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Social Security Administration Spoof

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Social Security Administration Spoof Reports & Reviews (77)

- Charlotte, NC, USA

Received phone call (mechanized/computer voice) stating that fraudulent or suspicious activity occurred on my account and that my account could be suspended. Stated that I should call them at the number listed above (704-568-3830).

- Matthews, NC, USA

Read Charlotte Observer article about social security scam this morning and several hours later received call from 704-661-4906 reporting that my social security number had suspicious activity. Hung up and tried to call SSA at number reported in news article, but it could not be reached as dialed (900-772-1213).

- Fairfield, OH, USA

It was an automated system lady said Im under investigation for money laundering and social security administration will be contacting me soon. Give them all my personal information!! Address social security number, birth certificate send via email. It was crazy.

- Cincinnati, OH, USA

Scammer was very thorough. He had the last 4 digits of my SSN. He said an abandoned stolen car was found at the Mexican border, containing drugs and registered to me. Told me my social security was suspended because of criminal charges against me. He said if I didn’t cooperate US Marshall’s would be at my door tomorrow morning. He wanted bank information, including exact balances.

- Laurinburg, NC, USA

Caller stated that social security number had been compromised and to call the number back to speak with a representative for further details.

- Union, NJ, USA

12817616302 Depositing new message Hello this call is an official final notice from social security administration. The reason of this call is to inform you our department has decided to suspend your social security number and file a lawsuit against you as we have received and suspicious activity on your social to get more information please call on our department number 281-761-6302. I repeat 281-761-6302. Thank you. It.. Click here: 13608424002 to listen to full voice message.

It was on Wednesday, November 27, 2019, that I received a phone call from 8008239443 regarding a fraud involving my social security account. The phone call began with an automated voice message that informed me of the above and prompted me to speak with a representative by dialing "1"; I was panicked from the contents of the message and did so, redirecting me to a "representative" by the name of "Richard Miller" who had given me some obscure yet believable case number consisting of three letters and several numbers before phishing out information. Regretfully, I had done as he had asked and revealed to him my first and last name, the last four digits of my social security number, and what banks I deal with; normally, I would be level-headed enough to not do so but personal circumstances at the time had already shook me. It wasn't until halfway through the conversation after I had revealed the bank I use that I grew suspicious of the other party and politely notified him that I will go to my local social security office to confirm this event, upon which "Mr. Miller" grew belligerent and strongly rejected my notion, claiming that the office had handed him the full authority on this case and I would not be able to pry anything regarding this out of them before promptly ending the call; this attitude cleared my head and screamed that he was a fraud.

Much to my chagrin, it was only after the call had ended that I realized it was extremely suspicious from the start; I don't mean to be racist but his entirely Anglo-Saxon name did not match with his thick Indian accent which he used to his advantage over the call to muddle pieces of information he had probably made up in order to sound legitimate; the claims he gave in the fraudulent case also didn't quite make sense to me only after my head cleared up in that he claimed the case had gone on for several months and only now did they decide to take action against my account, that the social security administration did not know my name, social security number, nor my financial status despite having my phone number, and the fraud on my account is being conducted in Austin, Texas which is halfway across the country from where I reside.

It was on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, in which I received a call from either 8009372826 or 8009016278 (both of which are scam calls I received within the same hour but one of them is the same instance of phishing I am reporting). I recognized the automated message to be the same as the one I received on Wednesday and immediately dialed "1" before it even finished in order to see if the "representative" was the same. Much to my amusement, I heard the same bad Indian accent and chuckled a bit while asking, "Hi, you're Richard Miller, right?" to which he shakily replied, "I'm sorry?" before very clearly claiming I've got the wrong number, unlike the previous call where he was being so muddled with a lowered voice; I rebuked it by adding in that I was redirected to him by his messaging system and pressed further by claiming his supposed title as an SSA employee to which he abruptly hung up the phone.

