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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1436)

This man called me asking me about my roof and letting me know about a free roof inspection. Since I needed a new roof, I listened and decided this could be the first quote I got. The man asked me a series of questions. The only information he got from me was my address and email. We set up an appointment for 9am the next morning for him to come and do the inspection. At the end he asked if I would be willing to “keep an open mind” about allow in the roof inspector to work with me about insurance coverage. I relectantly said ok and thought maybe this was a question asked by all roofing companies. The next day 9:00am came and he did now show. About 15 minutes passed and I called (no answer, no company name- just a generic basic voicemail). I also texted the number. I never received any response. Now that I am reflecting on this, I think this was a scammer that wanted my email and address. When I googled the phone number there were only 3 records and none were a roofing business. Beware of calls from this phone number asking to give a roofing inspection.

Received a phone call that my electric was going to be shut off due to an unpaid balance in 45 min. Wasn't the electric company I used call came from Washington DC. I did not give any information and hung up after hearing the brief message.

I just received a phone call from a number that said SPAM RISK. I didn't answer but they left a VM stating that they were looking for a return call. I called them back and spoke with Sherbert who said that back in 2017 I had applied for a Check N Go and didn't pay it back and with the fees & interest I had to pay over $1200.00. The loan was taken out in 2017 in Columbia, MO. I moved to Columbia in 2018. I stopped him and explained that I need all the information from the Check N Go so I could attach it to the police report that i was going to file for an acct with BOA that sometime tried to open in my name. He kept cutting me off and I kept cutting him off because all I needed was the information sent to me so I could add it to the police report. He said he wasn't going to talk over me and if I didn't want to resolve this, then he was hanging up. I said I have nothing to resolve, I need the information. He hung up. I called back and he answered and I said I need that information please. He hung up again. I called back and spoke with another person and explained what happened and that I needed the information to attach to the police report. He asked me to hold and hung up on me. I have tried to call back but the line rings busy which means they blocked my number. I googled Check N Go and spoke with Kathy in the collections department who confirmed that none of my information is in their system and she can go all the way back to 2008

Received phone call from Ashley at my Government Office Desk number. She claimed I called and missed them. (Completely false assertation). She proceeded to tell me they could get me a good deal on a mortgage for my house. I stopped her and told her this was a Government line and asked her for her name and company name so I can report it to our security office. She hung up on me.

A message was left on my phone saying that I made a purchase of $1,537.35 and I should “press 1” to cancel the order or speak with a company representative for assistance. I did not connect. The scammer did not attempt to take money as I never gave them the chance.

Scammer called me and left me a message notifying me that I had a refund for $300 and two call him when I called him he got all my bank account information and proceeded to scam me basically the scam didn’t work due to insignificant funds

Hey how you doing this is Michelle I've been trying to reach you regarding your past due tax balances and you're on file tax returns that I'm showing in my system you may have I just wanna let you know I can help you get all that taxes settled once and for all that you were in compliance with any past due returns you may have not a problem at all just give me a call when you can reach me at ************ I know it can be overwhelming and I just want to take that burden off your back so give me a call today we can do a free consultation over the phone really quick get you prequalified we got many programs that can help reduce or eliminate your tax debt and if you have any wage garnishments or bank lobbies are tax liens I'm going to be able to help you with that too so give me a call today I look forward to your call again my name is Michelle can reach me ** ************ so thanks so much have a great day look forward to your call…”

A Facebook friend I haven't spoken to in many years reached out. After reaching out and one basic response, the person immediately brought up Small Business Grants. Very strange and inpersonal so I stopped responding before they went on. I've attached the exact messages.

I got a strange text message on my phone. It didn't say who it was from it just said the following: Your account has been limited due to unauthorized money transfers. Attempt to visit us here to resolve this issue. I didn't click on the link. There were a lot of spelling errors in the text message.

