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iYogi Reports & Reviews (81)

This company is calling my home about 10 times a day. They say they owe me money for services they couldn't provide about my computer repair. I haven't paid them any money in 3 yrs so they don't owe me money. They want to tell me what to type into my computer to get my " ID member number, so they can deposit the money for me.As I spoke with someone in person when I called the number back, told him to stop calling my house, he then rang my phone every 20 minutes! This company is not accredited and I'm sure it will never be.I believe this company is based out of India somewhere


OH MY GOD!!!! I stupidly fell for this tech support scam several years ago and have been paying for it ever since. NOW they want to either "take over" my computer and "give me $500" OR GIVE THEM $2,000 to make the phone calls stop that come EVERY 2 MINUTES. If I do neither of these things, the calls will continue. It's making me insane and I don't know how to make it stop. I got Robokiller which is GREAT but the calls still come in. It's a nightmare.


They called me in regards to my computer having a malware problem. They were able to hack into my computer but I was able to shut it off before they got any information.


I used IYogi remote computer repair service in India several years ago, but not anymore. Someone posing as this company is calling previous users offering a refund of unused services. They tell you in order to do so they need access to your computer to send a credit to your bank or PayPal account. Please hang up! Do not fall for this scam to steal your personal information.


A few years ago I was directed to I Yogi by what I thought was my computer protection company (McAfee, which is through Cox Cabel) and they tell me that it wasn't them so there must have been some sort of interception on the part of I Yogi.

I was having issues with my laptop and needed it for an electronic die cutting machine (Cricut). My son has always taken care of my computers but was out of town for training for his job so not available to come to my rescue. The Indian accent rep that I spoke with said that it would cost me for him to fix it but if I wanted to subscribe to a plan for a year for $149 (I think it was) that he could get it fixed for me so that is what I did. I spoke with them a couple more times - they again fixed my issue on the second call and then on the third call they could not fix the problem (the computers had been up-graded to Windows 10 and the printer would no longer scan. I was on the phone with them for well over an hour and in the process the rep up-sold me for 3 more years. When they couldn't fix the problem, I called upon my son and in a matter of 5-10 minutes he had the problem solved.

A couple years ago I tried to contact I Yogi and they were un-reachable. I did some investigating on them and found that they had been shut down in the US. My son removed their icons from my computers. Several months ago I started receiving phone calls from them on a regular basis and repeatable asked them not to call me again - that I was onto their scam and wanted nothing to do with them. Didn't hear from them for a few days and then started getting automated phone calls about cancellation and refund, so I punched the button and got connected with Alex Wilson out in California. I asked for a physical check for my $400 refund, which they couldn't do because they would be fined $1,000. I let him know that he was not getting any of my banking information. He then transferred me to his supervisor, Michael Wilson (another Indian accent Wilson???) and he assured me that they didn't need my banking information to refund me - told me that I just needed to fill out a form on-line, he connected to my computer and on the form is banking information. Again, I let them know in no uncertain terms that they were not getting access to my "on-line" banking info. I was connected to another person with the last name of Wilson and he explained that they would be fined the $1,000 and that they would take it out of my account and they had my debit card on-file. When I once again refused to give them banking info, my computer screen went blank so I turned off the computer right away. The rep started some name calling at that point. I immediately went to my bank, the banker checked my cards and there had been no activity on them that wasn't mine but just to be cautious they cards were canceled and re-issued.

They still continue to call me 3-5 times a day regarding a refund.

These people need to be stopped. They are scamming folks and then harassing us to no end. What can be done about them?

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I used Iyogi three years ago as a program to monitor my computer's performance and for security. I paid a lot of money for a three year contract. After a year and a half they went out of business leaving me with a half fulfilled contract. I chalked it up to lesson learned and got Norton anti virus. About two months ago they started calling me about refunding my money. On the first call I googled them while on the phone with them and before I gave them any information and found out it was a scam. The minute I mentioned I'd googled them they hung up. Now they won't stop calling me, leaving me voice messages even though I blocked their number. Iyogi is not going to refund your money, they only want your banking information. I never give anyone asking me for my banking information unless I called them. I suggest you do the same.

- Washington, DC, USA

This company is repeatedly harassing me about accessing my computer to install security updates during the past two years. I have asked politely to remove me from their calling. They are using United States area codes but probably calling from India.


