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Radiant Revive

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Radiant Revive Reports & Reviews (94)

- Zephyrhills, FL, USA

Received website and checked info. It said that it was supported by all the investors on the show “shark tank”. Upon reading information, (including small print) I decided to try the trial and just pay the shipping. It never said the items would be shipped separately thus two shipping charges and an additional $2.49 for who knows what. It says it takes 30 to 90 days to see results but after 14 days they charge you full price for the “trial" you were only supposed to pay shipping for. If you don’t cancel they automatically change you to an auto ship and charge you again before you even receive the product. You can’t refuse it and get a refund (according to Sonya) because they have a “no return policy”. I had told the company I wanted these stopped but because there was no phone number I had to send an email through their website and have no proof I did. I got a number from my bank statement, talked with Sonya who said I couldn’t talk to a manager because she could handle the call. She offered a 35% refund on last shipment and then finally a 50% refund on last shipment. I did notice that when you go to the radiant revive site and push trial you now get what appears to be the same product now called “Barely There” out of Cuyahoga Falls, OH.

- New Kensington, PA, USA

Radiant Revive offers a free trial period for their wrinkle and eye creams. When you receive the product there is no information, no receipt, no contract or contact information. The products are full size they are not trials. You are only given 14 days for the trial which starts at date of order not from when you receive the product so you don't get very long to try it. After 30 days I received a $79 charge on my credit card. I called to cancel and asked to prevent further shipments but they said they could not stop the next shipment so the very next day I received another charge for $79. I tried to "Return to Sender" through the Post Office but Radiant Revive does not include their name on the return address of their shipments so you cannot do a return to sender. Once again in the second shipment there was no receipt, no contact information.

They are very rude on the phone and will offer 20%, 35%, 50% then 75% off to keep you on the mailing list. They refuse to accept returns of unopened items even if the shipping box has not been opened. I fell for the scam partly because they are using Shark Tank in their ad and I have always trusted Shark Tank, my bad. I have never felt so betrayed. Yes I joined the contract when I first bought the product but it feels as though they are blatantly trying to keep you from knowing your contract terms as they provide no email or written information and no return address on their products.

- Redding, CA, USA

I responded to a "receive a free no obligation sample" advertisement only to find out that I would be charged $4.95 for shipping - which I accepted. Then less than two weeks later I was charged two separate charges of over $80 each for those "sample" products. Although when I called them, they said I was not shipped sample products, but the full containers and that I had agreed to a 14 day trial which started the day I ordered them. I called them about the charges two days after the 14 day period was up and they refuse to give me a refund. I didn't see anything in the add that I responded to about a 14-day trial, or that I would be charged for anything other than shipping of the sample. This company is a rip off - the advertising is false, the customer service stinks. Even if I had mistakenly committed to something, you'd think that calling within two days of the 14-day trial period, they'd refund my money just out of professionalism and courtesy.

- Niceville, FL, USA

Company charged 89.95 to my account for unauthorized product. Did not order or receive product

- Hereford, AZ, USA

I came across radiant revive online providing a trial product that was "seen on shark tank". The trial is face cream. I accepted trial before I realized it they included eye serum for additional shipping cost. I was out 4.95 and realized this was a scam. I found a contact site at and filled out a form e-mail telling them not to send or charge me for additional product. I have now been charged approx 200.00 for that supposed "trial" offer. I can find no evidence that they were on "shark tank" with this product and they will not refund my money because they say that I should have contacted [email protected] which is an address printed on the product label in extremely small print. I spoke to the customer support and they would not budge on a refund.

