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American Hope Resources

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American Hope Resources Reports & Reviews (95)

I assumed it was a scam when I told an indicual I didn’t know on Facebook to please stop contacting me and they kept going on and on about how they got 100K from American Hope Resources! Which is absurd that the government is just giving out 100K to people but can’t agree on a second stimulus check amount that will likely be around $1200... it is sad people actually fall for this type of scam... I do feel bad for the people who fall for it but come on? You really thought that the government was going to give you 100,000 because you are in a bad financial situation? That’s humorous that you’d believe that. Anyways they contact you on Facebook and want you to text an agent who xan help get you all this money and send you his number which is super sketchy... 1:44am and this government official is going to text me back about getting me 100K of government money so I can have a good Christmas? Lol classic...! There website is extremely professional and they are investing a large amount of money into SMO and SEM so when people search google for info all of their pages show up and people fall victim to thinking that they are legit. “I mean look, they show up on the google, they must be legitimate, let’s get our 100K hun” I am sure this happens and it’s sad they target individual who are already struggling financially. This strategy obviously is effective because people without a lot of money want to believe that the 100k is real so they convince themselves despite their better judgment, that this organization is limit because they want it to be legit so badly, yet in the end they lose and the fake organization wins. It is clear to me this has to be a large criminal organization with deep pockets and a large reach because the amount of effort and planning it would take to pull this off is actually remarkable... if only this type of talent was used to help others or to take down organizations who steal from their constituents... we’d have some hero’s on our hands...instead they pathetically go after people who are already struggling financially and take their holiday money away from them.
Money that would’ve been a bike that a son has wanted all year, or a used car that A daughter has wanted so badly but parents couldn’t afford until now... a bonus lost after working so hard, all year to get... it makes me sad to think of the losess this must cause and hope people read this and are able to avoid the pitfall of going along with the scam and my other hope is that the people who are responsible for this scam read this and it reaches their hearts and maybe they choose to not continue to engage in this type of act that hurts others and their sophisticated talents are used for the progression of morales and values that are socially responsible. And maybe no one reads this and the world goes on, without any change, and if that’s the case (which is most likely) God Help Us

Attached are some of the messages that are exchanged between the individual who I believe hacked this ladies account and is sending messages To God know how many people. As you can see, I decided to have a little fun with them but they kept with the script, which is clear are pre written messages allowing the individual to literally copy and paste and send, and their goal is to connect you with this agent who is the smart one with the ability to convince you to pay for whatever so you can get your money or to willingly give them your private information like social security number and dob etc


Really? Do you think you could have said that in half the time? I know you're trying to come across as being smarter then the rest of us fools out here, but it's not really working for you.

- Canal Winchester, OH, USA

I got a message on my Instagram saying American Hope Resources can help with any Financial help.

They apparently are going after Facebook friends by somehow poaching their Messenger accounts.

This is atrocious! One would think Facebook security would be better than this!

I filed a complaint to Facebook, and got no response. Typical.

If you get a suspicious Facebook Messenger message from someone you know, pay attention to the small, gray text at the top (see below). Then casually ask a personal question about a relative or something.


My grandmother was contacted on Facebook messenger by a newer Facebook account posing as one of her friends, wanting her to contact a claim agent/assistant/manager named Robert Kelly in Washington DC in order to supposedly receive thousands of dollars from an American Hope Resources program. This person the scammer wanted my grandmother to call, Robert Kelly, is another fake Facebook account which the scammer sent a link to ( However, the current photo being used for the "claims agent" is one of a David Sweeney, an real estate investor and a licensed Keller Williams real estate agent in Washington State.

I reported the scammer in my previous report and I wanted to attach the DM conversation but unfortunately it did not attached the whole conversation. I just want these people to be caught! I screenshot the whole conversation of the DM to show how desperate the guy is trying to lure me into sending money!


What ever it is the differences between legit and a scam remember if you won something or if you got a you won anything there is never a fee to receive your legit winnings no matter what it is! First ask for the specific company and then the CEO of said company because those that are scammers are not real smart , they think they are but their not and most of them are from other countrys and that is why they have not been prosecuted because of international laws that is how they are getting away with it also tell the so called agent that you are recording your conversation and they will immediately end their call with you that is another way that it can be used against them never ever fall for these because if they are legit you will find that out

I got a DM from a friend who I thought was really one of my friends until I started realizing it was not really him. Attached is the DM conversation between me and this scammer. Something really needs to be done about this Imposter. These people are preying on vulnerable people and it's not cool at all! They are using some attorney name of Beverly Smith and the number they using is (854)777-6471.