1-1/2 years ago my computer was infected. I called Yogi computers w/# supplied on their website. They "claimed" they cleaned my computer as best they could. However, it still didn't work properly. It was an old computer, so I ordered a new one from them. I had "second thoughts" though, so I cancelled my Visa credit card payment. They never got any $ from me, but they've been calling me regularly ever since, trying to sell me their anti-virus service. The most recent # they called from is +347442533 which is not a valid #. Can you do anything about having them refrain from calling me? It was a service-only type of situation, no purchase was made.

- Kissimmee, FL, USA

About 2 1/2 years ago I was trying to contact Microsoft Tech Support and I clicked on first entry that came up. I asked person if it was Microsoft and my reply was 'yes, we are tech support'. I did give them access to my computer and they came up with so many problems I had that needed fixing. I also had given them my debit card number ( my fault) and at end they said it was $200.00 and something which came out automatically from my checking acct.

I called my brother who had worked as tech support person and he went into my computer and took out everything which was installed by IYogi tech. I then called IYogi and told them to credit back my account as I was calling my bank. Bank said it was on my debit card so I had to cancel and get new card. IYogi person called me back and finally said they would reimburse my money and I received a check back from them.

In the last 2 to 3 months I get calls stating that they are my tech and it is time to go into computer and check things.

I have repeatedly told the people who call that they are not my techs and should stop calling me. Last call was yesterday afternoon. I have blocked the phone numbers, which most are bogus and then get call from new number. My brother passed away 2 years ago so he can't help me each time that they call and ask me to sign into computer so they can update.

How can I get them to stop calling?? Please help

- Lubbock, TX, USA

Caller called from #800-237-3901 claimed to be from Microsoft and IYOGI Tech and he was part of the Tech people who supposedly first supplied my Anti-Virus software. He was very stern and asked me to get on my computer so he could resolve all the problems with by computer. I was hesitant and told him I wasn't going to pay for anything and he completely agreed with that and said lets just make sure your personal files have not been compromised. He signed on thru a and literally showed my what was shockingly child porn and claimed that hackers were viewing this thru my server? I told him to take the porn off because he left it on my screen. He then proceeded to tell me he could get this all off my computer for a price. I got even more upset and reminded him of our agreement of me not paying and told him to log off my computer, but the damage had been done. He locked me out of my computer I lost all my files and pictures. Terrible invasion of my privacy and a huge loss of very important documents.


This scam tech support just stay away from the

- Luzerne, MI, USA

I received a call from Mike Nelson (270-775-0121) from iYogi tech support on 2-1-2018. He informed me that the company was not able to provide the service that I purchased in my area and was closing this part of the company and I was entitled to a refund. As I haven't used the PC that had their tech support installed on it in a very long time it sounded reasonable. Mike said that it was a simple process that could be done over the internet and that it was the only way the refunds were done. Using the PC that had the iYogi installed on it, he preceded to guide me through the steps and before I knew it we were at my bank account. Through my hesitation he assured me that all was secure while using Google Chrome and that he couldn't see my bank screen. At this point I knew I was in a scam. While trying to delay him and asking lots of questions, I went to a different computer and opened my bank account and changed my login, password etc... He was able to pull off a deposit into my checking of more than $3,000.00 over my supposed refund amount. My PC screen was blacked out for a time and he kept saying that my computer was slow and the page would show up soon(this is obviously when he was in my account). Then my computer camera was turned on for a quick moment and I believe he took my picture! Mike then stated that I made an error when entering the amount and that I would need to go to Walmart immediately and purchase 6-$500 gift cards and call him back to give him the numbers on the cards otherwise he would be fired. (I had no intentions of doing this) I told him that I couldn't go then and he instructed me to go to Walmart first thing in the morning and get the gift cards. What he did while logged into my bank account was transfer money from my money market account to my checking account therefor it appeared that he deposited the money but he just moved money within my account. At this time all of my bank funds are intact. I changed bank login name and password again this morning while on a computer other than the one with the iYogi support which I have uninstalled. He has repeatedly called me today but leaves no message.