- Dearborn, MI, USA

Today, my debit card account was charged $89.95 by Radiant Revive as part of a "skin care cream subscription" that I did not approve of. On March 1 I came across a link on Pinterest that appeared to be a blog post with beauty tips targeted toward women in my age group. Following the link I was directed to a website about this new skin care cream Radiant Revive wrinkle release cream that was discovered on Shark Tank and had rave reviews by celebrities such as Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Megan Mullally, and Sandra Bullock, and shows dramatic before and after photos. If you search this company now, I found the identical ad, but they have already changed their company name/brand to Glamor Gold, among other names. When I ordered the product, it advertised that this product could be mine for only $4.95, the cost of shipping per product, and there was no other cost. When I entered in my card information to process the transaction, there was no information about subscribing to a recurring monthly delivery. I am leery of these scams usually, so I made sure to read the fine print that was available on the website checkout. Absolutely nothing stated that I was agreeing to be charged $89.95 monthly, per product, and I ordered both the wrinkle and eye creams. When I called the company today to dispute this transaction, the customer service rep was polite at first but very condescending and blamed me for negligence in disputing my claim. She states that I had 14 days from ordering the product to discontinue the subscription, which neither the website nor the confirmation emails stated that I had to comply with, or I would be held responsible to pay full price for what I believed to be a trial purchase that only was supposed to cost me shipping. The full retail price of this product is not disclosed on the site or in any of the follow up emails, there are no notifications that an auto debit is about to be removed from my account, and again, no fine print was to be found at check out, in a confirmation email, or on the shipping label received inside the package which did no more than state the contents of the box. There was no information about the return policy or anything. The only info you receive is the company address, email, and phone number on the product package in tiny print. I received this product almost a week later, and little known to me, already almost a week into my trial period. I began using it and it doesn't appear to be having any effect. My plan was not to reorder any products. When I requested my money back for a product that I did not receive, the representative told me that my "free trial" was only a 14 day trial and not actually a sample, which was falsely advertised many times on the website. The representative refused to refund my payment, and repeatedly told me this was my fault for not reading the fine print at purchase, which was not clearly stated or visible like she claimed. After repeated requests for my money back, she finally agreed to refund 35% of my payment for a total of $31.48 and would not budge for anything more. She even told me that I was lucky to be getting such a great deal because I should have been charged an additional $89.95 for my eye cream trial, but they gave me a 2 for one offer, so I actually should have owed $179.90. I told her this was unacceptable and I'd be filing a dispute with the BBB, my credit union, and the credit card company. The rep then got very firm and rude, and she repeatedly told me that because I was at fault for being negligent, my credit card company will find me at fault and will penalize me with the full charge that they paid out to Radiant Revive, and their company would not be at any fault at all since I "clearly did not read the purchase agreement" (that was not made available at purchase.)

I told her I no longer wanted the product and I wanted an address to return to, and she stated that there was no return address since they can't resell this product. I told her I was aware that it couldn't be resold, but a reputable company will accept returns and will dispose of them appropriately. She stated that that was my responsibility to use up the rest of the product. I told her I was unhappy with it and I did not desire to do that, and she did not appear at all concerned. I requested that all product delivery be stopped and again my money returned. She cancelled my subscriptions, sent a confirmation email, but did not send any confirmation of my refund. We'll see if I actually even get that. I went ahead and cancelled that card and have a new one coming, which is now going to cost me an additional $5.00 to replace.

Long story short, don't fall for these online subscription scams. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. "Free product trials" are not actually free, especially if they have a 14 day lifespan (7 days actual use.) Pay close attention to your bank/credit card statements. Watch for future auto charges from your account. Report these scams bank attendant said they happen more often than you think.

- Skokie, IL, USA

This company had a pop-up ad that was misleading and did not include the terms and agreement they state were provided. They offer a skin care product which you pay shipping only. They do not include their phone number or any other contact information on their invoice. It turns out to be a 14 day trial, and after the trial period is over, they charged $90 to my credit card twice (as well as a couple $5 charges). When I called all they did was defend their terms/agreement and beat around the bush when I challenged them on misleading advertising. They also do not provide a money back guarantee. Total scam. Don't fall for it!

- Morristown, TN, USA

I responded to a Facebook story about a wonderful new skin cream that was supposed to be cheaper that what is on market now. Two well know people were told to be involved with this product and a free sample was offered with a shipping cost of $10 or $11 (can't remember actual cost.) I received the samples and put them away. At the first of March, I checked my credit card balance and was a $89.95 debit from this company. The next day, March 2, there was another debit from the same company for $88.47. I feel so stupid and unlearned to be used by a scammer. But it must be illegal and I am extremely upset!

- Metairie, LA, USA

I saw a Facebook ad for this product as a trial product. Thought I would give it a go. The trial offer was for $4.90 then another screen comes up for another product @ $4.95. Not much money - why not. Shipping was $2.49. This was purchased via an online site as referenced above.

This purchase was on 2/12. On 2/26, the company made two charges one for $89.98 and a 2nd for $88.47 on my card which were unauthorized to my knowledge. I called the number on the credit card statement 855-633-0203. Had to wait at least 5 minutes for an operator. They did give you the option of pressing 3 to have them call you back however I waited.

