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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

- Holloway, OH, USA

I had a foreign male with a middle eastern accent call me from 844-279-7430 to tell me I had a payday loan that I had not originated. He provided me with a social security number and an account that was not mine from a bank that was not mine. He threatened that I needed to give him an email or I would be served with papers from police, when I asked him to mail the information to me to review at whatever address he had on file.

- White House, TN, USA

received a voice message on my home phone at approximately 9:00 am on 11/18/15 telling me I'm in trouble over something and it's a federal crime and the Sheriff will arrest me if I don't call this number to get help 607-270-0478


Person on phone claims my computer has a virus. I am asked to go to my computer so they can fix the virus.

- Omaha, NE, USA

Received a phone call today from (202) 407-9787. When the person realized that they had already called me telling me that I was to receive a Federal Grant of $9,000 in cash via Western Union and that I told them before that they were a scam...they hung up on me.


I keep getting calls telling me I have a virus on my computer.


[email protected] /// shopping review inquiree. they send you a money to do the shopping and then complete the reviews. ///

- Shawnee, KS, USA

Phone scam about being sued by the IRS. Automated voicemail left on cell phone to call them back. Caller ID says location is Granger, WA. Phone number 509-383-4374

- Spring Valley, CA, USA

Computer voice said they were from the IRS and they were suing us

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

Call comes from an "Unknown" number and a recording plays that says they have important paperwork to serve you at your place of employment or residence. They leave this number to call back. This scam person or people have obtained debt that has been paid off already and try to scare you into paying it again immediately with them over the phone.

Says his name is Brian Tucker and to call 844-533-0618


A robo message was left on my elderly mother's answering machine on November 5th. It stated that the IRS was placing a lawsuit on her and to call 206 973 7041. I checked the caller ID and it was listed as UNKNOWN. My mother has a heart condition and could have had a heart attack if she had been told that a lawsuit was going to be placed on her but i intercepted the message before she got home. I hope that they do not call again when I am unable to do so.

- London, KY, USA

Received a phone call on 11/5/15 from a man with a heavy foreign accent offering a US Government grant for $6000 from phone # 256 989 687. Not even a full contact number. Gave me another number to call to get the grant. Phone # 202 302 7477. I had to call back 3 times. First time the lady hung up on me. Second, the background noise was so loud I could barely here her. Third time I did get to talk to her. She told me I need to go to the nearest place that had MoneyGram and register for the grant by sending $270 and that I would get it back once I got the grant. She asked when I could send the money, to which I told her I couldn't because it sounded suspicious and hung up. Today, 11/6/15, the same man from the same number (256 989 687) called and offered a grant for $9200. I told him that he had called me yesterday, then he said ok then hung up.

- Lafayette, LA, USA

I received a call stating my bank was filed charges on for overcharging customers with and, overdraft, etc... charges and they lost the lawsuit and was ordered to reimburse all their customers. Supposedly I am to receive a call from the government with the amount I'm going to get back and I will have to pay 10 percent of that amount before they will deposit the money into my account. The Banks name is Capital One. The number they called from is (347)-627-0445


I received a telephone call claiming to be the IRS for a debt amount of $4479 from 2009 - 2012. I did not provide them any information, but wanted to report this scam to BBB. They also said they would have me arrested if the money was not paid.


Four messages left on my answer machine claiming "Final notice from the IRS, the reason of the call is that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you, to get more info. on this lawsuit call 509-383-4535".


I received a call claim it was the IRS and an outstanding balance of $5000 since 2008. The company was claiming I was going to be arrested if the account was not paid. I did not provide any information and want to report this scam to BBB.

- Lebanon, TN, USA

I received a phone call from ###-###-#### on 10/30/15 around 1:15 PM CST. When I answered the phone, an automated system advised me that "they were calling in regards to my credit card and wanted to offer me a lower interest rate." I was asked to press one to speak with a representative. After pressing one, a gentleman with what seemed to be a middle-eastern accent answered the phone. He advised me that he would like to offer me a lower interest rate on my credit card and explained that he had my card information pulled up. I questioned him three times as to what card specifically he was referring to. Each time, he deflected my questions and did not answer them. Eventually, when I asked what company he was calling from, he hung up the phone. I attempted to report this to my cell phone provider and a credit card company, both of which advised me that "there was nothing they could do, as it was considered a fisher trying to steal my identity."

- San Antonio, TX, USA

Received a call that went to a recording before I could finish saying hello. Stated that I needed to call the IRS and that this was my final chance to take care of the problem. They never identified themselves and never stated who the call was for. The phone number I was given to call is 347-826-1022. This is also the number that came up on my caller ID as unknown name.

- Macon, GA, USA

Phone number 337-422-4137

Claiming to be "Strategic Student Solutions".

They're not.

Strategic is located in Lake Worth Florida

This telephone number is a landline originating in La.


I guess they would be considered phishers.

Do not answer or call them back.

Ive called 5 times this morning with 5 different approaches to speak with supervisors, or to see what information they have of mine.

They hung up on me every time.

If you would like to gain knowledge of:

How to spot scams before they can get your personal info,

How to locate they're personal information,

How to remove your personal information (not from third parties though, sorry)

How to protect yourself

and even how to defend yourself

you can email me personally (I haven't finished building my website yet)


I am a sole individual, not company or org. dedicate to helping people protect themselves against cyber crime.

Be safe,


- Burns, TN, USA

Someone named 'Jim' called my cellphone repeatedly and said it was regarding my husband. He was very threatening and said I had to call back to let me know what was going on with him (in a tone that would make one think something very bad had happened to him). I didn't call him back, but I did look up the number on the internet. There are pages and pages about this exact scenario. First he called under phone number ###-###-####. Then, he started calling under 'No Caller ID'.

I have no debt and this guy is just a rude scammer.


We are receiving automated phone messages stating that the call is for my husband's sister, they state her name, and then a claim number is given. The first call was received on 10/28/2015 from 866-209-8167. The second call which was received the next day, 10/29/2015, with the same automated message, was from 866-292-7207. I tried calling the number left on the machine on 10/29/2015, however, it rings until a machine picks up and asks for you to leave a message. I went on-line to do a reverse number look-up, but unless I paid to see the information found for the number, I could not view anything other than people's comments who have received similar calls. Some commented that once an operator is connected, he/she speaks quickly and asks you to verify your social security number. Others stated the call referenced a loan never applied for. My phone number is a private, unlisted number and we block callers who block their numbers. Curious as to how they linked my sister-in-law with our number. It's a bit concerning for both parties.

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