email from [email protected]. I was curious of the "company" because it seemed off how she responded, so I searched it and I luckily found this post. See below what they sent me. They also attached 3 sample logos.

"Hello Michele,
Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, I established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be created with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. I have an example of what I want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe that the example of the job will make it easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :
The Youngstown warren showroom
5100 Market Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout the community.Timeline to get this logo project done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through the check that will be sent to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handling payment methods through check this time around due to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That's why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Best Regards
Kate "


These are the email addresses I received: *********** and ************

Below is the message they sent me. I want this investigated because I was smart to figure it out, but wanted other people to not fall for this supposed scam.

Thank you for your quick response. We're sorry for getting back to you late, Am established an Auto Parts & Supplies shop soon and I need a very good logo to be create with the business name which is (Velpick Auto Parts Shop) let me know how much you charge per Logo. i have example of what i want you to do, But the example doesn't have my own company name, I believe with that example of the job will make it more easier and faster for you to know what to do on time.

Our contact :

The Youngstown warren showroom

5100 Market Street

Youngstown, Ohio 44512



[email protected]

My budget is under $400 to $800.

About us: We established in November of 2019, Velpick Auto Parts has been primarily serving the professional installers with the very best automotive parts available. Nearly anything the national chains offer, we can sell the end user for less. We are locally owned, so the profits earned are redistributed throughout community. Timeline to get this logo projects done should be under 2 to 3 weeks, it's depends on you. My associate will be making the payment available to you through cashier's check that will be sending to you. After you received the check and cashed it, you can start working on the logo. Please let me know if you have any questions, You just have to understand that my business associate is handle payment method through check this time around doing to the system hacking problem they're facing right now., That why you have to send me your details now. they'll make the check available as soon as possible. Your Name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number is needed,

Check fields!

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Velpick Auto Parts Contacts

Velpick Auto Parts associated photos:


5100 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio, USA



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