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SECRET SHOPPER Reports & Reviews (152)

Sent a check to pay for prepaid debit cards from CVS and walgreens. Stated was a mystery shopping program. Contacted by text. deposited check and bought one of the cards. My bank account was closed as a result of the fraud.

Was contacted by priority mail with a check from a bank in GA. From a man called Johnny Mark, supervising official for $1,350.52 for a secret shopper to buy gift cards for 2 $500 cards to footlocker.. To Send copy after buying of cards and reciet and not to disclose as being a secret shopper. The remain 350.52 was for doing job and expenses.

- Millington, TN, USA

Agent number 2234 secret shopper instruction f/guide. You are welcome to the company as my secret shopper once again the payment has been made out to you in respects of your secret shopper offer you applied for you advise to read instructions below carefully to understand the procedures the payment for the first assignment which you are to deduct $400 that's your payment for completing your assignment and your report should be sent to secret shoppers at first service for your first assignment you would be evaluating a Walmart store and CVS in your neighborhood locate my Walmart store and CVS near you you have to purchase emergency Express gift cards of $1,500 there have been reports about laughs in the series of the management and some of their staff the complaints are based on reports which their consumers forward anonymously and phone calls which were also made these reports include unqualified staff slow service loss of money rude attendance SS charges late only an hour and closing before Time. Instruction below the envelope contains a check of 1955 which you are expected to deposit in your account at your bank or using mobile deposit and complete the assignment immediately you have the phones available then deduct your salary of $400 you are to make purchase of either card stated above and total amount of $1,500 at the Walmart store $500 and CVS $1,000 make sure you ask discreet as possible as they should not know you are spying on their service it's a secret mystery shopper your job is to observe anything useful going on in the store make sure you observe everything you see in there I spend you to his breakdown money received $1,955 assignment salary $400 cars activation fee $15 personal purchase $40 20 from each store card purchase 1500 pick 3 American Express gift cards and have $500 on each one card at Walmart two cards at CVS . Reports required guidelines how long it took you to get service ambulance Outlook of the shop / outlet smartness of the attendance customer service professionalism reaction of personnel under pressure information that you think would be helpful your comments and impressions requirements information after tax is completement remove card from pack attached to clear picture of front and back of card to your report attached full complete pictures of purchase receipt note you will be entitled to a bonus of $200 with would be included with your pay for your next assignment if you can't complete the survey within 48 hours when you are done with your assignment slash evaluation it is Paramount you send a text message to 408-212-0518 so the actual assignment timing can be noted on your profile you need to acknowledge the receipt of this package valve email as soon as you receive it also send reports by email and text 408********* as soon as you complete your first assignment thank you for participating in our marketing evaluation you are making any difference in tomorrow's economy sign Paul clay tax coordinator secret shop of America 408-******** America at http//

- Grand Prairie, TX, USA

Secret shopping scam. Sent out a check to deposit into an account to purchase gift cards. The first assignment but I got embarrassed at the bank with a fake check.

- Oakland, CA, USA

Received a check from "Strategic Factory" in Owings Mills, MD in the amount of $1500 to be a secret shopper. The letter instructed me to deposit the check immediately, purchase Nike and Amex Gift Card, scratch off the codes and send the codes. After a quick google search, I learned that this is a scam.

- Knoxville, TN, USA

instructed to purchase nike gift cards total $1000. scratch the back of cards to reveal the numbers. capture the images of the cards, front and back. do not discard the cards as it will be used for forthcoming assignment. capture the images of the receipts

as for the check I was instructed deposit in my bank and complete assignment

the checklist has been attached to my email, print and complete form. the check covers the cost of the required purchase items; evaluation cost and survey service commission of $450. email report immediately; text 917-391-8788 to process bonus


i was first contacted by email they have you fill out an applaction then you are sent an envlope with a check $1370.00 want to deposit it in youe bank account keep $350. for your self as compatsaion then go to wallgeerns and buy An Amercian express card and buy 2--- $ 500 to make the total $1000.00 than Open the card gently than take a full front and back pictureand send it via [email protected] L also told them i did not recive the first envlope that was 12:29P.M. at 4:52 they said that the inromation was in my main box 4:52P.M. that was verry fast to send aPriority mail from Kaufman Texas when i know my mail man starts her rout at10: A.M. the name on the texts is Queen Willams

Received a usps click-n-ship priority mail envelope that contained a letter and cashiers check from desert Financial located in Phoenix, AZ. This was signed by Jeffrey Meckly. Re: Catherine Jones. Made to the order of myself.

