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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

Woman's voice on my cell phone voicemail - "Intending your serious attention. Your case # is CF797621. Ignoring this message will be additional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or the grand jury for a federal criminal offense. My number is 202-558-2351 , I repeat it's 202-558-2351. Do not rearguard this message and do return the call. Now if you don't return the call and I don't hear from your attorney either the the only thing that I can do is wish you good luck as the situation will unfold on you. Goodbye. "

From Washington, DC

July 22, 2016 at 11:32


Received a call from the company, could not tell me what the matter was. Only would say that the paperwork has been signed and sent to the District Court. Hung up on me multiple times when asked what the call was in reference to along with the use of profanity towards me. Never got to the point of asking for money because once I said that I was going to report them to the authorities they would hang up.


Called my wife and claimed she got approval for a 10,000.00 federal grant. Then they told her they worked out of D.C. After asking for credentials they could not provide any. As well as they all say there name is Shaun Harper.


I've received 2 phone calls stating the the "local cops" are coming for me and I have to call this number back to settle my back taxes in order to avoid arrest.


I call this number from the internet I found, I want to find out if and I know my Ex-husband is hacking into my phone and computer. I gave his phone number 239-898-6985. I sure he called his number. The day I call to ask him if he could do this he said yes. I would have to pay $650.00 up front and $650.00 at the end. I would have to pay a check by Western Union or another company I never heard of. I said no, because these are scams. I said I pay him by a debit card or a personnel check. Then I said I won't pay him until after the divorce. This way my ex would have to go jail, for hacking. I'm not good with computers, I'm afraid he's open accounts or emails in my name, Going back This guy name is Frank. he's called twice with a number beginning with 555-???? that's it. Last few days left messages Hi Elke with my phone number. I didn't open the message. Today I called confront him with wrote about me on Craigslist, as I was mentioning all the these he said he hung up. I call him with number he had on the ad 203-617-0443.I just got divorce from a Air Force Airman. But I was separated prior to this call.


I received a missed phone call and voice mail from this number. I couldn't understand whom they said were filing lawsuit against me and that I was to call the number. A google search yielded no credible results.


I keep getting phone calls from this number acting like they are my cable company. They say there are issues with my service, via a recording, and they need me to call to schedule an appointment. They never state the company name.


9-7-2016 a phone call to my cell phone from 612-512-4234 (displayed on my Caller ID as from Minnesota). There was a recording message when I answered telling me that it was a call from the IRS and that there was going to be a Law Suit against me and to call that same # about it right away.

I did not call, but I do think someone should follow through and find out what is going on with this type of thing!!!


Message on my telephone answering machine left at 1:50 today (Wednesday 09-07-2016)

Could not understand it clearing but something to the effect my ID was under investigation by the Federal Government. I was to call 506-801-3819. I did not return the call.


At 11:51am (MDT) I was called by a gentleman who asked to speak to Michael, He stated I was eligible to receive a government grant of $9600.00. I was one of 1500 people selected each year who paid their bills and taxes on time. He had my name, mailing address and email address already. He asked how I would like to receive the check and I told him by mail. He said I would be receiving the check in the mail in a few days. I did not give any personal information, as mentioned he already had my name and address. I found the following on the internet about a similar scam in Houston.


Phones are ringing all over Houston with the promise of cash in the form of government grants.

There's just one problem. Grants are not easy to get, but that's not what callers are telling Houston residents. The catch to getting government money? You have to pay first.

Betty Williams says a recent call to her cell came with the promise of big bucks.

"The reason they said my number was picked was because he government is giving free grants to people who pay their bills on time and pay all of their taxes," said Williams.

Williams says the caller said she would get $7500 in government grants to help pay bills. But to get the money, she needed to wire $300 first.

Williams says that's a step she knew not to take.

"There are a lot of senior citizens who do not know a lot, especially at my age, they will say, 'oh 7500 dollars,'" said Williams.

Fortunately Williams knows better, did some research.

"I found out this is really truly a scam. I am not crazy, I was not born yesterday," said Williams. "I might be a senior citizen, but I got all my mental faculties with me."

Monica Russo with the Houston says Williams did the right thing by not falling for the grant scam. She says getting a real grant is not so easy.

"It's a whole process. You have to apply for it. A lot of times you have to draft paper work for it. So it's not something that is as easy as these guys make it out to be," said Russo.

The BBB says to be on the lookout because if one person in our area got this call, it will likely happen to many, many more.

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- Arlington, TX, USA

Same caller called two days in a row, with an identical script, first day for the Disable American Veterans, the next day with a completely different veteran's charity. Totally unbelievable.

- Russellville, AL, USA


- Lake Elmo, MN, USA

Called us a bunch of times saying they were the IRS and calling about a claim; however when reverse phone looked up there was not a number stating anything related to IRS. Guy asked if was a call or voicemail left we stated aren't they the same when called back and then were hung up on. We called back and said to stop calling and he asked what number was being called and said he would remove.


Automated call asking to contact them to pay an IRS tax debt. Threaten police action or imprisonment if you do not respond.


received a text message from number 855-223-8520 it said:

Your Bank of America Bank Card has been locked due to failed login attempts. Follow to reinstate and update your profile!

the link then opens up a window to bank of america website where they ask you for your date of birth, login information and account numbers. called bank directly and they told me they have not sent any text messages and that account was not locked. My fiancé also received this text message, he doesn't even have bank of america. I froze my account and they are sending me new cards so nobody can access my account.

- Albuquerque, NM, USA

I received a phone call from the listed number claiming to be from the IRS and they were contacting me concerning a pending lawsuit against me from the IRS.


So far this morning (8/26) I have received three phones calls from someone stating "A local police officer has been placed at your home. If you wish to obtain a release order press 1." I have not provided any information but wanted others to be aware.

- Madison, AL, USA

Unknown person called claiming that this was the final notice and the IRS had a warrant for my arrest. I was directed to call (323) 434-2156 immediately. We did not answer the call, this information was left on the voicemail.

We have no intentions of returning the call.

The message didn't identify us by name, just the IRS had a warrant (which I know is false) and this was the final notice.

- Los Angeles, CA, USA

Said Owners of Facebook gave users 99 shares and I was on list to receive 100,000.00 by courier/ups I am give them 1000.00 in s&h fee


Phone call stated that it was federal agent trying to contact about a "No show to federal court" and needed to call back to pay fine

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