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Radiant Revive

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Radiant Revive Reports & Reviews (94)

- Milford, MI, USA

This is such a scam. They use celebs to get you hooked. They SAY you have 14 days to stop the charge of full price products. It is very ambiguous if at all clear that you have only 14 days and when does that date start. They say you are ordering only samples.

My mother ordered this product which advertised the first shipment for shipping cost only. NO WHERE in the ordering process was the terms and conditions listed that stated they would continue to send products as a subscription type order. We have called the company NUMEROUS times and attempted to cancel/credit the product but they continue to say the terms and conditions are clearly stated. THEY ARE NOT clear. Her credit card continues to be charged. Please shut this company down and file a lawsuit. They are not clear and continue to state they are approved.

The offer of "free" trial is deceptive. One must pay postage. Then the opportunity to cancel future automatic shipments and payments can only be made with a phone call. An email attempt to do so only generated a "please call customer service" response with a phone number listed. But there was no statement about cancellation being "required" over the phone. When I did call after getting an unwanted delivery of product, the rep gave me the run around about my not being able to cancel the payment and kept offering more and more of a discount to elicit an agreement to pay something. Unfortunately, I agreed to a 75% discount but have learned that her information was not correct, and I may have made attempts to work with credit card company null and void. This is a scam to get you started on a product that is not better than off the shelf face creams and then suck you into repeat payments; when you try to cancel, they make it difficult and ultimately are deceptive about your rights to stop credit card payments.

Radiant Revive offers a free trial of their products by only paying shipping. What you neglect to find hidden is the part where the trial is only 14 days (4 for shipping and 10 for use) and the product you received is the actual full price item. If you don't cancel within the 14 days you get automatically charged the full price on the credit card submitted. They will not refund. However I did finally finagle a 50% refund to which I am still waiting to see if it happens. The product didn't work for me and I told them it broke me out. I was told that was how it worked, making your skin worse by breaking it down and then it would get better. I have never heard of a product making your skin worse and then it would get better. Do not purchase from Radiant Revive unless you read the entire fine print and find a number to or address to contact if you choose to cancel a subscription that you didn't know was happening till you receive a charge on your credit card. Make sure if you send a letter within the time frame that you do so with a receipt of delivery request.

- Sewanee, TN, USA

Product "to arrive in 3-5 days," but it took about 2 weeks. You had to cancel within two weeks (when you hadn't even tried the product) or be subject to their monthly subscription. Terms and Conditions said monthly billings would occur for a subscription to the product, yet they billed every two weeks. Multiple attempts to contact them were dead ends. They said they had no record of my order and therefore couldn't cancel it—yet they kept billing me. Customer Service contacts on email and by phone were useless. I was told to "call my bank." When I try to go back to their website, it gets diverted to a different site.

I am very disappointed with Radiant Revive. This product is nothing what it claims to be. I tried contacting them at the 844-592-6410 phone number to cancel future orders like it says to do and the representative on the other end said they were not Radiant Revive. She said I was given the wrong number and that I was not the only one. She suggested I call my bank and get the number from them. The number on my bank account was 855-633-0203. I called and waited for an hour and a half and no one ever came on the line. I then sent them an email a couple of days later. Later that day I had a second charge pending for this product I didn't want. I just called again and waited 3 hours and still no answer. How is this company being allowed to continue scamming people ? From providing a false number to begin with to another number they are not answering. I wish I would have read up on the reviews before deciding to try this product. I can only hope that potential radiant revive victims read my post before it's too late.

- Captain Cook, HI, USA


I purchased the Free trial offer for eye serum and release cream because the advertisement said "As seen on Shark Tank". Paid $4.95 each and as soon as you accept this charge, you begin to get charged for the two FREE trail offers. In my case $88.47 and 88.98 for first delivery. I got nothing in the shipment to say cancel if you don’t want the item. I called my bank right away. I am still waiting to get credit for the charges. I had to cancel my card to assure that I would not be charged again. I called the company but was left on hold for 30 minutes and finally hung up. Cheats, scams!