A very nice lady came on the phone. When I explained the program, she said that I have approved it when I ordered the first product. I told her that I did not authroize the product and that I wanted the charges reversed. She said the same thing again. I replied that if they would not reverse the charges, then I would have the bank reverse the charges and report it to the BBB as a scam. She said the same thing again. I said the same thing again.

We did this same routine one more time then she said she would speak with a supervisor. She came back on the line and said that her supervisor agreed to reserve the charges. I got her name and the cancellation numbers C348133 and C345328 and was told it would take 3 to 5 business days to come through.

I did not check them out thoroughly enough. There is no address on their website. When you received the product, there was no complete invoice and no address on the invoice. (In my case, the invoice was for $2 which was not an appropriate cost.) See attachment.

IF this happens to you, fight it. Call them at the number above - although they will probably change the number. Have your bank or credit card company reverse the charges as fraud. Don't let them scam you for your hard earned money! from February 28, 2018

Follow-up on March 1, 2018

After I complained via phone and did get the company to say that they would cancel the charges, I received email notification that the items had been cancel lend on my credit card about 3 hours later. The next day, I checked my credit card and the cancellations had NOT been applied to my credit care.

Here is the email contents.

Order Number: Ordered on 02/24/2018 12:42am

Dear __________y,

This email is to inform you that we have refunded the amount of $88.47 back to your payment method originally used on order number 348133, which was originally purchased on 02/24/2018 12:42am for the total amount of $88.47.

If you have any questions about this notification or if you feel you are receiving this in error, please feel free to contact our Customer Service team.

Problems with this email: 1) Time is wrong. I called at 3:30 p.m. on 2/28. The email time is 2/24/18 at 12:42 a.m. Four days prior to my phone call.

2) There are no details in the header except for the email address. No originating URL or Whosis number.

3) No mention of the credit card number even the last four digits or the type of card.

4) No mention of the phone call or the cancellation codes.

So I disputed the Mastercard charges as unauthorized and will receive a new card.

The email came from the above email address.


"free Sample" untrue! product came in the mail, then I see $180 out of my account, set to withdraw MONTHLY as a "membership"

When I called, there was absolutely no customer service ethic, FINE PRINT must call and cancel within 14 days...CANCEL? Cancel WHAT?

SCAM! DO NOT FOLLOW the links they are a trap!

I have not and will not get any reimbursement for this.

- Wakefield, MA, USA

This ad was embedded in an article I was reading online. I didn't realize it was a 'sponsored ad' or else I would've never clicked on it. The website was offering a limited time promotion on this wrinkle cream for only the cost of shipping & handling, $4.95. I took the bait and filled out my contact information along with a debit card number. After I completed the billing portion, I was told another product would be added to my order for an additional $4.90. I didn't want this product and there was no easily identifiable option to decline. The next thing I knew, a different screen popped up that appeared to be a review summary, showing 2 items. There was no place for me to edit the order, all I could do was accept it. I didn't accept it, I hit the back button on my browser. I thought if I started the process over again, I'd be able to modify my order for only the initial item. Once I entered my billing information again, a message appeared noting this credit card had already been utilized to place an order. I immediately shut the site down and then did some research to learn if this was a scam. I also called my bank and put a hold on the biling debit card. The next day, I canceled that debit card.

Between Friday, 2/1 and yesterday, 2/7, I received a total of 6 automated calls saying that my order had not been completed and that my items were waiting to ship and all I needed to do was return the call to finalize the order. I never called the number back and on Tues, 2/6, the merchandise arrived. If my order wasn't completed, why was my bank account charged and the products shipped?

I found the original website after some digging, copied and pasted the terms/conditions into a Word document so that I could read everything carefully. That is when I discovered the trial of 14 days, the telephone number I could use for customer supprt & the criteria required to request a refund, exchange &/or return the products. I sent an e-mail to the support e-mail (as indicated in the terms & conditions) to formally request cancellation of the subscription and recived a reply asking me to call the customer support number.

I then called the number offered and the rep told me you can't cancel the subscription via e-mail. (Strange) Then I was told if I wanted to return the items, it would cost me a $9.99 restocking fee, per item, BUT that if I called on the 13th day of the trial, those fees would by waived. I really don't understand that practice. I don't want these products at all now, for all the burden that's been caused by unsavory sales methods, but I also don't want to pay any more $$ on this either.

