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Government grant

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Government grant Reports & Reviews (653)

- Lees Summit, MO, USA

They are men clearly from another country not United States and all they say is you have been qualified for government grants and when I say anything they hang up and if I call the number back it says This number cannot be completed as dialed.

- Buffalo, NY, USA

Rep states you have been selected for a $8200.00 free money give a way from the US government which you do not have to pay back and it is a one in the lifetime money you get. Person is supposed to go to Walmart/ Family Dollar to buy a activation card for the amount of $200.00 dollars. Person you their supposed name, ID number, and contact information for you to call them back on parking lot before you get the activation card. He will guide you through the process.

Received numerous phone calls and text messages regarding money that I've been awarded by the Government. I did not speak to anyone, but continue to receive these text/phone calls.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a call stating that i had won a government grant and I had to go to Walmart to get a gift card and send her the money

- Campton, KY, USA

Received a phone call saying I was randomly picked to receive a$9,000.00 free Government Grant, go to Wal-Mart, CVC, anywhere to get a Steam card for $100. Since I couldn't afford a $200 one. Wich Would give me $4,500 in my bank account.Lila Burns was my phone adviser on this prosses. Needless to say at the end I was denied this transaction. Call the Federal Reserve Bank and talked to a Mr.Black 318-600-8491 they wanted an extra$250.for money transfer. All in all i lost 100 dollars. I'm on S.S. such a same how they use people who are in financial trouble to start out with.I hope someone does something please

- Mc Donald, PA, USA

Look up government grant scam and the very first link is in nerd wallet, read the description, same exact things!

- Jeff, KY, USA

Received a call on my mobile phone at 12:14 p.m. from a 606-618-0041 number and the man introduced himself as Officer Steven Smith. He said he’s calling because the U.S. Government randomly picked my number from a national poll to grant a $9,200 financial assistant sum that is totally free to me. He told me I could choose to receive the money through a credit card, check or through a local Walmart cash center. He gave me a confirmation number #AJ329 code along with a contact number 502-209-7781 and repeatedly read off the numbers to me. He told me to immediately call the number he gave me and speak with his manager for further instructions on getting the cash in my hands. Repeated texted were sent to my mobile number when I did not follow through. 10 minutes later another man called from a different number 646-406-4159 and gave me the same speech but only offered $2,000 and this number 202-930-2372. He told me to call his manager for further instructions and use the same confirmation code I was given by the first caller. I’m reporting this to the BBB because I know scams are going on and I’m hoping this will help stop some of it. Thank you for existing BBB.

- Chicago, IL, USA

I was told that if I pay $200. I would get 9,000.00

- Essex, MD, USA

From messenger a friend told me they had so my name on a list she had just got $90,000 Grant from the government. She gave me the phone number to call the lady about the grant. I am not sure if my friends messenger got hacked or if she is in on it because she was always a shady kind of person anyway

- Lehi, UT, USA

Call another number with a confirmation number to receive a 7k Grant. 347 980 7261

- Rocklin, CA, USA

Scammer called and told me that I was selected for a government grant on my work phone number. About 2 weeks ago I had these same calls, from different numbers, non-stop for 2 days. I finally entertained the jerk and he told me that I had to qualify and asked if I had a high school diploma or GED. I told him I didn't get past 6th grade and let him continue the conversation. After confirming multiple times that I didn't "qualify" for the "grant" I asked that he take my number off of his list. The calls finally stopped. So far this is the only call that I've received from this area code today.

- Fort Pierce, FL, USA

I have been awarded a u.s.government grant for $9200. to be used however i wish. Was informed that i do not need to give my ss#

Call 718-514-7372 and give the grant # I was given. When I called that number they put me on hold. According to reverse phone directory the 718 number is in the Bronx and the 202 number is a bandwidth.

- Childersburg, AL, USA

They keep calling my phone,p. I have about 20 calls today from they. I have told the repeatedly to stop calling me. They will change their number by 1-2 digits. Cursing them out does not help.

- Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Consumer was called by someone saying they were with the government and offering a grant. Person said her name was Jessica Foster in NY. Consumer was told her name was randomly picked because she is unemployed. Was told she would get a grant $9,000 and pick it up at Walmart. The person on the phone asked for her checking account number. Consumer did not give it. (315) 628-1515 was also another number given.

- Buffalo, NY, USA

Received a phone call that i was selected for a 9000 dollar grant just needed to put 200 on a goggle car and give them the code

They call me on my phone, They didn't say what company they called form, They told me I can receive a government Grant, And I don;t have to pay it back. I can pay bills, buy a car,take a trip,but no beer.They gave me a code and another phone number to call. The first number 202-643-3394, Then 202-594-8837. They told to go to Wal-Mart, to pick up a money gram. Call them back when I get there, Send them $200.

this is so the money can be released to me. They have called e three times already. I have no plans to go to Wal-Mart at all. I told them was a scam they won;t get money from me today or tomorrow.

text message saying I won a facebook profile from WCAB radomly selected. go get 750.00 on a walmart or an itunes card and take a picture and send it to them. They will then send info as to how to send it to fedex after they get the picture and they will send the cash prize. Constantly badgering me about getting it, finally stopped after hours of going back and forth and my daughter told them to leave me alone and she was heading to police station.

- Council Bluffs, IA, USA

Friday 9/14 I received 8 phone calls from 347-880-1230 before noon, of which I answered twice and was informed I was selected for government grant money. Both times I asked them to not call me again and take me off their list. I then received an additional ELEVEN (11) calls from 369-445-2180 telling me that again my number was selected for government grant money. Of the 11 calls, I was able to answer probably 5 - and each time asking to be removed from list. The last call I asked to speak to a supervisor and informed him that I was respectful in asking all the other times to not be called and informed that I had reported both phone numbers via the do not call registry and requested again to not be called again. Monday 9/17 I began receiving calls from 369-584-2536 and again, same story of government grants. I told the guy to listen clearly to me - and he then interrupted me and said NO YOU LISTEN TO ME - I hung up at that point. If I do see the call come through, which there have been more since this morning i have just been answering and crinkling paper into the phone or turning music up very loud. Hoping they will get the hint. I truly don't know how to get these people to stop calling me.

- Modesto, CA, USA

Called me 40 times won't stop.

- Yuma, AZ, USA

They called me and told me that I was eligible for an $8,000.00 government grant. All I would have to do is go to Walmart or Western Union, call Michelle at (253) 260-4390 and give her the grant approval number, and get a money order for $199.00. They said once they received the money order, I would receive the $8,000.00 and the $199.00 back

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