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EN EL ANUNCIO JAMAS DICE LA GRADUACIÓN ME LLEGARON DE GRADUACIÓN 3, es muchísimo! Yo no los puedo usar. Solicite me enviaran 2 dorados y un negro, recibí un correo, diciendo que si me los iban a mandar según yo solicite, yo esperanzada, y además que tardaron más de un mes, al recibirlos oh sorpresa!
ES un engaño!
Por estas empresas, fantasmas, nunca más comprar por Internet.
Por querías que me enviaron.
Me timaron!
Scammer's address [email protected]
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill
Initial means of contact Online classifieds (e.g., Craigslist)
Total Amount US $ 35.81. But company supplied me drill bit
They have written address 70 Gibson DR. Unit 7
Markham ON L3R4C2
( For Return Only). After that I tried to contact the supplier. They blocked
the e/mail address, email returned by Microsoft out look undelevered
Please help me to get money back
Thank You
Amarjit Saini ([protected]
Scammer's email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Initial means of contact Social media (e.g., Facebook)
The [email protected] one states “We show your package was Delivered on such and such date, I even tried email them a k stating I did t Order two chains and if they would note the weight of the package I received and view the photo of what I ordered compared to what I actually received they would Note All the differences. We should reach out to FaceBook as well and let them know of their Fradulent advertisers.
My total was $50.90 I have Asked PayPal to assist me in getting my money back. Please help as well! REVEAL these darn Scammers! Apparently they are pretty smart, wish they would direct that into Helping people not hurting. We make our living using hand powered tools and really needed these.
[email protected]
I swear these China people do not like USA and are trying to hurt us anyway they can.
Ordered a battery operated hand saw and received a chain. Total charge was $31.65. Obviously, a S-C-A-M/F-R-A-U-D
no response to repeated emails asking for exchange or refund