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Strategic Business Communications

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Strategic Business Communications Reports & Reviews (50)

We received a fake invoice from Strategic Business Communications amounting to $3,495.00 for Advertising insertion order (full color, standard pages) Healthcare Business Development Directory. On the invoice it states that the order was approved by our CEO, however when we looked further into it our company never did business with Strategic Business Communications.

- Glendale, CA, USA

Invoice sent by Strategic Business Communications

Charged for:

"Advertising insertion order (full color, standard page)

Venture Capital & Private Equity Business Development Directory"

Rate: $3,495.00

Strategic Business Communications ( sent a fake invoice for $3495.00 for "Advertising Insertion Order". No one at my business had ever heard of this even though they put a salesman's name under the "Approver" section.

Looked up the company and saw many other people have stated it is a scam as well.

- Boise, ID, USA

We received an invoice in the mail yesterday from Strategic Business Communications. We have not done any business with them, but we apparently owe them $3,495 for Advertising Insertion Order. I googled them, and the actual company is located in San Diego and not New York. Also, their Tax ID Number isn't valid.

- Denver, CO, USA

Received an invoice, looks completely legit except we didn't advertise with them... a little researched proved the company is a fraud

Received a fake invoice from Strategic Business Communications for advertising in a directory we never authorized.

- New Hyde Park, NY, USA

Invoice received from Strategic Business Communications for Advertising Insertion Order for $3,495.00

Invoice contains Invoice Number and shows a named Approver from our company.

We had no prior communication with this company nor had anyone approved any invoice/order with them.

A quick internet search shows that others have been targetted by this scam

Our Company, Binary Fountain, Inc. received a fake invoice from Strategic Business Communications, Inc. of Lake Success, NY for $3,495 for an Advertising Insertion order addressed to our CEO. We never placed such an order. apparently, I found on Yelp several other reviews of exactly the same scam.

Strategic Business Communications sent my company a fake invoice for $3,495.00 for an "Advertising insertion order (full color standard page)." No such advertising was ever ordered.

The invoice requested payment be made by check or wire transfer.

The fine print at the bottom says "Our standard policy is to automatically void any invoice that has not been paid within 30 days..." Only by reading that does one understand that the "invoice" is actually a solicitation disguised as an invoice. The listed phone number takes a caller to voice mail no matter which extension you enter. Strategic Business Communications appears to be a fake company whose mission is to steal money from unsuspecting or busy accounting offices.

Received an official-looking invoice to our company for $3495, for an advertising insertion order. The item prominently displays "Invoice" in multiple places. We did not make any such purchase. Our CEO was listed as the "Approver" on the invoice, but he never spoke to this company or approved any purchases.

Check fields!

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