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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

In Billings we have someone calling businesses owners saying the are with the Billings Chamber of Commerce and wanting to update their membership information. They ask for personal information and then for credit card details to pay dues. When the person who they called questioned if this was a scam, the caller became belligerent and used profanity. The phone number appears to be a cell phone out of Anaconda MT.

Calls can be made by our office to acquire updated to our database and to updates for payment information. This calls are made from the Chamber's phone number 406-245-4111 It is rare that the person we are contacting does not know we are actual staff. They can come into our offices if they wish to bring us the required data.


He asked me to verify the information he had. Then he started off with address, phone, etc. I did not say anything, when I decided he was already too knowledgeable, I hung up and as I did I heard "Bank Iberia." As I had not said anything the first time, I thought that would end it, but it didn't. He has called me three more times. I have not picked it up.


The contact kept trying to tell me I won a Million dollars and needed some of my info. Called them out on it and they hung up. Called again each night. I was able to call the number back and got a response.

The number again is 1 (876) 999-7762


Caller calls our landline *** everyday since Tuesday, October 11, 2016, and asks for the location of *** ***. And states by law they can request this information. Please call 844-442-6688 for the location of *** *** even if don't know the location of *** ***. If you don't call we will call the references listed. It is a electronic voice.


Man calls and asks to verify your mailing address. When asking what it's regarding, he will talk really fast. Then tells you he has your full social security number, and to verify your last four digits.


got a call on my cell phone, answered it and was told that i needed to talk to someone to lower my credit card intrest rates, pressed to talk to the person, asked for the name on the account they were calling about, and they hung up

- Monroe, LA, USA

He asked me to verify the information he had. Then he started off with address, phone, etc. I did not say anything, when I decided he was already too knowledgeable I hung up and as I did I heard "Bank Iberia." As I had not said anything the first time, I thought that would end it, but it didn't. He has called 3 more times. I have not picked up.


This debt collection company called me and said that my mother has a loan in the amount of $385.03 and that if she didn't pay it that she will be getting a summons in the mail. The person my mother talked to was named Amanda.


Same call we got 4 times earlier from 855-217-9112. Robocall trying to locate a Mary something. Very pushy tone, want you to call even if you don't know this person. When they skip numbers like this, you know its a scam!


I received a text message that said "mastercard alert for ------- contact 8447078786"

I own a debit card and do not have my cell phone linked to it. I called the number and hung up as soon as they asked by to enter my credit card number.


I was called from (586)-110-4400 multiple times with the same "urgent message" about how this is "my final warning to pay my amount due to have my credit repaired."

I knew immediately it was a scam, but decided to try to get a live person to possibly find out a name or location.

I was called from the same number multiple times and at one point was asked to send 300 US dollars via wire transfer. Because I was called from the same number so many times, I believe it was not spoofed.

I have tried to get ahold of someone in charge, find out a company name or location, any details that could help me figure out who this was while on the phone baiting them. Each time I asked for any information of this sort, I was immediately hung up on.

I am registed on the Do Not Call list on the number they dialed and have been for many months. I am reporting this in hopes that these people can be stopped and that the elderly or those with little understanding of how scams work do not get caught up in this scheme.


Received a Facebook message supposedly from a close friend describing the availability of government grants for persons with handicaps. Friend supposedly asserted that she had received a grant and that I would possibly be eligible for said grant. I was instructed to text a message to phone number 402-870-4292 to determine my eligibility. I sent a text with only my name and address and almost immediately received a return text stating that I was eligible and to fill out an application using text messaging right then. At that time I realized that something seemed suspicious, so I called the friend and was informed that the friend had not sent me such a message. At that time I realized that this had to be some kind of scam. I immediately stopped communication with that phone number, but I am still getting messages asking if I am still with them.

- Wichita, KS, USA

Received a call from Chris Kelly, caller ID shows 917-410-8071. This number has been blocked on my phone for a while because it appears as spam or unsafe according to my carrier. For the past two days Chris has been leaving voicemail that he received information in his office with my name and social security number and that I need to be home on Monday 09/26/2016 to receive and sign the documents. Chris never identifies the company he is working for nor does he mention who is client is that is trying to serve me. I have a total of 22 calls from this person since September 9th. The calls are escalating in frequency and the voicemail are disturbing. If this is a legitimate situation then I am willing to address but there are to many red flags to ignore. I need the calls and harassing voicemail to stop. I did not personally speak to the individual just received the voicemails.

- Topeka, KS, USA

I've got 3 calls, two from the first number today, and one calls from the second number. They're saying something about being from the IRS. I call the first number back twice, but it says the number is no longer in service. I just called the second number back, and I got someone to answer. I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but when I asked who he was calling for, he didn't respond, and then hung up a few seconds later. This is a screenshot of the messages they leave.


i received this in a voicemail:

So before we file this case officially at the court house or you get arrested call us back on 202-803-9000 I repeat 202-803-9000. Please do not try to disregard this message call us back and notify yourself good luck

I did some research and found this was a scam

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

I answered my phone it switched from a automated identification system with only a tone then to a live man with a Indian or Arabic accent he gave me some of my own info that I declined to verify I was told he wanted to place me on a list with his supervisor as I was among the few to qualify to be on this list to get 1500 in a grant. I declined to be placed on the list. I told him if what he said was true then I would be able to call the government grants and loans department and follow up that way he told me I could not do that, I disconnected the call, then called the number back it said the subscribe is number no longer in service. I researched the number on line it appears to have a lot of scam warnings on line as well. Others reported worse. Others reorder they wanted bank infinite didn't let them get that far before calling them on the scam.


On 9/22/16 at 10:41am, I received a call from 985-382-6767. The automated message stated that they have made several attempts to contact me about my credit card. Then, they went on to state that they are trying to lower my interest rate. This sounds like a scam that I heard on the news that is attempting to verify the type of card that I have. I get furious when I receive these calls with all of the scams today. Thank you for any assistance that you can give me in stopping these people.


a person called my home phone and claimed to be an agent with the internal revenue service. he gave his name as Allen Green and i.d.#29635. He stated that my taxes had been audited from 2005 through 2015 and that my 2008 and 2009 taxes due amounted to $3,989.36. He stated that I could be arrested and have my assets and bank accounts ceased by the government. I tried to ask a question and he threatened to submit a form and have the police to immediately come to my house and have me arrested. I asked if he wanted me to pay him by check or credit card. He denied asking me for any money and hung up. He spoke with a foreign, Indian, accent.

The number he called from is (347) 906-8611. I called this number back and they asked I someone had just spoken to me and then hung up.

My wife received the same call a month ago.


Receiving multiple calls from a number in Washington, WI, and Briggs, Texas. Automated message claims there are 4 serious allegations against me. I am to return their call before they take any action against me.

- Baytown, TX, USA

They called me, telling me I was owed $9800 from the US government. They told me to call the number above and give them the code GG1108. They had my address, phone number and name everything already somehow. When I called they told me all I had to do to reciever the money in 3 payments from Western union was to go buy an iTunes gift card or fill out an online registration and pay $250.

Check fields!

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