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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Use ScamPulse to file a complaint. Reports & Reviews (25)

• Aug 26, 2023

I googled the hotel I wanted to stay at and the first link that popped up had the hotel's name in the URL. It was first because they buy ads through google. I clicked, thinking it was for the hotel, and it took me to a booking site where I booked a room. Strangely, I booked on August 26, but it said I had until August 25 to cancel. I got suspicious when I didn't receive a confirmation from the hotel. I noticed an email from asking if I had received my "order". I found a confirmation in my spam and realized it wasn't from the hotel. I went directly to the hotel's site and saw that the same room was $100 less, including taxes and fees. showed a lower room cost, but tacked on high "tax recovery and fees". Please everyone, make sure you aren't booking through and report this ad when you see it.

• Jan 14, 2024

Do you end up getting a refund from your credit card co?

- Fennville, MI, USA

I called the phone number thinking I was talking to the hotel but it was the scam company. I did get a reservation and gave my credit card number. When I checked in at the hotel I found out the booking company paid the hotel 145 dollars plus 13% tax for a total of 161 dollars. The booking company charged me 285 dollars; 124 dollars for taxes and fees that they would not provide me detail on how they arrived at that amount. The hotel told me I had been scammed.


I had been looking for a hotel room in Columbia, SC for May 2-4, 2023. I'd already decided to book the Cambria Hotel. On March 22, 2023, I googled the Cambria Hotel.
I did not realize that I was booking with a site that was mimicking the Cambria Hotel website. I thought I was booking directly with the hotel. I did not buy a pre-paid room. I entered my info, cc nbr, etc. That is the standard procedure for all reservations I make. Later that afternoon, I received an email from a company confirming a purchase. I did not recognize the company and I thought it was a phishing scam. I googled the name on the email and that's when I saw the other reports of fraud and scamThat's when I contacted my credit card company. They advised me to contact the local police. This charged me $198.85 tax and recovery fee over and above the full amount for the rooms with tax. I tried to contact the company for 5 days and only received a recording that the number I was calling was not in service. Today, I finally got someone to answer the phone. She was absolutely useless. She told me if I disputed the charge, my bank account would be tied up for 90 days. This company needs to be shut down. The FBI should be investigating this internet scam. This company is not operating on the up and up.


+8 needs to be investigated and a class action lawsuit need to be filed. They are engaging in unethical and illegal business practices. In my case, I needed a hotel immediately and all I had was my cell phone (iPhone). I Googled for the hotel near me and the first result was, what appeared to be, a legitimate site to book a reservation. I did not have the time to analyze the URL; the site appeared as it was direct with the hotel. The rate was reasonable, $139, of which I accepted. After it flashes $139, the button below is ‘Book Now’. Click on that, fill out the booking information (name, address, email, phone), then it asked for a credit card. So the consumer gives their credit card information, then is presented with ‘Complete Booking’. After clicking on ‘Complete Booking’ and the transaction goes through, there is information about the booking below which the consumer needs to scroll down to see (on iPhone). It is only at that time, after credit card and booking is completed, the user first sees a “Tax Recovery and Fees” charged, in my case, an additional $75.73 (54% increase from what I agreed to pay for). I can understand a typical state tax and occupancy fee at this hotel, which is $16.26. Not $75.73, which is $59.47 more that I would otherwise pay the hotel. When I spoke to the hotel, they said I booked through Expedia, which I did not (no awareness). So basically steals this surcharge from consumers after they agree to a rate they give. I want my money back! I tried calling them; they don't answer. Emailing them is the only communication, but they push the blame on the consumer. If I knew about the “Tax Recovery and Fees” amount before giving my credit card information, I would have not booked it. I recommend a deep investigation of and sue this company to return all the money they robbed from consumers. Google should shut them down too. Please do something!

• Jan 14, 2024

How far did you take your complaint?

This quote “online booking company” (book is a complete scam operation! I was charged twice for a motel room in VA. They used my correct name for a prepaid reservation, then created a bogus name and a second reservation and charging me again! Don’t even try to contact them, they will not respond!


DO NOT get stuck with these [censored] charging you $267 for a room that costs $158 through hotel. The scam by naming the link in google to the name of hotels. They make their site look legit too. Once you book you are screwed.

If you call to tell them you mistakingly booked they cancel and still charge you the $$.

They also give themselves fake reviews that they are a good - legit company. ThEY ARE NOT LEGIT!


