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iYogi Reports & Reviews (81)

"IYOGI" a technical support services company is now offering a full refund for services that they were suppose to complete but did not. By telephone, they have offer to refund the full amount of the charges previously paid plus any additional damages that incurred as a result of their failure to provide the technical services.. IYOGI's representative requested my credit card information so that they could refund all the money that was owed their negligence.

The telephone solicitation is coming from phone lines that can not be called back and have originated in the US and Canada.

My initial contact with IYOGI was in 2010 and it was MICROSOFT tech support that recommended IYOGI's technical support. I was disappointed in IYOGI's tech support then and discontinued services with them within one month.

Over the last few months, I have been contact several times by phone solicitors supposedly representing IYOGI in a refund complain.

So beware of phone solicitation from IYOGI

- Fernandina Beach, FL, USA

Once I started questioning them explaining that I suspected this was a scam and that I was in a profession that would take further action to stop their scam calls to elderly people, they called me every curse word imaginable. They actually shouted these words at me. Something should be done to shut them down. The phone number shows up on our ID as being in LaHabra, CA. They told me that my account would be debited anyway for $299 and then hung up. Please see what you can do for us.


I had used i yogi services in 2013 for tech-support. I paid for brief membership. Since then, over the past six years, they’ve contacted me to reinstate my membership claiming that they are calling “ to collect on a pending payment of $300“ and that my “credit card is going to be charged”. They also claim that I need to make this payment right away. Each time I explained I have no longer needed their services and they get aggressive and verbally abusive. I have just received another phone call from them in which they left a message on my phone with the number to call back but not indicating who they were. I called the number back and that’s when he said who he was. I asked him to please take me off of their call list and he began screaming at me to “shut up!” therefore I hung up. They have called several times this year and I have blocked their numbers but they called from a different number Each time.

- Houston, TX, USA

these people tried to rip me off for 3000 dollars they called me telling me that they were going to refund me 300 usd . i filled out the information as soon as i hit inter the person on the other line hit 3000 USD he tried to tell me i made the mistake he told him he was going to get fired if i didnt returned the money. he tried to get me to go buy 5 gift cards worth $500 at the same time telling me not to hang up and not to tell them what the gift card were for lucky my bank declined the purchase and then he wanted me to go to target and do the same as well as weastern union but they declined my purchase and transfered as well since this happened im not able to get into my computer and they told me if i went to the police they would lock my compute rone number they called me from is 707-244-8754, 707-300-8366 i havent gotten my refund of 300 dollars yet and my computer is still locked they have a bucn of scammers working for them


Iyogi is a refund scam set up very recently. Do not give or receive money from them.

- Lima, OH, USA

Several years ago, I was contacted by and Yogi computer specialist who informed me I had a virus on my computer. He said that for 300.oo he could install a virus protection and "clean up any virus I may have on the computer". Being completely computer illiterate, I agreed. I have since been harassed up to 6-7 times a day by phone calls for 2-3 years. The phone calls are relentless. They range from telephonic recordings of THREATS to "remove the money from my account on their own" to requesting to put money back into my account. I DON'T OWN THE COMPUTER ANYMORE! I tell this...the times I don't just hang up on them. I also have sexual threats stating* ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** These "men" have spoke this way to me in front of my family when I put them on speaker. They are vulgar. They are like slithering snakes. I need this harassment to end!! When they are blocked, they call from another number. That number gets blocked and they call again from another number and so it continues.....please help end this madness from these lying scam artists from across the pond. They also have a "business" in California. Any help is appreciated!

- Mamaroneck, NY, USA

The calls are NONSTOP. They claim that they owe me a $399 refund but I have never paid them so I know it is a scam and I am sure they are just trying to get banking info. I hang up when I hear that after asking them to please stop calling but they continue.

First from a Louisiana phone number then different Louisiana numbers and now upstate New York numbers beginning with 315. I usually dont pick up. sometimes i pick up and find out that it is indeed them and I hang up. You should investigate because I read they asked someone to log into their bank from a LIBRARY computer. THANK YOU!


About three years ago, my husband paid $300 to iYogi, a company based out of India, to remotely correct an issue with our computer. About a year ago, they called me out of the blue to tell me that my computer was had a "serious virus" and I needed to log on "right away" to correct the problem. When I did not fall for this scare tactic they went away for awhile. Last month they called, and my husband answered. They tried to get him to provide our bank account information and to "refund money" they owed us. I told him to tell them to mail us a check. A few weeks later we received a suspicious, fraudulent check in the mail. Please see attached check.

- Boston, MA, USA

I keep getting many phone calls every day from iyogi on my cell phone, and I'd like it stopped. The scammer has threatened to add money to my debit/credit card account.

- Montrose, CA, USA

This company attempts to get you give them access to your computer remotely, then put viruses onto computer the will then "fix". Also, access your passwords and financial info.

