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Daniel B. Kelley Attorney at Law

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Daniel B. Kelley Attorney at Law Reports & Reviews (72)

• Jan 25, 2025

I have sent my receipt to this agency and they ask for more proof of payment. They are looking for my back account numbers. I'm not that foolish to give them up, and be scammed. Mr Kelly needs to have his license reviewed and I may write the state of Colorado, Judicial Review Board and file a complaint with them.

• Mar 06, 2025

I can assure you that no one ever asked for your account number(s). Send me your dispute and I will look into it. My client can either prove you violated the rules or they cannot. If you followed the rules I will ensure the notice is dismissed. If on the other hand you did not pay, paid after grace period, entered to early or other wise broke the rules you owe my client money. Send the dispute to me and I get you sorted out.

Daniel Kelley

• Jul 02, 2024

I received numerous letters from Mr. Kelley threatening to send me to debt collections because of unpaid tickets for Mr. Kelley's client, PRRS. Mr. Kelley's client, PRRS, uses malfunctioning computer kiosks for customers to enter their car details. If you enter your plate and miss 1 letter or number, you'll get a ticket, even if you paid. I was given 17 tickets and subsequently, 17 notices from Mr. Kelley. Mr. Kelley threatened to send me to collections, so I paid his client $1200 to make sure that didn't happen. A few days later, I got more tickets. After spending hours validating my payments to Mr. Kelley's client through months of statements, I found that 15 of the tickets were incorrect. I disputed these tickets, and after 4 months, I'm still waiting for a full refund. Mr. Kelley and his client are using predatory business practices to prey on consumers. Not only did I pay for parking all 15 times, I was charged 15 $82 tickets from Mr. Kelley and still have not been refunded after providing proof of payment for all my tickets. Each day of parking is $17 plus the $82 ticket. I'm still owed a refund and Mr. Kelley's client hasn't responded to my request for repayment. After further diligence online, it's clear that Mr. Kelley is representing a company, PRRS, that cheats consumers with technology, ai and legal threats.

• Aug 22, 2024

Something does not sound right. Please send me your contact information. your emial, notice #, license #, etc.. and I will look into this matter. I will get back to you. I do not cheat anyone out of anything. email me at [email protected].

Looking forward to resolving this matter.

• May 20, 2024

Daniel B. Kelley - CO 80111
Scammers at law.
Parking revenue recovery service.
License plate number FL/LGHB96 (I never owned such license plate)
Location - FL Tampa, 421 N Florida Avenue (Never been to that place)
Balance due $35
This scam must be stopped.

• Jun 13, 2024

No SCAM - I wish everone on this site was a diligent as you are.

Thank you for putting the information into your complaint. FL/LGHB96 was the license plate of the previous owner of your vehicle (2005 Camry). That previous owner or someone with access, to that plate and vehicle placed that plate on a vehicle that violated lot rules in Tampa. Moreover, the last time that plate was active was when it was on your present vehicle, that is why you received a notice.

Therefore, your name was not pulled out of a hat. Had you disputed the notice, it would have been handled the same way and the matter would have been taken out of your name and the matter addressed to the appropriate person. If you would like a closing letter from me specifically letting you know that you have no debt with either my client or my firm, then email me, [email protected] and I will send you a closing letter. Again, thank you for assisting me in finding the appropriate person.

• May 09, 2024

Received a letter claiming I had a debt in collection, with instructions on how to pay.

I tried to pay online using the notice number from the letter, but there was no record of that notice number on the site. When I called the 'pay by phone' number, I waited for an hour on hold before giving up and leaving a voicemail to be called back. I've repeated this a few times, with no response. I'm starting to suspect it's not even a monitored inbox.
Ughhh such a waste of time!

LAZ Parking, fire this man, he doesn't even have the tech to accept payment.

• May 15, 2024

There are multiple ways to pay my client for parking. Bye the Bye and Bye I don't accept payment, you pay my client. You have posted on this site and you don't know my email? Email me at [email protected] if you would like me to review the account.