I booked a room well in advance (6 weeks) of a family reunion, and thought I was booking directly through the hotel. When my plans changed three weeks later, I cancelled the reservation, but noticed no refund to my credit card. When I called the customer service number, someone I could barely understand told me that I could not get e refund. When I asked if I could transfer the room to another family member, they said they could not do that either. When I pointed out that they literally were charging me $500 for nothing, the barely comprehensible person said that was their policy. Do yourself a favor, and book your hotels either through the hotel directly (these guys use must use bots to get to the top of Google searches) or a reputable booking site with a reasonable refund policy,

+2 is a scam site. They added charges to my bill. When I cancelled they would not refund, even though the hotel has a free refund policy. When I called them they laughed at me and said too bad I lost my money. They are not even hiding the fact that they are scammers and thieves. They even think it is funny.


I went to the Hilton Garden Inn website directly to book a room and somehow was re-routed through bookonline without even knowing it until I saw the email confirmation was through bookonline with $104.61 in taxes/fees/services for a one night stay. As soon as I saw this, I knew something was wrong. In BIG, BOLD, YELLOW letters on the confirmation email, it says "FREE CANCELLATION" so I cancelled the reservation within minutes of booking it, but shortly after, realized I wasn't getting a refund. I called customer service right away and was greeted by a very rude customer service rep who ran me through this song and dance about how at the very bottom of the email in small print, it says no refund. I asked repeatedly to speak to a supervisor and she informed me that he was busy. After being on hold for 30 min, she said she sent an email to the hotel asking for a refund and to call back within 24 hours to confirm. I called back the following day and was greeted by another rude [censored] customer service rep that actually hung up on me, but not before telling me I needed to call back in 48 hours and up to 7 days for confirmation and that I should call the hotel directly and see if I can speed things up. I called the hotel and of course, they said they cannot help since it was through a third party. I called bookonline for a third time and somehow got an even bigger [censored]/rude customer service rep.. I asked repeatedly to speak to a supervisor and was placed on hold for another 30 min. He came back on the line and said that the supervisor was busy with another customer (shocker, if one actually exists) and that he would contact me within 30 min. I'm still waiting for a phone call back over an hour later. I decided to google bookonline and came across this website. According to the other posts, this is their M.O. and it doesn't look like I will be hearing from a supervisor or getting my refund. I was just glad it was only for 1 night. I feel terrible for those that got scammed for multiple nights. This company should be shut down!


Booked through the site thinking you are on the hotel site. When you go to confirm the booking it switches you to another page and changes the date. Although when you try to cancel there is NO REFUND even when they advertise free cancellation. Customer service is extremely rude. They refuse to let you speak with a supervisor. Many complaints filed and nothing is being done. They are scamming tons of people and getting paid for it.


Booked online and then the availability of the room changed and rate went up. Did not have access to the same room as the hotel directly so I cancelled the room because it says Free Cancellation, within minutes of booking. They will not refund the money for a booking that isn't until June that I booked moments earlier.


We booked a stay, unintentionally, through this website. We planned on visiting a sick family member who had been moved to hospice care and was not doing well. The day after we booked the stay, they day before our reservation, so more than 24 hours, we recieved word that our relative had passed away. I immediately called and started a completed run around process of getting the trip canceled. The first issue you run into is their automated call line. The first question they ask is if your reservation is within the next 24 hours. If you say no then it hangs up on you, directing you to speak with the front desk of your hotel. If you say "yes" then you are directed to a line that says your wait time is less than two minutes. I waited more than six minutes for each time that I called in. I asked for a cancelation and they gave me the whole policy, on their recording to verify that they had told me, and asked that I call the hotel and get them to confirm that a full refund had been authorized by the hotel. So I called the hotel, I spoke to someone and got their name, just like I had been asked, and when I called back they said they would be calling to confirm with the hotel. I waited a couple of days, and I was only given a partial refund. I called them back and was told that I would have to provide a death certificate or some other form to prove the reason for my cancelation, and this was because I had not gotten the position of the original person that I had called from the hotel.


I reserved and cancelled my reservation within a few minutes of realizing I was not on the Wyndham Rewards site. The reservation confirmation emphasized Free Cancellation, but I was charged the full amount of $1822. 33: they will give me no refund and they will give me no room (will not reinstate my reservation). I complained to Google about elevating any company with such a bad Better Business Bureau rating to the top of my search list as if it best matched my search.


