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American Hope Resources

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American Hope Resources Reports & Reviews (95)

- Granite Falls, NC, USA

I filed a complaint with the FTC, and sent this message to "American Hope Resources" the company or front this person is or was suppose to represent. The email was sent to: [email protected] They have yet to respond back, and I'm not even sure if this a real email address or a fake.

Below is the exact email that was sent:

Dear AHR,

I am NOT a member, but somebody by the name "Lisa Mitchell" I believe has fraudulently and deceptively used her company name to entice me by depositing two large sums of money into two of my Credit Cards, and then demanded me to purchase iTunes and Amazon Gift cards for either herself or some beneficiary. She had continuously claimed that this is 100% legal and legit, which I couldn't figure out, what any of this has to do with helping the needy pay bills, which was her introduction to me. At first everything sounded legit, but then as she talked with (bad english btw) the red flags began to emerge. That same night, I called my two credit card companies, to let them know, that a strange deposit was suppose to have been made...they confirmed it, and cancelled my credit cards and froze my accounts... I had told them that this is NOT my money and I want it removed ASAP. This Lisa Mitchell person had kept persisting I follow through with her "process" to which I said I do not want to be a part of this, because it is WRONG and ILLEGAL. I have contacted the FTC, and filed a report. I am also a Lifelock member, and they are looking into this as well. On top of ALL of this, this Lisa Mitchell contacted me through my email, and threatened me. This the email below:

Lisa Mitchell

7:38 AM (6 hours ago)

to me

Hello, this is from American hope resources.we implore you to do what your beneficiary ask you to get for him with his payment with immediate effect to avoid FBI reporting your information to the United States government for trying to get away with the company money.thanks for your cooperation we care and ready to serve better.

I hope something will be done about this situation so it can be resolved. I IN NO WAY, asked for this money. She pushed herself upon me, saying that, "I can make money"

and when I asked questions, like "how much?" her reply was just, "Don't Worry" and neglected to ask any questions...

I told the credit card companies that I wanted these two large sums of money removed, send back, or do whatever it takes to get it off my account.

If this not resolved soon, I may have to take legal action myself. I don't want to, but I will....This nothing but a blatant scam....

Here is some more information I had found about AHR...

FTC Scam Alert

In addition, keep these simple tips in mind:

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is

If someone emails you from a professional company but the message has a lot of spelling mistakes, it’s probably not legitimate

Don’t give your private information to an untrusted person or company

Don’t click on links from email addresses you don’t recognize

Be suspicious of someone asking you to send money through Western Union or another money transfer service

As a reminder, AHR’s services are free and we will not reach out to you to ask for money under any circumstances. If someone claiming to be from AHR has contacted you about money, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

This below is EXACTLY what this Lisa Mitchell was trying to do to me....

"Is someone asking you to pay with an iTunes or Amazon gift card? Or telling you to wire money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram? Don’t do it. Scammers ask you to pay in ways that let them get the money fast — and make it nearly impossible for you to get it back. If you’re doing any holiday shopping online, know that credit cards have a lot of fraud protection built in"

. />
If there's any questions for me, that's fine, for I have nothing to hide....

Thanks Again,

Ronald Kerr

[email protected]

Granite Falls, NC USA

Since I had closed my Credit Card accounts and Credit Cards, The Scammers STILL have been trying to get in, to take their money back, BUT...since I acted fast and closed and cancelled my credit cards, they will NOT be able to get in, and now they won't be able to get their money back. I guess their little plan to scam me backfired...So, now, they've harassing me through text messages and email. I just blocked their email address...EVERYBODY..Needs to warned of this, and they need to be shut down.


My elderly father was targeted by this company and is out $1000, which was paid to apply for a $200,000 grant. He was contacted via instant online messaging by an old friend who informed him of a great opportunity to receive a grant to help him pay off his debts. After paying $1000 through Paypal he was "accepted" and was told by a Ms. Frances Duncan after paying $5000 more he would receive money as a wire to his bank account. Ms. Duncan continues to reach out to him via Messenger. My father contacted me about this opportunity and that he has not been able to reach his friend to get confirmation that this was legitimate. He thought is was odd that his friend's cell phone number was a Colorado number while she has always lived in California. Needless to say after some research I warned him of this company and let him know it is very likely that it was not his friend who reached out to him initially, but a "spoof," and he will never see any money.

- Modesto, CA, USA

I was told by my landlord about a grant he received and gave me the contact information attached. I tried to research them and found nothing except their own website, YouTube channel and Facebook accounts. I reported all of them as well.

