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Strategic Business Communications

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Strategic Business Communications Reports & Reviews (50)

Received an invoice for $3,495 for "1 Advertising insertin order (full color, standard page) Healthcare Business Development Directory with the name of our CEO listed as the Approver (clearly so the Accounting department would push it through). Boy, are these jackrabbits getting bold! It used to be scams under $500 but I guess they are hedging their bets that they will be caught sooner than later. This "item" was never ordered.

- San Diego, CA, USA

Received an invoice for $3,495.00 for advertising insertion that our firm did not initiate.

- Plano, TX, USA

Received an invoice from SBC asking for $3,495 with CEO as approver. Fake and a scam!!! Beware!!!

- Tampa, FL, USA

This company is sending fake invoices for services that were never requested nor provided. Do NOT pay the invoice! The invoice is in the amount of $3,495 and the description is "Advertising insertion order (full color, standard page)".

- Dubuque, IA, USA

Received a very professional invoice for $3,495 for "Advertising insertion order" for "Renewable Energy Business Development Directory", which I am not familiar with.

My accounts payable clerk was about to enter this into payables when she asked me what this was for since I am listed as "Approver". A brief web browse showed many listings for the same scam.

IF YOU GET AN INVOICE FROM STRATEGIC BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, don't pay it, it's a scam. Nobody in my marketing department ever heard of them.

- Towson, MD, USA

We received an invoice for services we did not order nor authorized.

In small prints at the bottom of it, it said that "due to the high demand for advertising (...) our standard policy is to automatically void any invoice that has not been paid within 30 days...

So they sent a fake invoice, a real scam.

- Naperville, IL, USA

We received a very authentic looking invoice for $3,495 in May 2019 regarding an advertising insertion order (full color, standard page) with our CEO's name as the "Approver". However, our CEO did not recognize the vendor or service. On to next likely staff member, who also didn't recognize it. Sent 2 emails to the company asking for more info - they were not responded to. Called the company, went to voice mail. Did a Google search and fortunately found the Yelp warnings about a history of fraudulent invoices being mailed by this company dating back to 2017 at least. They are at it again. Please put these criminals out of business!!

- New Hyde Park, NY, USA

Do not pay. Use owners name as approver.

- New York, NY, USA

Sent a fake invoice for $3,495.00 for a listing in a directory we've never heard of and definitely didn't order. They sent it to the finance department with the CMO listed as an approver.

- Missouri City, TX, USA


We received a fake invoice with our President as the approver. It looked very legit - beware! See attached PDF.

- Seattle, WA, USA

The company I work for was invoiced $3495 for advertising in a directory that was not authorized by anyone in our company. The invoice says it was authorized by our CEO, by name. However, he never authorized any advertising with this company or any other company. They provided a W-9 on request, but would not provide proof of purchase or authorization.

They are sending out fake invoices with a valid "Approver" listed for your company in the amount of $3,495.00.

Received an invoice from this firm, called multiple times and left voice messages asking for a return phone call as the person listed on the invoice as an approver had recently been terminated from the firm, so after no response, did some additional digging online to determine what exactly the invoice was for...and found various scam reports.

My company received an invoice for $3,495 for an advertising insertion. We never authorized, nor had any agreement for any such placement. After attempts to reach the company just resulted in reaching recordings and no names on voicemail messages I investigated. The internet uncovered a bunch of complaints against this company and articles dating back to 2015. So while I would like to file a complaint against this company -- I would really like to know why you have not done anything about it !!!

BTW the person at our company that they say approved the ad placement was our founder, who unfortunately recently passed away after a long battle with a serious illness. There is no way he would have, nor could have, authorized any business with this company.

- Roswell, GA, USA

We received an invoice from this Strategic Business Communications with our CEO's name attached as the person who approved of this invoice. It was for 3500 dollars and some vague marketing charge. Upon further inspection turns out other companies have received and reported Strategic Business Communications for the same scam of sending a bogus invoices out for a product that was never ordered or received. Please investigate your invoices before paying.

Rec'd an invoice requesting almost $4000 for "Advertising"

We received an invoice for $3,495.00. The invoice appeared to be legitimate and included an invoice number & tax id. Upon researching the invoice further it was discovered that this is not a vendor we used and we were not able to get anyone on the phone. An internet search revealed that others have identified this as a scam as well.

This company sent us an invoice trying to collect funds for advertising that we did not request. This invoice appears to be a legitimate invoice, and even contains the name of one of our employees as the "approver" of this advertisement, so they are clearly doing their research. It seems as though they are attempting to trick businesses into believing these invoices are legitimate invoices in order to receive funds for services that they did not provide. We have never requested any type of service from this company.

We received an invoice in the amount of $3,495.00 for Advertising which we never contracted this company for. We have never contacted this company and have not taken out any advertisements. It appears most businesses in this neighborhood have received the same invoice in the same amount.

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