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Advance Fee Loan Scam

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Advance Fee Loan Scam Reports & Reviews (134)

- Maumee, OH, USA

I applied for a loan online I was then contacted via text message, and which I responded that the interest rate was too high and declined the offer. I was then told that the interest rate was only 10% so I agreed and exchanged information with the representative. I was directed to open a link that was emailed to me and told to fill out the form and submit my information. The form requested information about my banking app, but would not let me proceed when trying to submit the information. So I explained this to the representative via text message and I was sent another link to use . I then filled out the form again leaving out my banking app information and the form was submitted. I then received a text message that I needed to enter my username and password information for my banking app and I could do so via text message. Red flag number one. So then I ask why that information is necessary and I am told that it is needed to process the payment into my account . I explained that I thought that’s what the routing and account numbers were for and that I was uncomfortable giving that information although uncomfortable, I did provide the information to see how the representative would proceed and then changed my password on my account. The representative said that I would soon receive a call and I did. He then asked me to provide an access code that was sent to my phone from my bank in order to access my account in the app. When I refused to do so the man scrambled his words and I hung up. Now these people have my personal information all besides the access code sent to my phone when trying to log in. I never received a call back or text message. When I told the rep via text that I was reporting the company for scammers & fraud he simply replied “Go ahead” …real professional.

- Lawton, OK, USA

Offered loan approval for a specific amount, but could not provide

- Kingsville, TX, USA

They called saying I qualified for a loan gave me a loan conf.# 87587said for me to call a Jennifer smith at 845-335-7627 so I call she said she would call back then says I need 200 deposit because my credit was under 750. She said send 200.00 and then we will send money I told her no she said she would cancel my info.. tkgod I had no money in my checking.. but they have my info my routing and checking and ss# db# .. the gentleman that 1 st called me his name was Terence bright.. whatever.. I’m so upset.. pls take these people down..

I was looking through apps to get a payday loan. I downloaded an app called Borrow Money it green and gold icon. They work through ConsumerEZ Credit. I was putting information through that website and it directed me to Personalloanguaranteed. They asked for 9.95 to be verified for the through debt credit and PayPal. I paid through debit but the transaction was rung in as PayPal. After that they wanted to send my ID through text message that they provided. You can't call them, the only way to reach them is through email.

Show the account was deactivated, then we must make a traceable deposit to reactivate, after we made deposit, the account is still suspended they said by irs, we should make another payment of tax installment. They fake the tax report.

I was attempting to secure a loan, to alleviate some unexpected affairs.

That was time sensitive. Which allowed me , be took advantage from, almost comprised my housing.

I would actually like this issue resolved.

Was supposed to receive $3,500 loan.To verify bank account, $987 would be temporarily deposited in my account. Was told this amount was deposited by FDIC. What was tried instead was a charge back on three companies I authorized ACH payments with.

This started May 2022 when my son found them on FB. We then were contacted by someone named Gilbert M Juarez Jr about getting a loan which was done through FB messenger. The initial contract stated we needed to pay 500.00 for insurance/closing cost. we paid that then he stated we needed to pay $430 for maintenance cost which was not on the initial contract. We paid that. Then he stated we needed to pay $550 for the wire transfer fee. We paid that then he said we needed to pay the IMF cost of $350.00 which once again not on the contract. So at this point we paid $1,830.00 to this man. Then at this point i felt we were scammed and asked for a refund. Then he said we needed to pay to get a refund I cant remember how much it was I think it was $300.00 at this point I said enough not giving you a money to get my money back. So when we had issues with him in the beginning with false contracts and not abiding I contacted lendable on FB through messenger. They stated that they have told Gilbert to get the loan completed or lose his job. Well needless to say we never got our money back. In the beginning I did try to call the number that was on their FB web page and no one ever answered which they told me that they are busy and not always have someone available. That should of been the first sign to me that this company is not legit. Then Gilbert disappeared on FB and our messages stated not available. Lendable financial was also no longer on FB. Now as of yesterday they are back on and they contacted me telling me Gilbert no longer is with company and they want to resolve the matter and asked me not to file a claim with the attorney general fraud department. So now they are asking me for my bank information which they want: bank name, address, routing number and bank number, user name and password. I explained I will not give anyone my bank information and would never give someone my user name and password. I said no. there is no reason for you to have this information. Then she asked if I had a credit card for the refund. I said I am not giving you that. She said she understands i dont trust them but they are trying to fix everything without me paying for the refund. I asked to speak to someone on the phone. she said you dont need to talk to anyone its a simple process. Then lastly she said how do we get this resolved when you do not want to follow our guidelines we are trying to fix issue you had with gilbert. Mind you their FB was down from June 29th to now. They all of sudden contacted me on messenger stating we have been on a maintenance for few months and they can assure me that everything is fixed.

There is so much more discussions but this is the main points

I had applied for a bad credit loan so I thought that the approval email was from them. I replied to the email. They already had all my information including my address, social security number and routing and account number. I talked with one person and sent him what he needed for the loan. The supervisor told me I need to verify your account. We will send between $1 and $1000 to your account to verify that it is a good account. Once we verify you have to Zelle me the money back to the company and then you will have the money deposited. When I asked him questions he raised his voice and threatened to file charges against me for fraud. I told him I have not gotten the money yet but you sent that you wanted to get it. He said we will be pressing charges I told him I will be reaching out to the BBB. I changed all my information but I am concerned that they already had my information.

- Weiser, ID, USA

went to website thinking it was a loan. and they said I was aproved for 10000 dollars. he wanted my checking acoount routing number my user name and password. than after that he sent 730 dollars to my acvount tjan told me to go get google prepaid cards at the dollar store and I did. and had me take a piture of both of them and I did. he said he got the 500 dollar one but the other one was to blury wich was the 230 prepaid google card. now I am out of 730 dollars. and my bank is frozen.

- Athens, GA, USA


They said I have money at western union they wanted money to receive 9000$

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