SECRET SHOPPER Reports & Reviews (163)
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Scammer's address 509 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33602, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location IL 60629, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's address 109 Geneive St, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location IL 61536, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location IN 46561, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location GA 30563, USA
Type of a scam Employment
Country United States
Victim Location CO 80525, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Check Address:
Advanced Laboratories, Inc
P.O. Box 65660
Salt Lake City, UT 84165
Return Address on Envelope:
Cynthia Talbot (Which I thought was funny - This is the name of an author)
Rodeway Inn Bronx Zoo
3070-72 Webster Avenue
Bronx NY 10467
1st Email: Hope you are well?
I am happy to inform you that the payment for your first secret survey has been shipped out to you and would be delivered to you through USPS once your mail runs through today via USPS courier service (tracking # 9405501699320107487714) , so kindly be on the look out for your mail.
Kindly read the below instructions carefully while you wait for the package to be able complete your assignment successfully.
- Deposit the payment that will be delivered to you at your bank for 24hrs or for 1 business day for clearance, am sure the funds would be cleared into your account then, I want you to also get back to me with a deposit confirmation (an email letting me know it has been deposited is fine).
YOUR FIRST COMMISSION: Upon withdrawal of the payment tomorrow deduct your service fee of $200 then proceed to complete your first assignment which is to make a Money Gram Money Transfer.
MONEY GRAM INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFER ASSIGNMENT: You will go to your nearest MoneyGram store, This could be a Walmart or any grocery store where you can make a MoneyGram transfer to conduct your assignment. You will be sending a MoneyGram wire transfer from the store to evaluate their services. In the package you'll be receiving, there will be a payment of $944.71, You are to deduct $200.00 as your service fee, and then wire the balance of $1071.23 MINUS the MoneyGram transfer fee to the information below :
Name : Anthony Trim
ADDRESS: 4411 Village Parkway Cir
CITY : Indianapolis
STATE : Indiana
ZIPCODE : 46254
Money Received : $1071.23
Assignment Salary : $200.00
Balance After Salary : $871.23
MoneyGram ESTIMATED Charges : $21.23
Expected Transferred Funds : $850
Ensure that money is sent using the MONEY AVAILABLE IN MINUTES service.
NOTE: You must not disclose for any reason that you are a Secret Shopper, or let them know you are evaluating their store.
While making the transfer you should make the below listed observations;
• Store Name & Address location address
• Name of the Cashier/Attendant{If Visible on Tag}
• How long it took to get the transaction completed
• Customer Service Professionalism
Reference Number for the Transaction ( 8 digit) :
Sender's name and address :
Exact amount sent :
Cost of Transfer :
You are expected to secretly perform this survey operation listed in the instruction, as we want to know how the reactions are when clients walk in to send out funds and how the cashiers attend to clients.
NB: Assignment must be completed within 48hours after payment has been delivered so that the next assignment survey can be shipped out to you.
Remember to send a confirmation email payment is received and deposited
Thank you and get back to me as soon as you receive this email, so I can know you understand the instructions and will proceed as instructed and also you'll be emailing me when the survey is completed.
Kevin Holsman
Human Resources & Instructor
Secret Shopper ©2017
2nd Email: How are you doing today ? We are sending you this email regarding your first survey assignment . We will requesting an urgent update regarding the progress of your assignment . Do get back at us ASAP with proper update .
Kevin Holsman
Human Resources & Instructor
Secret Shopper ©2017
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location GA 31410, USA
Type of a scam Other
The email used by them was: [email protected] and the phone # which does not appear to exist is: 651-317-5088 The name on memo line of check was Lamont Jones and the name in the emails is HR Director: Johnson Schmidt
Anything I can do to help someone not fall victim I will do.
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location RI 02842, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's address 1384 Creek Point blvd, 33218
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location MO 65679, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NV 89149, USA
Type of a scam Business Email Compromise
received a check for 2155.00 to deposit in my checking account and then purchase items.
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location LA 70528, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Country United States
Victim Location MI 49120, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location MI 49505, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
The Cashier's Check received was a computer printed check, supposedly drawn from Woodforest National Bank. Routing Info: 47871 314972853 8001000820. Nowhere on here is an address that matches what was on the envelope, nor was there any contact back info to get in touch with the sender of the papers other than a return address.
Victim Location TN 38138, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Victim Location NJ 07652, USA
Type of a scam Other
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
I responded to his latest email that this was a fraud and was reporting it to the It had all the trappings of a scam one of which I was not going to get caught up in.
I still have the "cashier check" if the would like it.
Leonard Berthelsen
Scammer's address 200 Dixon Dr., Devine, TX 78016, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location MI 48174, USA
Type of a scam Employment
Scammer's email [email protected]
Type of a scam Employment
Wendy Stroud
Wendy ENT
8253 Hidden Acres Road
Mississippi S MS 39762-0156
USPS tracing # 9405 5016 9932 0084 8636 62
I went with My Mother to her bank where she tried to cash this check. The bank teller told her that the check was a fraud. Also explained that if she were to put the check through her account it would result in the account being frozen and then being investigated. My mother is on a fixed income that would have been devastating to her.
The credit union on the check is legit. I doubt the remitter Crystal Lambert is however.
I am sending a copy of the a check(the bank kept the real copy).
I also have the two page document containing instructions
Copies of the emails he has been sending plus text messages to her phone.
They don't know yet that we have found out the check is a fraud and are still making contact.
Thank you for your time
*** *** ( daughter of victim)
Victim Location PA 16506, USA
Type of a scam Employment