This year and the next I am dismally going to be checking in with the local SSA office on a frequent basis in order to confirm that no fraudulent action is being taken against me; from now on I am going to be extremely wary of such scams and I urge everyone reading this to be equally as wary.

- Parsippany, NJ, USA

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I got a call at 16:44 yesterday. My caller ID said it was a fraudulent call but I answered and spoke with a man who said he was from Social Security. He also wanted to discuss medicare fraud. I could hear other people in the background making similar calls. I ended the call and reported it to BBB.

- Kearny, NJ, USA

They call you and say your social security number has been compromised and to call back at 361-264-0078, they pick up saying “Social Security Administration” attempting to steal people’s identity because I have called the real social security administration before and it’s a computer has you on hold for 30 minutes to an hour before you even get a representative and these people picked up right away.

- Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA

I received a phone call from 832 699 0319; they left me a message in my voicemail claiming there was some kind of identity issue with me and that I was required to call them back asap. I did call them back and the man who answered claimed he was with the Social Security Administration and then asked for my name and social security number-it appeared to be false claims so I hung up the phone. I would like to help to prevent others from giving these people any critical information.

Thank you.

- Brevard, NC, USA

Second call. They left a message indicating that there would be a suspension of my social security number due to a violation of FTC. Requested that I return their call.

- Hickory, NC, USA

When I asked the caller why he called my son’s phone, he would not provide the info. He started to use profanity & derogatory comments towards me. I repeatedly asked why he was calling.

- Woodbury Heights, NJ, USA

First of all, they call you and there is a loud announcement. Broadcasting that it is the Social Security Administration and there has been fraudulent activity linked to my account. Press 0 for an operator to explain what's going on. Don't do it! I work at night. They called me during the day while I was sleep and it sounded so real but I could not wrap my brain around it. They will ask you about what car you have, what bank accounts you have, they want to verify your address. Don't fall for it. Social Security will send you a letter. They will not call you.

- Cincinnati, OH, USA

It was a robocall that stated that they have been trying to contact me about my social security number. It said that I needed to return the call at the same number or my social security number would be deactivated. I returned the call and it was answered as social security administration. She asked if I had received a call and when. She then asked my first and last name to pull up my info. I told her that I thought it was a scam and she told me to never call them again.

- Lincoln Park, NJ, USA

Person called saying they were from the dept of social security administration and left a message on my phone stating that my social security number is suspended because of suspicious activity and if i wanted to know more i should press 1. Clearly a message. Clearly in a accent!

- Clifton, NJ, USA

Received two calls today from the above number. Recording stated that social security number has been suspended due to fraudulent activity. Press 1 for more information. Phone had displayed that this was possible spam. Knew immediately this was a scam because the government does not call with this type of information, so did not press 1. Called the number, but phone number was spoofed, as it is not in service. Recording did not ask for specific person. Three adults live in household.

Woman called and stated she was with the Social Security Administration. Left a voicemail about criminal activity.

- Marmora, NJ, USA

Received a phone call from a Georgia telephone number with a prerecorded message about my social security number being used fraudulently. I called them back and he immediately asked me for my name, date of birth, and my social “to be able to identify who I am” and avoid “any legal action”. He identified himself as Jacob with some bogus badge number and a thick Indian accent. He tried asking me how he could prove he’s from the Social Security Administration and when I said “I thought the SSA always mails correspondence and never calls anyone” he immediately hung up. Called back and a lady answered the phone and said “No one in that office goes by that name” hung up and blocked my number. I knew it was a scam this whole time but this is exactly how they get people.

- Brick, NJ, USA

Received phone calls and messages saying ““This message is from the Social Security administration the reason to reach you is to let you know that your Social Security number is going to be suspended law-enforcement agencies in mediately said before anything goes wrong get us a call back as soon as possible at a call back number which is 806-412-0673 I repeat it's 806-412-0673 thank you

- Chicago, IL, USA

Recorded message with computer voice say, "Your social security number has been discontinued. Press five to reinstate it."

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