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Employment - Resume Formatting Scam

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Employment - Resume Formatting Scam Reports & Reviews (28)

- Shirley, NY, USA • Feb 26, 2025


Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit and send me your ats resume once the recommended website has completed it.

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Laura Henry

• Jan 15, 2025

Hello xxxxx,

Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Laura Henry

- Center Valley, PA, USA • Jan 08, 2025

Hello ****,

They reached out letting me know that I would be good for a position, but my resume was not ATS friendly, and I need to use a paid service to convert it to a different format. After I tried converting the resume myself (without the paid service), they said that it is still not good enough.

1st email-

Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit and send me your ats resume once the recommended website has completed it.

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Ella Marshall

2nd email-

This did not work out as well. Issue does not relate to the file format. Your resume is supposed to be optimized for ATS. Please optimize your CV by the recommended website in my prior email, and send it back to me so that I can speed things up with a client.

- Southampton, PA, USA • Dec 10, 2024

The scammer said they have a job. But could not provide the details until my resume was ATS compatible. They have my name and resume. They wanted me to pay to get my resume into ATS format. No other recruiting firm requires that, I believe it's a scam.

- Dorchester, MA, USA • Dec 05, 2024

Received an email to schedule a call with a recruiter. After scheduling, received request to upload resume. A different person from the supposed recruitment firm then emailed me and asked to re-upload the resume. After doing that, the same person emailed me again, suggesting that the resume wasn't compatible with the company's "ATS" software, and that I should go to a certain website for a "free resume review." After poking around, discovered another website with photos of the same leadership team, but for a different company: Members of the team also had different names. None of them are on LinkedIn, and neither company is registered to do business in Massachusetts.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA • Nov 21, 2024

Scammer emailed me about a CIO role and said I am a fit. Said they cannot provide details about the position or company and asked for my resume. When I sent it, the scammer replied saying it needs to be "ATS formatted" and directed me to a website that provides resume formatting for a fee. I then did a web search for the scammer's name and found many references to the same scam, in which they imply you are a candidate for a job but are merely trying to get you to pay for resume formatting.

- San Francisco, CA, USA • Oct 03, 2024

Fake exec recruiter reaches out with potential job offers and asks for resume.

Once you have sent it, you are told your resume is not ATS compatible and asked to get it updated using a link provided in the email (CMS resume) and being told your resume is needed asap

- Horsham, PA, USA • Aug 13, 2024



I trust this note finds you in good health and spirits. My name is Sarah Williams, serving as the Head of HR at PE Talent Recruiting Firm, a distinguished firm with a worldwide presence. I'm reaching out to you today to share an intriguing career path that matches your skills.

We have been tasked by a prominent client to find a suitable leader for a specific role (Administration Director) within their newly formed division. Our search process highlighted your outstanding achievements through a reputable agency, making you a strong candidate for the position.

If this opportunity appeals to you, could you please send us your most recent resume? Upon receiving it, I will provide you with more details about the position and walk you through our initial formal steps, which include signing a confidentiality agreement.

To make things clear, as a recruitment agency, we cover the costs of our services, meaning you will not have to pay us directly. Moreover, your privacy is our top priority, so we will not ask for any personal information that is not necessary.

Warmest regards,

Sarah Williams

Head of Human Resources

PE Talent Seek Inc.

- Rockville, MD, USA • Jul 24, 2024

"Sarah Williams" of PE Talent Seek reached out to me regarding a role I had actually applied to via LinkedIn (***** ***** ******* ** ******* ****). She requested my resume, but the email just seemed off so I dug around a bit and discovered other incidents of this scam.

- Philadelphia, PA, USA • Jun 07, 2024

I received the below inbound email from the scammer. The email was tailored to jobs that I had been searching and applying for on the internet. After sending my resume, which included my name, email, and home address, the scammer directed me to a website to pay to have my resume converted to an ATS-friendly resume using my credit card information. I have worked with many recruiters over the years and have never had this request, so I became suspicious. I then began searching the recruiter and the recruiting firm online, and I discovered that the scammer was using the name of a recruiter from another firm and the scammer had created a paid Google search ad using the fake name of the recruiting firm to link to the website of an actual recruiting firm called JMSearch. Based on this, I did not share any further information with the scammer or input my credit card information on the website. I also reported the scammer to Google as a phish attempt.