• Apr 25, 2024

This pathetic leech has absolutely no power to impact your credit in any way. Ignore him and his sad excuse for a legal practice. Since I know you read these, Kelley, know that everyone you meet in life - especially other attorneys- thinks of you as a clown when they find out what you do. You claim you were never disbarred- that's a lie, you WERE disbarred in New Jersey, for, what a surprise, misappropriating client funds, like the worthless [censored] you are. The fact that Colorado admitted you to practice is a stain on that state's bar. I'm sure it won't be long until they take care of you, though. I bet you're real proud of yourself. I bet your family really respects you.

• May 15, 2024

Seems like you are worked up. I treat all peolple with respect regardless of how they may behave themselves. For the record I was never licensed in NJ and therefore never disbarred from the State of New Jersey nor anyother state for that matter. I represent good people who are owed money. Nothing unethical or illegal. Maybe you are one of those people? MOCITYATTY, if you are an attorney you may want to be careful about giving folks legal advice, as doing so may make yourself liable. If you have a legitimate issue or even if you don't email I would love to discuss your issue with you may email is [email protected] Have a wonderful day.

• Apr 30, 2024

He’s going to reply to this saying you’re rude and that this is false. The fact that he watches this page and responds just goes to show how true these comments are and how afraid he is of the truth getting out. What a loser.

This has-been attorney sends out scam letters about parking collections preying on people that are naive enough to just pay without questioning. For those of you reading this, please understand: do not pay this man. There is literally nothing he can do. It’s just threatening words, and he’ll talk about your credit, etc. It’s all nonsense. He’s a tiny man that’s found a way to make a buck until the government eventually shuts him down. But he has zero grounds to do anything beyond sending his silly letters. Do yourself a favor and ignore anything he sends and sleep soundly at night knowing he’s crying alone about how no one takes him seriously.

• Apr 30, 2024

Aww, I’m not rude. You just

• Apr 17, 2024

Not a scam. My client's use the latest technology to identify consumers that violate lot rules. My clients also exercise the right to pursue all legal means to collect on a legitimate invoice(s). You seem to be particularly rude and that is unfortunate. I try and treat everyone with respect regardless of their particular disposition toward me. In that spirit if you have a legitimate concern over a notice contact me, at [email protected] and I will get back to you. You either owe the money or you don't. If you do I will validate the debt or dismiss the notice. Finally, I cannot give you legal advice, but I would reiterate that my clients can pursue or not pursue any legal means to collect on valid notices. Govern yourself accordingly.

I received a $90.00 bill for 27 minutes. The car overheated. My son pulled over long enough to allow the car to cool. He never got out of the car. Just waited. After a minute of research this [censored] has been disbarred in 2014 for scams and 2015 something more for the ethics committee. He should rot in jail. His associate didn't like my conversation and hung up on me. Geeez
Attorney at law disbarred scammer


No only are you rude you are wrong. Not disbarred. If you continue to spread this disinformation I will pursue every means available to me to protect myself. Not legal advise, but I can say that I personally would either redact or delete inaccurate information. You are put on notice.

You are also very rude. I instruct.staff to discontinue phone calls when consumer are profane or rude. Further, you nor your son get to make rule for someone else's property. Period. If my client chooses to pursue this matter further they will be in touch. Govern yourself accordingly.

I received a letter attempting to collect an alleged debt from a parking lot that I HAVE NEVER VISITED or parked at in my life! The license plate NO. they provided I do not even recognize I asked for proof and they sent me some made up BS ticket with erroneous times and dates. Fact of the matter is I wasn't even driving around that time! , I sent an email to [email protected] on Dec 11, they ended up responding almost a month later on Jan 5th 2024. The individual completely ignored the details of the email I sent, this has to be a scam I will make reports with the BBB If my credit has been affected I will be in contact with the FTC, this looks like a good story for the news channels too.


I'm impressed you got a response by January 5. I emailed them on December 28, and it's been 63 days with no response.