Free trial offer for eye serum and release cream. Paid $4.95 each and as soon as you accept this charge, you begin to get charged for the two FREE trail offers. In my case $88.47 for first delivery and then these charge continue until you see your bill. I got nothing in the shipment to say cancel if you don’t want the item, I spent two hours on the phone yesterday with my credit card company and Radiant Representatives. I got one charge cancelled but still have to pay over $100. The Representative assured me, I can complain all I want but this is how the company works. Cheats, scams! She also said it can’t be disputed through the because it is my fault I didn’t cancel quicker!

I ordered the Trial offer for 4.95. Received 12/08/2017. I did not see any instructions in the order. I did go on their web site, and found to cancel future orders, to write the at 2618 Battleground Ave, Sta #197, Greensboro, NC 27408, which I did on 12/10/2017,

they will not acknowledge receipt of letter, as I did not send, return receipt requested. I was charged on 12/21/2017, $89.95, which I never received, but the company refuses to refund the charge to my C C. Can you help

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I saw the Shark Tank story on the product and was intrigued. I put in all my contact info because it was supposed to be a free trial (as advertised). When it got to the point to input credit card info (for shipping and handling, I closed down the page to do more research the next day.

Then the next day, while out running errands, I received a phone call from Radiant Revive asking whether I would like to complete my purchase. I asked what the credit card info was for and she said it was just for the $5 shipping and handling of the free trial. I was surprised when there were two $5 charges (one for the face cream and one for the eye cream as that was NOT specified. Since, it was still just $10 for approximately $175 worth of product to try out, I let it go. I assumed it was a new company standing by their awesome produand willing to put out some freebies because the we're certain of return customers. It all sounded easy breezy and she said if I loved how my skin was after trying it out, to let them know and order more.

Well, I will not be ordering more! Rather than contacting them as it was implied, I was surprised with two $89 charges on my card without my consent or knowledge. And when I was not for an auto-shipment of any was for the supposed "free trial"!! There is nothing free about it!

I asked for my name and card information to be removed from their system immediately. They tried to divert my attention to whether the products we working for me or not, how many environmental factors they protect against, whether I'd want 50% off my next shipment, then offered 75% off my next shipment when I wasn't budging. These people are a joke! I told them irregardless of how it works, NOTHING makes up for their poor business practices and lack of informing their customers. I have my cancellation number written down and will be tracking their use of my information VERY closely. Buyer beware!!

- Sacramento, CA, USA

I saw an ad on Facebook with Rachel Ray promoting this new eye and facial cream. I had never ordered online like this before, with a product and company I had never heard of, but I took a chance and ordered the free trial of both products. The company gives you a 30 day supply of each; eye serum and facial cream. If you don't like it, you have 14 days to return it and receive a partial refund, and to cancel any future orders. My total charge at that time was $12.34. ($4.95+4.90+2.49). On 9/28/2017, product was deducted from my checking account. I had not even received my order yet. Received order on 10/3/2017. On 10/12/17 & 10/13/17, they deducted $89.95 & $88.47 from my checking. I called customer service asking why all this money was coming out of my checking, and that I wanted to cancel and couldn't afford the product and that I didn't like it anyway. The person on the phone said they DO NOT give refunds, and because I cancelled too late I would have to pay full price. I tried to find something in writing to see if she was right, but I couldn't. When I told her that, she laughed and said, "We are a paperless company and you should have read it the first time". Well, I made the mistake of assuming she cancelled me that day. On 10/30/17, I received another package in the mail with the same products. I did not open it and immediately checked my bank account. They took another $183.37 from me. ($4.95+89.95+88.47). I immediately called customer service and explained that I had already cancelled back on 10/13/17. I told them I had received another package from them and I wanted to return it for a full refund. She said she had no knowledge of me cancelling at any time. All she kept saying was NO REFUNDS. I started to get emotional and told her I was on a fixed income and could not afford this. So far I was out over $300.00. I explained the package was still sealed, I had not opened it. She just kept saying NO REFUND. She didn't even offer me a solution of any kind. I told her I would never use it, and she said "Oh well". I asked her how does it feel to rip off people? She hung up on me and I have never received any refund. They are still taking $4.95 out of my checking every month? Why? I've tried to call and have been put on hold. This company, if that's what you want to call it, needs to be shut down.