I hope this message finds you well and in high spirits. I’m Lena Soukup, a Senior Recruiting Specialist, playing a pivotal role in talent acquisition at Private Equity Recruiting Firm, a premier recruitment firm with a global footprint. Today, I’d like to introduce you to an exciting professional avenue that aligns with your expertise.

We’ve been entrusted by a high-profile client to scout for a dynamic leader for the role of Senior Vice President Operations, in a newly integrated division of their enterprise. Our search brought your impressive track record to the forefront via a trusted talent agency, positioning you as a potentially impeccable fit.

If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement.

To clarify, as a recruitment agency, our engagement fee is paid by the hiring entity, ensuring zero costs to you. Additionally, your privacy is paramount; hence, no intrusive information requests will be made.

Best Regards,

Lena Soukup

Sr. Recruiter

Private Equity Recruiting Firm"

EMAIL 2 (after sending my resume):


Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Lena Soukup"

- Redmond, WA, USA • May 30, 2024

Hi - I got an email from Elizabeth saying there was an SVP Operations role that she wanted to put me forward for - and a request for my resume. I did an internet search and found the company's webpage (PE Recruit) but also reports of scams involving this company. The website looked legit, so I sent a response to Elizabeth to say - my LI was up to date, and let's chat more. She emailed back to say 'I’m unable to provide further details at this moment. For our initial client discussions, please forward your resume.' I sent another response to say - hey - this is not how recruit firms normally operate, would you be willing to share your model so I can understand how we might work together? I then got another response with the exact same wording 'I’m unable to provide further details at this moment. For our initial client discussions, please forward your resume.' that established for me beyond doubt that there is something fishy going on - recruiters don't behave this way. I didn't lose anything but I'm reporting it because it's shameful to see scams that prey on people in need. People who need a job are in need. The more reports you get - the easier it will be for action to be taken for this operation to be shut down. I see that people have been talking about this scam since 2021, but it's still operating - it's really sad.

- New York, NY, USA • Apr 29, 2024

If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement.

- Fort Washington, MD, USA • Apr 26, 2024

Scammer reached out about a secret Chief Communications Officer job and requested a resume. Was told that the resume wasn't ATS-friendly and that I needed to change the format like the one on this website:, which required payment. I have never had a recruiter ask me to pay to be recruited. At most, the scammer has my cell, email address and career history.

- New York, NY, USA • Apr 12, 2024

Received initial email stating: "Hello, I hope this message finds you well and in high spirits. I’m Kristen Pike, a Senior Recruiting Specialist, playing a pivotal role in talent acquisition at Private Equity Recruiting Firm, a premier recruitment Firm with a global footprint. Today, I’d like to introduce you to an exciting professional avenue that aligns with your expertise.We’ve been entrusted by a high-profile client to scout for a dynamic leader for the role of Chief [X] Officer, in a newly integrated division of their enterprise. Our search brought your impressive track record to the forefront via a trusted talent agency, positioning you as a potentially impeccable fit. If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement. To clarify, as a recruitment agency, our engagement fee is paid by the hiring entity, ensuring zero costs to you. Additionally, your privacy is paramount; hence, no intrusive information requests will be made. Best Regards, Kristen Pike- Senior Recruiting Specialist, Private Equity Recruiting Firm." Unfortunately, I responded with my resume. Received another email stating "Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion. Best Regards, Kristen Pike"

- Springfield, PA, USA • Apr 12, 2024

Job posting interview asking me to audit a resume for a chief learning officer with a tech firm. Asked for my resume and then will send details about the position

- East Rockaway, NY, USA • Apr 05, 2024

This did not work out as well. Issue does not relate to the file format. Your resume is supposed to be optimized for ATS. Please optimize your CV from the already-recommended website, and send it back to me so that I can speed things up with a client.


