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US Government

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US Government Reports & Reviews (134)

- Ogden, UT, USA

I've been harassed by this number several times. The caller is usually a man with an Iranian accent sometimes it's a woman. They tell me I've won or been chosen for a government Grant ranging from $3,000 to $7,000 all they need is my bank account number. To send it to me. They won't leave me alone. I've told them several times if I've won a government grant send it to me, from the United States Treasure and by the U.S. mail. They tell me that's not an option it needs to be deposited in my bank account. I don't listen to any of it anymore I scream into the phone leave me alone and hang up

- Kuna, ID, USA

The caller ID indicated the number calling was 253-647-8525. The woman on the phone identified herself as calling for the US Government and indicating that I had been randomly selected to receive a $9,000 grant from the US government. She then started to ask personally identify questions. I disconnected the call and then called back the number. When I tried to call the number listed in the caller-ID I received a message that the call could not be completed at this time. Because I disconnected the call and did not provide any of the information requested there was no actual fraud only an attempt to commit fraud.

- Columbus, OH, USA

A woman called and said I was eligible for a grant because I've been a good citizen. She said I must do it today. She told me to call 315-217-1685.

- Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Said that I qualified for a US Government sponsored Grant I let them do his spiel and when I told him this was a scam he swore at me and finally hung up.

Called repeatedly during day. Loud office (call center) noise in background. I was to receive 7000 dollar grant from US government. I was given a phone number to call and a "claim number" to receive my money from a local CVS pharmacy.the phone number is 206-451-5839.

- Brandon, MS, USA

I have received a call from this number saying if they do not here back from me are my lawyer good luck to me. Don't know if this is a scam or not.

- Trussville, AL, USA

Claiming to be us government, says I have committed tax fraud and to contact them. Scammers.

I answered a phone call from the phone number 315-422-1933. He said his name was Martin (caller ID said Martin H.) and that he was with the US Government Grant Department. He said that I was awarded a grant for $9700.00 to use any way I wanted and that I was one of 1700 people selected in my area based on taxes being paid on time without a bankruptcy or arrest in the past 6 months. He asked me if I wanted the grant money in cash or money order. I asked if I could have it in a cashier's check but he said no, (big surprise), so I told him a money order would be fine. He said I needed to phone the Sr. Account Manager, Mr. Marco, at 914-292-0882 and give him my grant ID number, KJ0602. When I made the call Mr. Marco said that I needed to register with my home state, (Arizona), to receive the grant and that there would be a $200.00 processing fee. When I interrupted him to say that I had NO money he became angry and said that he was too busy to waste his time with someone who wouldn't listen and must not want the money. He then hung up on me. I felt compelled to report this in the hope that they can be stopped and to keep others from becoming a victim. Fortunately I didn't have the money. Sometimes being poor can be a blessing!

- Downsville, LA, USA

Told me I could reactive 9,200.didnt have to pay it back I told them I would check it out with bbb they hung us he called on cell phone 318-245-9816 also house phone 318-644-5278 after entering pch

- Pleasanton, TX, USA

caller stated the US govt was issuing me a check in the amount of $3000. that's when i stopped him and asked him what country he was calling from, confirmed his phone # and asked his name which was obviously a fake name of Patrick Paylor. when I asked what country he was calling from, he hesitated and asked me if i recognized the area code. I again asked him what country he was from and he finally said "I am calling from Austin TX".

it was clear to me that this was a fake call but wanted folks to be aware.

- Farmington, UT, USA

They call claiming to be the US government and they asked for me by name. I then listened about how I "earned a grant of $8700 for not filling bankruptcy or going to prison" or something. They then give me a code and a number to call and say I can receive my reward in any form from gift card to credit card. They then ask for my card number. It was at this point I told them id call them back but they have not stopped calling. I've put their phone on my phones block caller list but they'll sometimes take away the "1" at the beginning Or something so my phone doesn't recognize that as the same number.

- Williamsburg, VA, USA

Said I was chosen for a $9000 grant from the government because I file my taxes on time and have no criminal record. Said I could receive the money by direct deposit or Western Union. When I asked for a number that I could call back, she hung up. She spoke very broken English and sounded Asian.