The cashier’s check of $2450.52 was to cover my assignment bills, evaluation costs and my survey service commission payment.

I was to confirm receiving by SMS to either of the phone numbers with my full name, amount received, bank name on check, my phone number and the estimated time to complete my evaluation.

I was to deposit the check with any options my bank offered. I’d receive a bonus if completed within certain amount of time. (12 hrs $250, 24 hrs $150)

I could use 1-2 stores to purchase a certain amount of Amex or vanilla gift cards ($2000 broken down to $500 x 4 or $100 & $200 denominations worth $2000). Capture images of the front and back of these cards, image of receipts, store names, addresses, date and time of purchase. Name of cashier and did they thank me. How was my experience with staff and how long to check out. Under NO circumstances should I reveal that I’m evaluating the stores services!

When done please email All details as requested. My assignment is then complete. Call either of the 2 numbers to process my bonus.

This is a secret shopper scam that I signed up for on LinkedIn once I started receiving emails I realized this was not a legitimate job but by then it was too late and they already have my mailing address they sent me a letter of instructions and a fake cashiers check and asked me to deposit the check in my checking account then take the money and buy gift cards and send them the images I am so glad that I did not fall for the scam the amount of the check was $1350 and they’ve sent me two of these

Whoever my current phone number belonged to previously had definitely gotten their info compromised, since I have never before received quite so many unsolicited calls texts and emails.

There was a message about "opportunities in my area" for secret shopping at whole foods, watch out for autofill.
There was a short application
Then a text saying I was chosen and to look out for funds coming in the mail in the next few days
Years back a few people I know had been scammed by something very similar so I was already waiting to see if they would send me a check or else a preloaded gift cardin the off chance it was something more legit .

I've been noticing that lately, whenever I've encountered a check, it's been connected to something faulty.
They look pretty good though perforated edge, legit logo and Holographic seal

The company dispersing funding is actually a real place although I doubt that they are aware their name's being used.
I'll include pics of everythin.
Overall, it seems pretty professional and whoevers running it has gotten fairly sophisticated. Pics included
Whole foods secret shopper text phishing offer
Whole foods secret shopper text phishing offer


The scammer contacted me through my school email asking me to be a secret shopper for whole foods, so I thought it might be legitimate. I got a check in the mail a week or two later, telling me to buy gift cards with the money to evaluate customer service. That's when I thought to dig deeper into it, because I only signed up for it in passing due to the promise of some extra money.

Turns out, the strategy is to give you a bad check, and to get you to buy gift cards that you'd send pictures of so they could take the money and leave you to clean up the check that bounces. I tossed the check after learning this.

These people have an on line site for secret shoppers....then you go to the store and buy e-cards, scratch the numbers off then call them back at the 909number I provided....but first they wanted me to deposit the $2,380.00 This is not the first time they have sent me these checks......please get scammers!!! Thank you very much

The letter below explains what they want you to do and that’s when it sounded fishy and sent a fake check

The scammer said I would be hired to do a secret shopper job at Walmart and they would send me a 4000 dollar check to cash and put it in my bank account they sent me a note with a fake cashiers check and told me to cash the check and get a bunch of gift cards from Walmart I then knew it was a scam and decided not to cash the check

The check that was sent was fraudulent. They requested that I purchase 3 $500 gift cards & send them the information for the cards.

Secret shopper scam. Found online after reading an article with a link to site. Signed up and received check with printed directions in mail. USPS envelope from Louisiana. No business name disclosed. Instructions include depositing/cashing check, buying gift cards from EBay, target, footlocker, bestbuy, and Nike. Write a report and send it to [email protected] or to phone number +1 (747) 334-2564

- Orofino, ID, USA

They called pretending to be my boss saying that they were with The Secret shoppers and they needed me to send money so that the sunset mart would get there frightened otherwise we weren't getting it

Caller was calling to report a scam. She received a check in the amount of $3,56.00 and they told her to deposit the money, but she was suppose to send them money, as well.

- Hemet, CA, USA

Sent check for 2400 keep 350 for self. Go to Walmart and get gift cards call them back and give them the numbers.

- Memphis, TN, USA

Someone sent me a check for $ 2,450.00 to deposit in to my bank account to do "consumer research" as a secret shopper program evaluating walmart & cvs.

Check fields!


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