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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

An officer from Social Security called my 84 year old husband. My husband gave him his Social Security number. He became upset and told him that his wife handled all the money and handed me the phone. He said he was with Social Security and my husband's social security number had been used to rent a car in El Paso, Texas, and the car had cash in it which was tied to money laundering. He said the Federal government was going to get involved. I refused to provide my banking information, then he said he was going to put a freeze on my husband's social secutiy number. I said I was calling the police. He said he'd have me arrested. I hung up. He had a Hispanic accent.

- Beaumont, TX, USA

Woman posing as Amanda Barnes from the SS Administration advised client that her SS number had been compromised and that client was instrusted to press "1" on her phone for further details.

- Hilliard, OH, USA

Social Security called at 6:22 pm and said I was going to be arrested. I called them back at 603-263-5149. A man with an accent said a car had been rented in my name in Texas, and it had drugs in it and it was a federal offense. I would not give him my whole SS number. He said his badge number is 14028. He said he sent a letter at the beginning of the month. I asked what address was used, and he put me on hold, then came back and said 43215. I said wrong. I told him I lived in a nursing home, and hadn't been out of state, he was stumped. I told him he was talking to the wrong person. He told me I shouldn't talk to an officer like that. He said he was going to get his supervisor, but never did. He asked if I understood how serious this was. I said yes if you had the right person. I could hear other people in the background. I told him I wasn't going to no CVS, Walmart or any other store to buy a prepaid card. He said it wasn't like that.

Call recevied from a person portraying a Sargent stating that clients SS had been hacked and client was insructed to press "1" on her phone to hear aditional details

I received a phone call that was a recording saying my social security number has been using in irregular activity and talk to a detective press 1. I pressed 1 and a lady asked what my name was and I told her my legal name and she said my nickname and when I said NO she hung up. I called the number back and it rings.

- Vermilion, IL, USA

This guy said he was from the Social Security Department and that 22 lb of cocaine has been seized in my name and I had 17 bank accounts as well and that if I didn't let them change the last four numbers of my social security then I could be targeted by somewhere I hung up

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got another Social Security scam call from 443-376-7292

- Flint, MI, USA

Scammer is calling telling me that there is suspicious activity using my social security number.

Social Security Scam

Received call claiming to be Social Security, involving fraudulent activity on my account . Said to push 1 to talk to rep. , I hung up. Looked up number it was a pharmacy.

My 32 year old son got a call from an Indian man who said he was working for the Social Security Department. He said he is working with Federal Marshalls on a money laundering case in Tampa, FL and El Paso, TX. He said the money laundering had been tied to my son's ***** Credit Union account and that he would get a call from either a Federal Marshall or the Grove City Police Dept. Then he told him to buy a gift card. Then a call appeared in his caller ID as Grove City Police Department, so he answered it. Supposedly it was Mark Stevens from the Grove City Police Department. He said my son could settle it either through an attorney, go to Texas, and get in contact with the agencies. Or he could go to the Bitcoin machine at the Mobile Gas Station at 726 W Broad St and deposit $3400.00. The scammer was on the phone with him when he went into ***** and stayed with him on the phone at the Mobile Gas Station. My son got the reciept and scanned the bar code to send them the money. I went to the gas station and saw a disclaimer on the bitcoin machine warning you not to use it if you have been directed to do so by someone claiming to be a government agency. Then, my son went to Target and bought a $400 gift card. (He had shared the security number from the back, however, Kemba and Target worked together, and got the $400 back into his account.)

- Amarillo, TX, USA

Social Security Scam. I called the number back and it was a spoofed number. they said my social security number was hacked being used south of the border. Robo call from spoofed number.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

Social Security Scam called from a local number.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

Social Security Scam call from a local number.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

Robo Call about Social Security. I just hung up.

- Reno, NV, USA

This person called saying someone in Texas was trying to use my social security number and to please call them at the following number.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I answered a call from from a man claiming to be with Social Security. The phone number in my caller ID was 323-208-9111. It was an actual person not a recording. My Social Security has a lawsuit against it. Call us back at back 323-208-9111. I hung up. I waited about five minutes and called the number back. A different man answered. They were busy. Leave my name and number for a call back. It sounded like a scam. I did not leave a message. I never heard of Social Security calling and stating this. They are very professional..

- Elyria, OH, USA

I keep getting calls from Social Security Administration. I have received many calls over the last month. They suspect fraudulent activity in regards to my Social Security number. States to call a number back. I don't wait to hear anything else. I hang up.

- Harriman, TN, USA

They called saying they were going to arrest due to a social security scam. Trying to get me to give them my personal information.

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