Lena Soukup

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 1:38?PM XX wrote:

Lena - I used a service to make my resume ATS friendly. Please advise if this works for you, and thanks* ***** ****

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 11:14?AM Lena Soukup <[email protected]> wrote:

This did not work out as well. Issue does not relate to the file format. Your resume is supposed to be optimized for ATS. Please optimize your CV from the already-recommended website, and send it back to me so that I can speed things up with a client.


Lena Soukup

On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 4:42?PM XX wrote:

Here is a Word version. I hope that works better for your system.

On Apr 4, 2024, at 3:21?PM, Lena Soukup <[email protected]> wrote:


Hello Erin,

Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Lena Soukup

On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 1:15?PM XX wrote:

Hello, Lena.

Thank you for your message - I would be interested in hearing more about the opportunity. Attached is my most recent resume for your reference. After review, if you feel I could be a fit for the role in question, I would be very happy to discuss.

Of course, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards,


On Apr 4, 2024, at 11:25?AM, [email protected] wrote:



I hope this message finds you well and in high spirits. I’m Lena Soukup, a Senior Recruiting Specialist, playing a pivotal role in talent acquisition at Private Equity Recruiting Firm, a premier recruitment firm with a global footprint. Today, I’d like to introduce you to an exciting professional avenue that aligns with your expertise.

We’ve been entrusted by a high-profile client to scout for a dynamic leader for the role of Chief Administrative Officer, in a newly integrated division of their enterprise. Our search brought your impressive track record to the forefront via a trusted talent agency, positioning you as a potentially impeccable fit.

If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement.

To clarify, as a recruitment agency, our engagement fee is paid by the hiring entity, ensuring zero costs to you. Additionally, your privacy is paramount; hence, no intrusive information requests will be made.

Best Regards,

Lena Soukup

Sr. Recruiter

Private Equity Recruiting Firm</[email protected]></[email protected]>

- Folsom, CA, USA • Mar 22, 2024

Emailed pretending to be a recruiter and wanted you to pay to have your resume converted to an editable format ATS (everyone accepts PDF).

- Mechanicsburg, PA, USA • Mar 21, 2024

She sent email about an employment opportunity and asked for resume. I sent my resume. She asked to have it in ATS format. Provided a link to a website that charges for ATS resumes. I responded to her asking for the name of the company she works for. No response.

- Lancaster, PA, USA

I received an email that reads as follows:


I hope this message finds you well and in high spirits. I’m Lena Soukup, a Senior Recruiting Specialist, playing a pivotal role in talent acquisition at Private Equity Recruiting Firm, a premier recruitment firm with a global footprint. Today, I’d like to introduce you to an exciting professional avenue that aligns with your expertise.

We’ve been entrusted by a high-profile client to scout for a dynamic leader for the role of Senior Vice President of Technology, in a newly integrated division of their enterprise. Our search brought your impressive track record to the forefront via a trusted talent agency, positioning you as a potentially impeccable fit.

If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement.

To clarify, as a recruitment agency, our engagement fee is paid by the hiring entity, ensuring zero costs to you. Additionally, your privacy is paramount; hence, no intrusive information requests will be made.

Best Regards,

Lena Soukup

Sr. Recruiter

Private Equity Recruiting Firm


?I responded with my normal resumé, at which point I received the following response:


Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit

For now, precise details about the role and our client are under wraps due to confidentiality protocols. Once we align our schedules, I’ll shed more light on this. I’ll review my calendar and circle back with potential timelines for our continued discussion.


Lena Soukup


I was skeptical because I've never had issues with this resumé, so I responded asking why an ATS-friendly resumé was needed for a recruiter. I received this response:

When can I expect to receive your ATS-friendly resume? To proceed with our client, I must have your ATS resume as soon as possible. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please access the recommended website in my earlier email.


Lena Soukup


At this point I deleted the email and did not re-engage.

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Recruiter contacted me asking for a resume, replied "Your experience is aligned with the role, but your resume is not ATS-friendly. Kindly adapt your resume to be ATS-friendly as I need it asap. For creating an ATS friendly resume, please visit"

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