See attached:


Contacted via MESSENGER, instructed to click on link, provide personal data, and pay $500 shipping fee to have grant funds delivered to door.


Contacted via MESSENGER, instructed to click on link, provide personal data, and pay $500 shipping fee to have grant funds delivered to door. 

- Longview, TX, USA

I received a FB messenger notice from an elderly retired female friend of mine I used to work with. I believed it and thought it could help because I'm recently widowed. The scammer first says that my friend has a cold to draw you in. Then they tell you they received a grant to help with bills. Then they send you a text number to Christine at AHR (206) 456-0581 and tell you to let them know if you qualify after applying.

- Slovan, PA, USA

A message on facebook messenger came in from a co worker of mine, using small talk. But not engaging in common topics but asked if i watched ""CCN" last night. Asked if i knew about the American Hope Resources. Ssid he got $50,000 deposited into his account that he doesn't have to pay back. Did I know about it? Said I should apply.

- Altoona, PA, USA

I am a Dr our on disability. My appiances broke so I saw this add to help folks like me. After joining I was contacted over and over with scams. Then my last 94$ was extracted from my bank account. Please stop them they are robbing people left and right. Healthy lifestyles Newhall is who took my money thanks to ahe.

- Mobile, AL, USA

I was contacted on facebook messenger underneath a friend of mine's account, asking how I was doing. Then they asked me if I watched Fox News last week, I had said no. Then they shared with me a program that would help out with families going through hardships or of a income of $50,000 or less. I went to look at it on the internet and it did come up a place you could get information from, it looked legit but there were no where to apply for it. This person continued to message me and asked me if I knew how to apply for it. I said there were not anywhere I could see to apply. They sent me this number 1-844-205-6351 and told me to text the agent to receive my grant. Where they messed up was, they said they received their $50,000 Grant. I knew this person did not meet the eligibility requirements. So I called her it was not her messaging me. I had asked this person who her husband was and they said the correct husband's name. That tells me she's been hacked on Facebook probably as well. I let them know this was a fraud and I would report them


I had somebody contact me on Facebook using my grandmother's identity to try and pull me in to the program"American Hope Resources Fund." When I called them out on it, all they did was send me a thumbs up and didn’t respond afterwards. I don’t know if this is an actual business or program but somebody is using other people’s identity to inform people about it. I can find no information on this - American Hope Resources Fund- anywhere.

- Flowery Branch, GA, USA

I signed up as a free member at Once I entered my account, I asked in their bulletin board for assistance being destitute myself. They offer free assistance for the poor with employment, grants, education and car loans, assistance for paying rent or mortgage payments, all kinds of support. Once I requested help and gave my cell#, was contacted for financial support by 4 different people, offering grants, employment, etc. They were asking about my credit history and debts. In their inquiry, they demanded I scan and email images front & back of my creditcards with balance info, I knew that would really stupid and wanted to report them when I found scam reports in Scam Tracker, same form of activity.

I later realized the offered support was a scam. They had the common $1000 Visa Gift Card scam, after answering tons of personal questions required me to make several purchases to get the card. Requirements repeatedly changed and got more and more demanding till rediculous. None of the support offers were real, all I saw I perceived to be scams.

- Arlington, TX, USA

Was just starting to look for a donation car for my family & it kinda is a website the pulls you in. I created an account put my picture and introduced myself as well as gave some information on my need. All this was instructed then got a message from someone to text him about more information. I did this & someone gave me a job offer that was very mysterious and too good to be true type of thing. I knew right off it was a scam. Several years ago a similar thing happened to me. Offered a job they then sent me a bad check to purchase the items needed. Bank then said oh well there’s nothing they can do. BEWARE !! This company AHR help predictors to prey on their victims. Do not give your information just to feel used it’s a complete waist of time & energy. Disgusting company.

- La Villa, TX, USA

Was looking for FEMA related to a disaster, and this website is in the same category as FEMA, offering free housing, then asks of you need a loan for a charge of 10% of the total loan, asks for you personal information, As soon as you close web they call you, than the they put you on hold as they are transferring call but the same person answers again and they keep wanting you to give your name, and answer yes or no questions... Doesn't sound legit, as the person has an accent and it isn't from this country.

They use someone I knew Messenger account and said by word of mouth I should check to see I may be a winner when I did it said yes and if I send X amount of dollars I could receive x amount of dollars

- Kent, WA, USA



They ask for your name and information and with in minutes they send you an email congratulating you that you qualified for a grant that you don't have to pay back.