- Anchorage, AK, USA

Ordered trial of Radiant Revive Repair & Release cream and Radian Revive Eye Serum on February 5, 2018. The trial amount for each was $1 + shipping. Those charges show up in my account as $4.90 and $4.95. I received Order Confirmation emails for each of those, although the order confirmation does not have any information at all on it about the length of the trial, the fact that you need to cancel or you'll be charged in full, how much the charge will be, etc. The order confirmation just says "Repair & Release Cream".

Received my trials and didn't think anything of it. On April 9, 2018 I had a Radiant Revive package in the mail with Repair & Release cream. I thought it was odd because I hadn't received any other communication from them at all except for those 2 order confirmations on 2/5. The packing slip doesn't have any type of cost on it, just the name of product and quantity. Decided to check my bank account and I have the 2 full charges for the cream and serum exactly 14 days after the trial order ($88.47 and $89.95). Then I have $89.95 on 3/10, $88.47 on 3/12, $89.95 on 4/5, and $88.47 on 4/6. I never received anything in the mail for the 3/10 and 3/12, or else I would've noticed something was off. I received one thing in the mail from the 4/5 order. Nothing from the 4/6.

There are no order confirmations for these and no warnings. Companies like Rodan & Fields send you an email notice days before sending your subscription to give you the choice to cancel your order. You can go into your account at any time and make changes. This isn't the case with this company. There's no account to log into, if you email their support email account you receive an auto-reply telling you to call 855-633-0203, and when you call THAT number you're on hold indefinitely. I never was able to get anyone to answer a call or respond to an email.

I've called my credit card company and they explained that canceling my card most likely will not help because if it's with the same company in the same name, Radiant Revive will most likely be able to charge to that card, as well. They're trying to dispute the charges for all the times I was charged and didn't receive anything. I'm returning the one package I did receive and asking for a refund and a cancellation of my account since I can't ask anyone personally to cancel. My bank is going to dispute ALL future charges from this company.

- Harrington, DE, USA

I saw an ad on Facebook for a trial offer of Radiant Revive face and eye cream. The offer stated $4.90 and $4.95 for the trial offer. I made the purchase after reading the terms and conditions and felt safe with placing the order as it states that if you are not satisfied you have 14 days to cancel and you will not be charged for any additional product. I tried the product but it irritated my skin so I cancelled per their terms and conditions by sending the required email within the 14 days. I received the product on 3/27/18 and cancelled it on 3/29/18. On 4/4/18 I was charged $89.95 even though I cancelled. When I called to inquire as to why this amount was charged to my credit card even though I had cancelled within the 14 days she told me I needed to call not email.

This is their cancellation policy: If for any reason you do not find that the product is right for you, you may call our Customer Service center at 1-855-633-0203 to process a written cancellation, or simply send an email with the written subject heading "Cancellation", to [email protected].

I have 8 emails back and forth with this company. Instead of refunding the $89.95 the offered to refund $67.46. I accepted as I was afraid I wouldn't get anything. This company needs to update their terms and conditions because this statement is false and misleading. I will never trust another offer such as this, lesson learned.

- Roscoe, IL, USA

This company has mislead many customers including myself. There was a Facebook ad that allowed me to pay just for shipping for a sample of both the eye cream and moisturizer ($4.95) each. Two weeks later I saw a charge of $88.00 and $89.00 charged to my account. I called my bank to put a stop to the charges, however, they said I needed to contact radiant revive for this matter. I called to them explaining I did not know that this would charge me and that I did not even like the product and I would send it back. She said that I could not do that and she stated It was in the "terms and conditions." Nowhere did I see this at time of purchase; it was hidden and completely deceptive and misleading. I never even received an email about this or anything in the packing slip about canceling/terms and conditions. I said I was going to report them to the BBB at which time she offered 35% off and I was very discouraged and did not take that offer at the time. I said I wanted to speak to a manager. She said she was a manager. So I asked for the owner and all she gave me was an email address. That did not help at as it just said to contact the phone number I already had. I did my own research and found that many other people were scammed. I looked and saw that they are not BBB accredited and she blatantly lied about this on the phone earlier saying they are BBB accredited. I called the company again as there was an initial charge of $2.95 as well, which I was confused about and after reading other reviews it was for some rewards program I had no clue I signed up for either. After speaking with them again to cancel this as well, she said as long as I hadn't reported the to BBB or AG of North Carolina she could offer me 50% but that was the most they could do. I had to take the time to close my debit card to get a new one as I had seen that other people were being charged even after canceling. Anyway, I did receive my 50% refund today, but by know means am I happy as I am still out $89. This company is a fraud and out for money. They should be shut down immediately!