9/17/2020 I received an Instagram Request To Follow Deborah.Thomas195. (Debbie Porter Thomas). I recognized the photo and name and immediately accepted the request. Within 10 minutes I got a private message from this account. Thinking that I was chatting with the person that I know who lives in another state, I was excited to hear from her especially beings it had been a few months since we had corresponded with one another. After exchanging greeting, she asked if I had seen on CNN about the 2020 COVID19 government relief program, American Hope Resources AHR? I replied that I don’t follow CNN. She said she received a grant that didn’t have to be repaid and thought I should text them for an application at the number she had used. (469) 436-4839. She also said she would be available should I need to ask her anything while applying. So...I texted! After I reading the reply with how much I had to pay the FedEx Delivery for various different grant amounts, I called my friend and began asking if this was what she had done to receive her grant. She proceeded to inform me that she had not been on Instagram today nor had she received any grants and had not personally reached out to me today! Then we both realized that her Instagram account had been hacked and I was being scammed! After I hung up from our chat, I replied to the (AHR) representative on the on text message that I had no more business to conduct with them. They were scamming me and I couldn’t wait to read in the news where the USA Federal Justice Department had prosecuted them for their actions to prey on innocent people! I immediately reported them to Instagram. Notified the Credit Bureau and Banking Institution.

- Hartford, CT, USA

I received a message on Instagram out of nowhere asking me if I heard about the “good news” she said the news was about a company by the name of American Hope Resources Program. She gave me a phone number totally different from hers asking to contact a “lawyer” by the name of Mike Williams. When I did I applied with him for a grant and noticed week after week it was an excuse as to why I couldn’t receive my grant. I asked him to give my money back that I sent for upfront fees and it was never received. I want this person behind bars and stopped for trying to rip people off of their money. I will not stop reporting this individual until I receive my money back. Week after week I received text messages stating that I will receive my money and along with a tracking number. I was constantly rushed to send money and constantly rushed to reply to messages “ASAP”. I want this stopped before they contact another individual. The Instagram account is gone but I have screenshots of every single conversation that was made.

I've been receiving texts saying benefits are being loaded into my account but i haven't applied for anything nor do i have an account with AHR.I have no idea what are talking about I've only applied for Foodstamps in the past year. I've been receiving these texts since the end of July


I have received a lot of these calls saying that I had to have in my bank $170.00 in order to receive n otherwise.n that I would get it back never one google play gift card put $150.00 on it. N not sure of some of others but I was approved for the grants haven't heard back not have I received anything from the she gov. Grants programs or


Whoever clicked useful, how did you understand what they said?

- Clarksville, TN, USA

She told me I would have to pay a fee for the fed ex deliver you give me the payment

- Aliso Viejo, CA, USA

Beware. THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM. They reached out to me under the disguise of a contact on Instagram who had been hacked.

My person they had hacked who's my friend messaged me, but it was really the scammers. I should have known it was a scam, with the poor English and typos, but I just thought my friend was typing short.

Again they were pretending to be my friend so it was believable. The message started with:

"are you aware about the federal government monetary American Hope Resources(AHR) award of 2020 commission?"


"It's a specifically program for state to state for those who need assistance paying for bills,buying a house,starting their own business,support the retired,widow, unemployed,disable,are you aware?"


"My lawyer told me about this AHR program when i apply for the AHR program i got $50,000.00 cash delivered to me,and i only make a single payment for my insurance fee and my cash was delivered to me after 24hrs i pay for the insurance fee and you don't have to pay it back,have you heard of Attorney Peter huhges before?"


"He is the one who helped me to get the AHR money. He is a good,honest and God fearing man.. Should i forward you his private text number so that you can apply as well?"


"Hey Here is private text number (432) 558-8713 text him right now that you want apply for AHR federal government program

I pray for you that you will qualify in Jesus name because this is life opportunity ??????

Keep me posted"


"I wrote him and he responded with 'So, if you are here for the on going UN and Government Christmas new year bonus reply with a capital YES.' "

Scammer continues:

"Yes, It is grant and I said yes when applying too. It's real. After I got my money, I saw him"

Then I pointed out their F+ rating on the and sent screenshots, etc. and he has the audacity to say "It's ok, But I got the money, trust me for that, you know i hate scam and hoax, It really and legit."

Clearly it's a scam and who knows how far this would have gone, and what info I would have accidentally given them, because I thought it was a friend and a former co-worker who I hadn't talked to for years, and just connected with. And when I caught on to it and said I'm blocking and unfollowing and removing them as a follower they insisted that it was really them.