They will lead you along with building your trust and even go as far as bringing the almighty god into it the transaction.

Once you put some money in and expect to receive your grant money they change the terms and ask for more money.

Its is all BS and don't believe anything they say. They take your money and run.....

- Enfield, IL, USA

They contacted me through messenger. Of course it was someone I trusted and I was recently hurt so I bit the bait. They now have my driver's license info. I feel like such an [censored]. I knew it was to good to be true and I stopped when they asked for money to get money thank goodness I was not stupid enough to give them account info. Beware when it seem to good to be true it most likely is!

- Cave Junction, OR, USA

An acquaintance wrote to me on Messenger saying she'd been awarded $100,000 as a grant by this organization, and suggested that I contact the agent to see if I would also qualify. I smelled a rat when my friend's written English was not quite as I would expect, and she gave me no personal details other than the grant she'd been given.

- Red Bluff, CA, USA

A Friend said she received a grant payment from American Hope Resource Program and referred me to the Agent who helped her and gave me his phone number to text him, Agent Albert Smith. As I know her I thought this was a legitimate program. Also I researched American Hope Resource on line and they seemed legitimate. I signed up. Agent Smith said I qualified and told me what option I wanted to choose. Red Flag number one; this was all done thru texting. Red flag number two; no phone calls and no signing any papers all done thru texting.

Number 3 red flag; there were several options to choose from, $30,000.00 up to $3,000.000.00. There was a fee you have to pay for each one. So you would not have to pay taxes on the grant they said. We picked the 100,000.00 pay out for $3,000.00. If you are applying for a grant there are no fees, or nominal fees if you have someone preparing the applications for you.

Number 4 red flag was when Agent Smith wanted me to pay the $3,000.00 in Google Play Cards at $500.00 each. Google Play Cards can only be used on Google Apps to purchase games and accessories for Gamers. Also Agent Smith said if we could not find the Google Play Cards we could purchase the Ebay Gift Cards. Once full payment was met they would FedEx our Grant check and I would receive it within 7 hours. I did not receive the FedEx.

Number 5 red flag, they sent me a bogus FedEx tracking number to my Email, so I called FedEx directly and they said they do not have that tracking number in their system and there was no record of it anywhere. Needless to say I did not receive the FedEx within the parameter of time they gave me.

Number 6 red flag, I got a text from Agent Smith the next morning telling me the truck carrying my FedEx had been confiscated and IRS w[censored]ding my Grant Money and I would have to pay the IRS $4,000.00 to get it released, but I had to send the payment to Agent Smith instead of directly to the IRS. Blatant extortion.

Number 7 red flag. I texted Agent Smith that The IRS does not confiscate grant money checks. I have worked with non-profits to get grants from the government for them. He texted me that they sent my grant settlement in cash because a lot of people who applied for their grant money thought their check would bounce. It is illegal to send that amount of money in cash thru the mailing systems. The Government does not do that with Grants. Needless to say we were totally duped.

My friend who recommended this company contacted me over FaceBook. I did not have her phone number to follow-up. My husband thinks her Facebook account may have been hacked and someone else was contacting me using her account to set us up with this scam. So Please People Beware, If it looks to good to be true it usually is. My concern is all the other complaints from American Hope resource Program that are so much like this one on here. They seem to be legitimate, but it looks to me with all the complaints, they should be investigated.

- Whitewright, TX, USA

American Hope resources..

Supposedly from my friend!

Person Sent name of Atty to send 1000.00 to for processing a $50,000.00 loan. Said sisters friend did it... my friend doesn’t have a sister!

this guy works for American Hope Resources he told me he could get me a work from home job since i was disabled

he asked me if i lived close to a store i said yes he said i will have to go into the store a few days a week and the rest of the work would be done from home he said he would pay me $1,000 a month for just a few hours of work i told him i was on social security and cant make that much we agreed to $675.00 he said it would cost me $100.00 he said i had to get a western union i told him i don't have transportation he asked if i could do it on line i did and when i asked him where he wanted me to send it he said it was not for him he gave me a guys name in Nigeria he also said i needed to open up a flex shopper account he asked for snap shots of the completed western union and i had to send him a snapshot of my debit card and snapshot of the flex shopper account he contacted me the next day to let me know a package was coming and when i received it to take it to a FedEx center and mail it and he would give me the information

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