Thank you for taking the time to dispute the debt. Unfortunately I cannot comment on the specifics of your matter without either the license plate or the Notice number. Forward me the plate or Notice number and I will look into this personally and get back to you. [email protected]. A quick aside, when someone disputes a debt that matter is put in a queue and are responded to in the order they are received. Three weeks is not an unreasonble amount of time for any debtor collector to get back to you. If things check out as you have stated then I will dismiss the notice; if they dont, then the notice is valid and the debt is due and owing.

Threatening letter


Not a threatening letter. The letter complies with Reg F of the CFPB. If you have a dispute as to the validity of the debt or otherwise have a dispute email me ans I will have staff either verify the debt or dismiss it. Email [email protected]
Thank you.

Fake Parking Violation. 717 Parking Tampa. We haven't been to Tampa for the past 7 years. How can I have a parking ticket there? 48.00 for what? They don't have a picture only an old tag number we used 15 years ago! Ridiculus. This is a law firm?


Yes it's a law firm. Looks like an error may have been made. Send me the notice # I'll have staff research the matter and if things check out as you have stated I'll dismiss the notice. If on the other hand staff finds contradictory information we will continue our conversation. Thank you.

I received a parking notice today from 717 Parking-Tampa. The lot that it is showing is across the street from my hotel. I never parked there; I paid Courtyard to valet my vehicle. So now I am charged for a non-payment due to where the valet attendant parked my vehicle?


Please send your dispute to [email protected] I would appreciate it you could provide me as much detail as possible. If the hotel or my client made an error I'll cancel the notice. Thank you.

This is the correct hotel bill.

My notice is 1000208652 from 08/26/2023, and I received the notice on 10/26/2023.

I sent a debt Verification Letter through certified mail on 9/15/2023 for a $92.00 claim from Parking Revenue Recovery Services, Inc on 8/26/23 and it was received 9/20/23 (again I had the return receipt sent to me). They never verified my debt and therefore it is dismissed under federal consumer law.
However, today, I received a notice from Daniel B Kelley demanding the sum without having ever received the debt verification from Parking Revenue Recovery Services, Inc. They are deliberately breaking the law because Kelley puts the notice date on 08/08 when my original notice was generated 08/26. They never verified the alleged debt and then lied with collector. In doing so, both have violated my right as a consumer under federal law. I am planning on reporting to the CPFB after writing this.
This alleged debt is invalid under CPFB and if either agency attempts to contact me on or report to my credit file, I will contact relevant state agencies.
No response within federal established debt verification letter timeline
No response within federal established debt verification letter timeline


Have your attorney contact me. Thank you.

Sent a Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Debt Verification Letter through first class mail and certified mail on 9/1/2023 for a claim from Parking Revenue Recovery Services, Inc. When they let it sit at the post office for several days, I sent a fax with the same letter on 9/6/2023 which was received by confirmation result report. The company that Daniel B. Kelley represents then picked up the certified letter on 9/13/2023. Today is 10/24/2023, approximately 6 weeks after the certified letter was received and 7 weeks after the fax was received. Today, I receive a letter from the office of Daniel B Kelley saying to pay this or else. This alleged debt is invalid under the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau. Any further attempts to contact me on this as well as anything reported to my credit file will be reported to the CPFB as well as the appropriate state agencies in both CO and TX.


Just do your research. Obviously a scam. We got the same as all of these- didn't park where they say we did, but they took a photo of the plate. A bunch of legal-speak to try and scare people into just sending payment. Don't send it- nothing happens. They have zero leverage and zero legal backing. He's got a history of being a piece of work (look it up!). Come here and try to collect, [censored]! Taking advantage of people by using fear. You should be ashamed. Does your momma know you do this?


Not a scam. Just trying to collect money folks owe my client. It would be a pretty elaborate scam that uses the most advance technology to identify consumers with time stamped photos of their vehicles entering and leaving private parking lots. Contact me If there is a legitimate dispute at [email protected] I'll check into it. Thank you.