My issue started approx. 4 years ago when I got a pop-up on my employers computer stating that the computer was locked up. It gave me a number to call to get the help I needed to resolve the issue. I do not know that number at this time. I called and spoke to fast talking male with a heavy Indian accent and convinced me that it was my fault that this lock up happened because I had been accessing YouTube from time to time. That got me very paranoid because it was my employers computer and like a fool I let him access the computer to "fix" the issue. I watched as he installed some security programs. When he was done he told me that I was being charged $199 for his services. I was pissed but paid him with my checking account.I thought it was over at this point. Approx 2 years later I got a call saying that I owed them about $2000 for there continued services. I told them they were a bunch of scam artists and to go to hell ! That's when he said he would access my account and take the money. Finally I agreed to give them $500 to be done with it but that I would have to pay him with a credit card at which time he said no. He said it would have to be paid with some type of card that I could get at WalMart. I knew then it was a scam because he didn't want me to dispute the charges on my credit card. I convinced him I would go to WalMart and purchase the cards for payment. He called me the whole time I was driving but he didn't know I went directly to my bank and told them what was happening. They put a hold on my account then we cancelled my debit card of which he had the number from when I paid them before. Now they have no account number for me. Last Friday I missed two calls at work both from these scammers. He said his name was Allen and my security for my computer had run out and if I didn't call him back at 866.349.2532 to renew or cancel than my account would be auto debited $6800. Shortly after that call a woman who said her name was Lisa left the exact same message on my phone. Both of these callers have a heavy Indian accent. Now I'm concerned again and really don't know where to turn. These people are relentless and need to be stopped ! It seems as though enough people have given enough info so something could have been done with these scammers. Thanks for your time, Steven Lavoie, 978.995.9052.

This is the text message I received. They knew my first and last name. This is just so creepy.

“Hey ____ Im just checking in for April. ____ ____ may still quaIify for a cred line up to 247K. May I email the updated qualifications?”

Myself and many family members have received numerous calls from this number (and other 3rd party numbers) stating they have a case against me and never leave a company name or explanation what this is pertaining to. They leave threatening messages and intimidating messages. Several relatives have contacted me indicating the same. I see this a a bullying tactic and possibly illegal and unauthorized communication with 3rd parties not referenced. This company has not mailed me anything because I have no idea who they are representing nor what this is regarding. When I call the phone number it goes to voicemail and doesn’t state the company I have called. In this day and age, with the multiple scams reported, a legitimate collection agency would communicate in a professional manner. If this is a legitimate business, I question the ethics and legality behind the business. I question why anyone return a call from a threatening, vague, harassing message, they and there family members have repeatedly received.

I have been a barber for 13 years now. The other day i recieved a text from a random number asking about getting haircuts for 15 male choreographers. This guy said he will send them all down on bus. He asked me my price which i replied $425. He said he was going to send me a check for $2000. Told me i would keep my moeny and then cashapp the rest to the bus dtiver. Today i recieved the check. My mom has been a vice president at a major banking corporation in america for over 30 years... she took 1 look at the check and told me its bogus.... she said if i go to cash it they will deposit the money into my account, i will send the money he requested through cash app and then a few days later when the bank figures out the check is no good i will end up owing back the money i sent through cash app. I know another barber who went through the same exact thing exactly 1 year ago. Same conversation about 15 male choreographers who need hair cuts, they going to send a check, then they need money sent or wired to the bus driver right away. I would like a letter to go out to all barber shops so everyone knows whats going on so we can put a stop to these guys who are targeting barbers and stylists who are trying to make an honest living!

Text message. Are you available to interview for an administrative assistant position asap

62178 used as identifying number for the text.


These people constantly call and try to convince my elderly, sick parents that they won money that they owe fees or taxes on. They are predatory scammers.

Several emails per day wanting me to click on for money

This person hacked the email of a business contact of mine and gained access to everyone in his Contacts. I received an email asking if I used Amazon. The email came from my colleague's email account.

Later, I received this email from the hacker:

Good to hear from you, I've been trying to purchase a $200($100 denomination) Amazon E-Gift card by email from Amazon, but it says they are having issues charging my card. I contacted my bank and they told me it would take a couple of days to get it sorted. I intend to buy it for my friend who's having her birthday today. Can you purchase it from your end for me? I 'll reimburse you once my bank sorts the issue out. I am just trying to put a smile on her face in this trying times. Let me know so i can send you her email address.

??Help!!! This person is sending inappropriate pix to my child's line. Does any one know how I can report her? Didn't even stop after I told we knew a cop. This scammer is targeting children.

Am so freakin upset ?? can't even think straight!

Yes I already blocked ?? the number.

Yes I know it's spam.

NO thank God I have the phone and this msg didn't reach my warrior!

But I refuse to think that's all I can do.... this will happen again and again to another person.... or even worse to another INNOCENT CHILD!

This person sent several of nude pix.

This guy calls my wife, she had it on speaker. Told her she qualified for healthcare, she told him she wasn’t interested. He told her to go !/&” herself then hung up.

I received this text from an unknown number about an employment opportunity, unsolicited. I blocked the caller immediately and did not follow the links, because it screams fraudulent.

Check fields!

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