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Daniel B. Kelley Attorney at Law

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Daniel B. Kelley Attorney at Law Reports & Reviews (72)

I received a letter in the mail stating that I parked in a lot without paying however, I turned into the lot because there was a crime scene at the tattoo shop I wanted to go to across from the lot. I simply turned around in the lot and when I was turning around, an attendant warmed me to not park and I stated to him I was turning around to leave because of the bad area with all the caution tape.


Please send me the Notice number. If that was an LPR lot enforcement is done by photography and signage on the lot states that consumers must pay within 10 minutes. Send me the notice number so I can look into it. Seems curious that there was an attendant? Let me check it out for you.

The plate that was issued a ticket was srolen from my vehicle. This is not my parking violation.


Hopefully you disputed this notice and staff have taken the matter out of your name. If you havent send me the notice number and other evidence and I will take care of it. [email protected]

I paid to park in Dallas and wasn't in the wrong lot, blocking a fire lane or in a handicapped spot. I never received a physical ticket or notice until this came in the mail. I believe this was an incorrect ticket.


I had staff look your matter up and someone paid the wrong lot. It happens. We processed your payment on June12th. This matter is closed. I trust my staff was courtesy to you. Thank you.



There are a number of reasons for someone to get a "Notice" from my client and subsequently from my firm. Examples are expired time, double parked, parked in a handicap space, blocking fire lane, entering early, leaving late among others... if you would like me to review the matter send me an email with the particulars to [email protected]. most folks will leave a review or otherwise complain and never take the opportunity to resolve the matter, I'm sure you are different.

With regards to the parking violation listed on January 22, 2023 and February 06, 2023 the vehicle was towed on February 12 and picked up on February 13 and I was told my debt was paid in full at a cost of $164. I due have proof of payment!


I'm not sure what the specifics of your situation is other than to my firm did not tow your vehicle. Contact me at [email protected] to assist you in sorting this out.

My husband entered a parking lot 20 minutes before he paid (he arrived at the job early and stayed in the car on his phone). The pay booth is not the entry of the parking and the parking fee is daily, which is why he did not think it would be an issue to pay later. He was in the parking lot from 6:16 am until about exited it at 9:30 am (he paid at 6:36 am). The sign said “In by 9 am, out by 6 pm - $20 daily fee”. He paid $20.

I see this “attorney” and/parking company are scamming people right and left.


Thank you for taking the time to inquire about the notice you recieved. I cannot respond to your particular matter without additional information. If you would like to discuss further email me at [email protected]. I can comment on the grace period issue in general which may or may not be applicable to your situation.
There is clear and prominent signage on every lot I am affiliated with that specifically states "there is no free parking at anytime".
Parking lots and facilities I am affiliated with are private property and the owners have a right to determine what the rules are for use on their property.
Parking enforcement is largely done by License plate recognition "LPR".
There is a reasonable grace period built into the system to allow consumers to pay the kiosk or to download an app on their phone to provide payment. The posted time is 10 minutes.
LPR technology is accurate and has practically eliminated the old and common practice of folks parking in lot and moving once they see the parking lot attendant.
When a consumer pulls onto a lot and parks they could be denying a different consumer the ability to park and pay the owners/operators of that lot.
The grace period offered by my client are far more generous, then, say the City of Denver, which has a no grace period at all. As many consumers, that have gone to a meter and just ran into a shop, or went to get change and then recieved a ticket, can attest.
The cost of $80 is the appropriate when considering cost for the technology, staff and additional hard and soft costs of enforcement.
Finally, as inconvenient as receiving a charge for violating lot rules undoubtably is, it is a far more consumer friendly then either getting the vehicle booted or towed as is allowed in some jurisdictions. I personally can attest, my preference would be getting a notice, as my son parked without a permit on private property at an apartment complex recently and I had to go down to the towing company, wait over an hour and then pay a tow fee of $287.00 to retrieve my car. Thank you for the opportunity to explain this particular rule. Again, if you would like to discuss the matter further do not hesitate to contact me.

Received letter trying to collect $82 for illegal parking on 1/5/2023 at a place i do not go. The letter referenced an incorrect tags number. There has not been any paper work left on the car. I have tried to dispute this charge by going to site given in letter and it was a dead end.
Please advise.