At that point I texted the person with screenshots etc., and they said that their account was hacked. When I did a search of their name on Instagram I saw 4 different profiles and her pictures that had been made as fake accounts and these guys were going to work and reaching out to every unsuspecting person she had in her network. Offering FREE MONEY under some government grant.

These [censored] should be hunted down and strung up by the balls.


Contacted over Instagram. I did not recognize the person so I asked if I knew them. They avoid my questions and started to pitch me about AHR. Total scam. Dont trust it

- Van Buren, AR, USA

Im currently talking to this person and hes telling me i need to give him $ for a grant that i was approved for....i told him i had 10 bucks to my name for the next 2 weeks then he asks if i could come up with the 50 bucks to give them for gas to bring me my grant terrified because i gave him personal information.


I have received slot of theses call in regard same thing.grant

I was told text a number for a grant. I was told I need to pay a processing fee.

- Downingtown, PA, USA

My scammer tried calling me back and tried to impersonate a government agent and say that I was selected for a grant and tried to guilt trip me into giving him money. He tried to fool and manipulate me as well.

I was contacted by text message by someone claiming to be my cousin.He asked me if I had received my grant money yet. He also said he had received $100,000.00 to help him with the purchase of a new motor home.He said all he had to do was contact American Hope Resources and his cash was delivered. He said he was turned on to AHR by a "God fearing neighbor". The person's name at AHR is Mark Anderson ( fake??) He asked me to send him some personal info and my money would be processed. The whole thing sounded like a scam from the beginning so I called my cousin to ask him about it and he didn't know a thing about AHR or did he receive any money. It turns out his Facebook account was probably hacked and his information was stolen in that manner.This went on for a few days because I took my time replying to Mr. Anderson. When I finally did,I found out I would be receiving $6500.00 to help with college funding when I continued my education.My last message to Mr. Anderson was a text scolding him for his attempts to cheat people.

- Adamsville, AL, USA

Hello, hopefully this will stop someone from giving away their personal information to AMERICA HOPE RESOURCES. I have been desperately looking for a job since I was laid off due to the pandemic. I was contacted by Alice Andrea who was spewing false promises. She offered a clerk position online so I messaged her for more information. However this Is the message i I recieved. "I work for American hope resources where we are finance the community and help the needy pay bills.What we do is pay a tax break directly into your bank account, you have 20% to yourself as a daily profit and you send the remaining to beneficiaries that will be assigned to you.

What we do initially is make a deposit of a particular amount to your bank account, You will take your 20% as your own cut daily and send the rest 80% to a beneficiary attached to you after the deposit initiated is available

for example, if a total deposit of 2000 is initiated, you have 200 as your own cut and you send the rest to a beneficiaries

your own job is to disburse money to beneficiaries and make sure they get the funds immediately it's available in your account." This seems to good to be true, right? So I asked if I had to pay back and she did not say. She repeated herself than told me she needed personal information and my bank information as well. This is a scam do not give away any information! She is not the only one. Be aware and remember if it's too good to be true do your research!

- Tomball, TX, USA

I was contacted by a Kyera Wilbert via FB messenger on 4.12.20. I have screenshots of conversation, in which I will attach. Basically, she advised that she worked with American Hope Resources, which helped out people/families in hardship situations. She said I would provide my personal info, bank info, log in/password info & a deposit would occur. I would take 10%, then distribute the remaining to the "beneficiary" in which I was directed to. Due to the fact that I googled the AHR group & seen some suspicious information, I only offered to provide paypal information for deposits, not my actual bank. She ended up saying never mind, they cant do it that way & I advised that I couldn't help then. I believe this would have turned into an ugly situation had I provided all my direct bank info, personal info, etc. I 100% believe this was/is a scam that she & others are doing. Be cautious! Google or BBB, which after I did, I found 23 complaints already. So, this company or people, whether affiliated or not, are scammers.

- Greer, SC, USA

I received the second of two scam Facebook Messenger messages, signing in as one of my friends, chatting a bit to shoot the breeze, then asking if I heard about American Hope Resources (AHR) program going on. It claimed that "AHR aims to empower individuals and their families to increase their household incomes, improve their credit worthiness, get legal assistance, apply for scholarships and educational grants for their children and themselves and also aims to provide a large knowledge of resources and aides." It then went on to say "I got sum of $50,000 delivered to my doorstep when I apply for the program an got qualified. Have you heard of Arnold Williams?"

Check fields!

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