I went to reserve a hotel room to visit my ageing parents I hadn't seen in nearly four years I booked about a month and a half in advance. I am not even sure how my selection ended up at, but not thinking about it too much, I thought I was using, which always worked for me. Well, my father fell, breaking his neck, and with other health issues, he was moved into hospice. Thus I moved my trip up. I cancelled the the booking and notice there would be no refund. I called them and they of course where no help. Then I said why can't they just move the dates for me as it was over a month away for the original booking, they said they couldn't do that.
I called the hotel but they said they use a different credit card than mine, so they couldn't refund me. I called again, trying to work something out, I said okay, just restore the booking as it was and I will go visit again on the original dates. THEY REFUSED. They said they "were not able to do that." What a crock. They could have easily rescheduled the dates back to the original. This company just steals your money. DO NOT USE BOOKONLINE.COM. If you have any changes, you're screwed. Who knows, they may not even honor your stay if you didn't have any changes.


booked a room on March 8th aroun 5:00 pm for March 17th. When I received the confirmation the date was for the 8th. I forgot to change the date. Within 20 min I contacted the company to change the date. 1st caller said they couldn't because it was prepaid and I would have to get authorization from the property manager. Contacted property, they said this company does this a lot and the property can't change the date and they tried. Property Mgr gave me his name and said he would authorize the change if they would call. I called Booking (different person) said they could not do it because of cancelation policy. Asked for supervisor and was put in hold for over 25 minutes only for them to tell me they would give the message to the supervisor. I even sent an email, filed a report. Exchanged a few emails with the same statement "because of cancelation policy they couldn't refund $$ or change the date. I just wanted the date changed.
I added one of 3 responses that I received from different customer service.
Went to, free cancellation.
Don't use this service
Don't use this service


I don't even know how I ended up reserving my hotel on BookOnline.. I thought I had booked my trip direct through my hotel website, but I must've clicked on a wrong link and somehow ended up making my reservation here.

When my outbound flight from DFW to LGA cancelled due to weather (outside of my control obviously), I was unable to make it to my hotel for the first 2 days of a 6 day reservation. I needed a reservation adjustment. I first called the Arlo Soho, my hotel, and spoke with the manager who said, no problem - they would happily adjust my reservations and refund my two days BUT that I would need to contact my reservation platform to go through their channels to make it official. This was the first time I realized that I had actually (mistakenly) reserved through I pulled up the reservation email and called their customer service line.

The first representative, NAME: MARIELLE, was so rude to me it was hard to believe. I stayed calm and was nice the whole time until I finally got flustered, asked why she was speaking to me so rudely and requested that I be transferred to a manager. She refused and said there were proper channels. I hope someone listens to her recorded calls. It was like I was a child being scolded. Eventually I hung up and re-dialed.

The next rep was much more helpful, NAME: RENCERNZ, but I guess that's mostly because he was normal and nice, listened to my problem and retrieved my information to file a claim. In the end, this led to nothing.

Then the claim emails began from a third party, GARDesk. "Due to high volume.." excuses. 2 weeks later, my claim was denied by the third party.

I'm pretty sure they never called the hotel. I'm pretty sure they just kept my money. Lesson to the rest of the world: (might also go under the name is a scam. Don't use them.


We asked for a hotel in Roswell, Georgia and when we got the confirmation email a minute later, we saw they booked it in Roswell, New Mexico even though we had asked if it was close to I75 (which doesnt exist in NM)and when we immediately called back to tell them they booked the hotel in the wrong city, they refused to correct their mistake. They told us to write a letter explaining what happened (even though they had a recording and could hear what happened) and a week later they informed us they would not be giving us a refund!


I made the mistake of using
They reported the same price as booking through the hotel directly, but after processing my card, the contract stated that additional terms and payments were required, costing $600+ over what it would have cost to book the room with the hotel directly. Definitely avoid using this site!


Called the number and requested pet friendly hotels due to a major ice storm. Was told that two of the hotels they recommended were pet friendly. My friend called on my behalf and was told the same lies! Then went to check in and none of the hotels were pet friendly and have NEVER BEEN PET FRIENDLY! This is after being told that my reservation was fully paid and non refundable. NOT IF YOU PEOPLE LIED! The head of the hotel even was disgusted. Then the customer service by the name of Jacinth Arpon sends me a customer service review and ask if I am satisfied with her customer service! These people should be shut down!


After Googling the “Marriot Phoenix Chandler” one of the first ads to appear was for '', so I clicked and booked my room for the standard rate. My room total was $706 for 3 nights.

I then received an email confirmation, but a fee of $285 was added on. My total was suddenly $991.

The moment I saw the fee, I knew something was wrong, so immediately clicked the link on the email to Cancel the reservation.

Only 2 minutes passed between when I received the confirmation of the ‘Bookonline’ reservation, and the cancelation.

However, they charged my credit card the $991 nonetheless, even though I cancelled.
When I called their customer service number, the woman told me that Yes, they had canceled the room, but per their policy, they don’t take cancelations on the fees, so refused to credit the $991!

They kept the $991 - and I GET NOTHING! NO ROOM! NOTHING.

They are a scam!
They sneak in an exorbitant fee and will not allow you to cancel.

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