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Incorrect parking ticket
Scammer's website [email protected]
Scammer's address 12381 E Cornell Ave Aurora CO 80014
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Initial means of contact Postal mail
Parking violation
Incorrect Parking Ticket
I paid to park in Dallas and wasn't in the wrong lot, blocking a fire lane or in a handicapped spot. I never received a physical ticket or notice until this came in the mail. I believe this was an incorrect ticket.
Got a letter for $80 fee for “Paid after grace period”
I see this “attorney” and/parking company are scamming people right and left.
There is clear and prominent signage on every lot I am affiliated with that specifically states "there is no free parking at anytime".
Parking lots and facilities I am affiliated with are private property and the owners have a right to determine what the rules are for use on their property.
Parking enforcement is largely done by License plate recognition "LPR".
There is a reasonable grace period built into the system to allow consumers to pay the kiosk or to download an app on their phone to provide payment. The posted time is 10 minutes.
LPR technology is accurate and has practically eliminated the old and common practice of folks parking in lot and moving once they see the parking lot attendant.
When a consumer pulls onto a lot and parks they could be denying a different consumer the ability to park and pay the owners/operators of that lot.
The grace period offered by my client are far more generous, then, say the City of Denver, which has a no grace period at all. As many consumers, that have gone to a meter and just ran into a shop, or went to get change and then recieved a ticket, can attest.
The cost of $80 is the appropriate when considering cost for the technology, staff and additional hard and soft costs of enforcement.
Finally, as inconvenient as receiving a charge for violating lot rules undoubtably is, it is a far more consumer friendly then either getting the vehicle booted or towed as is allowed in some jurisdictions. I personally can attest, my preference would be getting a notice, as my son parked without a permit on private property at an apartment complex recently and I had to go down to the towing company, wait over an hour and then pay a tow fee of $287.00 to retrieve my car. Thank you for the opportunity to explain this particular rule. Again, if you would like to discuss the matter further do not hesitate to contact me.
Scammer's website arc.asuratechnologies.com
Scammer's address P.O. Box 440350, Aurora, CO 80044
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Other
Initial means of contact Postal mail
Parking Revenue Recovery Services, Inc.
Please advise.
Parking violation
Not sure how reputable this law firm is
I appreciate your time.
Daniel Kelley
Scammer's website [email protected]
Scammer's address 12381 e Cornell Ave. Aurora. Colorado 80014
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Other
Initial means of contact Not applicable
Parking collection
Absolute scam artist
Scammer's website [email protected]
Scammer's address 12381 E. Cornell Ave
Scammer's email disputes@parkingattorney
Country United States
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Initial means of contact Website
Scammer's website www.dankelleylaw.com
Scammer's address 12381 E. Cornell Ave , Aurora, CO 80014, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NC 28270, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
The letter states it's from a debt collector and trying to collect $65.00.
The license plate listed is not mine and I have never been to the address where the parking violation supposedly happened.
When I called the attorney website number he answered and told me he handles parking violations.
He is in Colorado. I am in NC. He then said he uses his personal cell phone.
The addy on the letter is not even associated with this so called parking violation atorney.