Also, in the terms and conditions, they NEVER disclose how much the items both are. I found out through various other reporting websites. I was able to get ahead of this but only for the simple fact that an additional item was tacked on to my order and I immediatly suspected some kind of scam was happening.

- Eustace, TX, USA

While I was on the internet and ad popped up saying this product was on Shark Tank and the Sharks endorsed their product. The product's name is Radiant Revive, on the website it says to check out our product with a sample. Radiant Revive's risk free trial can be snapped up to try the first bottle for just the cost of shipping up front. So the risk free trial lets you try before you buy. When I called to find out about the charge they told me they were sorry but they could not do anything about the charges because I agreed to a 14 day trial. If I didn't like it I needed to call and tell them to cancel the order with in the 14 days. I didn't see that on the website and when I tried to check this out to see what I agreed to I can't get on the website. I cannot wear the product, it peels off, I have to take a wash cloth and wipe it off before I can get my base make-up on my face. I told them I just couldn't wear it, they said, they knew how I felt, they were sorry and could they offer me more products and not charge me make up for problem? I said no because I can't wear your product. I talked to two supervisors and they couldn't offer a refund and they didn't care if I couldn't wear the product. They wouldn't let me return the product, they don't take make-up back. I thought I would be able to return the product when I purchased it. They have on the website it is sample bottles, but when you call to cancel the order they said it was a 30 day supply and it was mine.

- Memphis, TN, USA

I am filing a complaint against Radiant Revive (also doing business as ZilaDerm and multiple other names).

On the Internet, the product advertises as Radiant Revive--but in more recent ads has been "renamed" ZilaDerm. The company requires payment of "shipping only" for trial size cosmetic products. Before purchasing, I read to make sure there were to be no monthly recurring charges where they would automatically send the product and keep charging my credit card. I did not see anything of the sort, so I went ahead and ordered two Radiant Revive products (facial cream and eye cream) at $4.99 (this figure might be off a few pennies--might be $4.50) shipping each on November 12, 2017.

I received full-sized products in a timely fashion. There was no mention of possible further charges on the packing slip and absolutely NO COMPANY INFORMATION (name, phone number, address, etc.)

I became suspicious and started doing more research on the internet. After reading Radiant Review complaints on Ripoff Report, I

immediately emailed "customer service" at Radiant Revive, telling them that there were public records of the company billing customers "after the fact" for this product and that if I received additional billing, I would file a formal complaint with my State Attorney General. I offered to return the product (which I have NOT used). I heard nothing from the company regarding this email, and was therefore unable to return the product, since I had no address to return it to!

My husband then called our credit card company and they agreed not to let Radiant Revive place further billings on my card. However, Radiant Review had already charged me $89.95 and has subsequently charged me for $88.47 AFTER the credit card company assurances that they would "block" charges. I am protesting these charges.

In addition, , my husband contacted Radiant Revive on November 30, 2017 after the first charge appeared, and they agreed (after much wrangling) to "cancel" my "order" (which never existed!) . They emailed a cancellation notice on order #105939. He called again today, January 22, 2018 (after the second charge appeared) and they informed him that their policy was "no cancellations" and he should take it up with his bank.

Please help! I would like to be reimbursed for the $89.95 and $88.47 charges, as well as the $9.90 shipping charged. And I want no additional charges from Radiant Revive.

I would also like to mention that Radiant Revive is fraudulently declaring online that its "founders", two fictitious women, were big winners on Shark Tank--and includes pictures of these fictional winners allegedly on the show. The information given, the pictures of the women allegedly on the show, and the women themselves are all a fraud. This company--which changes names often and dramatically--also changes the names of these women who supposedly "invented" the product.

- Waukesha, WI, USA

I had a pop-up when I was on the internet offering a free trial for this fabulous moisturizer and you just had to pay the shipping ($4.95). I ordered and there was nothing that indicated I was signing up for a future purchase. A couple weeks later I get another jar of this moisturizer (I've never even opened the first "free" one.) On the packing slip, there is no indication of a price and no address for the company, no phone number to contact them. I went to their website and no contact information is there, no customer service or way to cancel anything. I logged on to my credit card online statement and see 2 separate charges from Radiant Revive for $89.95 each. I googled Radiant Revive and see all sorts of complaints online about the scam and how deceptive they are in tricking you to sign up for a monthly subscription. It was through one of these complaint sites that I was able to get a phone number to contact them. Of course when I called they informed me that in clicking that I agree to their terms I signed up for a $90 monthly subscription. I told them I never agreed to that and to cancel immediately. They offered me a 50 percent discount for future purchases and I told them I wanted no part of their product. I said if their product was any good they wouldn't have to trick people into buying it. I advised I never opened either product and would send back for a refund. She told me they don't refund or accept returns. She then offered me a 75 percent discount to continue. I told her to cancel immediately. This is a total scam. I went back to their website to go through the process of ordering again (I wasn't going to supply credit card info) and again saw no indication of any agreement to future purchases. I am pursuing through my credit card company as well.