They then call you a year later and tell you they will charge your card for $199.99 and that you are in a three year contract with them. They do not send emails. The message left for me said I had 30 minutes to respond or they would charge my card. The number called from was not the call back number. The call back number sent me to a guy who would not stop talking, would not take verbal cancellation and required that I go to their website and fill out a cancellation. Yeah right.

I told him I would not go to their website, that I had no account and that he was to handle any cancellation over phone and that I had no email or website to boot.

He hung up on me.

- Belmont, CA, USA

They called about 3 years ago to help with a computer issue took 300.00 out of account 3 times and got those charges dropped. now there calling back saying if i dont renew my refund i will be charged 1500.00. Do Not Answer those calls.

- Bronx, NY, USA

iyogi called myself, *** ***, to say they could no longer charge me for services because the credit card has expired. I then explained to them how I have never used those services and do not even have a working computer at home and I should be refunded any money that was owed to me. They said in order to refund any money I had to go purchase gift cards so they could put the money back on gift cards. I stupidly did this. Needless to say I was sent on a wild goose chase with computers and librarys in hopes to receive this money back. In the end I purchased $400 worth of google play gift cards. I gave them the card numbers and they said they would put it all on my american express card. My wife had been yelling at me the whole time but I really convinced they were trying to help. Its unfortunate, and I feel completely violated.


John Matthews or Edward Marks and *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** ** ** ** *** We filed a police report and r*** *** *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *n the end, I'm out $400 bucks plus the $399 they supposedly over charged me.

- Township Of Washington, NJ, USA

they have been calling my cell phone at least 15 times per day asking me to purchase tech support , or that I have a problem with my computer that they will fix.

I can't take it anymore send I wish this harassment would end

- Lake Jackson, TX, USA

This company calls several times a day. I have asked them to remove me from their list with no success. Today I was told that to remove me would be chargeable to the tune of $699.96! I told them I was reporting them to the authorities and they hung up.

- Gainesville, FL, USA

I, like many others, used iYogi for my computer tech support several years ago. However, my 2-years using their services were NOT trouble free. l wanted to cancel after the 1st year, but I couldn't figure out their on-line directions, email instructions, or ever reach them by phone to cancel. I ended up double paying but never got a refund.

Today, out-of-the-blue, I got a call purportedly from iYogi "Refund" Dept, saying they were calling to issue me a refund. Only, it's NOT for 1 yr, it's for the balance of my "5-Yr contract" "which I paid". HOWEVER, I could ONLY get the refund w/ a special code given me while I was on the phone AND on their website's on-screen Form. THIS WAS NOT happening! When I said to either give me the code now, or I would call the Attorney General, the scammer hung up. I, then, looked back through my credit card statements for the year-in-question, but couldn't find any $349.99 payment (amt. scammer) quoted on the phone. So, b/c iYogi was a NY-based company, I called the New York State Attorney's General Office to report this scam, which I now report here.

- Litchfield, MN, USA

Person called to ask if any problems w/computer. They were calling from Microsoft (computers was sending back alerts to them). My computer was really slow, not always opening e-mails. So I was asked to get in front of computer to let them “take over computer”.

I did that, but iYogi said I needed new window version. I bought version 8.1. This seemed somewhat faster, but still not always working. Then they said I needed to buy version 10. About a week later, everyone got free update. So I said w/free updates, why was I charged for version 8.1. I wanted my money back, plus ending computer contract. They were suppose to send back refund on unused time of contract. Never did.

Other day call from Michael (530-385-8662), he had refund of $399. But I had to get in front of computer to get it. I said you have my address, send it to me or I’m calling BBB.

When I first had contact w/iYogi, gave them A rating.

- Alton, IL, USA

The company "Iyogi" contacted me to tell me that they were going to charge my credit card $399 dollars today. If I did not want the fee then I had to let them into my computer so they could download the cancellation form. I instructed them to send the form by email. They stated it could not be done this way and threatened to charge me the money if I did not give them access to my computer. I stated clearly that they had no permission to charge my card or access to my computer. I would report the scam. They hung up on me.


They called on February 13, 2019, and informed me that I was going to be refunded for the virus protection that I purchased from a couple of years ago. They told me to log into and I did and they prompted me to give information and they took control of my computer. I was told to fill out a form for a certain amount and when I submitted the form - they had changed the amount to look like they overpaid me. They then tried to get me to get gift cards from wal-mart to give the codes to so they could get the “overpayment” amount. I looked at my bank account and they had transferred money from one account to another to look like they had given me 4,000.00. But actually they had moved my money from one account to another.

- Mansfield, OH, USA

I Yogi - Stated I have a refund coming of $399.99 to me due to cancelation of a contract. However they need to get in my computer so they can setup the forms for me to fill out. I told them if I have a refund just send me the check or quit playing games with me. They hung up on me. They are calling everyday every 5 to 10 minutes Tired of them calling me.


It's a robot call, telling me my renewal subscription has been successfully renewed and $299.99 will be deducted from my account. They tell you to call 6316010606 if you have any concerns, but no one ever answers. It's a scam!

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