I used the company for a few years. After I renewed my contract, they told me I needed to upgrade. During the first contract they were great! Then they began to use scare tactics to get me to upgrade for increased high costs. Because my computer was used for work, I felt desperate. I chose to do so. One night, I was desperate for my computer to work. I called repeatedly for service. No answer. All weekend, I called. No answer. The next month I called nearly every day. No answer. I decided to cut my loses and take my computer to a service center to remove all iYogi software. Months later iYogi called me and wanted me to continue service (with additional funds) that was soon to expire. I told them "No Thank You" and that I was finished with them. They continued to call me. When the service time did expire, they called repeatedly and wanted to return the money they owed me. They wanted to know the bank name where I banked, not the account number. This was still too creepy. I told them No! They continued to call me. I have asked them repeatedly to stop calling me, that I want nothing to do with them. For months they continue to call me almost every day. One time, the guy asked if my computer was on. Now I just hang up every time. I strongly advise to avoid this so called business.

- Ukiah, CA, USA

I Yogi calls 3 times a day and their 800 no. when I call back says no longer in service.

They want me to sign up and I have asked 10 times for them to stop, am also on the do not call list,

have reported them by phone and internet. How can I get them to stop bothering me?????

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I was contacted by a company claiming to be iYogi saying they were ordered by the to pay me a refund on a claim I made over a year ago. They were requesting personal information, asked me to log into my online bank account. I repeatedly requested that they mail me a check for the refund amount, to which the tech responded that their company is shutting down ?and moving to a different state/country b/c their "license has expired". When they gained access to my computer and I requested a refund by check the tech said that they're an online company so can only perform online transactions, would transfer the funds from their account to my account. When I later demanded a refund mailed to me, they said that their "server was down" so they couldn't send a check. I insisted on being mailed a check rather than an electronic transfer to which they said they couldn't do that, asked me to trust them, that it is against their business practices to request personal information. I pointed out that in fact online reviews suggest otherwise, to which they ended the call.


This man allegedly from IYOGI is stating the company is out of business and is trying to credit the balance due from a 299.99 tech support contract I purchased in January 2015. When I asked him to credit me with a check he states he can't do that because we used a debit card for the purchase and the money must be refunded to the card. I then proceed to tell him I'm not doing any business with him until I research his company with the BBB then he states OK Ill call you back in 10 minutes, I said NO I'll call you back, He says I cant do that because he is calling from a server, I state but you MUST have a phone number because you're a business, He then says let me talk to my manager I said NO I want a phone number and you don't need a manager to give me that info. Anyway he puts me on hold for like 15 seconds then comes back with 281-899-0782, I then ask him for his address and he fumbles over his words cause he doesn't know what to say..Finally after I continue to press him for a state he yells TEXAS then I say what city...and he refuses to answer He keeps trying to overtalk me to tell me he will call back in 10 minutes and I just get louder asking what city??? several times we have this exchange then his side just goes quiet..I then just hang up... These people have called here at least 25 times but THIS time they got me rather than my elderly mother,

- Tujunga, CA, USA

All known information is provided. I used to subscribe to iYogi Technical Support which would remotely Service my computer. The subscription has been expired for a long time. Someone has been calling me repeatedly for months from the above listed number and I think they’ve been claiming to be affiliated with iYogi! At least that’s was the claim of the most recent caller. When I call back the number listed on my caller ID a recorded message says the number is currently unavailable. When I answer the phone and say, “Hello!” no one immediately responds. Rather, there is a pause and then there’s a sound similar to the pressure being released from a suction cup. I wonder if this indicates the presence of some device on the caller’s end that blocks return calls!

- Council Bluffs, IA, USA

"Alex Wilson" from iyogi called me claiming to able to identify and fix problems with my computer. He walked me through a process wherein he wanted to remote into my computer and install some malicious code. In event viewer on my computer he wanted me to type in These people should rot in hell.

- Starks, LA, USA

A person who claimed to be with iyogi contacted me about a refund owed to on my computer and tried to scam me by taking 2000 dollars from my savings acct.. went to bank call police closed account . But the person locked me out of my computer . Made several attempts to reach I yogi with no response..I have been dealing with them for about 7 years and now I can't get a response.

- Canyon Country, CA, USA

I have worked with Iyogi for a couple of years and have had good luck with them in the past. Over three months ago I spoke with them about upgrading my computer software and hardware. I ordered an external hard drive that was supposed to have some things specific for my computer on it and a particular version of windows 10 since I have not been able to load it onto my computer. I paid for the products but have never received them. I called them many times to find out where they are and each time was told they were on their way. To date I have not received a thing form them and can no longer contact them by phone, e mail or chat. I know there are some lawsuits against them and I am figuring though I don't know for sure that I am not the only one they have done this to.

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