Similar to many of the complaints here, my wife received a letter from a lot we never parked in. We parked in the adjacent lot and they have pictures of our license plate from when we drove through their lot to get to the other one, along with pictures of us also exiting through the lot. I tried emailing them a dispute including proof of payment to the other lot to the email address provided and my email was conveniently blocked. So, I sent them certified mail, which arrived within the 30 day window that they provided for disputes. Instead of responding to the dispute, they sent a letter from an attorney (Daniel B. Kelley,) which just so happens to do business out of the same address as Parking Recovery Services who sent us the original letter.

Just to get ahead of any brilliant comments from the attorney in question, this would be analogous to driving past one parking meter to park at another and having the owner of the first send you a picture of you driving past the first parking meter stating that this is "proof" that you parked there. If the owner of the first meter sends the driver a letter, it deprives the driver of their time and energy in an attempt to take money from a hard working citizen for a service that was never rendered. How's my analogy?


Analogy is a little wanting. I am unaware of any lot that allows a consumer to access a competitors property theoughbtheir own. Please send me the notice, other evidence and I'll check it out and get back to you. Email [email protected]
If I don't hear from you I guess that would tell me something about your claim. Looking forward to getting to the bottom.of this.

I received 2 notices in the mail with 2 different claim numbers but the same date and time. Both not true. Ive never parked in this lot, I actually parked on a nearby street that is free. Only reason I even know this is because I went back and looked at my statements and dined at the nearby restaurant. I am very aware to never park in the lot they claim I parked in because it is so expensive. I emailed them but I definitely will not be paying this. Nice try


Sounds like a mistake may have been made. Send me the notice numbers and I'll make sure the situation is handled appropriately. [email protected] Thank you.

We received a letter requesting a balance due for non-payment of a parking fine for $50. It says to make check payable to PRRS at P.O Box 440350, Aurora, CO 80044 or pay by credit card at or by calling (888)756-7275. We have no knowledge of an unpaid parking fine. Says Original creditor: 717 Parking - Tampa
Does have our license plate number. Everything about this says scam!


No scam. 717 is very aggressive in enforcement. It is not unusual for them, not me, to tow vehicles. If you would like me to verify that there was an error ade concerning your vehicle, I'd be happy to do so. Send your information to [email protected]
If you chose not to, good luck.

I paid $30 for parking on March 27th from my credit card and then I received a letter that I owe them $87? And I attach the receipt below that I did pay my ticket. This is unbelievable.
Debt Owe?


I hope you sent this evidence to [email protected] so this could be taken care of. Best of luck.

I parked in a lot and paid for 4 hours to work a Baby Bump Expo as a vendor for pregnant women to give them information on healthy pregnancy. I received an $87 dollar bill for being over what I had paid by 30 minutes. The person who replaced me stayed for 4 hours, paid nothing, and received no bill or harassing letters. I will never support any further events at this location again if this is how customers who paid to park are treated. You people are [censored] and I can only imagine how you are harassing the participants in this expo who were hoping to receive some assistance for their upcoming deliveries. You are clearly targeting those who paid.


Sorry for your troubles. But the reality is you over stayed by a half an hour. Try overstaying a meter 5 minutes in New Orleans at or at the RiverWalk and your car would have been towed or booted. If everyone was allowed to overstay by a half an hour the lots would be full of nonpaying cars occupying spaces that would otherwise be available for paying consumers and that would be fair to the owners or operators. If you would like me to review the whole matter send me the notice # and any other evidence and I'll take a look. Reference is brief exchange.
Thank you for doing the work you do.

I parked in a lot that had no working app to accept payment. Now I received a letter from Daniel Kelly asking for $82? Given the reports I see I can't tell if this is valid.


Its valid. Please follow the directions contained in the letter you received or email that informatio to me at [email protected] My staff can determine if there was an issue with the app or kiosk during the time an individual parked. If there is some mechanical or technical issue the notice will be dismissed. Generally speaking if a consumer cannot figure out how to pay for goods or services they must forego those goods or services. That may or may not be the your case, shoot me an email with the notice number so I can assist you.

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