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Debt Collections

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Debt Collections Reports & Reviews (271)

I received a phone call from a foreign sounding man, who claimed to be with US Customs & Border Patrol. He said I had made a $900 purchase from Walmart. He asked for my name which I didn't give him. He sounded like he was in a room with other people.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

I have received several calls stating their office has personal business with me with several violations under my name and social security number and their office has been hired to collect the debt. They state that they are calling on behalf of Advanced America payday loan. The last person I spoke to name was Michael and he stated that he had my credit report, SSN, date of birth and just needed to confirm my address so that I could be served. He said that they will come to my job to serve the papers if they had to. He also stated that the debt was from 2016. When I began to ask for more information and request an email or letter to be sent to me he said that he has all the information he needs and then hung up.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a call from "Cashapp" asking when I last used my Cashapp. He said he was going to press charges against me for fraudulent activity. I told him to do what he has to do. Then I said I was reporting him to BBB, and he hung up. When I try to call back, I am blocked. My identity was stolen a while back, and now money is going to be taken out of my monthly benefits for an online school loan. I never went to an online school. I've had to have my Direct Express card changed 3x.

- Bowersville, GA, USA

A guy left a voicemail using the same name as I have seen on other complaints just a little different wording and location. Wisconsin State Processing Division. But, the call back number is actually to some law firm in Virginia (Burke & Foster) but their website looks fake. The call doesn’t make any sense and I’m glad I received it instead of my mother who he actually called for. I have the voicemail saved and can provide it.

- Memphis, TN, USA

The scammer claimed that I owed a balance from a previous apartment rental. My account was paid in full without any damages to the property. Mutual Management placed a fraudulent collections claim on my credit causing my credit score to be lowered significantly. I called the company and asked them how can I owe them when I moved out last year and the past due amount is dated 3/13/23. The rep then lied and said we have been trying to reach you, but didn’t have a forwarding address. It was all lies. I have all of my receipts of rent paid in full and on time.

- Massillon, OH, USA

entered by staff - Consumer states she receives multiple calls a day from this number trying to collect a debt. She states she does not owe any money. 

- Du Quoin, IL, USA

My mother has received a letter in the mail stating that she owed money for a loan. It looked really official. They said she past due for two installments for $1,220 and gave her instructions to pay online or using a bank bill pay service. I've handled all of her financial affairs since 2017. She is deceased and had not taken out any loans. I realized it was a scam.

- Abita Springs, LA, USA

My boyfriend and I wanted to clean our Macbook since we received it used. When we used CleanMyMac it put spyware on the computer and charged my card way higher than the what the trial said.

- La Mesa, CA, USA

Scammer 1st text me "First Name, Last Name, We've made several attempts to get in contact with you in regards to your outstanding balance. We nedd to speak with you today or your account can be frozen for payment". I then called and the guy only stated he was with M.A.C calling about a loan with EZCORP, NEVER HEARD OF THEM. When I looked them up, they are in TX just like the phone number is located....I've never been to TX other than during a layover. What worried me the most, he confirmed my SSN

- Fort Mohave, AZ, USA

I received a prerecorded message about student loan forgiveness and discharge. This does currently apply to me so I was interested. The message was left by 928.361.5830 but told me to call 800.674.3125 with a reference number. I decided to check it out and see what it was. A man answered and asked "How can I help you?" I told him I was returning a phone call. He asked if I "actually had student loans". I thought this was odd as I figured he would ask for a reference number since the message had indicated they were aware that I qualified for loan discharge under a court case. However, he never asked for that number at all. Instead he asked what school I had gone to. I told him I went to The Art Institute (an EDMC school). He then explained that to get this loan discharged I would need to fill out a 25 page application that was very difficult and that I could only apply once. He then told me this was a service to help me fill out the application.

I kept trying to ask questions to verify the legitimateness of the company, but he kept interrupting me; forcefully exclaiming "you could do it yourself, but good luck!" and continued to get more abrasive as I tried to ask basic questions. I finally stopped him and asked why he wouldn't let me finish a sentence. He got very angry and said because I was trying to say he was scamming me. I tried to explain that it is common practice in this day and age to qualify any company that cold calls you with vague business details and that's asking you for personal information and money, but he didn't let me finish that sentence either. He eventually just said he was done with me and I agreed and hung up. I got him to give me his website, but I could not get his name. His voice was definitely not foreign as with many of these scams. He sounded like an average middle aged American man with no regional or ethnic accent at all.

I did look at the website he gave me, which lists different numbers than the one I called. I just want to protect others that may be less diligent with someone so pushy.

- San Jose, CA, USA

I was mailed a letter saying that I took a pay day loan out through check into cash for 1500 and closed the account right after so they are trying to supina me and my mother and uncle to court to testify for fraud. I've never had a pay day loan a day in my life .

