PayPal Reports & Reviews (222)
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Type of a scam Phishing
Country United States
Victim Location OH 43085, USA
Type of a scam Tech Support
We Need Your Help
Dec 27 at 3:11 AM
PrintRaw message
Support Inc
Dear Client,
Your paypal account has been disabled.
Please be aware that your PayPal Account expires in less than 48 H for Security reasons. It is indispensable to perform an audit of your data is present, otherwise , We will limit your account. Follow some steps and verify bellow
We requests verification whenever an email address is selected as a Paypal account. Your Account cannot be used until you verify it
Click the button below and follow the steps
Country United States
Victim Location WA 98168, USA
Type of a scam Tech Support
"Your Account has been temporarily Limited
We want to confirm that the information in your PayPal account is accurate as we noticed some suspicious activity in your account.
To ensure that your account remains secure, we need you to take action on your account.
We've also temporarily limited certain features in your PayPal account.
Currently, you won't be able to:
Receive payments
Send Payments
Withdraw funds
What should you do?
Please open the attached file (PDF) that we have provided and Iogin to your account to provide the requested information and payment information before : August 15, 2019. : In just 3 easy steps you will return to the shopping place safely and comfortably again.
Thank you for being a Pay?aI Customer.
Pay?aI Su??ort"
Scammer's email [email protected]
Type of a scam Phishing
Type of a scam Phishing
Country United States
Victim Location WV 26155, USA
Total money lost $200
Type of a scam Tech Support
Scammer's email PayPal [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location KY 40312, USA
Type of a scam Credit Cards
Transaction ID: 2KW133578A574892Q
Hello ,
You sent a payment of $495.00 USD to GoldCash US
([email protected])
It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account, if you didn't authorize this transaction call us now at +1 800 291 5881
GoldCash US
[email protected]
Instructions to merchant
You haven't entered any instructions.
Delivery address – confirmed
You haven't entered any instructions.
Dispatch details
The seller hasn’t provided any dispatch details yet.
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Deposited (ID: 234288)
$495.00 USD 1 $495.00 USD
Subtotal $495.00 USD
Total $495.00 USD
Payment $495.00 USD
Charge will appear on your credit card statement as 'PAYPAL *GOLDCASH'
Payment sent to [email protected]
Issues with this transaction?
You have 180 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center or else call us at +1 800 291 5881
Questions? Go to the Help Center at
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click Help in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
You can receive plain text emails instead of HTML emails. To change your Notifications preferences, log in to your PayPal account at, go to your Profile, and click My settings.
Country United States
Victim Location MO 65689, USA
Total money lost $50
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email customerservice@paypal
Country United States
Victim Location LA 70123, USA
Total money lost $3,240
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Scammer's email N/A
Country United States
Victim Location DE 19720, USA
Total money lost $3,000
Type of a scam Phishing
I'm praying the bank reimburses what I've lost on the Credit Cards, as well as, my Debit Card which by now it looks as if my Debit Transaction WON'T be covered and I'm just assed out of $500.00.
You HONESTLY just don't know TODAY who/what people are, if the company is right, if if if.... and that's NOT what our Country was built on. This INTERNET is turning out to be a very dark place! You don't know who/what to trust anymore!
These Scammers are getting in through/by any means necessary and it's tearing the security of our Country apart!
Scammer's address Caif
Country United States
Victim Location MO 65712, USA
Total money lost $200
Type of a scam Business Email Compromise
Country United States
Victim Location TX 78413, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Country United States
Victim Location IL 61604, USA
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I am unsure what the objective was, because I did not fill in my personal information and decided to call paypal instead of replying to the email.
Type of a scam Phishing
Restore your Account
Dear Customer,
Your PayPal account has been limited because we've notice significant changes in your account activity. As your payment processor, we need to understand the situation better.
What's going on?
This account limitation will affect your ability to:
send money
withdrow money
receive money
Also, you won't be able to:
remove any bank accounts
remove credit cards
close your account
What to do next
Please log in to your PayPal account and provide the requested information through the Resolution Center.
Restore Your Account
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you need further assistance, please click Contact at the bottom of any PayPal page.
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location GA 30096, USA
Total money lost $550
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address Chicago, IL 60644, USA
Country United States
Victim Location IL 60644, USA
Type of a scam Other
The have middle eastern acents.a lot of computer tech in call centers have the same accent. Make sure you are calling PayPal on these scammers.
Total money lost $100
Type of a scam Credit Cards
pay pal site that gave me the 2 reported #s 8443958555 then 8052542071.Being an 80 year old numbskull I ended up giving them the code to a google play card for $100 to cover payments for some compromise on my account...since pay pal touts itself for being secure I got suspicious and when they said they needed to remove 5 devices that were compromising the account and I needed to give them $500 more! I told them off!!.....They were still persistent.... I finally realized I was done in and hung up on them and since i had earlier given them the last 4 digits of my Mastercard that had been covering the pay pal payments..I called Master card and gave them the story...they gave me pay pal's correct phone # and I cleared it with them finally..... Lesson learned
*BBB recommends verifying a company identity before money is transferred or personal information is given. scams may use large company names to appear credible.
Country United States
Victim Location IL 61081, USA
Total money lost $2,500
Type of a scam Other
Country United States
Victim Location FL 33026, USA
Total money lost $70
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Type of a scam Phishing