I ordered a makeup sample for $4.95 that wound up costing me $374.13

- Waddell, AZ, USA

Saw an advertisement offering a free trial of Joanna Gaines (from HGTV's show Fixer-Upper) skincare line product Repair and Release Cream. Clicked on website to read about it. Per the website, I would only be charged $4.95 shipping and handling only. I entered my info including credit card info. A prompt came up saying (my order was not complete). It was an offer for Radiant Revive Eye Serum trial for $4.95 shipping and handling only).

I selected the (Decline offer) option.

Immediately upon selecting the (decline offer) button, the website said (Thank you for your order, your order is now processing). The website never gave me the option to select (proceed to checkout) or (Cancel order). It just automatically started processing. I hit the back button several times to no avail. Checked order summary page and there was no option to (submit order) or (Cancel order).

I then googled Joanna Gaines and Repair and Release Cream only to find out she has no product by this name, no affiliation with this company , and no skincare line at all!

I called customer service @ 855-633-0203 and spoke with Carrie. I Told her I wanted to cancel my order, but she told me I had to follow thru with the trial offer. Every time I requested order to be cancelled she would offer bigger and bigger discounts on future orders. I finally told her I would report the company for false advertisement, because this product is not affiliated with Joanna Gaines at all. Carrie ( the Representative) said she would cancel my account altogether, and gave me a cancellation #. I told her I better not see any charges on my credit card bill or any withdrawals from my bank account. According to this company has operated under another name with a different address in North Carolina. This company has a score of "C", and has had 54 complaints since opening in 2017. Do not order from this company! Company Name: Radiant Revive; Address: 2618 Battleground Ave., Suite A-197, Greensboro, NC 27408-1924.; Customer Service#: 855-633-0203.

- Topanga, CA, USA

I only ordered samples in agreement to pay only one time shipping. There was no small print for sending more product than that. Radiant Revive kept sending me products and had no return address in the box. I ended up being charged over $500.00. When i finally found contact info for the company I called and told them I wanted to return the product that I never authorized. They said no they couldn't take returns. This is the biggest SCAM ever, the has over 52 claims from Radiant Revive.

I saw an advertisement for a free sample of a skin care product. To get these free samples all you had to do was pay for shipping and handling and you would get a 14 day free sample of each of the 2 products that were being advertised.

I ordered the product. A week later I noticed that my credit card bill was charged $89 for 1 & an additional $88 for the second product. I called the company because I didn't understand why these charges were on my credit card bill. They said that the terms said if I didn't let them know within 14 days that I would be billed for the entire cost of the product. If that was in the terms, it wasn't clear or I would never have ordered them. The terms weren't even available for review until you have already ordered the product and paid for the sample. When I called I asked for a website where the terms and conditions are the customer service could not provide a viable website where the terms reside. Also, there was no number on the enclosed packing slip, on the website or the receipt, that was sent with the product, to call even this had been made clear in the terms. In the past, when it has been a monthly club, as they stated on the phone when I called, the company has always had a phone number and address on the packing slip with the product. They also should have stated this term on the packing slip as well.

I have ordered products previously and at the end of the trial period more products were automatically sent out if you hadn't called & cancelled. However, with this product, additional products weren't being sent out, you were billed for the free sample products that were already sent. These products certainly aren't free. This is a scam!

- Wichita, KS, USA


They offer a free sample for postage but in the very fine print that you have to click to read, there is a monthly commitment on their product(s).

I was billed for the next shipment after the sample and never received it. I canceled the agreement two days before the next shipment ( there were two full shipments within one month and this is supposed to be monthly...??!!) I depended on the reputation of Sally Field and other movie stars who endorsed this product - all endorsements are false!!!! How can this be a legit company?

Check fields!

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