Skin Care Free Trial Scams.

I've been scammed by a free trial for a wrinkle cream by (what they call themselves now) "Radiant Revive ".

It was an ad with the product description and a button: "Order Now" risk free, free trial only pay shipping cost of $4.95 x 2 for two types of cream. So I was dumb enough to "order" the samples and "signed up" myself (how I've discovered later) for a monthly supply of a "wonderful anti wrinkle product" for $200 a month (!) Obviously I didn't receive no terms and conditions, no cancellation policy and NO SAMPLES (just full sized product for $210). I've realized it when saw multiple charges on my credit card : $4.95, $4.95, $2 (expedite shipping!) $98.99 and $89.99 plus same set of charges which were pending!!!! I immediately filed fraud dispute with my bank and asked to cancel pending charges, but unsuccessful, I was told that scammer sent them proofs with my authorization for those illegal charges, but bank didn't show those proofs to me. And they are not able to stop charges by customer request (!??). So, by clicking suspicious ad I let scammers to steal my credit card, my bank refused to help (at least to stop pending charges of $210) and I end up paying for my "online shopping experience" $420.

- Willowbrook, IL, USA

Radiant Revive - False Advertising.

They have you sign up for a "free trial" but do not tell you they are sending a FULL size product and that your trial period starts from day of order not day of receipt. Once you receive your "trial" there is no receipt in the box telling you the terms of your purchase nor is there any contact information for Radiant Revive. I only purchased Repair/Rejuvenate Cream. When I clicked payment, the Bright Eye Serum and expedited charges also appeared. I was charged $4.95 each plus 2.95 for expedite. I did not see the 14 day policy anywhere---and 30 days later I was charged $88.47, 89.95 and in addition a "My Rewards" promotion for $4.95. I cancelled everything immediately. However, I only received a refund for the My Rewards charge of $4.95. NEVER had this experience online with any other company. Their cancellation policies should be clearly stated up front to avoid this many complaints to BBB. They also are using Shark Tank in their ad--and using Shark Tank to market their product should not be done if they continue this style of false advertising their policies. Very disappointed in lack of response to their customers.

Hello, there was an advertisement on Facebook About the face cream. I looked at the page for any extra charges. They keep them hidden. I got scammed before so I was hesitate. There was nothing about extra charge if you don't cancel within 2 weeks. Of course in 2 weeks i was charged $89.00 & 86.00. I contacted my bank to dispute the charges. They said they would contact Radiant Revive. They gave my money back. My bank is ***. I was checking on the phone how much I could charge. Imagine my surprise I was over limit. I got the bill saw I was charged again. They told us we lost the dispute. They would not return The money. I was surprised my bank sided with a scam. There is a lot of people scammed with this. Please help me with this

- Huntington Beach, CA, USA

They advertise these miracle products endorsed by the hit show SHARK TANK. The offer is full size products for shipping cost only. I was careful not to sign up for an ongoing subscription but was billed the full price for each of the two products just two weeks after ordering at $88.47, $89.95 and a rewards points account for $2.49 per month. I called their customer service # and they said I agreed to this. Although the products were unopened I was told I couldn't return them! The customer service rep offered a 25% refund, then 50%, then 75% at which I insisted a full 100% refund. I told her I would dispute these charges through my bank if she didn't honor my request. I'm told it will take 5-7 days to see the refund. If I don't see the full refund I will be contacting my bank. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS UNLESS THEY ARE ACTUALLY HOLDING THE PRODUCT AND MENTIONING IT BY NAME.

Ordered a trial of a product for $4.90: got stung with $2.49 mailing (my error): Apparently you were automatically signed up for an ongoing receipt of this product: there was a 14 day period where I could have cancelled: I am 78 yrs old...did not see the second order and realized it was $88!!!!! I called immediately to cancel: who pays $88 for "cold cream??????" I was told...."too signed up.."

I was not opposed to paying a reasonable charge for the second shipment...but $88?????

Watch out people.....spend a day or two reading ALL of the "conditions" I got a small refund.

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