I regret the experience you have had attempting to contact my office. Email me directly at, [email protected] and I will have staff look into this matter and get back to you. I appreciate your time. Daniel Kelley

Oct 25 I guess I parked in a parking lot and didn't pay. I was not aware that I parked in a lot that requires me to pay via a payment machine. I truly agree I owe but the irig $82 is outrageous. Please forward the name, phone number and or address of the original creditor

Thank you for your question. All of the information you require is contained in the letter you recieved from me. I work with multiple owners and operators on behalf of my client therefore it is impossible for me to respond to your specific request without additional information. Please email at, [email protected] the particular details, name, Notice #, date and I will have staff look into the matter and get back to you. I appreciate your time. Daniel Kelley

I received a collections notice in November 2022 regarding a parking fee I paid in September 2022. I had proof of payment in my bank statements, but unfortunately had already deleted the emailed receipt from the parking company. Had a difficult time getting in touch with anyone the first 5 times I called the 888 number on the collections letter. I was finally able to talk to someone over the phone following the Thanksgiving holiday, and they explained that they needed a screenshot or copy of the bank statement and a copy of the receipt emailed to them. The person I spoke with was not particularly helpful in helping me find the direct contact information for the random third party company that apparently processes these transactions. Anyway, I ended up finding it myself. Got all of the info requested sent to the email on the collections letter - no one replied or got in touch with me. So, today I called the offices again. It's mid January 2023 - the person who answered my call today explained to me that they needed a different form of my receipt (at least this person was helpful in just giving me the telephone number I needed) and their excuse for not contacting me about this sooner was that they've been "busy". Submitted the requested form of the receipt I received from the parking company the same day, then was told the receipt needed to have my license plate information on it, but that it would still likely be able to get dismissed upon submission because sometimes people have the incorrect license plate on their collections notice (?). After all of that, I'm being told to call back in a week to make sure it's been dismissed.


I'm glad we were ultimately able to dismiss the Notices. Thank you

Company claiming we parked in their parking lot when we didn’t we parked in the lot across the street that we paid for. Coke to find out they take plate numbers from adjoining lots and say that you parked in theirs and without proof other than what you paid for the lot your actually parked in you have to pay them. Scam big time!


Thank you for taking the time inquire about your matter. I cannot comment on your particular notice without additional detail. Please email me, name, notice number, date to [email protected]. I can assure you that enforcement is done by License plate recogniation. Anyone who gets a letter from my firm and disputes the matter and or request validation of debt would get time stamped photos of their vehicle with Google maps photos of the lot in question. If a consumer pays the wrong lot that deprives the owner of the correct lot income and also occupies that parking space from a paying consumer. The situation is very analogous to parking at one meter and paying another. If you have additional questions contact me. I appreciate your time.

Dear Sir: My reason for writing this letter is to ask you permision that if I can pay my other part of my citation No1000984409. I have already paid half and can you let me pay the other $40 on MAY 3 rd because I am on Social Securty. Please let me know your answer call me at area code 915 241 9540 anytime. I THANK YOU SO MUCH. FRANCISCO ADAME JR , 7704 ACAPULCO AVE, EL PASO, TEXAS 79915

Mr. Adame email me as I can appropriately look into the matter. [email protected].
I appreciate your time.
Daniel Kelley

Letter sent with 80dollars parking not paid
Parking collection


I got a bill from a parking lot that I parked in and paid the fee. When I received the first “ticket” in the mail, I emailed the company proof of payment. Then they sent me to debt collections! And guess what attorney? Daniel B. Kelley. Unbelievable.


Went to a government (TSA) job fair which was held at a hotel by DTW. Letter I received for job fair said to park in the parking lot.


Without ever having received a payment request for free parking, now I get a letter from Daniel B. Kelley Lawyer asking me to pay $ 80.00 this is spam or scam


This is a legit parking fine. I thought it was bogus too and then looked up the location address on the letter and it was a parking lot that I have used many times but thought wasn't being monitored and I didn't pay. I would pay the fine if I were you.

- Charlotte, NC, USA

The address on this letter is not listed for the attorney. I Googled the attorney and he answered the phone, telling me it was his cell. What attorney answers his private cell phone.

The letter states it's from a debt collector and trying to collect $65.00.

The license plate listed is not mine and I have never been to the address where the parking violation supposedly happened.

When I called the attorney website number he answered and told me he handles parking violations.

He is in Colorado. I am in NC. He then said he uses his personal cell phone.

The addy on the letter is not even associated with this so called parking violation atorney.

Check fields!

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