- Sacramento, CA, USA

They called me and said I was chosen to get a $9,000 grant from the government because I have never filed for bankruptcy. I was told I would have to get from Western Union but would have to call another number and give his supervisor the approval number to get the grant. I did not call the supervisor. I did not give them the chance to get money out of me.

- Greenville, SC, USA

Phone call stated I have been given an Government Grant because my taxes and bills have all been paid. They wanted me to send $300.00 to receive the grant. I sent the money by I tune cards. They called and asked for additional $200.00, to be sent by I Tune Cards. Did not send additional $200.00 cards.

Caller stated he was from Government - has a loan for $9873 that would not have to be paid back- because I filed & paid my taxes on time & had good credit. He knew my name & phone #. When he ask my age I told him That I do not give out personal information over the phone. He told me to go then & hung up. He had a foreign accent.

- Cody, WY, USA

caller asked if this was "becky" and i stupidly said, yes. caller had a very pronounced accent and hung up after i said yes. have been getting these calls 3-4 times a day for weeks. other phone numbers of call received are

2024156285, 3072019172, 3074666652, too many. some have been cruises, one was irs was coming for me, some for disability insurance. soooo tired of this. will not be answering calls anymore. unknown if i will lose money or not, just happened this morning. i am elderly and ill at this time.

- Waterford, MI, USA


- Chardon, OH, USA

Told us we were in title for a grant for $25.000.00. Then got a second call saying we could get a grant for$9000.00. They ask for credit card numbers, that's how they deposit the money. Ask for a phone number to call them back and they hung up.

- Anadarko, OK, USA

Person called my personal cell number. Knew my name and said I was picked as a "loyal citizen" to receive a one time free grant. She asked me information, nothing that can't be found on my Facebook page. She asked my age, and I asked her exactly who she was with, and all she needed was my age, and if I was employed. Then she gave me a number "AT407" and a call back number to talk to her "senior Acct Manager". So I was to hang up and call that number immediately. I called it because I couldn't hear because of the high level of noise in the background. I called the number, and I swear it was the same woman in a little quieter room. I called her because I wanted to know who she was. I asked her and started googling her information, and she got a little excited. Anyway, I listen to her, give her back her number, then she tells me that I will need to go to a store like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens or any such store and get an electronic card. She wasn't clear, but I supposed to load it with $250 then call her back at the number above (She said her name is Kelly Miller at 202-930-2236 Ext 101) give her some information and then I have to go to Western Union and fill out some stuff, which made no sense, and I would get $9,450 which was the loyalty free grant of $9,200 plus a refund of my $250 for the total. I told her I would have to go to Walmart, but I couldn't go until after work at 4:30, so I was to call her at 5:30 her time with the electronic card info. Supposedly she has to give that number plus my "paperwork" then the government bank will send back all my information plus the codes I need to get my money from Western Union. Crazy. So anyway, I called my LifeLock account to make sure all my information was secure, and then came on here to report this scam.

No I did not purchase an ITune card and load it with $250, and no I do not believe that the US Government is giving out free money this way. They would send you a notification in the mail. They don't need any of my information because I am a tax payer, so they have it. No, the government would not ask for me to pay a fee or whatever it was. Also, she was the far thus sounding Kelly Miller I have ever her. More like Kim Lee or someplace more Asian, like Korean or Japanese. I write and operate Federal Grants all the time. First you have to apply, and they don't just pick random people. This is my fault. I was helping my brother on the internet, and this "Free Sample of Tide" popped up, and I said yes, then I was tossed into "survey hell" after which I got out of there immediately, but since my email has so many amounts of money I've won, and my phone kept ringing with people wanting to refinance my student loans and my mortgage. They are irritating. I zapped on one my phone and have been unsubscribing all week on my email. Lesson? Never say yes.

- Dobson, NC, USA

He said it was a free government loan of $9400. He asked if I could hear him. I said yes. I then told him no that I wasn't interested and he had the wrong number.

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