- Columbus, OH, USA

I was contacted by phone by two different African men, one calls himself Mark Ross: 844-935-2400 & 866-986-4928. They said they had been trying to reach me as I was being sued for getting a credit union loan and not paying it back, so it looks like fraud. In order to keep from being sued in court for fraud charges, this was a chance to make arrangements. I said I had a Credit Union account. he said I did, and they were suing me for an unpaid $4,000 loan. He said I could write a letter saying I am a regular person, and I did not have any intention of defrauding anybody. I texted it to him. He called back and said he received the letter and he would talk to the people who are suing you and get back to me. He called back a week later, and said I needed to mail him a $150 money order by registered mail to: Career Excel LLC, PO Box 4042, Newark, NJ 07112. I mailed it 3.31.23. A man called today to say Mark had turned the file over to him, and he was handling from here on out. He had an African accent. He began asking me about my zip code and email address. I told him Mark has all of that information and I would not answer. He tried talking very fast. I told him he could call back after he talks to Mark and hung up. They have been very persistent, calling from different numbers on both my landline and my cell phone multiple times. I have been scammed before by Africans before so I should have known better.

- Springfield, MO, USA

I received a bill in the mail from them to collect for Mercy hospital in the amount $140.51.  I called Mercy Hospital a to confirm if I owe this bill and they stated that the bill was paid and that it sound like that bill was possibly a scam. I threw  the first notice away and received another one.  I have called Mercy again to confirm if I owed a bill and again I was informed that I did not owe them anything and that they have never heard of a Adapt Health.  I called Adapt Health and I spoke to someone name was Dave.  Dave could not give me any information and he seemed like he was in outer space.  This is a scam.  


The scammers were presenting themselves as individuals from our company, Southerland & Associates in Austin, TX and stated they were attorneys collecting on past tickets that were outstanding and if the person didn't pay they would increase the fines. We received several phone calls from individuals asking if we had made these calls and were concerned about their credit. None of them gave the scammers money. In addition, they were using the owners personal cell phone number as one they could call. She notified Verizon but nothing was done to protect the number.


Someone contacting me using a friend’s Facebook profile. He asked if I’d heard the good news. He said he saw my name on their list. He said it is an organization to help people all over the world financially. He sent me a link:

I didn’t click the link but his message brings up a picture of Hon David Bernhardt. He told me to click the link and contact them and let them know I’m ready to apply.


I received a voicemail from (757) 793-3700 stating I missed a preliminary hearing and to call back. When I called back they transferred me to another department that sorts out mediations-the office of Mark Silva and I spoke to someone by the name of Olivia, she stated I have a balance due of $2,200 from a small loan taken out from First Financial. Olivia stated it was taken out in 2014, in person at a kiosk, as there was no IP address linked to an online loan application. She stated that I can either resolve it with payment or go to court and that there’s a possibility of check fraud being on my record as well as garnished wages. I stated I need some sort of paperwork as it is odd they reached out to me 9 years later. She couldn’t send me any paperwork. Olivia mentioned my employer back in 2014, my email and old home address. My old home address wasn’t associated to me in 2014. I asked for her number and she said it is (757) 381-7600 x117 and office address. I looked up the number and it is associated to a cleaning business. I called a suite that runs in that same office and they stated there is no Mark Silva office. I searched for that name in Norfolk, nothing comes up. I called the Norfolk police department on 2/3/2023 they stated it’s likely a scam. I’ve called both numbers back stating this sounded fraudulent, she put me on hold to call the cops and then hung up on me. When I called back my phone number is blocked.


It is a scam and has been going on for YEARS!

Person named Ronald calling saying I owned a old credit card debt. Never had a card I haven’t paid and said serving paper on me from legal service and doing a appraisal on my home. Reported to local sheriffs department


Left VM for daughter saying a claim was in process and was being filed through the county against her mother and they shared an address so making her aware that her name is connected to the address and they are seeking (name of mom) etc. and this is considered official notification to the mother who is said t be located at that residence. Very scary sounding message. I returned the call they said they were hired by a group of attorneys as to process claims and my claim was in the courts and referenced cashnet. I was trying to work a payment plan with them so this seemed legit like they are now taking legal action etc. I asked for their name, SECURIAN, and they said they had NO website. They said they could TRY and negotiate this still and keep me out of court as I would owe all the fees for their attorneys and all court costs per my contract with them. I was put on hold and told the "good news" that they could negotiate a payment plan for me that would keep me out of court but I needed to make a payment right then on the phone so I agreed. Gave them my debit card info. In total they took 2 payments from me when I decided to call cash net USA myself and they said they are not working with any such firm at all and did not sell off my debt nor are they suing me. I filed claims with my bank. The bank charge comes in as "UNIVERSAL 866 232 1304" busy signal its a line to nowhere.


I received a voicemail message from a woman named Jennifer claiming to be with 'Process Verification' of Nationwide Legal Services. She claimed a woman named Susan Henderson had included my number as a second point of contact and that she had failed to respond to a civil suit. She provided a phone number and case number: 866-407-0042 cv47065. She said failure to respond will result in a decision without her participation.

I do not know a Susan Henderson. I noticed the 866 number they provided was the same one reported in the related scam. I tried to call Jennifer back at the number my phone recorded (313-768-9086), but it didn't even ring. I did not call the 866-407-0042 number.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Receiving four to five phone calls a day from a scammer from ASC, LLC at least 10 different numbers from 10 different area codes I have the numbers, the dates, and the time of the calls. Extremely Agitating.

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